Two women tortured a pensioner and then left him to slowly die, a court has heard.
Kelly Louise Barnes, 32, and Jodie Barnes, formerly Ramsbottom, 31, are accused of targeting retired bus conductor Barry Reeve, believing he had a secret stash of money.
They beat Mr Reeve, 67, and cut him with a knife at his home in Norwich in an attempt to make him disclose his PIN, Norwich Crown Court heard.
The pair deny murder.
Drug addicts
The two women, both of Bixley Close, Norwich, are in a civil partnership together.
After the attack on 9 February last year the couple, both drug addicts, left Mr Reeve dying, Norwich Crown Court heard.
Prosecutor Karim Khalil QC told the jury the pair returned to his terraced house in the city's Corton Road later that evening and stripped it of anything of value, including food from the freezer.
Mr Reeve's body was discovered two weeks later when his daughter called at the house.
Describing the alleged attack, Mr Khalil said: "He was brutally beaten, cut with a sharp blade and left to die in his home, unable to summon help.
"It is a sad fact that he was not found until two weeks later when his daughter, Julie Reeve, called round. She found the back door unlocked, opened it and saw blood on the inner door.
"She could not bear to go in any further and called on a neighbour. Together they went back, called for him but got no answer and decided to call the emergency services."
The case continues.
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