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Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Xarrakada Al-shabaab oo howlgallo lagu burburinayay qubuuraha Afarta Macallin oo ku yaalla degmada Kaaraan ee Magaalada Muqdisho
Arbaco, Mar 31, 2010 (HOL) — Guddiga u xilsaaaran qabriyo burburinta Xarrakatul Shabaabul Mujaahidiin ayaa maanta burburiyay qabriyo ku yaalla degmada Kaaraan, iyadoo qabriyadaas ay ku aasnaayeen culummo si weyn loo yaqaan. sii Akhri
Ibrahim Mahadale Dhuxuloow (ibrahindheere) oo Kamid ah Siyaasiyiinta Beesha Mursade ee ku Dhaqan Magalaada Lonon oo Arin Laga Xumaado ku Tilmaamay In Dagaal Laga Huriyo Deegaano .....
Ibrahim Mahadale Dhuxuloow (ibrahindheere) oo ka mid ah siyaasiyiinta Soomaaliyeed kana mid ahaa aas aasayaalki isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta casmara ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in wax laga xumaado ay tahay in deegaano nabdoon dagal laga huriyo waxaan la soconaah in dhawaan doomo hub iyo ciidan sida loo diray dagmooyinka ceelbuur .galhreeri.iyo waxbo Sii Akhri
Dhuusa-Mareeb: Abaabulo dagaal oo ka socda gobalada Dhexe ee Soomaaliya….WARBIXIN….
Dhuusa-Mareeb(AllPuntland)- Dhaqdhaqaaqyo ciidan kuwii ugu xooga badnaa ayaa ka aloosmay dhamaadka todobaadkan gudaha gobalada dhexe ee dalka Soomaaliya, oo ay ka kala taliyaan Xarakada Al- Shabaab, Xisbul Islaam iyo Ahlu Suna oo taabacsan dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya siyaasadeeda.
Dhaqdhaqaaqyadan ayaa aad uga soo horjeeda in ay Ahlu Suna gacanta ku hayaan meelo ka mid ah Galguduud, gaar ahaana degmooyinka Guriceel iyo Dhuusa-Mareeb, waxa ayna Xisbul Islaam iyo Al- Shabaab ciidan adag keeneen Galguduud iyo Hiiraan oo lafilan karo in ay dagaalo ka qarxaan.
Xarakada Al- Shabaab ayaa laga soo xigtay in ay doonayaan in ay gobalka ka saaraan Ahlu Suna, oo la rumeysan yahay in xiriir dhaw la leedahay dawladda Itoobiya, isla markaasna sidoo kale dhawaan heshiis lagashay dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya.
Masuuliyiin sare oo ka tirsan Xarakada Shabaabul Mujaahidiin oo ay waheliyaan ciidamo badan oo kala gedisan ayaa ka soo baxay fariisimaha Xarakada Al- Shabaab, waxa ayna doonayaan in ay dagaalo la galaan Ahlu Suna, oo dhawaan sheegtay in ay iska difaaci doonto weerar kasta oo uga yimaada Xisbul Islaam iyo Al- Shabaab.
Ahlu Suna oo dhexdoodu ay is hayaan ayaa wararku ay sheegayaan in ay suuragal tahay in ciidan badan oo ay heysteen kooxdu, ay hada ka baxeen saldhigyada dagaalka, wixii ka dambeeyey markii ay ciidamadaas ukala jabeen qaab qabaa’il, markii laysku qabtay heshiiskii magaalada Addis Ababa.
Saraakiisha Al- Shabaab ayaa sheegay in ay doonayaan in lugu kala baxo Guriceel iyo Dhuusa-Mareeb, todobaadyada fooda nagu soo haya, isla markaasna ay dhici doonaan Isbadalo waa weyn, oo ku wajahan gacan ku heynta gobalka Galguduud.
Galguduud oo ay maalmihii ugu dambeeyey joogeen wafdigii Ahlu Suna ee ka yimid Addis Ababa, ayaa ka tagay saacadihii lasoo dhaafay, waxa ayna aadeen Muqdisho oo ay doonayaan in ay ku hirgaliyaan heshiiska.
Dagaalada ka socda Galguduud abaabulkooda, ayaan la garan Karin in ay ka hordhici doonaan duulaan uu sheegay in ay qaadayso dawladdiisu Madaxweynaha KMG ah Shariif Sheekh Axmed, oo ka hadlayay marar badan Muqdisho.
Iskaashiga Milateri ee Shabaabul Mujaahidiin & Xisbul Islaam ayaa horay loogu qabsaday magaalada Baladweyne iyo deegaano badan oo hoos yimaada gobalka Hiiraan, oo ay maamulayeen kooxda Ahlu Suna.
Dhaqdhaqaaqyadan ayaa aad uga soo horjeeda in ay Ahlu Suna gacanta ku hayaan meelo ka mid ah Galguduud, gaar ahaana degmooyinka Guriceel iyo Dhuusa-Mareeb, waxa ayna Xisbul Islaam iyo Al- Shabaab ciidan adag keeneen Galguduud iyo Hiiraan oo lafilan karo in ay dagaalo ka qarxaan.
Xarakada Al- Shabaab ayaa laga soo xigtay in ay doonayaan in ay gobalka ka saaraan Ahlu Suna, oo la rumeysan yahay in xiriir dhaw la leedahay dawladda Itoobiya, isla markaasna sidoo kale dhawaan heshiis lagashay dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya.
Masuuliyiin sare oo ka tirsan Xarakada Shabaabul Mujaahidiin oo ay waheliyaan ciidamo badan oo kala gedisan ayaa ka soo baxay fariisimaha Xarakada Al- Shabaab, waxa ayna doonayaan in ay dagaalo la galaan Ahlu Suna, oo dhawaan sheegtay in ay iska difaaci doonto weerar kasta oo uga yimaada Xisbul Islaam iyo Al- Shabaab.
Ahlu Suna oo dhexdoodu ay is hayaan ayaa wararku ay sheegayaan in ay suuragal tahay in ciidan badan oo ay heysteen kooxdu, ay hada ka baxeen saldhigyada dagaalka, wixii ka dambeeyey markii ay ciidamadaas ukala jabeen qaab qabaa’il, markii laysku qabtay heshiiskii magaalada Addis Ababa.
Saraakiisha Al- Shabaab ayaa sheegay in ay doonayaan in lugu kala baxo Guriceel iyo Dhuusa-Mareeb, todobaadyada fooda nagu soo haya, isla markaasna ay dhici doonaan Isbadalo waa weyn, oo ku wajahan gacan ku heynta gobalka Galguduud.
Galguduud oo ay maalmihii ugu dambeeyey joogeen wafdigii Ahlu Suna ee ka yimid Addis Ababa, ayaa ka tagay saacadihii lasoo dhaafay, waxa ayna aadeen Muqdisho oo ay doonayaan in ay ku hirgaliyaan heshiiska.
Dagaalada ka socda Galguduud abaabulkooda, ayaan la garan Karin in ay ka hordhici doonaan duulaan uu sheegay in ay qaadayso dawladdiisu Madaxweynaha KMG ah Shariif Sheekh Axmed, oo ka hadlayay marar badan Muqdisho.
Iskaashiga Milateri ee Shabaabul Mujaahidiin & Xisbul Islaam ayaa horay loogu qabsaday magaalada Baladweyne iyo deegaano badan oo hoos yimaada gobalka Hiiraan, oo ay maamulayeen kooxda Ahlu Suna.
Xisbul Islaam oo Soo Dhoweysay Qubuuro Burburinta Al Shabaab Ka Wado Muqdisho
Muqdisho (RBC Radio):-Ururka Xisbul Islama ayaa bogaadin iyo taageero u jeediyay howlaha qabuura qodida ah oo ay dhaq dhaqaaqa Al Shabaab ka wadaan degmooyinka gobalka Banaadir xilli wadaado iyo shacab reer Muqdisho ah kasoo horjeesteen qabuura qodida.Sii Akhri
Khilaaf Soo Kala Dhexgalay Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir iyo Beesha Ceyr
Muqdisho (RBC Radio):-Khilaaf xoogan ayaa soo kala dhaxgalay maamulka gobalka Banaadir iyo wasiiro iyo xildhibaano kasoo jeedo Beesha Ceyr kaas oo ku aadan dil dhawaan magaalada Muqdisho loogu gaystay gudoomiyihii degmada X/Jajab.Sii Akhri
Burcad Badeeda oo sheegtay in ay qabsan doonaan Markab walba oo Dekadda Muqdisho kusii jeeda Digniina u diray Xasan Daahir
Muqdisho (RBC Radio):-Kooxaha Burcad Badeeda ayaa caawa ka jawaabay hanjabaad uu shalay gelinkii dambe u jeediyay hogaamiyaha Ururka Xisbul islaam Sheekh Xasan daahir Aweys taas oo Burcad Badeeda faraysay in ay muddo 48-saacadood ah kusoo daayaan doonyaha u qafaalan.Sii Akhri
Sheekh Shariif iyo C/raxmaan Faroole oo Maanta Kulan Ku Yeeshay Addis Ababa (Faahfaahin)
Addis Ababa (RBC Radio) Madaxweynaha dowlada ku meel gaarka Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Faroole ayaa maanta kulan aan horey loo sii qorsheyn ku yeeshay magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Ethiopia oo ay ku wada sugan yihiin. Sii Akhri
Ahlu suna oo Madaxda DKMG ugu Baaqday inay Iscasilaan
(Garowe)RBC: Uruurdiimaydka Ahlusuna waljamaaca ayaa ugu baaqay xubna ka tirsan DKMG ah ee Soomaliya in ay xilkooda iska casilaan oo ay booska baneeyaan
Xubnahaa ka tirsan Uruurka Ahlusuna ayaa ugu yeeray in xilkooda iska casilaan sedaxda Masuul ee ugu saraysa DKMG ah ee Soomaliya ee kala ah Sheikh Aadan Madoobe Raisla wasaare shar,marake iyo Madaxwayne Shariif .
Sii Akhri
Xubnahaa ka tirsan Uruurka Ahlusuna ayaa ugu yeeray in xilkooda iska casilaan sedaxda Masuul ee ugu saraysa DKMG ah ee Soomaliya ee kala ah Sheikh Aadan Madoobe Raisla wasaare shar,marake iyo Madaxwayne Shariif .
Sii Akhri
Somalis in rare march against al-Shabab militants
Hundreds of Somalis have marched through the streets of Mogadishu, protesting against al-Shabab militants.
The protesters, mostly women and children and wearing traditional white clothes, chanted slogans denouncing the al-Qaeda-inspired group. Read More
The protesters, mostly women and children and wearing traditional white clothes, chanted slogans denouncing the al-Qaeda-inspired group. Read More
Woyanne blocks VOA web site from being accessed in Ethiopia
ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA (Reuters) — U.S. funded-broadcaster Voice of America (VOA) said on Monday that [the Woyanne regime in] Ethiopia may have blocked its website in a move which may lead to further U.S. criticism of its closest ally in the Horn of Africa. Read the story
Tombs protest in Somalia
Hundreds of women and children marched through Somalia’s capital Mogadishu to protest at the destruction of tombs of clerics, some a century old, by militants wielding sledgehammers and pickaxes Read the story
US mulls drones for Somalia
WASHINGTON - The Pentagon is considering dispatching surveillance drones and other limited military support for a planned Somali Government offensive against al Qaeda-linked insurgents, as the United States moves cautiously to increase assistance to the anarchic African nation. Read the story
Kenya Reportedly Rejects Somali Request to Deploy Troops
A disagreement between Somalia's Transitional Federal Government and the Kenyan government about where to deploy 2,500 Kenyan-trained Somali troops is raising questions about why Kenya agreed to train the troops.
Read the story
Read the story
Muuqaalo: Aaska Marxuun Maxamed Xasan Mataan
Posted in March 29th, 2010 by lug in Sawiro Daawo Sawirada
Sawiro: Aaskii Maydkii Allaha U Naxariistee Marxuum Cabdi Xasan Buuni
Aaskii Alaha u naxariistee Marxuum Buuni 11/06/2009 Daawo Sawirada
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Top: Amaanka Galkacyo oo aad loo adkeeyay iyo doorashada Xoogaga Ahlu-Sunah ee Badbaadada Qaranka
Ciidamo lixaadleh ayaa la dhigay wadooyinka Koofurta Magaaladda Galkacyo ilaa Gelinsoor,waxayna dadka ku waabariisteen gaadiidka dagaalka oo meel walba ka soo jeeda.
Warar hoose ayaa sheegaya in Galkacyo looga dhawaaqaa Ururka Xoogaga Ahlu-Sunah ee Badbaadada Qaranka Somalia.
Culumaa'udiinka waaweyn ee Ahlusuna ayaa sedexdii habeen ee la soo dhaafay ku soo qulqulayay Magaaladda Galkacyo kadib markii ay caroodeen heshiiskii Ergo uu horkacayay Sheekh Maxamud Xeefoow ay la saxiixdeen Dowladda labada Shariif,iyagoo metelayay magaca Ahlusuna Wal Jameeca.
Sii Akhri
Warar hoose ayaa sheegaya in Galkacyo looga dhawaaqaa Ururka Xoogaga Ahlu-Sunah ee Badbaadada Qaranka Somalia.
Culumaa'udiinka waaweyn ee Ahlusuna ayaa sedexdii habeen ee la soo dhaafay ku soo qulqulayay Magaaladda Galkacyo kadib markii ay caroodeen heshiiskii Ergo uu horkacayay Sheekh Maxamud Xeefoow ay la saxiixdeen Dowladda labada Shariif,iyagoo metelayay magaca Ahlusuna Wal Jameeca.
Sii Akhri
Ahlusunada Muqdisho oo bilaabay abaabul ciidan uruursi iyo diyaar garow dagaal.
