Monday 12 September 2011

Bernard Hogan-Howe new Metropolitan Police commissioner

Bernard Hogan-Howe's appointment was welcomed by Theresa May and Boris Johnson

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Bernard Hogan-Howe has been named the new commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.
The former chief constable of Merseyside was appointed to the position this afternoon by the Queen.
He beat three others to the job after interviews with the home secretary and mayor of London.
Speaking briefly at Scotland Yard, the new commissioner said he wanted to lead a force that criminals fear and the public trust.
The post became vacant after Sir Paul Stephenson quit amid the phone-hacking scandal and claims about links between Scotland Yard and News International.
Mr Hogan-Howe will be in charge of more than 50,000 staff, including 32,000 officers. The force, the biggest in the UK, includes more than a fifth of all police in England and Wales.
The commissioner's job combines policing London and responsibility for national security issues such as combating terrorism.
Mr Hogan-Howe, who has served in the Metropolitan Police before, went on to lead Merseyside before becoming one of Her Majesty's chief inspectors of constabulary in 2009.

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The government's reforms are transforming the police in this country and Bernard Hogan-Howe has the skills and experience needed ”
Theresa May Home Secretary
He returned to Scotland Yard after Sir Paul's resignation to stand in as acting deputy commissioner while the post holder, Tim Godwin, stepped up to the top job.
His appointment as commissioner was formally made by the Queen on the recommendation of the Home Secretary Theresa May.
The candidates went through a series of interviews, including a final session with both Mrs May and London's Mayor Boris Johnson.
Mrs May said: "I am delighted to announce Bernard Hogan-Howe as the new commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.
"As you would expect for such a prestigious position, we had an exceptional field of candidates, but Bernard Hogan-Howe impressed us all with his vision for the Metropolitan Police, his commitment to cutting crime and the important work he has done for the public.
"I made my recommendation following representations from the Metropolitan Police Authority and discussions with the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson."
She went on: "The government's reforms are transforming the police in this country and Bernard Hogan-Howe has the skills and experience needed to ensure the nation's biggest force is at the forefront of this change.
"London is a great city and will next year host the biggest sporting event in this nation's history. I am confident he will lead the fight against crime with determination and vigour."
Tough competition
The other candidates were Sir Hugh Orde, former Chief Constable of Northern Ireland; Stephen House, the Chief Constable of Strathclyde; and Tim Godwin, the Acting Commissioner.
Bernard Hogan-Howe's career to date
Boris Johnson said that of all the candidates he believed that Mr Hogan-Howe provided a "firm, strategic lead".
"Londoners deserve strong and dynamic leadership at the helm of the country's largest and most industrious police force.
"Public confidence is paramount for any police force and Bernard Hogan-Howe has the impressive track record to restore confidence and crack down on violent crime and disorder.
"Over recent weeks London has faced immense policing challenges and I truly believe that Bernard Hogan-Howe has the sound expertise to handle critical issues and keep our streets safe.
"It's no secret that I desired someone who has a clear strategy for tackling gang violence and youth crime and restoring pride in our great city.


  • 1979: Joins South Yorkshire Police
  • 1997: Asst Chief Constable, Merseyside
  • 2001: Assistant Commissioner, Metropolitan Police
  • 2004-09: Chief Constable of Merseyside
  • 2009: HM Inspectorate of Constabulary
"Bernard Hogan-Howe has made it clear that this will be a new more transparent era for the Met, making the police more accountable to the public, and strengthening police and public relationships."
Sir Hugh Orde, who remains the president of the Association of Chief Police Officers, said: "Bernard Hogan-Howe is to be congratulated for his appointment as Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service.
"He brings a wealth of experience and professionalism to the job of policing our capital, protecting Londoners and leading the Met.
"Chief officers look forward to working closely with Bernard and the chief officer team at the Met as the service gets on with its work to cut crime, deliver a safe and secure Olympics and meet the challenges of reform."
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