Thursday, 31 October 2013

Madaxweyne Faroole: Musharaxii Doorasho u taagan wax ha iskula haro hadii kale dalku dastuur buu leeyahay.

Garoowe( RBC RADIO) Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr C/raxmaan Faroole ayaa sheegay in Musharax kasta iyo Xildhibaan kasta ee u taagan jagada Puntland iminka looga fadhiyo nidaam Akhlaaq iyo in Afkiisa laga nabad galo hadiise dadka la jaa’ifeysto oo banaanada laga caytamo wuxuu sheegay madaxweynuhu in dalka uu Dastuur leeyahay Musharax kastana uu Xeerka ku qoran Dastuurka qaban doono. Dhanka anshaxa iyadoo laga eegayo

“waxaa jira dad Musharaxiin ah oo Banaanada ka caytamay waxaan leenahay halaga Nabad galo Afkiina oo wax isula hara oo ka xishooda wax yaabaha qaar, waxaan ognahay in ay jiraan dad u gafay masuuliyiintii hore ee Dalka soo hagi jirtay kuna xadgudbay oo caayay waxgaradkii iyo Madaxdii sixun ula hadlay inkirayna Nidaamka iyo kala dambaynta iyo dowlad nimada Puntland ka jirta iclaamiyayna nidaamka Jabhada in Dalku uu ka dilaaco kuwaasi waxaan leenahay armeyba afdad kale leeyihiin ku hadlayaanoo aysanba dhab ka ahayn in ay Puntland maamulaan, waxaan leeyahay dastuurka yuusan qabane ka fiirsada waxa aad ku hadleysaan.

Madaxweynaha wuxuu sidoo kale ka hadlay baarlamaanka Puntland ee la sagootinayo wuxuuna sheegay in uu yahay Baarlamaan hufan oo shaqadiisa kasoo dhalaalay taariiqdana ay xusi doonto wax qabadkiisana loo aayi doono isagoo cadeeyey in ay haboonaan lahayn Puntland in ay nasiib u hesho Baarlamaankan in uu dib usoo laabto.

Madaxweynaha oo Qudbadiisa soo xiray waxay u muuqatay in uu hadalada qaar ku weerarayay Musharx C/wali Maxamed Cali Gaas oo horay u sheegay in Puntland ay tahay Gabar gashaanti ah Balse mar walba ay guursato Aalkuliiste sidaa darteedna uu Madaxweyne Faroole cadeyey in Musharax Gaas uu u gafay Masuuliyiin geeriyooday oo Puntland soo maamulay iyo kuwo hada noolba si kastaba waa munaasabadii ugu horeesay oo sagootin loogu sameeyo xildhibaano waqtigoodii dhamaaday tan iyo aas-aaskii Puntland.
Xafiiska wararka Garoowe.

Xildhibaan Cumar Isloow Maxamed oo noqday Xildhibaankii ugu Horreeyay oo aas Qaran loogu sameeyay Muqdisho (SAWIRRO)