Kadib markii todobaadkii la soo dhaafay ay Xarakada Alshabaab bilowday howl galo qabuuro bur burin oo ku soo faageen lafaha mashaa'ikh caan ah ayaa waxaa taas ay keentay in xubnaha Ahlu Sunah Waljamaacah garabka Muqdisho ee qunyar socodka ahaa ay bilaabeen abaabulo ka dhan ah Shabaabka.
Sii Akhri
Sii Akhri
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Axmed Madoobe - Hisbi Islam
Axmed Madoobe waa sheikha dagaalka ka dhanka ah alshabab ka wada koonfurta Kismaayo. Bal dhageyso Taariikhdiis
M.Dheere oo la magacaabaayo
Ilo dublamaasiyadeed oo ka tirsan DF ayaa u sheegay GO in Duqii hore ee Muqdisho Max'ed Cumar Xabeeb [Max'ed Dheere] loo magacaabayo Wasiirka dhanka Amaanka ugu sareeya Dowlada, marka la isku shaandheeyo Golaha Wasiirada.
Wararkan ayaa waxay sheegayaan in Xafiiska Ra'iisul Wasaaraha loo gudbiyay qoraalka ku saabsan in isbadal lagu sameeyo golaha wasiirada DF inta aysan Dowladu qaadin dagaalka ay ku doonayso inay kula wareegto Muqdisho. Sii Akhri
Wararkan ayaa waxay sheegayaan in Xafiiska Ra'iisul Wasaaraha loo gudbiyay qoraalka ku saabsan in isbadal lagu sameeyo golaha wasiirada DF inta aysan Dowladu qaadin dagaalka ay ku doonayso inay kula wareegto Muqdisho. Sii Akhri
Ahlusuna oo ka fiirsaneyso heshiiskii ay la gashay dowlada
Ahlusana ayaa xiligaan ku mashquulsan goaankii ay ka qadan laheyd la midoobida dowlada midniamda qaran kaa oo ku macneyeen wax ka qabsha laanta qabuuraha culumada waaweyn ee la duminaayo iyo fulin laaanta heshiisyadii lagu kala saxiiday Itobiya.Sii Akhri
Ciidamada Melleteriga DFKMG ah oo la wareegay Xerada Afisyoone & Mas’uuliyiin ku dhaawacnatay rabshadihii Muqdisho oo Caawa Isbitaalada jiifa “Warbixin”
Muqdisho (RBC Radio):-Waxaa caawa degan xaalada magaalada Muqdisho oo ay maant hareeyeen dagaallo iyo qaraxyo ka dhan ahaa saraakiisha Dowlada Federaalka KMG ah iyo maamulka gobalka Banaadir.
Waxaa gabaldhicii caawa is taagay rasaas teel teel ah oo ay is dhaafanayeen ciidamada Booliska iyo kuwa Melleteriga Dowlada Federaalka KMG ah oo saaka sidaran ugu dagaalamay gacan ku haynta Xerada Afisyooni.Sii Akhri
Waxaa gabaldhicii caawa is taagay rasaas teel teel ah oo ay is dhaafanayeen ciidamada Booliska iyo kuwa Melleteriga Dowlada Federaalka KMG ah oo saaka sidaran ugu dagaalamay gacan ku haynta Xerada Afisyooni.Sii Akhri
Four Somalis killed by roadside bomb, police say
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - A government official and three other people were killed on Saturday by a roadside bomb triggered by remote control in the Somali capital, witnesses and police said.
Ahmed Mohamud, district commissioner of the Mogadishu district of Hamar Jajab, was killed while driving in a part of the city controlled by the government and African Union peacekeepersRead the whole story
Ahmed Mohamud, district commissioner of the Mogadishu district of Hamar Jajab, was killed while driving in a part of the city controlled by the government and African Union peacekeepersRead the whole story
Friday, 26 March 2010
Relic reveals Noah's ark was circular
That they processed aboard the enormous floating wildlife collection two-by-two is well known. Less familiar, however, is the possibility that the animals Noah shepherded on to his ark then went round and round inside.
According to newly translated instructions inscribed in ancient Babylonian on a clay tablet telling the story of the ark, the vessel that saved one virtuous man, his family and the animals from god's watery wrath was not the pointy-prowed craft of popular imagination but rather a giant circular reed raft.
The now battered tablet, aged about 3,700 years, was found somewhere in the Middle East by Leonard Simmons, a largely self-educated Londoner who indulged his passion for history while serving in the RAF from 1945 to 1948. Read the whole story
According to newly translated instructions inscribed in ancient Babylonian on a clay tablet telling the story of the ark, the vessel that saved one virtuous man, his family and the animals from god's watery wrath was not the pointy-prowed craft of popular imagination but rather a giant circular reed raft.
The now battered tablet, aged about 3,700 years, was found somewhere in the Middle East by Leonard Simmons, a largely self-educated Londoner who indulged his passion for history while serving in the RAF from 1945 to 1948. Read the whole story
Noah's Ark was circular raft made of reeds, according to ancient tablet
Noah's Ark was a circular reed raft rather than a traditional boat, according to newly translated ancient Babylonian instructions. Read the story
Initial Reaction by the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia to the Sanctions Committee Monitoring Group Report
Statement by H.E. Prof. Buri Mohamed Hamza Minister for Environment of the Somali Republic on the Report of the Monitoring Group on Somalia to the United Nations Security Council
The Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia would like to thank the Security Council for receiving us and providing an opportunity to offer comment on the contents of the report of the Somalia Monitoring Group (SMG). We are grateful for the unwavering support that the Security Council has extended to the Somali government and the people of Somalia. The UN has been instrumental in contributing to the progress made by the TFG to date in confronting the many security and humanitarian challenges that we face. The current Government believes that, thanks to the work of the UN, the World Food Program, and non-governmental and private-sector participants, we have made considerable strides in promoting humanitarian relief and other efforts toward containing the Somali crisis. Read the story
Somali force demolish houses near Mogadishu airport
Somali police force demolished several homestead built near the Mogadishu Airport after reports emerged that they were funded and used by Al-Shabaab insurgent group.
The force, which was acting on order from Mogadishu local administration, razed down all the houses on what the officials said was plans to avert a possible attack on the airport carried within the area by the insurgents.Read the story
The force, which was acting on order from Mogadishu local administration, razed down all the houses on what the officials said was plans to avert a possible attack on the airport carried within the area by the insurgents.Read the story
Thursday, 25 March 2010
'No evidence' WFP's Somalia food aid diverted
The UN World Food Programme has denied a claim that up to half the food aid to Somalia was being diverted to Islamist militants and corrupt contractors.
WFP officials said there was no evidence to back up the claim made in a report by a UN monitoring group.
Read the story
WFP officials said there was no evidence to back up the claim made in a report by a UN monitoring group.
Read the story
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
HRW criticizes donors for inaction in Ethiopia
ADDIS ABABA (AFP) – Ethiopia's regime has tightened media control, stifled opposition and civil society in recent years, and ramped up restrictions ahead of May elections, a rights group said Wednesday.
Since the violent aftermath of the 2005 elections, the regime has arrested and detained several opposition members and threatened and harassed opponents, Human Rights Watch said in a report.Read the story
Since the violent aftermath of the 2005 elections, the regime has arrested and detained several opposition members and threatened and harassed opponents, Human Rights Watch said in a report.Read the story
Muqdisho:Alshabaab oo Wada Qubuuro Bur-Burin & Ehlusuna oo ka hadashay.
Muqdisho:(Allpuntland)-Dhaqdhaqaaqa Alshabaab ayaa Labadii Maalmood ee ugu danbeeyey waxay wadeen Howlgalo ay ku burburinayaan Qubuuro ku yaala Deegaanada ay ka taliyaan ee Magaalada Muqdisho kuwaas oo ay ku aasan yihiin Culimadii hore ee Fikir ahaan taabacsanaa Culimo Owdiinka Ehlusuna Waljameeca,Waxaana Qubuurahaas la burburiyey Qaarkood ku aasnaa Mashaa'ikh badan.
Qaarkatirsan Ehelada Culimada Qubuurahooda la dudumiyey ayaa sheegey in Falka Alshabaab ay ku keceen uu yahay mid aanan loo baahnayn,waxayna sheegeen in ay soosaareen Lafo waahore Dhamaaday taasina ay Naxdin ku abuudhay Caruura &Ehelada Dadka Qubuurahooda laga soo fagay,waxayna sidoo kale sheegeen in ay Alshabaab halkaas ka qaateen Alaabo ay lahaayeen Qaraabada Dadka Qubuuraha ku aasnaa.
Dhinaca kale Culimo Owdiinka Ehlusuna Waljameeca ayaa iyana dhankooda Canbeereeyey Qubuuraha lasoo fagtay,waxayna sheegeen in uu Falkaasi yahay mid naxdin ku abuuraya Umada Soomaaliyeed oo intooda badan Ehlusuno wada ah,sidoo kale Culimadu waxay sheegeen in Falka lagu Burburinayo Qubuuraha uu Jawaab u yahay heshiiskii Ehlusna & Dawlada todobaadkii tagey dhexmaray oo aysan Alshabaab ku farxin.
Gudoomiyihii Hore ee Ehlusuna u qaabilsanaan Gobolada dhexe & mid ka mid ah Saraakiisha Ehlusuna ayaa siyaabo kaladuwan Falkaas uga hadlay,waxayna ku tilmaameen mid ay ka danbeeyey Dano shisheeye oo aysan Soomaali waxaas ku fakarin,iyagoo Ummada Soomaaliyeed ugu baaqay inay iska qabtaan dadka Culimadii & Mashaa'ikhdii Dalka soo gaarsiiyey Qubuurahooda faganaya inay la diriraan.
Sheekh Cabdulqaadir Soomow oo kamid ah Mas'uuliyiinta Ehlusuna ee Muqdisho oo isna hadlay ayaa sheegey in Falka ay Alshabaab ku dhaqaaqeen uu yahay mid daliil u ah sida ay Alshabaab Diinta ugu ciyaarayaan,wuxuuna tilmaamay in ay banaantahay la jihaadka dadka waxaas wada oo uu ku tilmaamay kuwo ay gadaal kasoo riixayaan Fikrado shisheeye.
Balse Saraakiil ka tirsan Xarakada Alshabaab oo dhankooda Warbaahinta ka hadlay ayaa sheegey in ay Qubuuraha dudiminayaan maadama bay yiraahdeen ay Dadku Caabudaan dad waa hore dhintay ayna doonayaan inay Munkarka joojiyaan,waxayna tilmaameen in lasii wadi doono Burburinta ay imika wadaan.
Qaarkatirsan Ehelada Culimada Qubuurahooda la dudumiyey ayaa sheegey in Falka Alshabaab ay ku keceen uu yahay mid aanan loo baahnayn,waxayna sheegeen in ay soosaareen Lafo waahore Dhamaaday taasina ay Naxdin ku abuudhay Caruura &Ehelada Dadka Qubuurahooda laga soo fagay,waxayna sidoo kale sheegeen in ay Alshabaab halkaas ka qaateen Alaabo ay lahaayeen Qaraabada Dadka Qubuuraha ku aasnaa.
Dhinaca kale Culimo Owdiinka Ehlusuna Waljameeca ayaa iyana dhankooda Canbeereeyey Qubuuraha lasoo fagtay,waxayna sheegeen in uu Falkaasi yahay mid naxdin ku abuuraya Umada Soomaaliyeed oo intooda badan Ehlusuno wada ah,sidoo kale Culimadu waxay sheegeen in Falka lagu Burburinayo Qubuuraha uu Jawaab u yahay heshiiskii Ehlusna & Dawlada todobaadkii tagey dhexmaray oo aysan Alshabaab ku farxin.
Gudoomiyihii Hore ee Ehlusuna u qaabilsanaan Gobolada dhexe & mid ka mid ah Saraakiisha Ehlusuna ayaa siyaabo kaladuwan Falkaas uga hadlay,waxayna ku tilmaameen mid ay ka danbeeyey Dano shisheeye oo aysan Soomaali waxaas ku fakarin,iyagoo Ummada Soomaaliyeed ugu baaqay inay iska qabtaan dadka Culimadii & Mashaa'ikhdii Dalka soo gaarsiiyey Qubuurahooda faganaya inay la diriraan.
Sheekh Cabdulqaadir Soomow oo kamid ah Mas'uuliyiinta Ehlusuna ee Muqdisho oo isna hadlay ayaa sheegey in Falka ay Alshabaab ku dhaqaaqeen uu yahay mid daliil u ah sida ay Alshabaab Diinta ugu ciyaarayaan,wuxuuna tilmaamay in ay banaantahay la jihaadka dadka waxaas wada oo uu ku tilmaamay kuwo ay gadaal kasoo riixayaan Fikrado shisheeye.
Balse Saraakiil ka tirsan Xarakada Alshabaab oo dhankooda Warbaahinta ka hadlay ayaa sheegey in ay Qubuuraha dudiminayaan maadama bay yiraahdeen ay Dadku Caabudaan dad waa hore dhintay ayna doonayaan inay Munkarka joojiyaan,waxayna tilmaameen in lasii wadi doono Burburinta ay imika wadaan.
Baaq, Taageero iyo talo ku aaddan shirkii Nairobi ee gobolada Jubooyinka
Qurbajoogta waqooyiga Maraykanka, gaarahaan Minnesota ee Jubbooyinka Soomaaliya waxey si qoto dheer uga fiirsadeen arrimaha amaanka iyo xasiloonida dalka Soomaaliya iyo midda Gobolada Jubbooyinka gaar ahaan. Marka hore waxaan taageero weyn usoo jeedineynaa shirkii golaha guurtida ee Jubooyinka ay ku qabteen magaalada Nairobi, kaasoo ay ku ayideen in nabadda dalka Soomaaliyeed iyo sugidda amaanka gobolada.Sii Akhri
Abu Mansur's(Mukhtar Rabow) speech
On the first week of March Sheikh Mukhtar Rabow delivered this speech in Mogadishu Nasrudin Mosque. The speech is criticism on his mentors who drafted him in the first place in to the Jihad Please Listen
‘Somalia needs less guns, more food'
Sending more peacekeepers to Somalia will not bring peace to the war-torn country unless the poor humanitarian conditions are improved, the UPDF Commander of Land Forces, Lt. Gen Katumba Wamala warned yesterday.
