Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Guddiga Hawlaha Guud Ee Baarlamaanka oo Dhaliilay Qaabka Loo Wajahay Hawlgalka Amniga Muqdisho

Muqdisho(RBC Radio) Gudiga hawlaha guud ee baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa si kulul u dhaleeceeyey habka ay dowladu Muqdisho uga wado hawlgalka lagu suganayo amniga caasimada,gudoomiyaha gudiga hawlaha guud ee baarlamaanka federaalka xildhibaan Cismaan Aadan Dhuubow ayaa sheegay ineysan habooneen qaabka ay dowladu u bilowday hawlgalka  lagu sugayo nabada magaalada  Muqdisho.
Gudoomiyaha gudiga hawlaha guud ee baarlamaanka ayaa cambaareeyey qaabka uu u socdo hawlgalka Muqdisho ay dowladu ka bilowday,wuxuuna sheegay in arintani ay dhibaato ku tahay shacbiga Soomaaliyeed,isla markaane aysan wax dan ah ugu jiran bulshada magaalada ku dhaqan.
“Waxaa jira siyaabo badan oo looga hortagi karo qatarta ay dowladu sheegtay  hadii laga wada tashan lahaa,laakiin sida ay hada wax u socdaan waxa ay dhibaato ku tahay bulshada magaalada,qatarta la sheegay in laga hortagayo waxaa kasii weyn qatarta ka dhalan karta sida ay wax u socdaan xiligan” ayuu warbaahinta u sheegay gudoomiyaha gida hawlaha guud ee baarlamaanka federaalka.
Dhuubow ayaa sheegay iney arintani ay waxyeeleynayso adeegyada bulshada,wuxuuna talo ahaan usoo jeediyey in wax badan laga bedelo sida ay dowladu u wajahday sugida amniga caasimada Muqdisho, hawlgalada ay ciidamada dowladu ka bilaabeen magaalada Muqdisho ayaa saamayn badan ku yeeshay noloshada shacabka ku nool  magaalada Muqdisho.

RBC Radio
Xafiiska Wararka Muqdisho

Mukhtaar Roobow, Xasan Daahir Aweys Iyo Rag Kale oo Si Ba’an u Weeraray Axmed Godane Kana Hadlay Weerarkii Al Amriki (FATWO)