Khamiis, Oktoobar 31, 2013 (HOL) — Xildhihbaan Cumar Isloow Maxamed oo ka mid ahaa xildhibaannada baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta lagu aasay magaalada Muqdisho, isagoo noqday xildhibaankii ugu horreeyay oo Muqdisho aas Qaran loogu sameeyo.
Maydka marxuumka oo saakay laga soo dajiay garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan Cadde ee Muqdisho, kaddib markiii uu maalin ka hor ku geeriyooday Nairboi, waxaana janaasadiisa ka qaybgalay guddoonka baarlamaanka Soomaaliya, xildhibaanno uu ku jiray Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadna oo ay si aad ah isaga soo horjeedeen iyo hal wasiir oo ka tirsan xukuumadda, kaasoo ah wasiirka howlaha guud iyo dib u dhiska, Muxyadiin Maxamed Kaalmooy.
“Waxaan ka codsanayaa ummadda Soomaaliyeed inay iska cafiyaan Cumar Islow maadaama uu ifka ka tagay, uuna wixii hadda ka dambeeya la kulmi doono Allihiisa,” ayuu yiri guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Soomaaliya, Prof. Maxamed Cismaan Jawaari oo goobta aasku ka dhacay ka hadlay.
Xildhibaanka ayaa lagu aasay isbitaalka Madiina ee Muqdisho, waxaana ka hadlay aaskiisa xildhibaanno badan oo ay isku dhawaayeen, kuwaasoo ku tilmaamay inuu ahaa mudane udub-dhexaad u ah baarlamaanka gaar ahaan xilliyada la horkeenno baarlamaanka sharciyada xukuumadda.
“Maanta waxaan halkan ku sagootinaynaa walaalkeen kana mid ahaa xubnaha baaramaanka Soomaaliya, waxaana leennahay Allaha u naxariisto gadaashiisna Alle nama fidneeyo,” ayuu yiri guddoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee baarlamaanka Soomaaliya, Mahad Cabdalla Cawad oo isaguna goobta uu ka dhacay aaska ka hadlay.
Xildhibaanka ayaa wuxuu tan iyo sannadkii 2000 ka mid ahaa xubihii lasoo xulayay ee baarlamaannadii dalka soo maray, waxaana lagu yaqaannay inuu ahaa nin aan la gaban fikirkiisa, kuna adkeysta.
Marxuumka ayaa ku dhintay da’da 61-sano, waxaana uu sannadkii 1952-kii ku dhashay deegaanka Ugunji ee gobolka Shabeellada, isagoo markii uu ka baxay waxbarashada dugsiga sare ku biiray hay’adda nabadsugidda Qaranka oo uu ka gaaray darajada Gaashaanle Sare.

Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan
Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

MADAXWEYNE XASAN: “Kismaayo waxaan u imid Nabadeynta Jubbooyinka iyo Dhameystirka Heshiiskii la Gaaray”(SAWIRRO)

Khamiis, Oktoobar 31, 2013 (HOL) — Madaxweynaha dowladda Somalia, Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo caawa ku sugan magaalada Kismaayo ayaa ku sheegay hadal uu jeediyay in socdaalka uu ku tagay Kismaayo ay qayb ka yihiin nabadeynta Jubbooyinka iyo sidi loo dhameystiri lahaa heshiiskii lagu gaaray Addis Ababa.
Madaxweynaha iyo hoggaamiyaha maamulka Jubba ayaa waxay garoonka Kismaayo salaan-sharaf kaga qaateen cutubyo ka tirsan ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa maamulka Jubba, iyadoo madaxweynaha iyo wafdigiisa la geeyay xarunta madaxtooyada Kismaayo.
“Arrimaha aan u nimid waxaa ka mid ah nabadeynta Jubbooyinka iyo sidii loo dhameystiri lahaa heshiisyadii la gaaray. Qodobbadii lagu heshiiyay intoodii badan waa la isku af-gartay kuwa harsanna waa la dhameystiri doonnaa,” ayuu yiri madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh.
Sidoo kale, madaxweynaha ayaa shacabka Jubbooyinka ka dalbaday inay ka qaybqaataan hannaanka nabadeynta ee dalka ka socda, isla markaana ay iska illoobay waxyaabihii horay u dhacay ee laga soo gudbay.
Inkastoo aan la ogeyn inta casho ee ay qaadanayso socdaalka madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh ayaa haddana waxay noqonaysaa booqashadii ugu horreysay oo uu ku tago Kismaayo tan iyo markii xilkan loo doortay sannadkii hore.
Hoggaamiyaha maamulka KMG ah ee Jubba, Sheekh Axmed Madoobe oo isaguna hadal jeediyay ayaa inay ku faraxsn yihiin socdaalka ay Kismaayo ku tageen madaxweynaha Soomaaliya iyo wafdigiisa, uuna aad u rajeynayo in socdaalkan uusan noqon kii uug dambeeyay, balse marar kale uu imaan doono.
“Madaxweyne shacabka Jubbooyinka way kusoo dhaweynayaan wayna ku sugayeen, waxaana rajeynayaa in marar kale aad gobolka imaan doontid,” ayuu si kooban u yiri Sheekh Axmed Madoobe oo muujiyay sida uu ugu faraxsanaa imaanshaha madaxweynaha Soomaaliya.
Dhanka kale, waxaa kulan albaabbadu u xiran yihiin ayaa wuxuu caawa uga socdaan xarunta madaxtooyada Kismaayo, waxaana kulan goob-joog ka ah madaxweynaha Somalia, Xasan Sheekh, hoggaamiyaha Jubba, Sheekh Axmed Madoobe iyo mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan dowladda iyo maamulka Jubba.