Gen. Wamala, who was addressing a meeting of senior Somali government officials in Kampala, said Somalis are likely to lose confidence in the transitional government of Sheikh Sharif Ahmed due to poor social service delivery. Read the whole story
Gen. Wamala advises on Somali crisis
THE commander of the land forces, Lt. Gen. Katumba Wamala, yesterday said increasing the number of troops in Somalia will not solve the crisis in the war torn nation. He instead appealed for a more holistic approach to the Somali problem.
Speaking at the opening of a consultative assessment workshop for the African Union (AU) in support of the transitional federal government of Somalia, Wamala said the problem in the country was more than just the issue of troops. Read the whole story
Speaking at the opening of a consultative assessment workshop for the African Union (AU) in support of the transitional federal government of Somalia, Wamala said the problem in the country was more than just the issue of troops. Read the whole story
Calm Return to Central Somalia
Somalia — Calm returned to parts of Hiran region in central Somalia after fighting between pro government soldiers and Hizbul Islam forces that continued there on Tuesday, witnesses told Shabelle radio on Tuesday.Read the whole story
Somalia: TFG staggers toward big push
MOGADISHU, Somalia, March 24 (UPI) -- U.S. contractors airlifted 1,700 Ugandan troops into war-torn Somalia this month as the beleaguered Transitional Federal government prepares for a major offensive against al-Qaida-linked Islamist militias who hold much of the capital and the country.
But despite these and other military preparations, including forging an alliance of convenience with a major clan militia, Ahlu Sunnah Waljamaah, there's no sign that the much-touted -- and much-delayed -- big push is going to start soon.Read the whole story
But despite these and other military preparations, including forging an alliance of convenience with a major clan militia, Ahlu Sunnah Waljamaah, there's no sign that the much-touted -- and much-delayed -- big push is going to start soon.Read the whole story
UN Monitoring Group for Somalia deploys baseless allegations backed by discredited sources
Nearly a century past, the sovereign people of the Somali republic have been victimized by foreign suspects, charlatans and intermediaries who are short of the competence to provide an ethical and realistic perspective of our conflict----imitating to have an insight of the complex and rampant inter and intra clan competition that haunts the region. Thus they add fuel and wood into an already volatile situation. It began during the arrival of the colonial powers when indolent and ill referenced reporting methods became the policy norm of the Somali region. Considering this background, the monitoring group's latest report is only a continuation of a long practice that not only misguided policy objectives of economic development---spearheaded by those with good intentions---but has also humiliated the Somali national character and fed the world with one side of an information cocoon of a hopeless situation in Somalia. The report could be described in its least form and shape as a concerted, biased piece of propaganda that not only fails to qualify as an objective analysis of the Somali state and its current affairs but also spells a disastrous implication for any potential, comprehensive peace.Read the whole artical
Monday, 22 March 2010
Wareysi: Maxamed Dalmar Cabdiraxmaan WardheerNews
Inkastoo dalka Soomaaliya uu burbur iyo dawlad a’aan ku jiray labaatankii sano ee aan soo dhaafnay, haddana marka aad fiirisid dhaqdhaqaaqa dhinaca ganacsiga, isgaarsiinta iyo xawaaladaha waxaa kuu muuqanaya in ay sameeyeen horumar aad u weyn.
Arrimaha aan kor ku xusnay ayaa dhammaantood ah kuwa ay ku lug leeyihiin dad gaar ahaaneed (private sector), iyadoo duruufo adag oo nabadgelyo xumo ka jirto meelo badan oo ka mid ah dalka SoomaaliyaSii Akhri
Jen Galaal oo sheegay in dhawaan uu lawareegi Doono Hiiraan ,galgaduud ilaa Shabeeleda dhexe
Jenaral Maxamed Nuur Galaal oo ah taliye sare oo dagaal ayaa maanta shaaca ka qaaday in uu dhawaan l wareegi doono dhamaan goobaha ay ka joogaan Galgaduud,Hiiraan iyo Shabeelada Dhexe xoogaga Alshababa iyo Xisbul Islaam.Sii Akhri
Warar kala gedisan oo kasoo baxaya xaaladda magaalada Dhuusamareeb iyo Shabaab oo sheegtay in ay kaabiga ku hayso magaalada
Dh/mareeb (RBC Radio):-Warar kala gedisan ayaa kasoo baxaysa xaaladda magaalada Dhuusamareeb xarunta gobalka G/gaduud oo bilihii lasoo dhaafay ay gacanta ku hayeen ciidamo taabacsan maamulka Ahlusuna Waljamaaca gobalka G/gaduud.Sii Akhri
Muqdisho: Madaxda dawladda KMG ah oo isku maan dhaafsan xilalka la siinayo Kooxda Ahlu Suna....WARBIXIN...
Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Madaxda dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa isku khilaafsan hirgalinta qodobadii lugu saxiixay magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya, ee ay galeen dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya iyo Kooxda Ahlu Suna oo gacanta ku haysa qeybo ka mid ah gobalka Galguduud ee bartamaha dalka Soomaaliya.
Saraakiisha aadka ugu dhaw Madaxweynaha KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa sheegaya in uu Madaxweyne Shariif soo jediyey qodobo kala gedisan oo ku wajahan xaaladaha heshiiska, oo uu kaga codsaday xubnaha xukuumada in ay meelmariyaan wasiirada lasiinayo Ahlu Suna.sii Akhri
Saraakiisha aadka ugu dhaw Madaxweynaha KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa sheegaya in uu Madaxweyne Shariif soo jediyey qodobo kala gedisan oo ku wajahan xaaladaha heshiiska, oo uu kaga codsaday xubnaha xukuumada in ay meelmariyaan wasiirada lasiinayo Ahlu Suna.sii Akhri
Caabudwaaq: Ahlu Suna oo xirtay shaqsiyaad ka mid ahaa Midowgii Maxaakiimta Muqdisho.
Caabudwaaq(AllPuntland)- Ururka Ahlu Suna ee maamula meelo ka mid ah gobalka Galguduud ee bartamaha dalka Soomaaliya ayaa la xaqiijiyey in ay xireen shaqsiyaad kamid ahaa Maamulkii Maxaakiimta Islaamka ee sannadkii 2006-dii ka hana qaaday melo badan oo ka mid ah dalka Soomaaliya.
Ciidamada amaanka ee Ahlu Suna ee magaalada Caabudwaaq ayaa xiray shaqsiyaadkaas, oo uu ku jiro Madaxii amaanka ee Midowgii Maxaakiimta Islaamka ee magaalada Caabudwaaq Axmed Xaaji Maxamed, waxaana ay sheegeen in ay uxireen tuhumo ku aadan in uu waday falal looga soo horjeedo amaankaSii Akhri
Ciidamada amaanka ee Ahlu Suna ee magaalada Caabudwaaq ayaa xiray shaqsiyaadkaas, oo uu ku jiro Madaxii amaanka ee Midowgii Maxaakiimta Islaamka ee magaalada Caabudwaaq Axmed Xaaji Maxamed, waxaana ay sheegeen in ay uxireen tuhumo ku aadan in uu waday falal looga soo horjeedo amaankaSii Akhri
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Somali rage at grave desecration
Since they began to capture large swathes of southern Somalia, radical Islamists have been undertaking a programme of destroying mosques and the graves of revered religious leaders from the Sufi branch of Islam.
The destruction of non-approved religious sites started last year when they began to knock down an old colonial era church in the town of Kismayo.
Most Somalis are Sufi Muslims, who do not share the strict Saudi Arabian-inspired Wahhabi interpretation of Islam with the hardline al-Shabab group. Read the story
The destruction of non-approved religious sites started last year when they began to knock down an old colonial era church in the town of Kismayo.
Most Somalis are Sufi Muslims, who do not share the strict Saudi Arabian-inspired Wahhabi interpretation of Islam with the hardline al-Shabab group. Read the story
Masuuliiyiin Ahlu Sunna oo Gaaray Caabudwaaq iyo Bandow La Saaray Magaalada
Maamulka degmada Caabud waaq Gobolka Galgaduud ee Culumo udiinka Ahlu-suna waljamaaca ayaa xalay bandow kusoo rogay halkaasi kadib markii ay gaareen Masuuliyiintii Culumo udiinka Ahlu-suna walajamaaca ee 15-kii Bishaan Magaalada Addis ababa heshiiska kula gaartay dowladda Soomaliya,kuwaasi oo halkaasi u tagay sidii ay dhinacyada Maamulka Ahlu-suna ay ka koobantahay uga dhaa dhicin lahaayeen heshiiska ay la saxiixdeen Dowladda Soomaliya.
Sii Akhri
Sii Akhri
Saturday, 20 March 2010
International support for world’s poorest nations must not waver – UN official
The progress made over the past decade in lifting the world’s most vulnerable nations out of poverty has been undermined since the global recession began, according to a senior United Nations official, who urged rich countries not to renege on their commitments to support the poorest of the poor. “We don’t think that the prevailing crisis should be an excuse to not continue international support in favour of the least developed countries (LDCs),” Cheick Sidi Diarra, the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, said in an interview with the UN News Centre.
“We want to see the international community maintain the level of commitment and the level of enthusiasm it showed when we were adopting the Brussels Programme of Action,” he added, referring to the outcome document adopted at the 2001 UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDCs).
The 10-year plan outlines measures to be taken by both industrialized nations and the LDCs themselves to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development.Read the whole story
Doubts grow on Somali offensive's chances at peace
Associated Press Writers= NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Problems including corrupt officials and a lack of supplies have delayed Somalia's military offensive against Islamic insurgents, but even before the first shot has been fired new warnings have emerged that blood may be spilled for little or no gain. Read the whole story
Ahlu Sunnah members reject agreement with TFG
A section of Somalia’s Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'a militia group has vowed not to recognize a deal signed by their fellow group members with the weak UN-backed Somali government in Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.
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Read the story
Hub Loogu Magac Daray Madaxweyne Shariif oo lageeyay Magaalooyinka Maamul Gobaleedka Puntland iyo degmada Xarardheere (Warbixin).
Hubkii ay Dowladda Mareykanka ugu deeqday dowladda Federaalak KMG Somalia ayaa la xaqiijiyay in uu gacanta u galay xoogaga Islaamiyiinta iyo Burcad Badeed Somali ah oo ka howlgala meelo aa uga fog magaalada Muqdisho.
Warbixin lasoo saaray ayaa xaqiijisa in Hub isugu jiro rasaas iyo qoryo sanadii lasoo dhaafay loogu deeqay dowlada Federaalka KMG Somalia uu gaaray gobalada Waqooyi Bari Somalia iyo Somaliland waxaana Hubkaasi lagu fuliyaa falal amaanka liddi ku ah Sii Akhri
Warbixin lasoo saaray ayaa xaqiijisa in Hub isugu jiro rasaas iyo qoryo sanadii lasoo dhaafay loogu deeqay dowlada Federaalka KMG Somalia uu gaaray gobalada Waqooyi Bari Somalia iyo Somaliland waxaana Hubkaasi lagu fuliyaa falal amaanka liddi ku ah Sii Akhri
Surreptitious Document: Synopsis from president Sharif’s Policy Speech
Introduction – an extract from the article “the eagle has landed”
The honeymoon time of the enlarged TFG is bound to expire as soon as the president concluded his African and Arab tour yesterday and the time of stock taking has commenced in earnest. The president’s predicaments started from the Airport when the media were barred from the vicinity of the airport by Amisom troops who are in charge of the security. Through the intervention of the Mayor of Mogadishu; Amisom permitted the president to see the media in what is not more then 20 minutes and soon after he was escorted from the airport to the presidential palace by the Armada of his military police (AMISOM) followed by a pickup truck (technical wagon) puffing black fumes and carrying ragtag militia who were equally in dire need for repair too.
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The honeymoon time of the enlarged TFG is bound to expire as soon as the president concluded his African and Arab tour yesterday and the time of stock taking has commenced in earnest. The president’s predicaments started from the Airport when the media were barred from the vicinity of the airport by Amisom troops who are in charge of the security. Through the intervention of the Mayor of Mogadishu; Amisom permitted the president to see the media in what is not more then 20 minutes and soon after he was escorted from the airport to the presidential palace by the Armada of his military police (AMISOM) followed by a pickup truck (technical wagon) puffing black fumes and carrying ragtag militia who were equally in dire need for repair too.
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Doubts grow on Somali offensive's chances at peace
Associated Press Writers= NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Problems including corrupt officials and a lack of supplies have delayed Somalia's military offensive against Islamic insurgents, but even before the first shot has been fired new warnings have emerged that blood may be spilled for little or no gain.
In signs the offensive is approaching, close to 1,000 additional troops arrived from Uganda last week to support the African Union's forces in Mogadishu, and the Islamists have been digging trenches across the capital's streets to impede AU armored cars. The AU backs the beleaguered Somali government and has more than 5,000 troops stationed in the country. Read the story
In signs the offensive is approaching, close to 1,000 additional troops arrived from Uganda last week to support the African Union's forces in Mogadishu, and the Islamists have been digging trenches across the capital's streets to impede AU armored cars. The AU backs the beleaguered Somali government and has more than 5,000 troops stationed in the country. Read the story
Somali government signs deal with powerful militia
MOGADISHU, Somalia—Somalia's government signed an agreement with a powerful militia on Monday that offers high-level militants senior government positions in return for their military support during a long-planned offensive against an Islamist insurgency.