Baraawe (RBC) Bayaan ay soo saareen hogaamiyaal sar sare oo ka tirsan kooxda Al Shabaab ee hadda khilaafku weyn uu ka dhex taagan yahay ayaa si kulul u weeraray hogaamiyaha kooxda Axmed Cabdi Aw-Maxamuud (Axmed Godane) oo lagu eedeeyay inuu ka dambeeyay isku daygii fashilmay ee la doonayey in lagu khaarajiyo ninka Mareykanka u dhashay ee kooxda ka tirsan Cumar Xamaami (Abuu Mansuur Al Amriki).
Cumar Xamaami ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in 26-kii bisha April uu ka badbaaday weerar ay ku soo qaadeen koox taabacsan Axmed Godane xilli uu shaah ka cabayey meel ku taalla tuulada Raamo Caddeey ee gobolka Baay. HALKAN KA AKHRI WEERARKII AL AMRIKI
Bayaankan oo loo bixiyey “Fatwo muhim ah oo ku saabsan iskudaygii dilka ahaa ee lagu qaaday Abuu Mansur Al Amriki iyo saaxibadiis Khadaab Marsi iyo Usama Baritaaniya” ayaa lagu faafiyey bog ay adeegsadaan ururada Al Qaacida iyo Daalibaan oo lagu magacaabo Al Jahad.com.
Fatwadan oo ka kooban toddoba (7) bog ayaa waxaa ku saxiixan shan nin oo xubno sare ka ah kooxda Al Shabaab, waxayna kala yihiin;-
1) Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow Abuu Mansuur.
2) Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys.
3) Sheekh Abuu Bakar A Seylici (Magaciisa runta ah waa: Ibraahim Xaaji Meecaad Afghaan, waa ku xigeenka Axmed Godane).
4) Sheekh Subeyr Al Muhaajir.
5) Macalim Burhaan Sheekh Xaashi.
Sababta loo soo saaray Fatwadan
Shanta nin ee ku saxiixan bayaankan ayaa ku tilmaamay inay fatwadan soo saaraan inay ku kalliftay kadib markii ay sii kordheen weeradada qarsoodiga ah ee ay sheegeen in lala beegsanayo rag ka tirsan wax ay ugu yeereen “Muhaajiriinta” [Ajnabiga ku dhex jira Al Shabaab ayay u yaqaanaan muhaajiriin] ku sugan Soomaaliya.
Kadib dhacdooyinkii u dambeeyay iyo weerarkii lala beegsaday saddex ka mid ah Muhaajiriinta ku sugan deegaanka Raamo Cadeey ee gobolka Baay iyo Bakool ee Islaamiga ah halkaasoo uu ku dhaawacmay walaalkeen Sheekh Abuu Mansuur Al Amriki iyo ceyrinta joogtada ah ee lagu hayo walaalaha isaga la jira, waxaa waajib nagu ah inaan cadeyno xukunka sharciga ah ee arrintan.” ayaa lagu yiri bayaanka ay soo saareen xubnahan.
Waxay sheegeen in rag badan oo u badan ajaaniibta Al Shabaab la jooga horey loo beegsaday la iskuna dayey in laga takhaluso naftooda, welina ay socdaan hawlahaasi isku dayga dilka ah, iyagoo ku eedeeyay inuu ka dambeeyo “Amiirka” oo ay ula jeedaan hogaamiyaha kooxda Axmed Godane.
Waa kuwee dadka la beegsanayo?
Al Amriki (Cumar Xamaami) oo dhiig uu ka da’ayo – Sawiro uu soo dhigay Twitterkiisa 26-04-2013.
Sida bayaanka lagu qoray waxaa Axmed Godane weerar ku hayaa xubnaha ay u yaqaanaan Muhaajiriinta, qaarna uu horey iskugu dayey inuu dilo qaarna uu hadda ku raadjoogo, arrintaasoo ragga qoray bayaank ay ku tilmaameen mid hareermarsan Shareecada.
Dadka weerarku saaran yahay oo ay magacyadooda ku cadeeyeen bayaanka ayaa waxay kala yihiin;-
1- Abuu Mansuur Al Amriki (Cumar Xamaami);  Waa nin u soo hijrooday Soomaaliya beryihii Maxkamadaha Islaamiga, wuxuuna ka qeybqaatay dagaalkii lagu qabsaday magaalada Baydhabo (sanadkii 2008).
Al Amriki wuxuu noqday taliyaha Al Shabaab ee gobolka Banaadir iyo taliyaha guud ee dagaalyahanada Al Shabaab. Sida lagu sheegay bayaanka Al Amriki hadda wuxuu xubin ka yahay Golaha Shuurada [Wadatashiga] Al Shabaab ay leeyihiin. Wuxuu madax u noqday guddiyo dhowr ah oo uu ugu dambeeyay guddiga joogtada ee golaha wadatashiga.
2- Khadaab Marsi (Sida magaciisa ka muuqata waa nin Masar ka yimid): Waa Muhaajir caan ka ah dagaalyahanada gobolka Banaadir, gaar ahaan Xeebta Liido.
3- Usaama Al Baritaani (sida magaciisa ka muuqata wuxuu ka yimid Ingiriiska):  Sida bayaanka ku qoran waa Askari aamusan oo ka mid ah askarta Alle ee qarsoon.
Bayaanka ay soo wada saareen shanta nin ayaa lagu soo qoray aayado Quraanka Kariimka ah iyo Axaadiista Nabiga SCW kuwaasoo ay u cuskanayaan sida aanu u banaaneyn dilka ruux Muslim ah sabab la’aan.  Waxay kaloo soo qaateen digniino ku jira Quraanka oo sheegaya in Cadaab daran lagu abaalmarinayo qofkii dila qof Muslim ah sabab la’aan.
Amiirka laguma raacayo ku caasigarowga Alle
Fatwadan oo ka mid ah farriimaha ugu adag ee beryahan looga soo horjeedo Axmed Godane ayaa lagu sheegay inaan Amiirka [hogaamiyaha Al Shabaab] lagu raacceynin ku caasigarowga Alle, waxayna fatawadan u digtay dhalinyarada Axmed Godane u adeegsanayo dilka ragga ka midka ah kooxda ee isaga ka hor yimid.
U hogaansanka Amiirka [hogaamiyaha] ma ahan wax iska furan ee waa wax ku xadidan Sharciga.  Waxaa lagu raaci karaa kaliya wixii wanaag ah ee qofna [bani'aadam] laguma raaco wxii keenaya in Illaahay lagu caasigaroobo. Ayay ku yiraahdeen fatwadan ay soo saareen shanta nin.
Waxay ugu dambeyntii sheegeen inaysan u arkin dhaqamada Axmed Godane kuwo salka ku haya Sharciga iyo Diinta, baklse ay tahay ku ciyaarid uu ku ciyaarayo shareecada iyo Diinta oo uu dano siyaasadeed iyo arrimo isaga u gaar ah u adeegsanayo, wax xiriir ahna aanu kala dhexeyn Sharci.
Farriintii hore ee Ibraahim Afghaan
Bayaankan ayaa yimid saddex usbuuc kadib markii farriin loo diray hogaamiyaha Al Qaacida Dr. Ayman Dawaahiri taasoo uu qoray Ibraahim Xaaji Meecaad Afghaan (oo isugu yeera Abuu Bakar A-Seylici) uu ku sheegay in Axmed Godane uu ku xadgudbay raggii kooxda ka tirsanaa isla markaana uu qaar badan dilay qaarna xabsiyo sir ah ku guray, qaar kalena uu naagahooda kaxaystay.
Farriintaasi Ibraahim Afghaan oo isla bogga Al Jahad.com ee Al Qaacida lagu faafiyey kana koobneyn 15 bog ayaa dalbatay in deg deg loo soo farageliyo arrinta ka dhex taagan Al Shabaabka Soomaaliya, Axmed Godane laga badbaadiyo ugaarsiga uu ku hayo ragga isaga dhaliilsan.  Lama oga in Dawaahiri ka soo jawaabay farriinta Ibraahim Afghaan oo ah ninka labaad ee ugu sareey kooxda.
Bayaanada ay soo dirayaan qaar ka tirsan horjoogayaasha kooxda Al Shabaab ee looga soo horjeedo Axmed Godane laguna faafinayo internet-ka ayaa tilmaan u ah sida uu faraha uga baxay khilaafka ka dhex taagan horjoogayaasha waaweyn ee kooxda, oo hadda u muuqda inay isugu jawaabayaan mareegaha internet-ka ee iyaga kala raacsan iyo weeraro dilal qorsheysan ah oo ay isku fulinayaan.

