Sunday 8 November 2009

‘Ethiopian’ Puppets and High Traitors ruling Puntland, a Pseudo-state in Somalia

In many previous articles we explained how deeply loathed by local Somalis the collapsing tyrannical pseudo-state of Somaliland is; we published articles written by patriotic Somalis (see: and, who live under terrible conditions of oppression and deprivation and have the authority to speak and denounce the unrepresentative, illegitimate ‘president’ Riyale, Somalia’s most loathed high traitor.

All the Northern Somalis feel particularly ashamed because of Riyale’s servility towards the Neo-Nazi tyrant Meles Zenawi of Abyssinia, and even more dishonoured because of the extradition of their Ogadeni brothers to Abyssinia.

The rivalry of the two pseudo-states of the Somali North, Somaliland and Puntland, is the trickery by which the Neo-Nazi Amhara and Tigray Abyssinian elites devise the evil plan of multi-division of Somalia, which has been the wealthy and civilized country that the barbaric Abyssinians always envied, hated and grudged; the Abyssinian complex of inferiority toward Somalia has been expressed these last years through the perpetration of a real Genocide for which Ass. Secretary Jendayi Frazer will face due accusations in the years ahead…

The Puntland regime is equally unrepresentative, loathed by the outright majority of the local Somalis, and subservient to the Neo-Nazi tyrant Meles Zenawi of Abyssinia.

Neo-Nazi Tyrant Zenawi’s hands turn Somaliland against Puntland

The two puppets do not understand that the hands that have created their antagonism and pushed them to war against one another (as in the case of Laas Anod) are simply the two hands of Meles Zenawi.

There is no recognition for Somaliland and there is no future for either Puntland or Somaliland; their colonial master wants them in continuous fight against one another because he is afraid that they might unite.

It is wrong to imagine Meles Zenawi as representative of a big country of ca. 77 million people that has nothing to fear from a united Somalia or even tiny Somaliland; in fact, the Tigray Monophysitic Abyssinian dictator represents only the Tigray Monophysites, as even the Amhara Monophysites – organized in their Neo-Nazi Kinijit party – want to overthrow him. In fact, Melse Zenawi represents a population not as large as that of Somaliland.

Despite the Abyssinian military intervention in the Somali South, if the Hargeysa regime was a true, genuine Somali regime, they could declare war against the collapsing Neo-Nazi tyrant.

With some support from Turkey, Egypt and Qatar, and with good connections with the Ogadenis, the Oromos, the Sidamas, and other oppressed peoples, the Somalis of Somaliland could bring forth an unexpected end to Africa’s most loathed tyranny. The Abyssinian pseudo-diplomats know this very well, and this is the reason they do their best to turn them against one another.

At the same time, the cruel and inhuman Neo-Nazi Abyssinians try to prevent the legitimate representatives of the oppressed nations of Abyssinia, the Ogadenis, the Afars, the Oromos, the Anuak, the Sidamas and many others, from using the territories of Somaliland and Puntland as basis or corridors of escape.

A few months ago, we focused on the coldblooded and inexcusable crime perpetrated by Puntland officials and Abyssinian secret services in the Northern Somali harbour of Bossasso against Oromos transiting to sail to Aden in Yemen (‘Horn of Africa: the Bossasso Crime, and the End of Pseudo-State Puntland’ -

A few days ago, the same renegade pseudo-Somalis of the (based in Garowe) Puntland regime perpetrated another crime this time against their Somali brothers, the Ogadeni officials of the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF).

Well, if the Oromos may be ‘foreign’ to Somalis, Ogadenis and Somalis are the same people, speak the same language, believe in the same religion, share the same traditions, and are united by the same – illustrious – History. Despite all this, the treacherous and malignant, cruel and inhuman ‘authorities’ of Puntland extradited ONLF officials – not to America, India or Yemen but – to Abyssinia, the hereditary abysmal enemy of all the Somalis.

By obeying the Neo-Nazi gangsters who viciously, persistently and inhumanly want to destroy Somalia, the pseudo-Somali authorities of the renegade regime of Puntland demonstrated that any means of adequate punishment against them is rightful, as entrusted to the noble ideal of Somali patriotism. Their punishment is the responsibility of any Somali patriot.

These criminal pseudo-authorities must know that they may be able to run for a while but they are not able to hide; and they will not avoid an exemplary punishment that millions of patriotic Somalis are ready to deliver.

Publicly reacting against this criminal attitude, the ONLF issued a press release that we find necessary to republish integrally here, as it sheds light on this appalling crime. It is not by coincidence that the ONLF statement ends by specifying on whom the responsibility for this crime lies.

In order o avoid the impending deterioration and the ensuing humanitarian crisis, the UN should consider a possible solution and express a wholehearted commitment to the Horn of Africa pacification. UN and AU soldiers should replace the unreliable pseudo-authorities of Puntland and establish a local order devoid of hatred and inhumanity.

Statement On Puntland's Abduction & Extraordinary Rendition of ONLF Officials

The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) strongly condemns the forced abduction, detention and extraordinary rendition of two ONLF Central Committee members by the Puntland regional administration in Somalia on 22nd of April 2008.

This act constitutes a clear violation of the United Nations Convention Against Torture and other Forms of Cruel, Inhumane, or Degrading Treatment as the two officials have a clear and well founded fear of persecution including torture in Ethiopia.

The two ONLF political prisoners were removed by force from their hotel in Garowe in central Somalia by security forces of the Puntland administration.

After intense interrogation, they were then driven in the personal vehicle of the Puntland Minister of Finance Mohamed Ali Yusuf "Ga Gaab" to Ethiopian security forces waiting for them on the Ogaden side of the border with Somalia.

One of the ONLF officials was in Puntland to protest the deliberate killing of a citizen of Ogaden by Puntland security forces in a jail in the northern city of Bosaaso and to assist his family members. He was in regular contact with Puntland officials who never objected to his presence. The other ONLF official was in Puntland visiting his spouse and children. Both were unarmed political figures and posed no threat to the security of Puntland.

The ONLF considers this act to constitute a clear hostile intent on the part of the Puntland regional administration toward the people of Ogaden.

The consequences of this action shall be the sole responsibility of the Puntland regional administration.

Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) - 24 April 2008

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