January 10, 2013 | in longhorn

Steps to Becoming a Writer
There are no hard and fast rules on how to become a writer. Some people spend years trying to break into the industry; others become writers when they’re just children. Becoming a quality, published writer usually requires following a few steps. Read through these seven blog posts and see if you can put together a plan of action for becoming a writer.
- Becoming the Writer
- How to Become a Writer
- On Becoming a Writer: My Path to Publication
- Becoming a Writer…
- How to Become a Writer
- Just Write
- 8 Rules to Become a Great Writer
Finding a Writer’s Group
Once you start writing you will need to find a group of writers who write in the same genre as you that you can join for critique sessions. This is where you need to develop a thick skin, because taking criticism can be hard. These works are like your children and it’s always hard when someone says something unfavorable about one of your kids. These seven blog articles will help prepare you for critiquing.
- Tips for Finding a Writer’s Group That’s Right for You
- Find a Writer’s Group—Now
- It’s Time to Check into the Insecure Writer’s Support Group
- If You Can’t Find a Writer’s Group, Join a Forum
- Tip #2 Find a Writing Group
- Joining a Writers Group
- Fantasy Literature: Writing Groups: On the Web or Face to Face?
Proofreading has taken on a different role in today’s writing. Proofreaders used to catch spelling errors, grammatical errors and missed punctuation, but now the word processing software takes care of most of those. Here are seven blog entries that may shed some light on proofreading for today’s writer.
- Online Proofreading Service
- Order Editing and Proofreading Services
- The 5 Steps of Intelligent Proofreading
- Proofreading Tips for Perfect Copy
- Basic Proofreading Tips
- 8 Tricks to Grow to be An Andrew Luck Jersey Professional Proofreader
- Why You Should Hire a Copyeditor and Proofreader
Creating a Manuscript
You have an idea for a story, and with some work you have developed the characters and you know what the conflict is going to be. Learn how to take all of the parts of your story and create a manuscript that is fit to present to a publisher or editor. These seven blog posts can help you craft your finished manuscript.
- How to Create EBooks with Open Source Software: #1 Manuscript Styles
- Marketable Manuscripts
- How to Format Your Nonfiction Manuscript
- How to Make Your Manuscript “Publishable”
- Creating a Manuscript that is “Designer/Layout Friendly”
- How to Create a Novel Manuscript
- How to: Create a Manuscript in ‘Standard Manuscript Format ’in LyX
Writing the Letter
Once you finish your manuscript, how do you get your work in front of the right people? You write a great cover letter. This may or may not do it, so it’s also imperative that you be persistent. These seven blog posts will give you some pointers on how to get your work seen.
- If a Manuscript Falls in the Forest Does it Make a Sound?
- The Do’s and Don’ts of Publishing
- Ready for Submission: Formatting Your Manuscript & Cover Letter
- How to Write a Successful Cover Letter for a Manuscript Submission
- Writing a Cover Letter
- How to Write Cover Letters to Hook Editors
- Your Cover Letter: A Basic Template
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