*Isha Qoraalka bogga Al Jahad.com
*Waxaa tarjumay Raxanreeb.com (RBC Radio)

New Bombing Strikes Central Damascus

New Bombing Strikes Central Damascus

New attack one day after prime minister escapes assassination attempt
Security personnel walk in front of the former Interior Ministry building after a blast at Marjeh Square in Damascus April 30, 2013 (REUTERS/Khaled al-Hariri)
Security personnel walk in front of the former Interior Ministry building after a blast at Marjeh Square in Damascus on April 30, 2013. (REUTERS/Khaled al-Hariri)
London, Asharq Al-Awsat—The second bombing in two days rocked Damascus this morning, following a failed assassination attempt on Syrian prime minister Wael Al-Halki yesterday. The attacks come as part of a series of bombings in the Mediterranean nation over the past months.
The latest explosion reportedly hit the Al-Marjeh district in the center of the city, close to the former headquarters of the Interior Ministry.
Syrian state TV channels reported that 13 people had been killed by the blast in Marjeh Square, with 70 injured, while the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that 9 civilians and 3 police officers were killed, with more casualties expected.
This is the latest in a series of bombings in and around the Syrian capital. Yesterday, a car bomb exploded in the upscale Mazzeh neighbourhood, in what appears to have been an assassination attempt aimed at Syria’s prime minister.
The bomb reportedly killed 6 people, including one of the Halki’s bodyguards, although the prime minister apparently escaped unscathed. His driver and another bodyguard were reported to have been seriously injured by the explosion.
The Mazzeh district is home to many senior figures in the government, foreign embassies and government offices, and security is reportedly tight in the area. This led some opposition activists to claim that the attack had been staged by the government.
Susan Ahmad, a spokesperson for the Revolutionary Council in Damascus, told London’s Guardian newspaper that the security forces previously sealed off the scenes of bombings, but that this time was different.
“After the explosion took place, helicopters hovered over the area, state TV was there, ambulances rushed to the area. This is usually what happens when the regime fakes an explosion,” she said.
Syrian state TV broadcast a statement from Halki blaming the attack on “terrorists.”
While fighting between government forces and rebels has been largely confined to outlying districts and suburbs, the city has been increasingly targeted by bomb attacks since the beginning of the uprising against the rule of President Bashar Al-Assad two years ago.
A large bomb killed 15 people in the city on April 9, while other government figures have been the subject of assassination attempts. A senior Sunni cleric seen by many as an Assad ally was killed last month, while the interior minister, Mohammed Al-Shaar, was injured in another attack in December.
So far, no party has claimed responsibility for the latest bombings.