The agreement gave the Ahlu-sunah Wal-jamea militia five ministries as well as diplomatic posts and senior positions within the police and intelligence services.
The militia holds several towns and districts in central Somalia. The weak U.N.-backed government barely clings to a few blocks of the capital of Mogadishu with the help of more than 6,000 African Union peacekeepers.
The government came under attack by insurgents again on Monday as both sides traded mortar and machine gun fire after the president returned from Dubai. Casualty figures were not immediately available. Scores were killed in fighting last week. Read the whole story
The agreement gave the Ahlu-sunah Wal-jamea militia five ministries as well as diplomatic posts and senior positions within the police and intelligence services.
The militia holds several towns and districts in central Somalia. The weak U.N.-backed government barely clings to a few blocks of the capital of Mogadishu with the help of more than 6,000 African Union peacekeepers.
The government came under attack by insurgents again on Monday as both sides traded mortar and machine gun fire after the president returned from Dubai. Casualty figures were not immediately available. Scores were killed in fighting last week. Read the whole story
Somali rebels join forces in cyberspace: UN report
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Armed rebel groups in Somalia are using the Internet for fundraising and recruitment, and they achieve better results through the Web than they do on the ground, a United Nations report said.
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Read the whole story
Somali al Shabaab rebel commander shot dead
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - A senior official of Somali insurgent group al Shabaab was shot dead on Friday in a rare assassination in the southern port of Kismayu, which is tightly controlled by the al Qaeda-linked rebels.Read the whole story
Friday, 19 March 2010
"60 Minutes" Segment, "Congo's Gold" Wins Media For Liberty Award
We at the Enough Project congratulate CBS’s “60 Minutes” correspondent Scott Pelley, producers Solly Granatstein and Nicole Young and editor Tom Honeysett for winning the first annual Media for Liberty Award for their November 2009 piece, “Congo’s Gold.” Watch Video
Maamulka Gobolka Mudug Oo Fashiliyey Iskuday Dawladda Itoobiya Ay Macdan Kala Baxayso Dhulka Soomaaliya (Sawiro).
Galdogob (RBC Radio):- Maamulka Gobolka Mudug ayaa maanta ka hor istaagey dawladda Itoobiya boob iyo bililiqo ay dooneysay in ay ku dhacdo dhulka Soomaaliyeed, kaasi oo ay dooneysay in ay kala soo baxdo Macdan iyo Shidaal.
Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Mudug Col, Axmed Cali Salaad, Taliyaha Qeybta Booliska Gobolka Mudug G/sare Muuse Axmed C/raxmaan oo ay weheliyaan ciidamo ka tirsan Booliska iyo Daraawiishta Puntland ayaa saaka hiirtii waaberi ka amba baxay magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug, waxayna si toos ah u tageen magaalada Galdogob ee gobolka Mudug.Sii Akhri
Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Mudug Col, Axmed Cali Salaad, Taliyaha Qeybta Booliska Gobolka Mudug G/sare Muuse Axmed C/raxmaan oo ay weheliyaan ciidamo ka tirsan Booliska iyo Daraawiishta Puntland ayaa saaka hiirtii waaberi ka amba baxay magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug, waxayna si toos ah u tageen magaalada Galdogob ee gobolka Mudug.Sii Akhri
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Decision on $200 billion Yemen-Djibouti development ‘due by April’
An ambitious plan to build a 28.5km bridge between Yemen and Djibouti could be approved by the end of April, according to the Dubai-based developer Al Noor Holding Investment.
Mohammed Ahmed al-Ahmed, the company’s CEO, tells Kipp that he is ‘confident’ that the respective governments will give the go-ahead for the $200 billion development, which includes the construction of a major city on either side of the bridge. Read more
Mohammed Ahmed al-Ahmed, the company’s CEO, tells Kipp that he is ‘confident’ that the respective governments will give the go-ahead for the $200 billion development, which includes the construction of a major city on either side of the bridge. Read more
Nayrobi: Ciidamadii ay tababartay dawladda Kenya oo khilaaf dhexdhigay Madaxda dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya...WARBIXIN….
Nayrobi(AllPuntland)- Mudo dheer oo dawladda Kenya lugu eedaynayay in ay Dhalinyaro aan dagaal gaarin ay Xeryaha qaxootiga ka qaaday iyo gobalka Waqooyi Bari ee ay Soomaalidu dagto ee Kenya, ayaa hada waxaa soo baxaya in ay ciidamadaas dhameystirteen tababaradii lasiinayay, isla markaasna uu jiro khilaaf adag oo ku aadan halka la geynayo ciidamadaasi oo hada diyaar u ah in ay howlgalaan.
Madaxda dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa isku khilaafsan halka lageynayo ciidamadaasi, waxaana Madaxweynaha KMG ah iyo Saraakiishiisa gaarka ah ay soo jeediyeen in ciidamadaasi la keeno gudaha Muqdisho, si ay uga mid noqdaan howgal ay dawladda KMG ah ka samayso gudaha caasumada Soomaaliya.
Sii Akhi
Madaxda dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa isku khilaafsan halka lageynayo ciidamadaasi, waxaana Madaxweynaha KMG ah iyo Saraakiishiisa gaarka ah ay soo jeediyeen in ciidamadaasi la keeno gudaha Muqdisho, si ay uga mid noqdaan howgal ay dawladda KMG ah ka samayso gudaha caasumada Soomaaliya.
Sii Akhi
Ahlusuna oo Qaab Beeleed ukala saartay Ciidankeedi iyo dhaq dhaqaaqyo ka jira gobalka G/gaduud
Guriceel (RBC Radio):-Khilaafkii u dhexeeyay Ururka Ahlusuna Gobalka Galgaduud bartamaha dalka Somalia ayaa xoogaystay kadib markii xubno katirsan Ahlusuna ay sheegeen in ay samaysanayaan maamul deegaameed madax banaan.
Wararka nagasoo gaaraya degmada Caabud Waaq gobalka Galgaduud ayaa xaqiijinaya in Boqolaal ciidan ah oo beesha Caabud Waaq kasoo jeedo lagasoo qaaday degmada Guriceel oo ay horay u joogeen iyagoo ku midaysan ciidanka Ahlusuna.
Sii Akhri
Wararka nagasoo gaaraya degmada Caabud Waaq gobalka Galgaduud ayaa xaqiijinaya in Boqolaal ciidan ah oo beesha Caabud Waaq kasoo jeedo lagasoo qaaday degmada Guriceel oo ay horay u joogeen iyagoo ku midaysan ciidanka Ahlusuna.
Sii Akhri
Xoogaga Mucaaradka oo Caawa dhaq dhaqaaqyo wada iyo Khilaaf u dhexeeya Saraakiisha ciidanka dowladda
Muqdisho (RBC Radio):-Dhaq dhaqaaqyo xoogay ayay galabta ilaa iyo caawa magaalada Muqdisho ka wadaan xoogaga Islaamiyiinta ee kasoo horjeeda dowladda KMG ah iyo ciidanka AMISOM.
Xoogag ku hubaysan gaadiidka dagaal iyo madaafiic aad uculus ayaa galabta ilaa iyo caawa kusii qulqulaya degmooyinka Shibis iyo C/Caziiz oo ay isku hor fadhiyaan ciidamada dowladda iyo xoogaga Mucaaradka ah.
Sii Akhri
Xoogag ku hubaysan gaadiidka dagaal iyo madaafiic aad uculus ayaa galabta ilaa iyo caawa kusii qulqulaya degmooyinka Shibis iyo C/Caziiz oo ay isku hor fadhiyaan ciidamada dowladda iyo xoogaga Mucaaradka ah.
Sii Akhri
Siyaad Barre's departing words to the Somali people
Editor's Note:
Following is Siyaad Barre's departing words to warn [his] Somali people of the impending self destruction and the acccompanying dark clouds in the horizon. There is no question Barre was a villain to many of his own people. But who, after listening to the 2-minute long tape, would argue that Barre was not an ardent student of his people and their nature? who would dispute that his characterization of Somalis as a bunch of foolish bent on self annihilation was on the money?
Read more
Following is Siyaad Barre's departing words to warn [his] Somali people of the impending self destruction and the acccompanying dark clouds in the horizon. There is no question Barre was a villain to many of his own people. But who, after listening to the 2-minute long tape, would argue that Barre was not an ardent student of his people and their nature? who would dispute that his characterization of Somalis as a bunch of foolish bent on self annihilation was on the money?
Read more
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Muqdisho:Odayaasha Gobolka Banaadir oo Xasan Daahir kala hadlay Ladagaalanka Alshabaab..(Xog hoose).
Muqdisho(Allpuntland)-Maalmihii lasoo dhaafay waxaa isasoo tarayey kulamada ka socda Xarunta Xisbul Islaam ee Gobolka Banaadir oo ku taala Ceelasha Biyaha kulamadan oo looga hadlayeyXaaladihii ugu danbeeyey ee Dalka Soomaaliya,gaar ahaan Dagaalo dhexmaray Alshabaab iyo Xisbul Islaam,waxaana kulamadaas looga hadlayey sidii Xaaladahaas loo qaboo jin lahaa.
Warar hoose oo laga helayo Ceelasha Biyaha ayaa sheegaya in kulamadaas sidoo kale looga hadlayey Dagaalo ka dhan ah Alshabaab,waxaana kulamadaas qaarkamid ah ka qeyb galay Odayaasha Gobolka Banaadir oo maalmihii ugu danbeeyey dhaliilsanaa joojinta Alshabaab ee gargaarkii lasiin jiray Gobolada Koonfurta Dalka Soomaaliya,waxayna odayaasha Gobolka Banaadir Aaminsan yihiin inay tahay Cunaqabatayn lagu soo rogay hal beel ah oo kamid ah kuwa Daga Koonfurta Dalka Soomaaliya. Sii Akhri
Warar hoose oo laga helayo Ceelasha Biyaha ayaa sheegaya in kulamadaas sidoo kale looga hadlayey Dagaalo ka dhan ah Alshabaab,waxaana kulamadaas qaarkamid ah ka qeyb galay Odayaasha Gobolka Banaadir oo maalmihii ugu danbeeyey dhaliilsanaa joojinta Alshabaab ee gargaarkii lasiin jiray Gobolada Koonfurta Dalka Soomaaliya,waxayna odayaasha Gobolka Banaadir Aaminsan yihiin inay tahay Cunaqabatayn lagu soo rogay hal beel ah oo kamid ah kuwa Daga Koonfurta Dalka Soomaaliya. Sii Akhri
Raadraaca Wararka: Beelaha G/gaduud oo Qoorta iskula Jira
Khilaaf aad u xoogan ayaa soo kala dhaxgalay beelaha ku dhaqan Gobalka G/gaduud bartamaha dalka Soomaaliya oo sanad ka hor ku guulaystay in ay deegaanadooda xoog uga saaraan dhaq dhaqaaqa Al Shabaab oo maamulo qeybo ka mid ah Koonfurta dalka Soomaaliya. Kadib markii ay soo bexeen wararka sheegaya in Dowlada Federaalka KMG Soomaaliya ay Jagooyin uga ogashahay Ahlu suna ee maamusho degmooyin ka tirsan gobalka G/gaduud waxaa bilaawday guux hoose oo ay samaynayaan beelaha dega gobalka
Sii Akhri
Sii Akhri
Barkhad Cali Saalax: Caddaalada Puntland Way Dhutineysaa Waxayna u Baahan Tahay Wehel
Boosaaso (RBC Radio) La taliyaha madaxweynaha Puntland ee arimaha maamulka Barkhad Cali Saalax ayaa sheegay in degaanada Puntland ay ka jirto cadaaalad la’aan baahsan oo saameyn ku yeelatay bulshada oo dhan, taasi oo ay sababeen dadka ku nool Puntland. Wuxuuna ku baaqay in wax laga qabto. Barkhad Cali Saalax ayaa hadalkan ka sheegay kulan looga hadlayey horumarinta magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari oo ah magaalada ugu weyn gobolada Puntland.
Sii Akhri
Sii Akhri
Garaadka Guud ee Beelaha SSC oo loo diiday Shirkii Garowe
Wararka aanu ka helayno Madaxtooyadda Garowe ayaa wax ay sheegaan in maantay uusan gabi ahaanba goob joog ka aheyn shirkii maantay lagu saxiixday heshiiskii ka dhacay Xarunta Madaxtooyadda, taasina waxaa loo aaneyay ka dib markii uu irida hore ee Madaxtooyadda Garowe Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali nin ay ehelo yihiin ka celiyey Xoghaynta Gaarka ah ee Madaxweynaha Puntland Mudane. Aadan C/raxmaan Cali (Aadan Doolar)
Sii Akhri
Sii Akhri
Meles Zenawi's Action Plan for 2010
The stabbing of an opposition parliamentary candidate and the brutal beating of another in Tigrai by Meles Zenawi’s thugs last week, only days after the latter made a code loaded speech at the TPLF anniversary in Mekele, where he referred to his opponents as the mud, the riffraff, and the enemy, fall perfectly in line with the tactic and strategy set out for “winning” the May 2010 election. All indications, including the rush by government officials to explain how the victim died before even any preliminary police investigation, show that Meles Zenawi’s finger prints are all over the killing. Some ferenjis may be willfully fooled. We Ethiopians know the drill and we get it. That it happened in Tigrai, the ethnic homeland of Meles Zenawi, seems to have made the brutality more Read the full story
Looking for fertile land in a hungry country
In August 2009, I found myself sitting on the damp earth of Dida Liben, a once-prosperous pastureland in southern Ethiopia where both wild and domestic animals thrived. Today, it’s mostly hard-packed dirt, pocked with patches of stubby grass and thorny bushes — except where I was perched with a small gathering of local elders.
