Wednesday, 18 January 2012

50 Sophisticated Words You Should Start Using Instead

Your New Year's resolutions might have included getting more exercise, or going back to school to get your degree. Might we humbly suggest you also take this time of starting things anew by phasing out some of the played-out words in your vocabulary and replacing them with creative alternatives? Don’t feel bad; everyone you know has been guilty of letting a "fail" or an "LOL" slip at least once in a while. But those words are tired. They need a long rest. Here are 50 sophisticated utterances to deploy instead.

Cyber Substitutes

  1. Supreme: Epic doesn’t mean what you think it means. Use this instead, meaning classic or perfect.
  2. Blunder: For the love of grammar, "fail" is not a noun. On the other hand, "blunder" works as both a noun and a verb. How supreme.
  3. Triumph: Instead of "FTW," you can say, "For The Triumph!" We bet you money you can't say it without feeling like Maximus.
  4. Fidus Achates: More than some internet acquaintance, a fidus Achates ("FEED-us uh-KAH-tays") is a true friend. It's like "BFF" in Latin.
  5. Fancy: It's only a matter of time before you'll be able to "fancy" a link or status update for which you wish to show appreciation.
  6. Cachinnate: Forget about laughing your a** off. Tell them you're cachinnating (CACK-in-ate-ing) heartily.
  7. Woe is me: It sounds a bit like Yoda-ese, but instead of saying FML, go biblical with "woe is me."
  8. Piquant: If you simply must inform the world how scrumptious the food you are currently eating is, please refrain from saying "nom nom nom." Use this descriptor instead to convey appetizing flavor.
  9. Baffling: It's too easy to just drop a "WTH" (or some variation) on some activity or news that perplexes you. Why not be baffled?
  10. Indubitably: The "Really?" ship has sailed. To express ironic dismay, go with, "Indubitably?" Trust us, it's a can't-miss.Continued

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