Journalists Increasingly at Risk in Libya

Journalists Increasingly at Risk in Libya

Attacks on journalists raises concerns on freedom of press.
Demonstrators calling for the passing of a legislation barring former aides to deposed dictator Muammar Gaddafi from senior government posts, stage a protest in Martyrs' Square in Tripoli April 30, 2013 (REUTERS)
Demonstrators calling for the passing of a legislation barring former aides to deposed dictator Muammar Gaddafi from senior government posts stage a protest in Martyrs’ Square in Tripoli on April 30, 2013. (REUTERS)
London, Asharq Al-Awsat—Concerns are growing among journalists and human rights activists over press freedom in Libya following a spate of attacks on reporters.
Earlier this week, Mahmoud Al-Farjani, a correspondent for the pan-Arab newspaper Al-Arabiya, was kidnapped by armed men following numerous threats.
On April 28, the kidnappers seized Farjani in his Saudi-owned office building, which is situated across the street from the Foreign Ministry headquarters in Tripoli. On the day of the kidnapping, Farjani was covering a demonstration in favor of legislation to ban peoples linked to the late dictator Muammar Qaddafi from involvement in politics.
According to Reporters Without Borders (RWB), he was held for seven hours and was repeatedly beaten and threatened with execution.
This is only that latest of a series of attacks on journalists in the North African state. On the same day, members of an armed militia took over the headquarters of national television network Al-Wataniya.
According RWB, another kidnapping took place on April 22, when Yousef Bargoum, a former journalist and current director of public information for the civil registry of Benghazi, was kidnapped, beaten and tortured by armed militia. This followed a radio broadcast in which he reported the publication of official documents allegedly containing obvious falsehoods. He was released three days later and immediately hospitalized.
Aside from violent assaults, some Libyan reporters have also run afoul of the legal system. Amara Hassan Al-Khitabi, editor of the newspaper Al-Umma, was released on bail on April 21, after being detained by authorities. His arrest followed the publication of a list of 87 judges and prosecutors allegedly involved in corruption and embezzlement.
As well as the RWB, the Free Press Organization has also sought to raise the profile of this issue, and called on Ali Zeidan’s transitional government “to do everything in its power to guarantee the security of local and foreign media workers.”

