Sunday 11 September 2011

Kashifaada Wikileak oo Soo Bandhigtay Sir laga Heley Maamulka Faroole (Warbixin Dheer)

Nairobi (RBC) Bogga ku caanbaxay soo bandhigista sirta dawladaha caalamka ee Wikileak ayaa soo bandhigay warbixin sir ah oo aad u dheer taasoo ka hadlaysa Puntland.
Warbixintan sirta ah oo ah xog ay direen saraakiil ku sugan safaaradda Mareykanka ee Nairobi ayaa shaaca ka qaaday dhowr arimood oo aad xasaasi u ah waqtigan kana taagan gudaha Puntland, sida amaanka, siyaasadda iyo fashilka maamulka C/raxmaan Faroole.
Siyaasadda maamulka Faroole
Warbixinta ayaa cadeysay in Faroole uu isagu abuurayo waxyaabo badan oo sabab u ah amni darrida ka jirta Puntland isagoo bilaabay inuu la kala safto qabiilada reer Puntland oo uu qaar soo dhoweystay qaarna uu dibadda u riixay taasoo la sheegay inay sabab u noqotay in qabaa’ilo badan ay ka niyad jabaan hankii ay u qabeen maamulka Puntland oo ay dhisteen beelaha Daaroodka sanadkii 1998-kii.
Sidan ayey tiri Wikileak;
Puntland Administration President “Faroole” appears increasingly determined to erode the integrity of Puntland political institutions and sideline clan and local leaders.  Against the backdrop of criticisms that the Puntland draft constitution gives too much power to the executive and de-fangs the judiciary (ref bl), “Faroole” recently sought an amendment to the
draft constitution that would extend Presidential term limits.

Sidoo kale warbixinta ayaa si gaar ah u soo qaadatay fashilka madaxweyne Faroole heysta inuu soo baxay ka dib markii uu wiilkiisa u magacaabay la taliyihiisa gaarka ah ee dhanka warbaahinta taasoo soo jiidatay cambaareyn weyn oo maamulka Faroole uga timid gudaha Puntland.
 Sidan ayey tiri Wikileaks;
“Faroole” as well has in recent months appointed his son as Special Media Advisor to the President (reftel), a move that has drawn widespread criticism across Puntland. 
Saraakiisha Mareykanka ee sirtan diray oo kala ah Johnie Carson oo ah sarkaal waaxda arimaha dibadda ee xukuumada Washington u qaabilsan dhanka Afrika iyo safiirka Mareykanka u jooga Nairobi Mikel Renneburger waxay cadeeyeen in madaxweyne Faroole uu si aad ah u soo xareysanayey wasiirada beeshiisa ka soo jeeda kuwaasoo uu xilal muhim ah u dhiibtay iyadoo warbixintu sheegtay in halkaasi ay ka maqan yihiin beelihii kale ee Puntrland wax ka soo dhisay.
Sidan ayey u qortay Wikileak;
Additionally, multiple contacts tell us that “Faroole” has sidelined local and clan leaders in Puntland, most recently alienating large sections of his
own Isse Mohamud sub-clan.  (Note: Puntland is largely composed of
the Darod clan, itself divided into multiple sub-clans. End note.) 

Dhanka amaanka
“Hab dhaqanka Faroole wuxuu fursad u abuurayaa Al-Shabaab” ayaa lagu qoray warqadda ay direen saraakiisha Mareykanka ["Faroole's Conduct Creates Opening for al-Shabaab].
Xogta ay sheegeen saraakiishan waxay kaloo tilmaantay in ka dib markii uu Faroole bilaabay inuu la safto qabiilada qaarkood in taasi ay fursad u noqotay kooxda Al-Shabaab oo ka faa’ideysanaya kala qeybsanaanta Faroole dhex dhigay dadka reer Puntland.
Saraakiisha Puntland, odayaal dhaqamadeed iyo dadka rayidka ee lagu dilay Puntland dhorkii bilood ee u dambeeyey ayaa sidoo kale la tilmaamay inay qeyb ka yihiin dhibaatada amni xumo ee ku sii baaheysa Puntland.
Wikileaks waxay tiri;
Al-Shabaab appears to be making greater inroads in Puntland by exploiting these local grievances against “Faroole.” For example,  in January a key sub-clan leader admitted that he knew the identities of all of the extremists in his sub-clan but did not want to turn “his boys” over to “Faroole” because “Faroole” was sidelining the sub-clan. The elder also rationalized that al-Shabaab, unlike in south-central Somalia, was mostly targeting government officials , suggesting that he did not see a great
threat to his sub-clan as such.

Dhibaatada amnidarida iyo sida Faroole uga faa’ideysanayo
Sirta ay direen saraakiisha Mareykanka waxay kaloo cadeysay in C/raxmaan Faroole uu rabo in dhibaatada amni ee ka jirta Puntland uu ku helo taageero dibadeed isagoo ku andacoonaya inuu la dagaalamayo Al-Shabaab.
Wikileak waxay sheegtay sidan;
 “Faroole” will likely attempt to use the increase in violence to push for greater international support to his security services.  We believe, however, that augmenting Puntland security services absent efforts by “Faroole” to address underlying clan and political tensions in Puntland would enjoy little success.
Mareykanka oo codsaday in siyaasad ahaan Faroole looga hor yimaado
Diblomaasiyiinta Mareykanka ee warqada diray waxay cadeeyeen in siyaasiyiin deegaanka ah oo ku sugan Puntland ay ku dhiirigaliyeen in qaab siyaasadeed looga hor yimaado Faroole balse aysan ahayn mid awood militari ah.
Waa kan eeg:
We are encouraging opinion makers and political players in Puntland to
influence “Faroole” and to encourage Puntlanders to politically,
rather than militarily, confront the Puntland President.  While
al-Shabaab has long had a presence in Puntland and al-Shabaab
leaders certainly have an agenda beyond confronting the Puntland
administration, the apparent increasing ability of al-Shabaab
leaders to conflate their agenda with local grievances in Puntland
is a worrying development.

Faroole xilka kama degi doono
Sirta la helay waxay kaloo cadeysay in C/raxmaan Faroole uu qorsheynayo inuusan weligii ka degin xilka madaxtinimada Puntland xitaa marka uu dhamaadoi waqtigiisa isagoo taa bedelkeeda abuuraya dhibaatooyin si uu fursad ugu helo sii joogista kursiga madaxtinimada.
Waxayna sheekada intaa sii raacisay in beryahan dambe Faroole uu waday qorshe uu wax kaga bedelayo dastuurka Punntland siu uu fursad ugu helo waqti kororsi uu sameysto.
Waxayna Wikileaks sheegtan sidan;
Against the backdrop of criticisms that the Puntland draft
constitution gives too much power to the executive and de-fangs the
judiciary (ref bl), “Faroole” recently sought an amendment to the
draft constitution that would extend Presidential term limits.

Warbixinta oo rasmi ah halkan ka eeg:

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