Justice Betty King doesn't get it. Aweys and El Sayed were not ungrateful, as far as they themselves were concerned. They think they were doing Australians a favor by killing a few kuffar in order to terrorize and weaken Australian society, and thereby pave the way for Sharia rule. "Judge berates terrorists who were given refuge in Australia," by Norrie Ross for the Herald Sun, December 17 (thanks to Kenneth):
THREE terrorists had repaid the kindness of Australians with an evil plot to slaughter dozens of soldiers at an army base, a judge said yesterday. Justice Betty King said the families of Saney Aweys, 28, and Nayev El Sayed, 27, had fled civil war in Somalia and Lebanon, while Libyan Wissam Fattal, 35, came to Australia to further his kickboxing career.Yet another judge assumes she knows more about Islam than devout and observant Muslims, and presumes to lecture them about it and tell them they're holding "extremist views."
"The fact that Australia welcomed all of you, and nurtured you and your families, is something that should cause you all to hang your heads in shame that this was the way you planned to show your thanks for that support," the judge said.
"Your views about Australia and Australians, and your attitude towards the country's armed forces, its civilians, and its government, were clear. Your plans were evil."
Justice King jailed the three for 18 years, and set minimum terms of 13 1/2 years[.]
The judge said Fattal, Aweys and El Sayed were all unrepentant radical Muslims and would remain a threat to the public while they held extremist views. But of the three, only Fattal can be deported on his release from jail. His co-conspirators have Australian citizenship.
Justice King said the men had planned an armed attack on Sydney's Holsworthy army base by up to six men, who would shoot dead as many people as they could before they were killed.
She said they all had a connection to the Preston mosque, support for a Somalian terrorist group, and were driven by extremist Muslim views.
"All of you believe in the principle of martyrdom. All of you believe it is your obligation to oppose and deal with those you describe as infidels," the Supreme Court judge said.
"It is an unfortunate but widely known fact that some Muslims hold extremist views of not only their religion, but of their obligation under their religion to martyrdom, (and) have engaged in worldwide terrorism."
The judge said the men's plan was amateurish and far from sophisticated. But it was "deadly serious" and, if carried out, its results would have been horrific.
Fattal, who has caused trouble consistently in court and in jail, was dragged out of court before sentencing when he began a rant about "Jews, Palestine and Afghanistan", and said he did not recognise the court.
At the end of the sentencing, El Sayed shouted "God is with us", as a woman wept hysterically....
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