Somalia’s Jubbaland conundrum

Somalia’s Jubbaland conundrum

by Abdelh

A centre of trade, commerce, agricultureand rich in marine resources,Kismayo and the surrounding Jubbaland area is of great economic importance to Somalia. The region also has the potential to hold the balance of power in the country, meaning all important actors – indigenous or foreign – want to control it. Strategically located at the southern tip of Somalia on the Indian Ocean coast, it has the biggest working sea port in Somalia and two airports. Kismayo and the surrounding region has been fought over by warlords, radical Islamists in the Shabab and clan militias (mainly from the Darod clan) since the start of civil war in 1991, in the process displacing approximately 500,000 refugees to camps in Kenya.
SomliaSince the emergence of the United Islamic Courts (UIC) in 2006, Kismayo has changed hands between various groups including theTransitional Federal Government (TFG), Hizbul Islam (HI), the Muaskar Ras Kamboni (MRK) and the Shabab. The Shabab’s capture of Kismayo in 2008 began the longest period of control by one group since 2006. This prompted the TFG to formulate a ‘liberation strategy’ that ultimately sought to mobilize the dominant clans in the Jubba regions against the Shabab by promising to support the creation of a ‘Jubbaland’ autonomous region – akin to those already existing in Puntland, Galmudug, and Khatumo – once the area was liberated.
An alliance of the Kenyan Defence Forces (KDF), the MRK led by Ahmed Mohamed Islam (alias Ahmed Madobe), and TFG forces ousted the Shabab from Kismayo in late 2012. However, the newly created Somali Federal Government, under new President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, reversed its earlier position and now opposes the establishment of Jubbaland. This decision has created new political tensions and allegations of bias from clans and figures in Jubbaland as the government has endorsed the establishment of an autonomous regional authority in Hiiraan. As Somalia begins the long-delayed process of state-building, this potential dispute could pose a threat to the country’s current – and almost unprecedented – sense of stability and optimism. Arguments about federalism could also affect the future political shape and stability of Somalia as a whole.
The ‘Jubbaland’ process The process of establishing a Jubbaland regional state consisting of Gedo, Middle Jubba and Lower Jubba regions is not new. It has been under consideration since 2009, when then-president Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed affirmed the TFG’s commitment to the process as he sought to mobilize the regions’ political elites against the Shabab, which was then in control of much of region. The plan then was led by then-minister of defense, Mohamed Abdi Gandi, who is from the Jubba region and is Ogaden by clan. At the time, Gandi toured the region with the aim of developing a Kenyan offer to train more than 2,000 TFG soldiers hailing from the Jubbaland regions into an opportunity to also train would-be civil servants to administer a potential Jubbaland regional authority.

Monday, 29 April 2013

Diblomaasi Ingiriis ah oo Loo Magacaabay Danjiraha QM Ee Soomaaliya

New York (RBC) Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay ayaa caawa shaaca ka qaaday in Ergeygii u qaabilsanaa Soomaaliya uu xilka ka tagayo 3-ka bisha Juun isagoo magacaabay wakiilka cusub ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya.
Nickolas Kay oo ah agaasime ka tirsan waaxda Afrika ee wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda Ingiriiska ayaa loo magacaabay inuu noqdo wakiilka cusub ee Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya.
Diblomaasigan Ingiriiska ah ayaa horey uga soo shaqeeyay qaaradda Afrika, gaar ahaan wadamada Sudan oo uu ka ahaa danjiraha Ingiriiska ee fadhiya Khartoum. Wuxuu sidoo kale noqday la taliye ka tiesan xagiiska Afrika ee waaxda arrimaha dibadda Ingiriiska.  Waa aabe leh saddex carruur ah iyo xaas.
Magacaabistiisa ayaa timid xilli dawlada Ingiriiska ay qabanqaabineyso shirweyne lagu kaalmeynayo dwlada Soomaaliya kaasoo bisha May 7-deeda ka dhici doona London.
Dhanka kale xafiiskii siyaasadda Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsanaa Soomaaliya UNPOS ayaa gebigiisba la baabi’iyey, iyadoo hadda Qaramada Midoobay ay ka fekereyso magac u bixinta xafiiskeeda cusub ee Soomaaliya oo noqon doona xafiis caawimaad oo la shaqeeya hay’adaha dawlada federaalka Soomaaliya.