Read the full story
Read the full story
Report of the UN monitoring group on Somalia
49. Security Council resolution 1844 (2008) underlines three principal threats to
peace and security in Somalia, specifically acts that threaten the Transitional Federal
Government, AMISOM or the Djibouti peace agreement of August 2008 by force. In
this context, both Al-Shabaab and the short-lived alliance known as Hizbul Islam
have committed the most serious violations, conducting sustained military
operations against both the Transitional Federal Government and AMISOM.
50. The Monitoring Group has also investigated a range of other threats to peace
and security not specifically identified by resolution 1844 (2008). These include the
actions of armed criminal groups, such as maritime militias engaged in piracy and
armed robbery at sea, and acts intended to destabilize stable regions of Somalia.
Monitoring Group investigations have encompassed not only the perpetrators of
such acts, but also their financiers, facilitators and active supporters, both inside and
outside Somalia. Read the full story
peace and security in Somalia, specifically acts that threaten the Transitional Federal
Government, AMISOM or the Djibouti peace agreement of August 2008 by force. In
this context, both Al-Shabaab and the short-lived alliance known as Hizbul Islam
have committed the most serious violations, conducting sustained military
operations against both the Transitional Federal Government and AMISOM.
50. The Monitoring Group has also investigated a range of other threats to peace
and security not specifically identified by resolution 1844 (2008). These include the
actions of armed criminal groups, such as maritime militias engaged in piracy and
armed robbery at sea, and acts intended to destabilize stable regions of Somalia.
Monitoring Group investigations have encompassed not only the perpetrators of
such acts, but also their financiers, facilitators and active supporters, both inside and
outside Somalia. Read the full story
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
UN: No Side Strong Enough to Stabilize Somalia
A United Nations report on Somalia says no side in the country's conflict has the strength to impose its will on the others and stabilize the chaotic, war-torn nation.
The report, compiled by the U.N. Monitoring Group on Somalia, was presented to the U.N. Security Council Tuesday after portions were leaked to news organizations last week.Read More
The report, compiled by the U.N. Monitoring Group on Somalia, was presented to the U.N. Security Council Tuesday after portions were leaked to news organizations last week.Read More
Detained Local MPs Released
The detained Somali transitional MPs who were jailed in parts of the Somali region under the control of Ethiopia have been released by the Ethiopian government, official told Shabelle radio on Tuesday.Read more
Detained Local MPs Released
The detained Somali transitional MPs who were jailed in parts of the Somali region under the control of Ethiopia have been released by the Ethiopian government, official told Shabelle radio on Tuesday.
Abdirahman Kulmiye Afrah, one of the Somali MPs said in an interview with Shabelle radio that the two Somali lawmakers and government officer were released from a prison in Ethiopian on Monday evening Read more
Abdirahman Kulmiye Afrah, one of the Somali MPs said in an interview with Shabelle radio that the two Somali lawmakers and government officer were released from a prison in Ethiopian on Monday evening Read more
Kooxda Ahlusuna Caabud Waaq oo qaadacday Heshiiskii Addis iyo Mudaaharaad Balanballe ka dhacay

Mas’uuliyiinta Ahlusuna ee kasoo jeeda Beesha Mareexaan ayaa maanta ku dhawaaqay in ay qaadacsanyihiin Heshiiskii dhaxmaray labada dhinac iyagoona sheegay in xiligan aan lala midoobi karin dowladda Federaalka KMG Somalia oo ay ku eedeeyeen in ay doonayso burburin ay Ahlusuna ku samayso.
Shir Jaraa’id oo ay magaalada Caabud Waaq ku qabteen ku dhawaad 16 xubnood oo katirsan Ahlusuna ayay ku sheegeen in Heshiiskii ka dhacay Addis Ababa uusan ahayn mid Ahlusuna gashay balse waxay sheegeen in ay galeen dad Ahlusuna katirsanaa jiray oo la khalday.
Sii Akhri
UN Security Council rejects Somalia-Kenya maritime accord
The United Nations Security Council rejected a controversial Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which war-torn Somalia recently signed with neighbouring Kenya over the delimitation of the maritime boundary.
Through a resolution released on March 13, the council followed the clear guidelines stated by the Somalia’s parliament, where lawmakers voted against the agreement.
Some Somali politicians have welcomed the resolution from the UN security council.
“I welcome the UN resolution that rejects the maritime agreement between Somalia and Kenya because Kenya wants to illegally allocate itself a portion of Somalia’s territorial waters,” said Somali deputy speaker Prof. Mohammed Omar Dalha.
Kenya’s Foreign Affairs minister Moses Wetangula and Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame, Somalia’s Minister for National Planning and International Cooperation, signed the agreement on April.
The agreement partly states that the “two coastal states are conscious that the establishment of the outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles is without prejudice to the question of delimitation of the continental shelf between states with opposite or adjacent.”
The MOU further states that the two states are yet to resolve “maritime dispute” between them and Somalia intends to submit to the United Nations Secretary General a preliminary information about the deal.
The two countries are required to submit signed documents and particulars of outer limits with scientific, technical support data and full backing of neighbouring coastal states to United Nations Commission on the of the Continental Shelf as by required under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
Kenya, which intends to delineate the outer limits of its continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, is the architect of the deal.
Through a resolution released on March 13, the council followed the clear guidelines stated by the Somalia’s parliament, where lawmakers voted against the agreement.
Some Somali politicians have welcomed the resolution from the UN security council.
“I welcome the UN resolution that rejects the maritime agreement between Somalia and Kenya because Kenya wants to illegally allocate itself a portion of Somalia’s territorial waters,” said Somali deputy speaker Prof. Mohammed Omar Dalha.
Kenya’s Foreign Affairs minister Moses Wetangula and Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame, Somalia’s Minister for National Planning and International Cooperation, signed the agreement on April.
The agreement partly states that the “two coastal states are conscious that the establishment of the outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles is without prejudice to the question of delimitation of the continental shelf between states with opposite or adjacent.”
The MOU further states that the two states are yet to resolve “maritime dispute” between them and Somalia intends to submit to the United Nations Secretary General a preliminary information about the deal.
The two countries are required to submit signed documents and particulars of outer limits with scientific, technical support data and full backing of neighbouring coastal states to United Nations Commission on the of the Continental Shelf as by required under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
Kenya, which intends to delineate the outer limits of its continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, is the architect of the deal.
Nayrobi/Caabudwaaq: Ahlu Sunada diidan heshiiskii Addis Ababa oo diiday in deegaanadooda laga hirgaliyo heshiiskii Addis Ababa….WARBIXIN….
Nayrobi/Cabudwaq(AllPuntland)- Magaalada Addis Ababa oo lugu saxiixay qorshe mudo dheer la waday oo ujeedadiisu ahayd sidii ay Kooxda Ahlu Suna ugu soo biiri lahayd dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, isla markaasna shalay lugu saxiixay magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya, ayaa keenay khilaaf adag oo ka dhex bilowday Ahlu Suna oo horay uga soo horjeeday in heshiiskaasi la saxiixo. Sii Akhri
Aqri Qodobada heshiiska dowlada Somalia iyo ururka Ahlu sunna waljameeca ay ku midoobeen ee shalay lagu kala saxiixday magalada Addis ababa ee dalka Itoobiya
Xukumada Somalia iyo ururka ahlu suna waljameeca ayaa heshiis ku kala saxiixday shalay gelinkii dambe magaalada Adis ababa ee dalka Itoobiya, kaasoo ay ku midoobayaan labada dhinac waxaana heshiiskaasi u saxiixay Dhinaca dowlada federaalka Raisul wasaare ku xigeenka ahna wasiirka Maaliyada Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan iyadoo dhinaca Ahlu Sunna uu u saxiixay gudoomiyaha maamulka gobolada dhexe ee Ahlu suna Shiikh Maxamud Shiikh Xasan (Xeyfoow)waxaana saxiixaha heshiiskan goob joog ka ah wakiilo ka kal socda ururka Midowga Afrika, Urur Goboleedka IGAD iyo Xafiiska Siyaasada Qaramada Midoobay ee Soomaaliya waxaana uu qornaa heshiiska labada dhinac sedan:- Sii Akhri
Suufiyada oo qaadanaya Wasiiro badan
Dowlada KMG ah ee Soomaaliya iyo Culumaa’udiinka Ahlu Sunna Waljamaca ayaa Bari ama isbuucan dhaxdisa lagu wadaa in heshiis kama danbeeys ah ay ku kala saxiixdaan magaalada Adis Ababa ee xarunta dalka Ethiopia.
Heshiiskan ayaa waxaa lagu qaybsanayaa awood qaybsi waxaa la filayaa in Culumaa’udiinka Ahlu Sunna ay qaataan 3 Wasiir 2 Wasiiru Dowle , hal Raisul Wasaare ku xigeen iyo 4 Safiir waxaa kaloo ay qaadanayaan Taliya xigeenka Ciidamada Xooga Dalka Soomaliya , Afayeenka Gobolka Banaadir iyo xafiiska Madaxtooyada oo ay ka heli doonaan jagooyinka ugu muhiimsan Sii Akhri
Heshiiskan ayaa waxaa lagu qaybsanayaa awood qaybsi waxaa la filayaa in Culumaa’udiinka Ahlu Sunna ay qaataan 3 Wasiir 2 Wasiiru Dowle , hal Raisul Wasaare ku xigeen iyo 4 Safiir waxaa kaloo ay qaadanayaan Taliya xigeenka Ciidamada Xooga Dalka Soomaliya , Afayeenka Gobolka Banaadir iyo xafiiska Madaxtooyada oo ay ka heli doonaan jagooyinka ugu muhiimsan Sii Akhri
SUB: Ahlusuna Waljama Will not recognize Agreement to be signed in Adis ababa, Ethiopia
We the Members of the leadership councils of Ahlusuna Waljama condemn and question the legitimacy of the so called agreement and power-sharing conference between Ahlusana and The TFG held in Adisababa Ethiopia recently.
The intractable problem is that the individuals who claim to be representatives of Ahlusuna Waljama have no legitimate and authorotive representation of Ahlusuna Waljama and such political representations are a complex issue related notions of descent, perceived and self-ascribed power.
The situation requires intensive diplomatic interventions from all above mentioned stakeholders in an attempt to safeguard and prevent a deeper division that adds new layers of complications onto the fight against terrorists in Somalia, and at the same time stop treating these individuals as legitimate and authorative representatives of Ahlusuna waljama. Sii Akhri
We the Members of the leadership councils of Ahlusuna Waljama condemn and question the legitimacy of the so called agreement and power-sharing conference between Ahlusana and The TFG held in Adisababa Ethiopia recently.
The intractable problem is that the individuals who claim to be representatives of Ahlusuna Waljama have no legitimate and authorotive representation of Ahlusuna Waljama and such political representations are a complex issue related notions of descent, perceived and self-ascribed power.
The situation requires intensive diplomatic interventions from all above mentioned stakeholders in an attempt to safeguard and prevent a deeper division that adds new layers of complications onto the fight against terrorists in Somalia, and at the same time stop treating these individuals as legitimate and authorative representatives of Ahlusuna waljama. Sii Akhri
Xildhibaano iyo Sarkaal Ka Tirsanaa DKMG oo Laga Siidaayey Xabsi Ku Yaalla Magaalada Jigjiga
Addis Ababa (RBC Radio) Labo xildhibaan oo ka tirsanaa barlamanka Soomaaliya iyo sarkaal ku xirnaa magaalada Jigjiga ee dalka ethiopia ayaa la siidaayey sida ay sheegeen masuuliyiinta dowlada Soomaaliya ee ku sugan Addis Ababa.Sii Akhri
Monday, 15 March 2010
Somalia charcoal exports fuel war: minister
Illegal charcoal exports to Gulf states are a big source of income for rebel groups in Somalia, injecting millions of dollars into the war that has devastated the nation, its environment minister said on Monday. Read More
Pentagon says it will bomb in Somalia to wipe out resistance
A recent statement issued by the Obama administration indicates that it is planning to carry out aerial bombardments in the Horn of Africa nation of Somalia. The announcement comes amid intense fighting in the capital of Mogadishu between the two Islamic resistance movements, Al Shabaab and Hizbul Islam, and the U.S.-backed Transitional Federal Government that is ruling the country. Raed More
Nairobi: Culimaa’udiin Ka Mid ah Ururka Ahlu Sunna oo Qaadacay Shirka Addis Ababa (Sawiro)
Nairobi (RBC Radio) Culimaa’udiinka Ahlusunna Wal-jamaaca ee kusugan magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya ayaa sheegay maanta inaysan taageersanayn shirka ka socda Magaalada Adis abaaba ee xarun dalka Ethiopia kaas oo ay udhaxeeya Dawlada KMG ee Soomaaliya iyo Culimaa’udiinka Ahlu Sunna waljamaaca.
Sii Akhri
Sii Akhri
DEG DEG: Afhayeenkii Ahlu Sunna ee Europe oo Lagu Xiray Addis Ababa
Addis Ababa (RBC Radio) Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta dalka Ethiopia ayaa sheegaya in goor dhoweyd booliska Addis Ababa ay xayiraad ku soo rogeen afhayeenkii Ahlu Sunna ee Europe Maxamed Xuseen Awliyo. Sii Akhri
DKMG iyo Ururka Ahlu Sunna oo Heshiis Buuxa Ku Saxiixay Magaalada Addis Ababa (Faahfaahin)
Addis Ababa (RBC Radio) Dowlada ku meel gaarka Soomaaliya iyo ururka Ahlu Sunna ayaa heshiis rasmi ah ku saxiixday magaalada Addis Ababa ee xarunta dalka Ethiopia. Heshiiskan oo mudo dheer la sugayey ayaa galabta si rasmi ah waxaa dhinaca dowlada u saxiixay Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan oo ah raisul wasaare ku xigeenka iyo wasiirka maaliyada halka dhinac Ahlu Sunna uu u saxiixay Sheekh Maxamed Xeefow oo ah gudoomiyaha guddiga fulinta Ahlu Sunna. Sii Akhri
Beesha Hawiye oo Xasan Daahir Aweys ka codsatay in uu Iclaamiyo Dagaal ka dhan ah Kooxda Al Shabaab (Warbixin)
Muqdisho (RBC Radio):-War sir ah oo ay heshay Shabakadda RBC Radio ayay ku ogaatay in uu fashilmay qorshe Muhiim ahaa oo ladoonayay in Dhaq dhaqaaqa Al Shabaab looga xidida siibo Koonfurta dalka Somalia gaar ahaan deegaanada ay Beesha Hawiye degto.Sii Akhri
Somalia: President Sharif Returns Home
Somalia — A high delegation led by the president of the transitional government Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed has Monday returned to the Somali capital Mogadishu, just after visiting several countries in abroad.Read more
20 killed in inter-clan clashes in central Somalia
Clashes between rival clans have left at least 20 people dead in the Mudug region of central Somalia, where sub-clans of the Hawiye tribe are battling over water and land.
