Saturday 1 October 2011

Iran’s supreme leader lambasts two-state solution for Palestinians and Israel

(no/Associated Press) - FILE - In this Oct. 2, 2010 file photo released by an official website of the Iranian supreme leader’s office, Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, right, listens to the Syrian President Bashar Assad, center, as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, looks on, during their meeting in Tehran, Iran. A portrait of the late Iranian revolutionary founder Ayatollah Khomeini hangs on the wall. Two weeks after Egypt’s uprising swept aside Hosni Mubarak, the presidents of Iran and Syria stood side by side in Damascus in a blunt message to the Arab Spring: The Syrian regime can count on its allies in Tehran. Seven months later _ and after at least 2,700 deaths in Syria _ Iran is tweaking its big brother role for Syrian President Bashar Assad. The Iranian leaders are now urging him to consider talks with protesters or risk heading down a path with few escape routes.
TEHRAN, Iran — Iran’s supreme leader assailed a two state solution for Israel and the Palestinians on Saturday, saying the Palestinian bid for statehood at the United Nations is doomed to fail.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the Palestinians should not limit themselves to seeking a country based on the pre-1967 borders — which would implicitly recognize Israel — because “all land belongs to Palestinians.”
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has asked the U.N. Security Council to recognize an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza Strip — areas captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war.
Israel and the U.S. oppose the U.N. bid, saying there is no substitute for direct negotiations. But with Israel continuing to build settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, Abbas says there is no point in talking.
Iran doesn’t recognize Israel and considers it an archenemy.
Khamenei, who spoke at a pro-Palestinian conference in Tehran, once again called Israel a “cancerous tumor” that should be removed.
Iran supports the militant Palestinian Hamas group, which rules Gaza and which does not back the statehood bid pushed by Abbas and his Western-backed Fatah.
“Our claim is freedom of Palestine, not part of Palestine. Any plan that partitions Palestine is totally rejected,” Khamenei told the gathering. “Palestine spans from the river (Jordan) to the sea (Mediterranean), nothing less.”
Khamenei claimed that a two state solution would mean “giving in to the demand of the Zionists” and that it would “trample the rights of the Palestinian people” to live on their land.
The conference was attended by senior Palestinian militant leaders, including Syria-based Hamas chief Khaled Mashaal, who told the gathering that “resistance” was the only option left for the Palestinians.
“Palestinians must resort to resistance no matter how costly it is, until Palestine is free and Israel is destroyed,” Mashaal said.
Mashaal’s comments could potentially undermine Abbas’ U.N. bid and stall talks between the rival Palestinian factions on power-sharing. The talks were expected to resume in the coming week.
Abbas and Fatah favor a negotiated peace deal with Israel, while Hamas is sworn to Israel’s destruction. Israel has warned Abbas it will not negotiate with any Palestinian government that includes Hamas

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