RBC Radio

Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya iyo Puntland oo qodobo isku afgartay iyo Xasan sheekh oo Garoowe ka ambabaxay. (Sawirro)

Garoowe (RBC RADIO) Kulan Xarunta Madaxtooyada uga bilowday saaka ayaa soo xirmay Xili dambe ee galabta Madaxweyne Xasan sheekh Maxamuud iyo Madaxweynaha Puntland iyadoo Madaxdu ay ku jireen shir albaabada ay u laabanyihiin Saxaafaduna ay banaana Joog ka ahayd kulanka oo waqti dheer qaatay kadib waxay 2da dhinac soo bandhigeen qodobo leysku afgartay iyo kuwo Dib loo dhigtay oo u baahan waqti iyo wadatashi dambe in laga yeesho.
Kulankan oo waqti dheer qaatay kadib ayaa markuu soo idlaaday waxaa Madaxweynaha Puntland uu sheegay in qodobo badan leysku afgartay inkastoo uu waqtigu cariiri ahaa oo ay ka mid yihiin arimaha shirka London oo gudi 2da dhinac ah loo yeelay, wadahadalka S-Land iyo Soomaliya, Maamul u samaynta Gobolada Jubbooyinka inkastoo arintaasi aan si weyn loo lafa gurin oo dib leysugu soo laaban doono,dib u eegista Qodobo laga badalay dastuurka oo aan laga wada tashan, Adkeynta heshiiskii Dowlada Federaalka iyo Puntland ay kala saxiixdeen, iyo qodobo kale waxaana Madaxweyne faroole uu sheegay in kulamadu ay socondoonaan wadahadalkuna uusan intaan ku ekeen.
Madaxweyne Xasan sheekh ayaa dhankiisa xusay in wadahadaladu ay si wacan kusoo dhamaadeen ujeedka Puntland uu u yimidna ay ahayd wadatashi iyo ka hadlida aayaha dalka Soomaliya wuxuu xusay in shirka London ay filayaan in wax badan uu ka badalo Xaalada uu ku suganyahay dalka Soomaliya isagoo soo dhaweeyey Qodobadii laga wada hadlay iyo kuwa dhimanba.
Madaxweynaha iyo wafdigiisa ayaa u ambabaxay magaalada Muqdisho iyadoo ay wehliyeen Wafdigii uu hogaaminayay waxaana ilaa Garoonka diyaaradaha kusii dhaweeyey Madaxweynaha Puntland iyo masuuliyiin ka socotay 2da Gole ee Puntland, wuxuuna noqonayaa safarkii ugu horeeyey ee uu Madaxweyne Xasan sheekh ku yimaado Puntland tan iyo intii loo doortay in uu noqdo Madaxweynaha Puntland.
Xafiiska Wararka Garoowe.

Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarke oo rajo wanaagsan ka muujiyey dhisida maamulka Jubaland

Kismaayo(RBC Radio) R/wasaarihii hore ee dowladii kumeelgaarka Soomaaliya Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarke ayaa rajo wanaagsan ka muujiyey in shirka Kismaayo uu guuleysto isla markaane la dhiso maamul goboleed ay ku mideysan yihiin dadka ku dhaqan gobolada Jubooyinka iyo Gedo.
Cumar C/rashiid ayaa sheegay in dadaalo wax ku ool ah oo lagu dhisayo maamulka Jubaland ay xiligan ka socdaan magaalada Kismaayo,wuxuuna tilmaamay in shirka Kismaayo uu kasoo bixi doono maamul goboleed ay isku waafaqsan yihiin bulshada kasoo jeeda goboladaas,kaasoo hoos tagi doona dowlada deferaalka Soomaaliya.
R/wasaarihii hore Cumar C/rashiid ayaa mar kale ugu baaqay dowlada Soomaaliya iney u hogaansanto rabitaanka shacabka goboladaas, isla markaana ay taageerto shirka maamul u samaynta Jubaland ee xiligan ka socda Kismaayo kaasoo ay dowladu ku tilmaantay mid sharci darro ah.
Cumar C/rashiid ayaa ku nuuxnuuxsaday in dadka deegaanka Jubooyinka iyo Gedo ay u baahan yihiin helida maamul dhab ah oo iyaga ka yimaada kaasoo deegaanka ka samata bixiya dhibaatada xiligan ka jirta deegaanka sida uu tilmaamay.
Cumar C/rashiid ayaa ka mid ah siyaasiyiinta Soomaaliyeed ee sida weyn ula dhacsan shirka maamul u samaynta Jubaland ee ka socda magaalada Kismaayo.
RBC Radio
Xafiiska Wararka Muqdisho