Xasan Nuur, Hiiraan
Kismaayo, Soomaaliya

Italy busts 'international child kidnapping ring'

Child abduction suspects arrested by Italian police - clockwise from top left: Larysa Moskalenko, Luigi Cannistraro, Sebastiano Calabrese and Antonio BarazzaItalian police released photos of four suspects

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Police in Italy say they have dismantled an international ring that conspired to kidnap children involved in custody battles.
A police statement said those involved were special forces veterans whose commando-style tactics "put the child's life at risk".
They charged tens of thousands of dollars for the abductions from North Africa to Europe using high-speed boats, police said.
Several people have been arrested.
They have been named as Luigi Cannistraro, Antonio Barazza, Sebastiano Calabrese and a former Ukrainian sailing champion, Larysa Moskalenko.
It is alleged that Ms Moskalenko provided the boats for the crossings.
The group carried out its first operation in October last year when a child was abducted in Tunisia, and taken to Norway via Sicily.
A second operation in November was foiled by police who intercepted the phone calls of Ms Moskalenko's sailing venture in Palermo.
Further operations were planned in Cyprus, Lebanon and Egypt.
Two Norwegians and a Swede are also being held in Tunisia. They have been named as Elisabeth Wenche Adresen, Martin Vage and Per Ake Helgesson.
The BBC's Alan Johnston in Rome says they could face kidnapping and human trafficking charges.

Syria chemical weapons equipment destroyed, says OPCW

Jerry Smith, OPCW: "We have... observed all of the destruction activities"
Syria's declared equipment for producing, mixing and filling chemical weapons has been destroyed, the international watchdog says.
This comes a day before the deadline set by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).
The weapons have been placed under seal, an OPCW spokesman said.
Inspectors were sent to Syria following allegations, denied by the government, that its forces had used chemical weapons in civilian areas.


The achievement of this crucial initial target is an important moment for the chemical weapons destruction effort in Syria.
The inspectors' first task was to move swiftly to prevent the government from producing any more chemical agent and to destroy facilities and equipment used for mixing agents and filling munitions.
Production facilities will be closely monitored to ensure that there are no moves to repair them. The next deadline is mid-November, by which time the OPCW and the Syrians must agree a detailed plan to destroy Syria's chemical weapons stockpile.
All sorts of questions are raised. Where will this destruction be carried out ? Who will provide the necessary equipment and so on?
Western intelligence agencies will be studying Syria's declarations carefully. They will be eager to direct inspectors to additional locations if there are any grounds to believe that Damascus has been less than frank in its disclosures.
The inspections were agreed between Russia and the US after Washington threatened to use force in Syria.
Syria's Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad told the BBC's Lyse Doucet that it had not been difficult for Syria's government to meet its obligations, as some had initially feared.
"I hope those who have always thought of us negatively will change their minds and understand that Syria was, is, and will be always a constructive partner," Mr Mekdad told our correspondent.
Now that the equipment has been put beyond use, Syria has until mid-2014 to destroy the chemical weapons themselves.
In Washington, US state department official Thomas Countryman said: "I am increasingly confident that we will be able to complete this task... within the target date of 30 June of next year".
Mr Countryman, the assistant secretary for international security and non-proliferation, told US lawmakers that "our target dates are ambitious but they are achievable".
Syria's arsenal is believed to include more than 1,000 tonnes of the nerve gas sarin, the blister agent sulphur mustard and other banned chemicals, stored at dozens of sites.
In a separate development, a large explosion at a Syrian army base has been reported outside the coastal city of Latakia.
A White House official said Israeli warplanes carried out the attack overnight, but he provided no details, the Associated Press news agency reports.Continued

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

India's elephant girl takes on the herds

Nirmala in hospitalNirmala walked several miles to lead the herd away from the city

