Saturday, 19 December 2009

Mortar Shell Injuries Two of Former Somali National Disabled Army in Mogadishu

Somali — MOGADISHU (Sh. M. Network) - at least two of the Somali national Somali disabled army have been wounded at Martini hospital in the Somali capital Mogadishu after mortar shell landed in the hospital, official told shabelle radio on Friday.

Abdi Mahad Ali, the spokesman of the former Somali national handicapped forces told Shabelle radio that the two the soldiers were wounded as a mortar shell hit one of their houses in Martini hospital in Mogadishu adding that part of the hospital were also demolished.

Speaking to Shabelle radio, the spokesman said that an even part of a court building in the hospital was also destroyed as the shelling affected.

Martini hospital is a home for more of the former Somali army who lost their limbs during the war between Somalia and Ethiopia in 1977-1982 and was one of the hospitals built in era of Barre's government which was overthrown 1991 and never rebuilt.

The officials demanded from the Somali people help them and rebuild their houses in the Martini hospital in Mogadishu.

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