Author: Ibrahim Samura - SEM
The leader of the Libyan Jamahiriya and founder of the Third Universal theory referred to as the Green Book Movement, Colonel Mohamad Al-Gadaffi, who also doubles as Sierra Leone’s Member of Parliament, is said to have orchestrated the killings of 500 protesters in Libya.
Protesters demanding President Al-Gadaffi’s unconditional surrendering ‘giving up’ of power are reportedly killed by forces loyal to the forenamed President (Al- Gadaffi).
In 2008, the Sierra Leone Parliament unrestrictedly summoned an emergency meeting; ‘presumably 2 A.M,’ to officially confer Parliamentary rights to President Al- Gadaffi.
He was however emblemmed as Sierra Leone’s Special Member of Parliament.
“Where is our national pride” Amadu Kamara charged, “can ruthless conducts of Al- Gadaffi not smear this country’s hard earned democratic reputation?”
Sources say President Al-Gadaffi’s unflinching granting of rights as Special Member in the Sierra Leone House of Parliament indicates the hopeful hopes on necks of politicians.
Latest report from Libya indicates that 500 protesters have been killed by forces loyal to Sierra Leone’s Honourable Member of Parliament- President Al- Gadaffi.
Sources say President Koroma is having nightmares over the stalemate in Libya.
That it was the wishes of his Special Honourable Member of Parliament Al- Gadaffi; to lavish million of United State dollars into Sierra Leone should he maintain governance up until 2012.
Speculations have it that Al-Gadaffi’s choice of exile, should protesters succeed, is Sierra Leone.
Findings also revealed Al- Gadaffi’s unrestraint and nonstop donations to the ruling APC had things not turned this way.
It is revealed though that the APC has had plans to host President Al-Gadaffi soon after his retirement as President of the republic of Libya.
A reliable source has told this press that President Koroma is apparently unwell over incidences in Libya and sees the event as ‘set back’ to secret understandings between his government and Honourable Al- Gadaffi.
Facts as revealed say glaring that Gadaffi’s appointment as ‘Special Member of Parliament’ indirectly defines his intentions of financing the APC in 2012 elections.
It is a fact that the announcement of President Gadaffi as Sierra Leone’s Member of Parliament shocked consciences of high placed government officials.
Public’s contemplations viewed Gadaffi’s killing of 500 Libyans as most unfounded, denting and damaging of Sierra Leone’s reputation
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