ost Somalis around the world have joyously watched FIFA's World cup Kick off where the Somali singer, Keynaan Abdi Warsame, known as K’naan, has opened the musical concert with his worldwide famous song "Waving the Flag." K’naan was holding, higher-and-higher, the Somali Flag, our beloved
Blugley. Somalia is soon approaching its 50th anniversary of independence, it would have been a significant milestone, if it wouldn’t be for the tears and toils that our people have endured undeserving in the past two decades, a painful humiliation inflicted by its own sons. To add an insult to the injury, the shameful invasion of Ethiopia and the subsequent occupation of Mogadishu, the capital city, left an awful stain on the annals of Somali history.
After the long and persistent outcry of the Somali flag to her sons and daughters fell onto deaf ears, the scream for resurrection and the destiny- call of the quasi-moribund flag, our “Blugley,” was finally answered by an unexpected brave young man called K’naan. K’nan, unfortunately was pushed out of his country of birth at early age, as such, he did not experience the opportunity to enjoy the fervor and
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