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Fourteen-year old Nirmala Toppo has become something of a minor celebrity in the eastern Indian state of Orissa.
In June, panic gripped the industrial city of Rourkela one night when a herd of wild elephants entered residential areas from dense forests nearby.
Nirmala, forest department officials say, acted as a real-life "pied-piper" when she managed to drive the herd back to the forest, much to the relief of the residents.
She walked many miles with the herd, guiding it out of town, in the process getting blisters on her legs which later turned septic.
"The infection is now gone and my wound has almost dried up," she told BBC Hindi from her hospital bed where her treatment was organised by the local Red Cross Society.
Pitch invasion
State forest department officials sought help from Nirmala, who is originally from the neighbouring state of Jharkhand, when they could not get the elephants to leave the city.
Forest official PK Dhola says: "When the herd entered the city, we tried our best to contain its movement. There were 11 of them, including two calves. We managed to make the herd go into the local football stadium, but we were not sure how we could drive them back to the forest. It was a difficult task."
Mr Dhola says that was when the department decided to seek Nirmala's help.
"We knew of a tribal girl who lived in Jharkhand, who talked to elephants and was able to drive them back. We called up her father and she arrived along with some other tribal people from her village."
Elephants on pitchThe herd was made to go into the local football stadium in Rourkela
The state government paid the girl for her services, he added.
Nirmala says she talks to the herd in her local tribal dialect - Mundaari - and persuades the animals to "return to where they belong".
"First I pray and then talk to the herd. They understand what I say. I tell them this is not your home. You should return where you belong," says Nirmala who is a Roman Catholic.
Her mother, she says, was killed by wild elephants and that was when she decided to learn the technique to drive them away.
In her work, she is assisted by her father and a group of boys from her village.
"We surround the herd. Then I go near them and pray and talk to them."
'Lady Tarzan'
But some are not convinced by Nirmala's methods.
Orissa-based social activist Rabi Pradhan says there is no scientific evidence that wild elephants can understand what a human says. Mr Pradhan says the girl claims to talk to the herd in her own tribal language, but there is no basis for the elephants to follow what she says.
Nirmala with tribal peopleNirmala is helped by family and local villagers
However, others explain such behaviour by saying that tribal people and elephants - or for that matter, other wild animals - have been cohabiting in the forests for ages.
Niel Justin Beck, a member of the district council in Jharkhand's Simdega area, where Nirmala comes from, says due to their co-existence with the wild animals, the tribal people know how to deal with them.
"In Jharkhand, we call Nirmala a lady Tarzan. Whenever marauding elephants enter a village or destroys crops, the local forest department officials never turn up.
"It is then that the villagers approach Nirmala for help. And she is able to successfully drive away the herd after talking to them."
Growing industrialisation
More than 3,000 elephants roam the forests of the three states of Jharkhand, Orissa and Chhattisgarh, stretching across central and eastern India, but over the past decade the region has become the epicentre of man-animal conflict.
According to the ministry of environment and forests, more than 200 elephants and some 800 people have been killed in the last 10 years.

Elephant habitat in India

  • Covers 110,000 sqkm (42,471sqm)
  • 64 protected areas
  • 22.35% of habitat protected
The region is rich in mineral resources and encroachment of their habitat due to increased mining and industrial activity have caused problems for the movement of wild elephants.
A violent Maoist insurgency in the region has also added to the problem, say experts.
Forests provide easy shelter for the armed insurgents and large parts of the forests are heavily mined - frequent encounters between the security forces and rebels have also disturbed the wildlife habitat, they say.

Australian woman loses sex injury court case

File photo of Australia's High CourtThe High Court ruled against the woman 4-1

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An Australian civil servant has lost a bid for compensation for an injury incurred while she was having sex during a work trip.
The woman was injured when a light fitting fell on her and a colleague while they were having sex in a motel.
The claimant initially won compensation from government insurer Comcare.
But the High Court overruled that judgement, saying the woman's employer had not encouraged her to engage in the activity that led to the injury.
Final ruling
The woman says she suffered damage to her nose, mouth and a tooth and psychological trauma after the light fitting was pulled from its mount.
But after a lengthy legal battle, four of the High Court judges ruled against the woman, with one judge dissenting.
"When the circumstances of an injury involve the employee engaging in an activity at the time of the injury, the relevant question is: did the employer induce or encourage the employee to engage in that activity?" the court said.
"On the facts of the respondent's case, the majority held that the answer to that question was 'no'."
The woman, who has not been named, has no further right to appeal.