Divisions in Syrian Opposition “Frustrating” France

Divisions in Syrian Opposition “Frustrating” France

Continuing disagreement between the US, EU and Russia on how to handle the transition period in Syria.
US secretary of state John Kerry (R) walks behind Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov (L) at the start of a NATO–Russia foreign ministers meeting at the alliance's headquarters in Brussels on April 23, 2013. (REUTERS/Yves Herman)
US secretary of state John Kerry (R) walks behind Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov (L) at the start of a NATO–Russia foreign ministers meeting at the alliance’s headquarters in Brussels on April 23, 2013. (REUTERS/Yves Herman)
Paris/Brussels, Asharq Al-Awsat—The meeting between US secretary of state John Kerry and Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov, held during the NATO meetings in Brussels last week, “did not achieve a breakthrough in the Syrian crisis,” a French source revealed to Asharq Al-Awsat.
During a phone call, Kerry disclosed to French officials that his unilateral talks with Lavrov did not lead to “tangible” or positive results. This prompted the French officials to stress the need to achieve political progress in terms of the Geneva Statement issued by the Action Group for Syria in June last year.
However, a consensus has yet to be reached on aspects of the statement, specifically when it comes to the fate of President Bashar Al-Assad. While the opposition, supported by Arab and Western capitals, believe that he cannot have a place in the transitional period, Moscow stresses that “the Syrian people [should] decide his fate.”
An official French source told Asharq Al-Awsat that “the negotiations with Moscow are still at standstill,” especially when it comes to compiling a list of Syrians from both the opposition and the regime who would participate in the transition period. The French president, François Hollande, proposed this move to his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, during their meeting in Moscow on March 1.
There is a sense of frustration in Paris over divisions in the Syrian opposition that resulted from the resignation of Moaz Al-Khatib, the former president of the Syrian National Coalition, and “reservations” surrounding the appointment of George Sabra, the coalitions’ acting president. There is also an ongoing struggle to cope with the dispersion of the armed opposition and its inability to form a unified front. However, the Al-Nusra Front’s pledge of allegiance to Al-Qaeda’s Ayman Al-Zawahiri was the final straw for France, prompting its Ministry of Foreign Affairs to state that it “does not mind” referring the issue of the Al-Nusra Front to the UN Security Council.
In this respect, Michael Mann, chief spokesperson to EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, has refused to comment on talks taking place between Al-Khatib and those opposing him within the coalition, stating to Asharq Al-Awsat that “the EU’s stance is clear as far as working to provide support to them [the opposition]. The EU supports the work of Lakhdar Brahimi and we have already supported Al-Khatib’s call for dialogue in order to find a solution for the status quo.”
Another French source told Asharq Al-Awsat that if the opposition wants to propose itself as a “serious alternative” to the existing regime, it “urgently needs” to stand together.
Paris believes the opposition suffers from an “absence of a clear vision” when it comes to the relationship needed between the coalition and the interim government formed by Ghassan Hitto. It hopes that the coalition’s meeting, which is scheduled for early May, succeeds in naming a new president and defining the relationship between the political authority and the military leadership represented by the Free Syrian Army’s chief of staff, Brig. Gen. Salim Idris.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai confirms secret US cash 'help'

Karzai Mr Karzai said his office "appreciated" the assistance, which helped with several legitimate ventures

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The Afghan president has admitted his office received secret payments from the US, but says the amounts were small and used legitimately.
Hamid Karzai was responding to a New York Times report that alleged the CIA sent suitcases stuffed with cash to the president's office on a regular basis.
It said tens of millions of dollars "came in secret" and cash was given on a vaster scale than previously thought.
The president said the money was for projects such as helping the sick.
"It was used for different purposes: operational, assistance to injured people

LG to start selling curved OLED TVs in South Korea

LG EA9800 TVLG says its curved OLED television offers images that are "more vibrant and natural" than before

