The Somali air force jets now lying at their grave yards across former air force air fields across the country, a grim reminder of the cost of the civil war. they really are a rare find!!! I was wondering myself, how did they manage to stack planes on top of others lol, i guess will never know... But it is sad to see the once proud Somali air force now lying around in destitute while its former officer prostitute themselves to the highest bidder warlord or pirate as mercenaries and planners... when Somalia could use officers like that for a better use in helping rebuild the country. Blue 224 is a late model MiG-21. (M or more likely MF) (above) Blue 226 appears to be a MiG-21MF. It seems almost airworthy!The green-grey camouflaged cargo plane in the background is an Aeritalia G222. | |
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