Bus fire in southern India leaves 42 dead

Video grab of the burning busThe bus was travelling from Bangalore to Hyderabad

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At least 42 people have died after the luxury bus they were travelling in caught fire in India's southern state of Andhra Pradesh, police said.
The bus, carrying more than 50 passengers, was travelling from Bangalore city to Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh's capital, when the incident happened early on Wednesday.
Seven people, including the driver, managed to escape the blaze.
Police say a collision with a culvert ignited the fuel tank of the vehicle.
The incident happened at Kothakota in Mahbubnagar district, 140km (86 miles) from Hyderabad, when the air-conditioned Volvo luxury bus hit a culvert, police said.
"The diesel tank burst and flames erupted. Before the passengers could realise what had happened, the blaze engulfed the entire bus," residents of the village were quoted as saying by The Hindu newspaper.
Most of the passengers were sleeping when the incident took place.
Seven people, including the driver and his assistant, broke the windows of the bus and managed to flee.
Relatives of passengers wail outside the office of a private bus operator, Jabbar Travels in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh state, India, Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013 after their bus crashed into a highway barrier and erupted in flames early WednesdayDistraught relatives of passengers wait outside the office of the company which ran the bus that caught fire on Wednesday
Local police spokesman Venkateshwarlu told the AFP news agency that the police had arrested the driver and his assistant who "tried to run [away]" after fleeing the blaze. Three other passengers were taken to a local hospital.
In 2008, more than 60 people died in a bus fire in northern Uttar Pradesh state.
The fire started when part of a faulty axle dropped on to the road and ruptured the bus's fuel tank.
More than 130,000 people died in road accidents in India in 2011, according to the government's National Crime Records Bureau.
Correspondents say that bus crashes are common in India and often caused by poorly maintained vehicles, overloading and reckless driving.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

DEG DEG: Xildhibaan cumar Isloow Maxamed oo ku geeryooday magaalada Nairobi

isloowMuqdisho(RBC Radio) Xildhibaan Cumar ISloow Maxamed ayaa saakay ku geeryooday magaalada Nairobi ee caasimadda dalka Kenya,Gudoonka Baarlamaanka ayaa ka hadlay geerida Xildhibaanka waxayn Tacsi u direen Eheladdii iyo qaraabadii uu ka geeryooday Xildhibaan Cumar Isloow Maxamed.
Xildhibaan Cumar Isloow Maxamed ayaa hore ugu xanuunsanayay magaalada Muqdisho ee xarunta Soomaaliya waxaana xanuunkiisa loo qaaday cisbitaal ku yaalla magaalada Nairobi oo lagula tacaalayay xanuunkiisa, Xildhibaanka ayaa saakay waabarigii ku geeryooday cisbitaalkii uu u jiray.
Gudoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Mahad Caabdalla Cawad ayaa ka tacsiyeeyey geerida ku timid Alle ha u naxariistee Xildhibaan Cumar Isloow Maxamed oo saakay ku geeryooday magaalada Nairobi wuxuuna tilmaamay in Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka ay dhamaantood tacsi u dirayaan Eheladdii iyo Qaraabadii uu ka baxay Xildhibaan Cumar Isloow.
Gudoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Mahad Cabdalla Cawad ayaa sheegay in kulankii Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya loo baajiyay geerida naxdinta leh e ku timid Xildhibaan Cumar Isloow Maxamed.
Gudoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in Marxuun la keeni doono magaalada Muqdisho ee xarunta dalka ama lagu aasi doono Nairobi wuxuuna ku xuuxnuuxsaday inay kala tashan doonaan Eheladiisa goobta lagu aasi dooono.
Xildhibaan Cumar ISloow Maxamed ayaa dowladihii ku meelgaarka ahaa kasoo noqday Xildhibaan wuxuuna sidoo kale Taliye kasoo noqday Dowladdii Dhexe ee Soomaaliya, Cumar Isloow Maxamed ayaa hadda xildhibaan ka ahaa Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya.