The fighting occurred late on Saturday as militiamen armed with heavy machine guns engaged in a deadly exchange of fire, killing up to 20 people, mostly combatants. Ten fighters were also wounded in the clashes.
"The heaviest fighting occurred near Jildhere village and there are bodies still strewn in the streets and forests close to the village," AFP quoted a Hawiye elder as saying. Read More
The fighting occurred late on Saturday as militiamen armed with heavy machine guns engaged in a deadly exchange of fire, killing up to 20 people, mostly combatants. Ten fighters were also wounded in the clashes.
"The heaviest fighting occurred near Jildhere village and there are bodies still strewn in the streets and forests close to the village," AFP quoted a Hawiye elder as saying. Read More
Too little too late for Somalia
On Saturday I asked if a fatwa could solve Somalia's problems. The consensus among those commenting seemed to be that it couldn't and, after hearing scholarly debate on the subject in Dubai, I must concur. But the devil is in the detail. A fatwa – especially one validated by the great and good of the clerical world – could go some way to shoring up political support and influence in nations hitherto uninterested in stopping the chaos and destruction raging through the Horn of Africa.Read More
Somali government, Ahlu Sunna faction sign pact
ADDIS ABABA — Somalia's transitional government (TFG) and a faction of the country's moderate Ahlu Sunna Sufi sect signed a deal Monday to jointly fight extremist elements in the country.
The two sides agreed to "fight terrorism, to jointly combat extremist ideology that is alien to Somalia (and) to integrate forces," according to an African Union official.
The agreement was signed by Sheikh Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden -- one of Somalia's deputy prime ministers -- and Sheikh Mohamud Moalim Hassan, presented by Ethiopian sources as Ahlu Sunna's "spiritual leader."
Read more
The two sides agreed to "fight terrorism, to jointly combat extremist ideology that is alien to Somalia (and) to integrate forces," according to an African Union official.
The agreement was signed by Sheikh Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden -- one of Somalia's deputy prime ministers -- and Sheikh Mohamud Moalim Hassan, presented by Ethiopian sources as Ahlu Sunna's "spiritual leader."
Read more
Back to Google News Somali government, Ahlu Sunna faction sign pact
ADDIS ABABA — Somalia's transitional government (TFG) and a faction of the country's moderate Ahlu Sunna Sufi sect signed a deal Monday to jointly fight extremist elements in the country.
The two sides agreed to "fight terrorism, to jointly combat extremist ideology that is alien to Somalia (and) to integrate forces," according to an African Union official.
The agreement was signed by Sheikh Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden -- one of Somalia's deputy prime ministers -- and Sheikh Mohamud Moalim Hassan, presented by Ethiopian sources as Ahlu Sunna's "spiritual leader.
"Read More
The two sides agreed to "fight terrorism, to jointly combat extremist ideology that is alien to Somalia (and) to integrate forces," according to an African Union official.
The agreement was signed by Sheikh Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden -- one of Somalia's deputy prime ministers -- and Sheikh Mohamud Moalim Hassan, presented by Ethiopian sources as Ahlu Sunna's "spiritual leader.
"Read More
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Sudan arrests Somali Islamist leader while trying to escape to Eritrea
KHARTOUM – Sudanese security services arrested a Somali Islamist leader while he was attempting to cross border to Eritrea, a Somali outlet reported today from Mogadishu.Read more
Saturday, 13 March 2010
DEG DEG: Afhayeen Burcad Badeed oo Sheegay in Haweeneydii British-ka ee Afduubka ay u Heysteen ay Dhaawacantay
Xarardheere, (RBC Radio) Afhayeen u hadlay kooxda burcad badeeda ee gacanta ku heysa lamaanaha Ingiriiska ee lagu heysto xeebta degmada Xarardheere ee gobolka Mudug ayaa sheegay in burcad badeedu ay dhaawaceen haweeneyda.Sii Akhri
Somalia: Ahlu Sunnah and government sign agreement in Addis Ababa
Somalia’s UN-backed government and pro-government Islamist group Ahlu Sunnah Wal-Jamaa have on Saturday signed agreement in the Ethiopian capital of Addiss Ababa
According to the sources, the pro-government group has backed down from its early demands of premiership position and now is settling for five cabinet slots in the bloated government.
Government delegation is led by Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Shama'arke while Ahlu sunnah is headed by Ma’alin Mahamm'ud Sheikh Hassan. Read More
According to the sources, the pro-government group has backed down from its early demands of premiership position and now is settling for five cabinet slots in the bloated government.
Government delegation is led by Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Shama'arke while Ahlu sunnah is headed by Ma’alin Mahamm'ud Sheikh Hassan. Read More
2009 Human Rights Reports: Ethiopia
Ethiopia is a federal republic led by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) coalition. The population is estimated at 77 million. In the 2005 parliamentary elections, the EPRDF won a majority of seats to remain the ruling party for a third consecutive five-year term. In local and by-elections held in April 2008, the EPRDF and allied parties took virtually all of the more than three million open seats contested nationwide. Prior to the vote, ruling coalition agents and supporters used coercive tactics and manipulation of the electoral process, including intimidation of opposition candidates and supporters. Political parties were predominantly ethnically based, and opposition parties remained splintered. During the year fighting between government forces, including local militias, and the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), an ethnically based, nationalist, insurgent movement operating in the Somali Region, resulted in continued allegations of human rights abuses, particularly diversion of food aid from intended beneficiaries suffering from a severe drought. While civilian authorities generally maintained effective control of the security forces, there were numerous instances in which elements within those forces acted independently of government authority.Read the full report
Appraisal of President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed’s
On March 8, 2010, the President of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, Mr. Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, a Muslim cleric, who until a year ago led the Islamic Courts Union ( Islamic Courts Union), began a 5-day long official visit to the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, Somalia’s former colonial power. The objective of the visit was all the more clear - to convince authorities in the UK to support Sharif’s government, particularly in its gigantic effort to defeat the ever elusive and religious fundamentalist group, Al-Shabab. The later has martyrdom-based suicidal killings as its signature, and it brags about its relationship with Osama bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda wing of terrorism. Read the whole story
Council on Foreign Relations
The Council on Foreign Relations is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank,
and publisher dedicated to being a resource for its members, government officials, business executives,
journalists, educators and students, civic and religious leaders, and other interested citizens in order to
help them better understand the world and the foreign policy choices facing the United States and other
countries. Founded in 1921, the Council carries out its mission by maintaining a diverse membership, with
special programs to promote interest and develop expertise in the next generation of foreign policy leaders;
convening meetings at its headquarters in New York and in Washington, DC, and other cities where
senior government officials, members of Congress, global leaders, and prominent thinkers come together
with Council members to discuss and debate major See the full Report
and publisher dedicated to being a resource for its members, government officials, business executives,
journalists, educators and students, civic and religious leaders, and other interested citizens in order to
help them better understand the world and the foreign policy choices facing the United States and other
countries. Founded in 1921, the Council carries out its mission by maintaining a diverse membership, with
special programs to promote interest and develop expertise in the next generation of foreign policy leaders;
convening meetings at its headquarters in New York and in Washington, DC, and other cities where
senior government officials, members of Congress, global leaders, and prominent thinkers come together
with Council members to discuss and debate major See the full Report
Joint UK-Somalia press statement on the visit of the President of Somalia to London
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Saturday, March 13, 2010
President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed of Somalia visited the UK from 8-11 March 2010, meeting Prime Minister Gordon Brown and other government ministers to discuss a range of issues.
President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed of Somalia visited the UK as a guest of the British government 8 – 11 March 2010. The visit provided an opportunity to hear about the TFG’s efforts to enhance peace and stability in Somalia and for open and frank discussions on issues of mutual concern. The UK confirmed its support to the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and commitment to the Djibouti peace process. The UK’s ongoing support to the TFG and the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) demonstrates this commitment and the bond between our two countries.Read the story
Saturday, March 13, 2010
President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed of Somalia visited the UK from 8-11 March 2010, meeting Prime Minister Gordon Brown and other government ministers to discuss a range of issues.
President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed of Somalia visited the UK as a guest of the British government 8 – 11 March 2010. The visit provided an opportunity to hear about the TFG’s efforts to enhance peace and stability in Somalia and for open and frank discussions on issues of mutual concern. The UK confirmed its support to the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and commitment to the Djibouti peace process. The UK’s ongoing support to the TFG and the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) demonstrates this commitment and the bond between our two countries.Read the story
U.S. has no plan to "Americanize" Somalia conflict
(Reuters) - The United States on Friday denied coordinating plans by Somalia's ited States on Friday denied coordinating plans by Somalia's embattled government to launch an offensive against Islamist fighters, saying it had no plans to "Americanize" the conflict.
Assistant Secretary of State Johnnie Carson described as inaccurate reports suggesting that U.S. officials were ready to get more militarily involved as Somalia's government fights the Islamist al Shabaab, which has been linked to al Qaeda.
"The United States does not plan, does not direct, and does not coordinate the military operations of the TFG (transitional federal government) and we have not and will not be providing direct support for any potential military offensives," Carson said.
Read the whole story
Assistant Secretary of State Johnnie Carson described as inaccurate reports suggesting that U.S. officials were ready to get more militarily involved as Somalia's government fights the Islamist al Shabaab, which has been linked to al Qaeda.
"The United States does not plan, does not direct, and does not coordinate the military operations of the TFG (transitional federal government) and we have not and will not be providing direct support for any potential military offensives," Carson said.
Read the whole story
Heshiiskii DKMG iyo Ahlu Sunna oo Maanta La Saxiixi Lahaa oo Baaqday & Madaxda Dowlada oo Ku Sugan Addis Ababa (Warbixin)
Addis Ababa, (RBC Radio) Heshiis lagu waday in maanta oo Sabti ah ay magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Ethiopia ku wada saxiixdaan dowlada ku meel gaarka Soomaaliya iyo ururka Ahlu Sunna ayaa baaqday, iyadoo wufuud labada dhinacna ay saacadihii ugu dambeeyey ku sii qulqulayeen magaalada Addis Ababa.
Wararka ayaa sheegaya in heshiiskan oo la filayey in maanta gelinka damve ay qalinka ku wada duugaan madaxda ugu sareysa dowlada iyo ururka Ahlu Sunna uu dib u dhacay ka dib markii khilaaf xoogan uu soo kala dhexgalay hogaanka ururka Ahlu Sunna.
Sii Akhri
Wararka ayaa sheegaya in heshiiskan oo la filayey in maanta gelinka damve ay qalinka ku wada duugaan madaxda ugu sareysa dowlada iyo ururka Ahlu Sunna uu dib u dhacay ka dib markii khilaaf xoogan uu soo kala dhexgalay hogaanka ururka Ahlu Sunna.
Sii Akhri
Shaqo Ka Fariisinta Cismaan Diyaano Maxay Sababi Kartaa? (Warbixin
Gaalkacyo (RBC Radio):- Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed Dr, C/raxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud (Faroole) ayaa maalintii shalay ahayd xafiiskiisa magaalada Garoowe waxaa uu ka soo saarey wareegto shaqada lagaga fariisiyey Taliyihii ciidanka PIS-ta iyo Hay’ada oo lafteedu la bur buriyey.
Sii Akhri
Sii Akhri
Ahlusuna oo laba Garab ukala jabtay iyo Heshiis maanta ka dhacaya magaalada Addis Ababa (Warbixin)
Muqdisho (RBC Radio):-Beelo Muhiim ah ayaa lasoo sheegayaa in ay ka bexeen Ururka Ahlusuna Waljamaaca oo kamid ah jabhadaha dagaalada lagu hoobtay ka wado gudaha dalka Somalia waqti ay soo baxayaan iskusoo dhawaashiyo kala dhexeeya dowlada KMG ah.
Ilo Madax banaan ayaa RBC Radio u xaqiijiyay in saraakiishii Ahlusuna ee kasoo kala jeeda Caabdud Waaq iyo Xeraale ay gadood la yihiin heshiiska ka dhici doona magaalada Addis Ababa.
Iyadoo lafilayo in maanta oo Sabti ah ay dowlada KMG ah iyo Ahlusuna ku midoobaan magaalada Addis Ababa dalka Itoobiya ayay soo baxayaan kala qaybsanaan ba’an oo u dhaxaysa saraakiishii ku midoobay Ururka Ahluusna.Sii Akhri

Ilo Madax banaan ayaa RBC Radio u xaqiijiyay in saraakiishii Ahlusuna ee kasoo kala jeeda Caabdud Waaq iyo Xeraale ay gadood la yihiin heshiiska ka dhici doona magaalada Addis Ababa.