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LG Electronics says it will begin deliveries of curved OLED television sets next month, making it the first to offer such a product to the public.
The use of organic light-emitting diodes allows screens to be made thinner and more flexible than before.
The 55in (140cm) model will cost 15m won ($13,550; £8,725) and is initially limited to sales in South Korea.
One analyst said that being first to market gave LG "bragging rights", but suggested demand would be limited.
LG Electronics and its rival Samsung Electronics both showed off curved OLED TV prototypes at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January, but did not announce release dates at the time.
The two businesses are part of larger conglomerates that have separate divisions manufacturing their own television display panels. Many of their competitors buy in the components from third parties, making it harder for them to claim such an exclusive.
'Imax experience'
OLED tech is based on carbon-based materials that convert electricity into light.
While LCD screens need a backlight to illuminate their crystals, OLED does not need a separate light source.
This allows the newer type of TVs to be made thinner, lighter and more energy-efficient than before, as well as offering the advantage of deeper blacks.
In addition, the OLEDs can be fabricated onto a flexible plastic substrate rather than a rigid glass layer, making it easier to manufacture them into a curved screen.
This has allowed LG to market the new EA9800 model as being only 4.3mm (0.17in) thick, weighing 17kg (37.5lb) and offering an "Imax-cinema-like" viewing experience.
"With more than five years research behind developing the optimum curvature, the entire screen surface is equidistant from the viewer's eyes, eliminating the problem of screen-edge visual distortion and loss of detail," the company said in a press release.
Marketing tool
IHS Screen Digest, a market research firm used by television manufacturers, said it expected Samsung to follow with a similar product soon, although it noted that teething troubles with making large OLED TVs was likely to keep their prices high and output low in the near future.
Samsung curved OLED TVSamsung showed off its curved OLED prototype at the Consumer Electrics Show in January
The firm's senior analyst Ed Border added that, in the short term, curved TVs were likely to be more valuable as a promotional tool rather than a profit-making product to their makers.
"There's certain content which is great to see in different ways, but for a lot of what's on TV seeing it curved is not necessarily going to improve the experience that much," he said.
"But I think being curved is a good way of pushing the OLED technology to consumers and acting as a marketing tool.
"Looking forward, I think there will still be room for flatscreen TVs, especially if you are thinking of hanging an OLED screen on the wall or just want to buy a cheaper LCD set."
LG said it was now accepting orders for the curved TV set in South Korea, and would announce the timing and pricing of versions for markets elsewhere "in the months ahead".

Sailendra Nath Roy dies in India ponytail stunt

Sailendra Nath Roy Sailendra Nath Roy trying the stunt, moments before his death
An Indian Guinness World Record holder who attempted to cross a river suspended from a zip wire attached to his ponytail has died during the stunt.
Sailendra Nath Roy, 48, was performing the feat on the Teesta river in West Bengal when he suffered a heart attack.
Hundreds of spectators watched his last moments in horror.
In March 2011, Mr Roy was named a Guinness World Record holderfor travelling the farthest distance on a zip wire using hair.
He worked as a driver for the police.
Mr Roy was trying to cross the Coronation Bridge over the Teesta river near Siliguri town suspended from a zip wire 600ft (180m) long at a height of 70ft (20m).
Hanging for 45 minutes
A large number of people had gathered on the bridge to watch the feat.
Witnesses said that Mr Roy appeared to make no progress after covering about 300ft (90m).
"He was desperately trying to move forward. He was trying to scream out some instruction. But no one could follow what he was saying. After struggling for 30 minutes he became still," said Balai Sutradhar, a photographer, who was covering the stunt.
Police said he was hanging for nearly 45 minutes before he was brought down.
Doctors at the hospital said he had suffered a "massive heart attack".
Mr Roy had arrived at the riverside on Sunday morning and set up the zip wire from the bridge with help from friends.
No permission
He was wearing a life jacket, but there were no doctors or emergency services on the spot.
Police said that Mr Roy had not got permission to do the stunt.
A friend, who preferred to remain anonymous, said: "His wife used to urge him to quit doing dangerous stunts. Mr Roy convinced her that crossing the Teesta river would be his last. Unfortunately, that became his last stunt."
In 2008, Mr Roy pulled the Darjeeling toy train with his ponytail.
And in 2007, his ponytail tied to a rope, he flew from one building to another in front of television cameras.

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  By Chris Baraniuk Technology of Business reporter Published 22 hours ago Share IMAGE SOURCE, GETTY IMAGES Image caption, Herd animals like...