Monday 10 October 2011

10 Essential Talks on Higher Ed

Considering colleges and universities encompass a broad spectrum of perspectives, strategies, policies, goals and even formats, nobody’s surprised to know just how many debates and discussions occur. Online and off, professionals, policymakers and even some lucky students lend their eclectic voices to prevailing issues; some make their way to the Internet so even more individuals may educate themselves and develop well-informed opinions. Forum Network, an amazing resource for anyone seeking a veritable buffet of intellectual stimulation, hosts some such talks. They represent a cross-section of some ideas and insights currently swirling through the higher education scene, but by no means should their resources be considered comprehensive or wholly representative. As one can expect, most revolve around fiscal concerns, but everyone weighing in sports their own solutions and analyses. Use the following videos and audio tracks to broaden horizons and perspectives on American higher education today … maybe even tomorrow.
  1. Privatizing Higher Education and Museums in Turkey

    Case Western Reserve’s John Grabowski contributes to the school’s "globalization" focus with an interesting lecture about Turkey’s university system. He spent two semesters teaching in the country and found himself "fascinated" by their success and rapid enrollment rate. Curious, the history professor explored the relationship between foundations and the institutes of higher learning they patronize. Grabowski soaked up some interesting lessons — and even expanded his horizons to study architecture and film, among other subjects.Continued

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