Iyadoo lafilayo in maanta oo Sabti ah ay dowlada KMG ah iyo Ahlusuna ku midoobaan magaalada Addis Ababa dalka Itoobiya ayay soo baxayaan kala qaybsanaan ba’an oo u dhaxaysa saraakiishii ku midoobay Ururka Ahluusna.Sii Akhri
Somalia: Prime Minister reaches Addis Ababa
ADDIS ABABA (Mareeg)—Somali Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke and a delegation he is leading reached Saturday Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa to have further dialogues with officials from Ahlu Sunna Waljama’a. Read the story
Friday, 12 March 2010
Dowlada Soomaaliya: Ma Waxay Difaaceysaa Dadka Dhibaateysan Mise Tuugada Gargaarka Leexsata???
London, (RBC Radio) Madaxweynaha ku meel gaarka Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa beeniyey eedeymo ku soo baxay warbixintii ay soo saareen guddiga gaarka ee Qaramada Midoobay ugu xilsaaran la socodka cunaqabateynta hubka. Warbixintaasi oo lagu sheegay eedeymo ku saabsan xatooysa gargaarka cuntada ee Soomaaliya iyo musuqmaasuq ay ku keceen madax Soomaali ah.
Sheekh Shariif oo hadda booqasho ku maraya dalka Britain ayaa sheegay inuu aaminsan yahay in warbixinta ay ka mid tahay warbixinadii horey looga soo saari jirey Soomaaliya kuwaasi oo uu sheegay inay yihiin been abuur.
SII Akhri
Sheekh Shariif oo hadda booqasho ku maraya dalka Britain ayaa sheegay inuu aaminsan yahay in warbixinta ay ka mid tahay warbixinadii horey looga soo saari jirey Soomaaliya kuwaasi oo uu sheegay inay yihiin been abuur.
SII Akhri
Sheekh Fu’aad Maxamed Khalaf oo ka mid ah Madaxda sare ee Xarakada Shabaabul Mujaahidiin oo ka hadlay duulaanka dhinacyada badan leh iyo dilalkii Bakaarah….WARBIXIN
Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Sheekh Fu’aad Maxamed Khalaf oo ka mid ah Madaxda sare ee Xarakada Shabaabul Mujaahidiin ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in aysan waxba dhib ah u arag duulaanka la qorshaynayo ee ladoonayo in lugu garaaco goobo badan oo ay degan yihiin Al- Shabaab iyo duulaan kale oo ay AMISOM iyo dawladda KMG ah iska kaashanayaan, kuna doonayaan in ay dhinacoodana fuliyaan dagaalo kale iyo qorshayaal ay la wadaan dawladdaha Reer galbeedka.
Madaxda sare ee Al- Shabaab ayaa sheegay in cid kasta oo weerar ku soo qaada Soomaaliya iyo Shacabka Soomaaliyeed aysan wanaag kala kulmeyn, waxa ayna sheegeen in ay dawladda Mareykanka jab cad dhabarka usaari doonaan, oo aysan marnaba ka laaban doonin in ay weeraro adag ku qaadaan, sidii dhacday maalmihii ugu dambeysay oo ay meelo uga qabsadeen ciidamada dawladda KMG ah iyo AMISOM, oo iskaashanayay.Sii Akhri
Madaxda sare ee Al- Shabaab ayaa sheegay in cid kasta oo weerar ku soo qaada Soomaaliya iyo Shacabka Soomaaliyeed aysan wanaag kala kulmeyn, waxa ayna sheegeen in ay dawladda Mareykanka jab cad dhabarka usaari doonaan, oo aysan marnaba ka laaban doonin in ay weeraro adag ku qaadaan, sidii dhacday maalmihii ugu dambeysay oo ay meelo uga qabsadeen ciidamada dawladda KMG ah iyo AMISOM, oo iskaashanayay.Sii Akhri
Sawir ka mid ah Taangii laga gubay ciidamada Afrikanaka ee Soomaliya joogo oo holcaayo oo aan helnay
Sawir ka mid ah Taangii laga gubay ciidamada Afrikanaka ee Soomaliya joogo oo holcaayo oo aan helnay
War hada na soo gaaray ayaa noo xaqiijiyey in la gubay taangi ay la hayeen ciidamada Midoowga Afrika ee ka dagaalamaayo Soomaaliya kaa oo sida ka muuqata sawirka aad ku arkeysid taangi gii oo halcaay
Dagaalkii maanta ayaa ahaa dagaal faraha leysula tagay oo aan waxba leyskula reeban waxaase sida ay sheegeen Alshababa ay gubeen taangi kaa oo aan helnay sawirkiisa isagoo holcaayo
Dagaalka oo sida muuqata aan wax na tiija ah laga gaarin marka laga reebo xasuuq shacab oo badan taa oo sida muuqata ajirin cid u naxariisaneysa
Dagaalka oo caawa joogsaday ayaa la dhihi karaa waa dagaalkii ugu xuma a bilahaan ee ka dhaca Muqdisho taa oo dadka soo xasuusiyey hugankii madafaiicda xiligii Itoobiyaanka joogay
War hada na soo gaaray ayaa noo xaqiijiyey in la gubay taangi ay la hayeen ciidamada Midoowga Afrika ee ka dagaalamaayo Soomaaliya kaa oo sida ka muuqata sawirka aad ku arkeysid taangi gii oo halcaay
Dagaalkii maanta ayaa ahaa dagaal faraha leysula tagay oo aan waxba leyskula reeban waxaase sida ay sheegeen Alshababa ay gubeen taangi kaa oo aan helnay sawirkiisa isagoo holcaayo
Dagaalka oo sida muuqata aan wax na tiija ah laga gaarin marka laga reebo xasuuq shacab oo badan taa oo sida muuqata ajirin cid u naxariisaneysa
Dagaalka oo caawa joogsaday ayaa la dhihi karaa waa dagaalkii ugu xuma a bilahaan ee ka dhaca Muqdisho taa oo dadka soo xasuusiyey hugankii madafaiicda xiligii Itoobiyaanka joogay

Somalia: Puntland President appoints new head of intellegence service
12 Mar 12, 2010 - 1:32:46 AM |
In the presidential decree that Garowe Online got a copy, Farole saw the need in accordance to the constitution and as a president under Lr.113 of December 17,2009 to appoint Col. Ali Mohammed Yussuf (Binge) as the director of the state's Intelligence and Forces Agencies (PIA/PSF)
The decree, which is already signed by the president, will take into effect from 12/03/2010.
The government of Farole, which took power early 2009, promised to strengthen the security in order to foster the growth and development of the region.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
43 Somalis killed in capital after 2 days of fighting between Islamists and government
MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) - Heavy fighting between Somali insurgents and pro-government troops has killed at least 43 people over two days, as African Union peacekeepers used tanks to help the beleaguered government beat back an insurgent attack, officials said Thursday.
Militants attacking from the north on Wednesday reached to within a mile (2 kilometres) of the presidential place in the heart of the capital, Mogadishu, before African Union peacekeepers in tanks reinforced government troops, residents said.
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Militants attacking from the north on Wednesday reached to within a mile (2 kilometres) of the presidential place in the heart of the capital, Mogadishu, before African Union peacekeepers in tanks reinforced government troops, residents said.
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U.S. Should Accept Islamist Authority, Report Says
WASHINGTON, Mar 11 (IPS) - The United States should accept an "Islamist authority" in Somalia as part of a "constructive disengagement" strategy for the war-torn country, according to a new report released here by the influential Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) on Wednesday
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Kulankii Xalay ee Madaxwayne Shariif Shiikh Axmed Iyo Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee ku Dhaqan Magaalada Lonodon ee cariga ingiriiska(Daawo Sawirada)
Madaxweynaha Somaliya shariif shiikh axmed iyo wafdi uu horkacayo oo lakulmey jaaliyada somaliyed ee kudhaqan Magalada London ee cariga ingiriiska Daawo Sawirada
Qasaarihii Dagaalada W/Muqdisho oo soo kordhaya ku dhawaad 65- maydka oo Maraya, dhinacyada ku Dagaalamaya shacabka Kor kooda oo Guulo kala sheegtay iyo AMISOM oo Ciidamada Dowlada sida aroos la galbinayo ku Celisay HOTEL global
48-dioi saac ee la soo dhaafay ayay ahayd Markii Dagaalo faraha looga Gubtay ay ku dhex mareen Waqooyinka MUqdisho Ciidamada Alshabaab iyo Dowlada tabarata yar oo ay kaabayso Ciidamada AMISOM.Sii Akhri
Lord's Resistance Army Finds Safe Haven in Darfur
Based on field research and analysis, the Enough Project confirms that a contingent of the deadly Lord’s Resistance Army, or LRA, has taken refuge in areas of south Darfur, Sudan, controlled by the Government of Sudan. The possibility of rekindled collaboration between LRA leader Joseph Kony and Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir—both wanted for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court, or ICC—should alarm policymakers and demands urgent international investigation and response.
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Addis Ababa: Ahlu Suna iyo DF oo iskugu tagay Addis Ababa….WARBIXIN
Addis Ababa(AllPuntland)- Ergo ka socota dhinacyada dawladda KMG ah ee katalisa 2 KM oo ka mid ah Muqdisho iyo Ahlu Suna oo ka talisa degmooyin ka mid ah Galguduud ayaa iskugu tagay, markii labaad dalka Itoobiya, iyagoo ka wada hadlaya qorshe ay ku midoobayaan, oo ay gadaal ka riixayso dawladda Itoobiya iyo dawladda Mareykanka oo doonaya in ay labada dhinac isku milmaan, iyagoo aan horay ukala fogeyn ama kala mawqif fogeyn.
Sii Akhri
Sii Akhri
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Obituary:Siad Barre
Mohamed Siad Barre, policeman, soldier, politician: born Shiilaabo, Ogaden, Abyssinian Somaliland c1910; Head of State, Somalia 1969-91; Secretary-General, Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party (SRP) 1976-91; married Khadija Maalin and Dalyad Haji Hashi; died Lagos 2 January 1995.
On the evening of 26 January 1991 Mohamed Siad Barre was forced by opponents of his regime to flee Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, for his clan homelands. He did not give up his ambition of recapturing the city for many months, but, confronted by a vengeful Somali militia, and alarmed by disagreements between his own family and supporters, Siad eventually fled to Kenya. It was the end of his 22-year rule in Somalia, which had started as Socialist experimentation and degenerated into dictatorship.
For a time after his flight, Siad was accommodated in some style at the expense of the Kenyan government, but popular indignation and a press campaign led the Kenyan president, Daniel arap Moi, to refer the problem to the President of Nigeria, Maj-Gen Ibrahim Babangida, then also chairman of the Organisation of African Unity. Siad's entire party was evacuated by plane to Lagos, although some were refused refugee status and returned.
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Mohamed Siad Barre, policeman, soldier, politician: born Shiilaabo, Ogaden, Abyssinian Somaliland c1910; Head of State, Somalia 1969-91; Secretary-General, Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party (SRP) 1976-91; married Khadija Maalin and Dalyad Haji Hashi; died Lagos 2 January 1995.
On the evening of 26 January 1991 Mohamed Siad Barre was forced by opponents of his regime to flee Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, for his clan homelands. He did not give up his ambition of recapturing the city for many months, but, confronted by a vengeful Somali militia, and alarmed by disagreements between his own family and supporters, Siad eventually fled to Kenya. It was the end of his 22-year rule in Somalia, which had started as Socialist experimentation and degenerated into dictatorship.
For a time after his flight, Siad was accommodated in some style at the expense of the Kenyan government, but popular indignation and a press campaign led the Kenyan president, Daniel arap Moi, to refer the problem to the President of Nigeria, Maj-Gen Ibrahim Babangida, then also chairman of the Organisation of African Unity. Siad's entire party was evacuated by plane to Lagos, although some were refused refugee status and returned.
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Somali leader 'hopeful' of pirate couple release
Somali President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed has said efforts are being made to free a Kent couple held by pirates at the "earliest possible date".
Paul and Rachel Chandler, 60 and 56, were kidnapped four months ago while sailing in the Indian Ocean.Speaking through a translator, the president said his government was trying to find a "peaceful resolution".
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US commander backs bid for Mogadishu
WASHINGTON — A senior US military officer voiced support Tuesday for efforts by the Somali government to take control of the capital Mogadishu, saying it could help ease the country's chronic instability.
Mogadishu and other parts of central and southern Somalia under insurgent control have been bracing for a major offensive by the government and the African Union peacekeeping mission, known as AMISOM
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Mogadishu and other parts of central and southern Somalia under insurgent control have been bracing for a major offensive by the government and the African Union peacekeeping mission, known as AMISOM
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UN agency punished Somalia whistleblower
LONDON - The United Nations Ethics Committee has upheld complaints by a former employee of the UN Development Program who said he suffered retaliation from the UNDP for alleging that its Somalia program was corrupt.
Senior Islamist Leader Assassinated in Somalia
A senior insurgent leader from Hizbul Islam has been shot to death in Mogadishu, deepening a leadership crisis inside the Islamist rebel group. The official, Bare Ali Bare, was an outspoken critic of Hizbul Islam's one-time ally, al-Shabab, raising speculation that the militant group carried out the assassination.
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Sunday, 7 March 2010
Boosaaso: Gudoomiyaha cusub ee gobalka Bari oo sheegay in uu Shareecada Islaamka wax kasta lugu dhaqi doono
Boosaaso(AllPuntland)- Gudoomiyaha cusub ee gobalka Bari ee Puntland Sheekh C/xaafid Cali Yuusuf oo ka hadlayay kulan uu kala wareegayay shaqada ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in uu wax kasta oo ku saleyn doono Shareecada Islaamka, isla markaasna waxyaabah dadka udhaxeeya oo dhan lugu xalin doono luguna wajihi doono arrimaha Shareecada Islaamka, isagoo dadkana ugu yeeray ku dhaqanka Shareecada Islaamka.
Sii Akhri Sheekada
Sii Akhri Sheekada
Liiska Gudoomiyaasha maxkamadah degmooyinka Puntland ee uu maanta magacaabey madaxweyne Cabdirahmaan Faroole
Liiska Gudoomiyaasha maxkamadah degmooyinka Puntland ee uu maanta magacaabey madaxweyne Cabdirahmaan Faroole
Sii Akhri
Sii Akhri
Government Says It Completed Its Preparation for Offensive Against Rebels
Mogadishu — Officials of the transitional government of Somalia have said that they are in the final stage for preparing the big offensive against the Islamist rebels in parts of the country, an official said on Sunday
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Somalia is not a failed state
A little over a year ago, I was elected president of a country that many consider the most dangerous in the world. Over the last 20 years, Somalia has been synonymous with war and displacement. Now terrorism and piracy have been added to this list – and they threaten death and destruction far beyond our borders.
Let me begin by emphasising that however bad the situation looks, Somalia is not the "failed" state of popular imagination. Somalis are resilient and committed to peace, and sickened by the nihilistic violence of the extremists who last month announced an alliance with al-Qaida to wreak havoc across east Africa.
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Let me begin by emphasising that however bad the situation looks, Somalia is not the "failed" state of popular imagination. Somalis are resilient and committed to peace, and sickened by the nihilistic violence of the extremists who last month announced an alliance with al-Qaida to wreak havoc across east Africa.
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Ciidanka Xoraynta Gobalka Jubbooyinka oo sheegay in ay Diyaar u yihiin dagaal ka dhan ah Al Shabaab
Muqdisho (RBC Radio):-Taliska ciidanka dowlada KMG Somalia gobalada Jubbooyinka aya ku hanjabay in ay weeraro ku qaadi doonaan magaalooyinka waaweyn ee gobalada Jubbooyinka ay ka maamulaan dhaq dhaqaaqa hubaysan ee Al Shabaab. Sii Akhri
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Somalia: Ethiopia to release Somali lawmakers
MOGADISHU (Mareeg)—The second deputy speaker of the Somali parliament, Osman Elmi Boqore, said Saturday Ethiopia agreed to release two Somali lawmakers and a police officer jailed in Jig-Jiga Ethiopia.
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U.S. Aiding Somalia in Its Plan to Retake Its Capital
MOGADISHU, Somalia — The Somali government is preparing a major offensive to take back this capital block by crumbling block, and it takes just a listen to the low growl of a small surveillance plane circling in the night sky overhead to know who is surreptitiously backing that effort.
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Sheekh C/xaafid: Haddii aan Sameeyo Wax Shareecada Khilaafsan Ha i Adeecina (Dhageyso)
Boosaaso, (RBC Radio) Gudoomiyaha cusub ee gobolka Bari Sheekh C/xaafid Cali Yuusuf ayaa maanta ka hadlay waxqabadkiisa maamulka gobolka Bari, ka dib markii uu maanta la wareegay xafiiska gudoomiyaha gobolka. Sii Akhri
Ethiopia famine aid 'spent on weapons'
The BBC has evidence that millions of dollars, earmarked for victims of the Ethiopian famine of 1984-85, went to buy weapons.
The investigation found claims that a rebel movement in Ethiopia diverted the aid to fund its attempt to overthrow the government of the time.
Rebel soldiers said they posed as merchants as "a trick for the NGOs". Read the ful story
The investigation found claims that a rebel movement in Ethiopia diverted the aid to fund its attempt to overthrow the government of the time.
Rebel soldiers said they posed as merchants as "a trick for the NGOs". Read the ful story
Taariikhda Dacwadda Gen. Samatar
Dacawdadda lagu soo oogay General Samatar ayaa salka ku haysa Dagaalkii waqooyi ee 1988kii, hadaba maxaa sababy dagaalkaasi?, kuma ayuu ahaa General Cali Samatar, su’aalahaasi iyo qodobo kale ayaanu ku eegi doonaa warbixin gaar ah oo aanu arrintaasi ka diyaarinay .
Sii Akhri
Sii Akhri
Friday, 5 March 2010
Xarakada Shabaab oo ka mamnuucay Iskuulada in laga dhigo Luqada Ingiriiska.
Kooxda Mayalka adag ee Al-Shabaab ayaa ka mamnuucday Iskuulada ku yaal deegaanada ay maamusho in laga dhigo Luqada Ingiriiska, iyadoo go'aankan ay u cuskatay kadib markii Dowladda Ingiriiska dhowaan ku soo rogtay Cunaqabateyn.
Sii Akhri
Sii Akhri
Somalia ayaa waxey leedahay xeeb dhararkeedu dhanyahay illa 3336km Somalia oo dhacda geeska Africa ayaa tariikhdeeda danbe waxaa si ba’an umadax maray qulqulado iyo xasilooni daro illa iyo intii ay dhacay dawladi
max’ed siyaad bare sanadku marku ahaa 1991
Tan iyo markaana waxaa jiray illa dhowr isku daya ah si loo sameeyo dowlad dhexe oo wada jir ah isku dayadaas ayaa soo socday illa inti laga soo gaaray 2003 xiligaa oo lagu qabtay shir magalada Nairobi halkaas oo ay kasoo baxday dowlada federaalka dimoqoraadiga Somalia si kastaba haa ahaate si lamid kuwi iyada kahoreyay dowlada ayaa waxey noqotay mid howlaheeda kuguul dareysata amaba hadii aan u dhahno si kale dowlad arinta taagan (de facto) Dowlad guul dareestey
Shacabka Puntland oo soo dhaweeyey Hadalka Wasiirka Batroolka iyo Tamarta ee Dowladda Soomaaliya ku joojinayo Shirkadaha Shiidaal Baarista Maamulka C/raxmaan Faroole heshiiska la galay.
Waxaa soo baxaya taageero iyo soo dhaweyn ay u hayaan Shacabka ku dhaqan Gobolada Puntland Hadalka ka soo yeeray Raysal Wasaare ku xigeenka ahna Wasiirka Batroolka iyo Tamarta Dowladda Soomaaliya C/waaxid Cilmi Goonjeex, kaasoo uu ku joojinayo Shirkadaha Shisheeye ee Heshiisyada hoose la galeen shakhsiyaadka Maamulada Puntland iyo Soomaaliland Madaxda ka ah.
Sii Akhri
Sii Akhri
Cadaalada Madaxweyne C/raxmaan Faroole waxa ay noqtay sidan bel Eega habka uu Qabiilada u kala siiyey Jagooyinka Dowladda.
Madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Maxamed Faroole, waxa uu qaaday xil culus oo la doonayey in uu Ummadda Cadaalad iyo garsoor wanaagsan u sameeyo, balse waxa uu noqday Hogaamiye wax ku Maamula Nin tooxsi iyo qof jeclaysi hab qeybsiga awooda Dowladda ku saleeya.
Bal ila Eega habka Qabiilada qaar uu ugu sadbiriyey kuwa ka mid ahna Beelaha Puntland ugu xadgudbay oo uu banaanka u tuuray.Sii Akhri
Bal ila Eega habka Qabiilada qaar uu ugu sadbiriyey kuwa ka mid ahna Beelaha Puntland ugu xadgudbay oo uu banaanka u tuuray.Sii Akhri
Last month marked the first anniversary of Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed’s coming to power as the President of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia. Initially, there was a general euphoria among the Somalis, both at home and in the Diaspora, for the selection of Sheikh Sharif as the new leader of their country. This is because Somalis normally have great affinity and respect for their religious leaders who normally endeavor to promote peace and stability in their communities, work for the general good and exert great efforts to spread the peaceful message of their noble religion of Islam. Since he did not belong to the old, discredited generation, some people also saw his advent as a breath of fresh air
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Hizbul official accuse colleagues of weakening Islamists
A top official of Somalia’s Hizbul Islam has lambasted his colleagues over the war against Al-Shabaab in southern Somalia.
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Somalia: Al Shabaab accused of 'clan favor' in WFP expulsion
Former Mogadishu mayor who was also the Governor of Somalia’s embattled Banadir region has lambasted hardline rebel Al-Shabaab group over decision to ban the United Nations WFP from distributing food aid in the country.
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Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Qaar ka mid ah Siyaasiinta Puntland oo ka soo horjeestay isku shaan-deyn uu Madaxweyne Faroole ku sameeyay Golahiisa Wasiirrada
Arbaco , March 03, 2010(HOL): Madaxwaynaha DGPL Dr C/raxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole ayaa si gaar ah ula dar daarmay Wasiirro ku Cusub Xukuumada oo uu dhawaan soo magacaabay ,ka dib kulan ka dhacay Madaxtooyada Garowe.
Madaxwaynaha oo khudbad u jeediyay Xubnaha cusub ayaa la sheegay in uu ku boorriyay Isbadal Maamulkiisa ah ,iyadoo Wali uu taagan yahay Muran ku aadan isku shaandaynta uu Madaxwaynaha Sameeyay.
Sii Akhri
Madaxwaynaha oo khudbad u jeediyay Xubnaha cusub ayaa la sheegay in uu ku boorriyay Isbadal Maamulkiisa ah ,iyadoo Wali uu taagan yahay Muran ku aadan isku shaandaynta uu Madaxwaynaha Sameeyay.
Sii Akhri
Afar Kooxo Diimeed oo Dowladda Puntland si weyn uga dhex muuqda.
Xukuumada Puntland ee Madaxweyne C/raxmaan Faroole waxa uu si weyn saami fiican uga siiyey Dowladda uu madaxda ka yahay Afar kooxo Diimeed oo ka howlgala deegaanada Puntland.
Sii Akhri
Sii Akhri
Axmed Diiriye: Dagaalada iyo Duqaymaha Halaga Joojiyo Shacabka Muqdisho
Muqdisho (RBC Radio):-Golaha Dhaqanka iyo Midnimada Beelaha Hawiye garabka uu hogaamiyo Maxamed Xasan Xaad ayaa ku baaqay in si deg deg ah loo joojiyo abaalada dagaal ee ka socda magaalada Muqdisho iyo duqaymaha loo gaysanayo meelaha ay ku Noolyihiin Shacabka Rayidka ah ee Sii Akhri
Maxay Soo Kordhin Kartaa Isku Shaandheyntii Golaha Wasiirada Puntland? (Ra’yi Ururin)
Garowe, (RBC Radio) Dadweynaha ku dhaqan magaalooyinka Puntland ayaa siyaabo kala duwan uga hadlay isbedelkii madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Faroole ku sameeyey toddobaadkii labo maalmood ka hor golaha xukuumada.
Sii akhri
Sii akhri
Xisbul Islaam oo Maamul Ka Madax Banaan Sheekh Aweys uga Dhawaaqay Degmada Luuq
Garbahaarey (RBC Radio):-Ururka Xisbul Islaami oo kamid ah kooxaha Mucaaradsan dowlada KMG Somalia iyo joogitaanka Ciidanka shisheeye ayaa maanta ku dhawaaqay maamul ay sheegeen in uu u meteli doono gobalka Gedo Koonfur Galbeed Somalia.Xisbul islaam oo gobalka Gedo ka maamulo hal degmo oo kaliya waxay magacaabeen maamul ka kooban 9 xubnood oo u meteli doono gobalka Gedo sida uu saxaafadda u xaqiijiyay Sheekh farxaan Ciilmooge oo horay uga mid ahaa Jabhaddii Islaamka ee Xisbiga ku biirtay.
Sii Akhri
Sii Akhri
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
At 74, Fairfax resident, a former Somali prime minister, may face war-crimes lawsuit
The case has divided courts. A federal judge in Alexandria ruled that even if the immunity law does not mention individuals, such protection is the "practical equivalent" of immunity offered to a state. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit in Richmond overturned the lower court, pointing to the law's silence on individual immunity.
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Somalia war moves to the airwaves
NAIROBI, Kenya — Last year Somalia's Radio Warsan was a pro-government station that vilified al-Qaida-linked insurgents. Today it is in the hands of the rebels as they battle the U.N.-backed government on the ground with guns and on the nation's airwaves with pro-jihad messages.
As the propaganda war intensifies in the battered Horn of Africa nation, the government is using a newly modernized radio station to get its own message across to more Somalis, and the U.N. is financing a new radio station. When Somalis tune in to the government station in insurgent-controlled territory, they tend to do so in secret to avoid being punished by the al-Shabab rebels, who routinely execute suspected government collaborators
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As the propaganda war intensifies in the battered Horn of Africa nation, the government is using a newly modernized radio station to get its own message across to more Somalis, and the U.N. is financing a new radio station. When Somalis tune in to the government station in insurgent-controlled territory, they tend to do so in secret to avoid being punished by the al-Shabab rebels, who routinely execute suspected government collaborators
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Somali pirates' new land tactics worry UN
New land tactics being employed by Somali pirates may be a cause for concern, a UN spokesman told the BBC.
Peter Smerdon said three trucks and their drivers were being held in the pirate town of Eyl after delivering food aid last week in central Somalia.
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Peter Smerdon said three trucks and their drivers were being held in the pirate town of Eyl after delivering food aid last week in central Somalia.
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Puntland president reshuffles cabinet, drops ministers
The president of Somalia's Puntland state Dr. Abdirahman Mohammed Farole has carried out a wideranging cabinet reshuffle as part of efforts to rejuvenate his one-year government.
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Somalia MPs to table no-confidence vote against PM
Somali Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Sharmarke will face a vote on a motion of no confidence that some 200 Somali lawmakers are planning to table against him in the parliament
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WFP Distributed Food To Guriceel residents
Guriceel (RBC Radio):- Rashinkani ayaa waxa uqaybiyay dadkan ku nool degmada guriceel iyo deganada ku xeeran hay’adda Brothers oo WFP kala howl gasha degmada guriceel ee gobolka galgaduud.
Sii Akhri
Sii Akhri
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Why cows may be hiding something but AI can spot it
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Wednesday, November 14, 2012 By Jonathan Kalan Kasim moves swiftly around the machine. Like a dancer, he has style, a unique way of p...
Washington, DC – Last month, President Sheik Sharif Ahmed appointed Mr. Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, a Somali¬American dual citizen, as the ne...