Lonely Planet says Yorkshire 'one of top global places'

The view over the Vale of York from the Yorkshire Lavender Farm near Terrington, North YorkshireThe region's "rugged moorlands, heritage homes and cosy pubs" are credited in the guide

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Yorkshire has been named as one of the top places in the world to visit in 2014 in a new travel booklet.
Lonely Planet put the area third in the top 10 world regions, behind destinations in India and Australia.
The guide mentions Yorkshire's "rugged moorlands, heritage homes and cosy pubs" and that next year's Tour de France's grand depart will be in Leeds.
The 13th Century York Minster cathedral also makes it into the guide's top 10 global "sights to make you feel small".
The guide also refers to the success of Yorkshire athletes - including heptathlete Jessica Ennis, cyclist Ed Clancy and boxer Nicola Adams - in the 2012 Olympics, which resulted in winning seven gold medals.

Lonely Planet's top 10 regions

  • 1. Sikkim, India
  • 2. The Kimberley, Australia
  • 3. Yorkshire, UK
  • 4. Hokuriku, Japan
  • 5. Texas, USA
  • 6. Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe and Zambia
  • 7. Mallorca, Spain
  • 8. West Coast, New Zealand
  • 9. Hunan, China
  • 10. Ha'apai, Tonga
It said the medals had added to the Yorkshire population's belief "their county is better than - and really the best of - all the English counties".
Gary Verity, chief executive of tourism body Welcome to Yorkshire, said: "Endorsements rarely come much better than this from a guide that has a worldwide reputation.
"This is massive for Yorkshire and our thousands of amazing tourism businesses, destinations and events."
He added the organisation had worked hard to put Yorkshire on the map because "we know how amazing and unique our county is".
Yorkshire has also previously beaten Berlin, London and Madrid to win the title of Europe's Leading Destination at the World Travel Awards.
Yorkshire Day is celebrated every year on 1 August.

Scarborough North BayThe UK's largest county features many different landscapes and includes a varied coastline, here's a view of the North Bay in Scarborough
In the same guide, Scotland is named as one of the top countries to visit next year as it prepares to host the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow and the Ryder Cup at Gleneagles.
The destinations featured in the book were selected after they all met certain criteria.
A Lonely Planet spokeswoman said: "It could be that there is something special going on that year, that there's been recent development and a lot of buzz about the place, or that we think it's up-and-coming and suggest travellers visit before the crowds do."
Liverpool's Cavern Club and the Abbey Road recording studios in north-west London are given special mentions for 2014, which will include the 50th anniversary of when The Beatles formed.
London's Savile Row is also mentioned as "one of the best places to get dressed for success".

The teenager who saved a man with an SS tattoo

Keshia Thomas protecting the man
In 1996, a black teenager protected a white man from an angry mob who thought he supported the racist Ku Klux Klan. It was an act of extraordinary courage and kindness - and is still inspiring people today.
Keshia Thomas was 18 when the Ku Klux Klan, the white supremacist organisation, held a rally in her home town in Michigan.
Liberal, progressive and multicultural, Ann Arbor was an unusual place for the KKK to choose, and hundreds of people gathered to show them they were not welcome.
The atmosphere was tense, but controlled. Police dressed in riot gear and armed with tear gas protected a small group of Klansmen in white robes and conical hoods. Thomas was with a group of anti-KKK demonstrators on the other side of a specially-erected fence.
Then a woman with a megaphone shouted, "There's a Klansman in the crowd."
They turned around to see a white, middle-aged man wearing a Confederate flag T-shirt. He tried to walk away from them, but the protesters, including Thomas, followed, "just to chase him out".
Man being chased by anti-KKK demonstrators
It was unclear whether the man was a Ku Klux Klan supporter, but to the anti-KKK protesters, his clothes and tattoos represented exactly what they had come to resist. The Confederate flag he wore was for them a symbol of hatred and racism, while the SS tattoo on his arm pointed to a belief in white supremacy, or worse.

'I am kinder thanks to her'

Teri Gunderson
Teri Gunderson, who now lives in Oaxaca, Mexico, emailed BBC News Magazine about her respect for Keshia Thomas when we published a series about kindness earlier this month:
"Her courage so touched me that I keep a copy of the picture and often think of her in situations.
"The voice in my head says something like this, 'If she could protect a man [like that], I can show kindness to this person.' And with that encouragement, I do act with more kindness. I don't know her, but since then I am more kind."
There were shouts of "Kill the Nazi" and the man began to run - but he was knocked to the ground. A group surrounded him, kicking him and hitting him with the wooden sticks of their placards.
Mob mentality had taken over. "It became barbaric," says Thomas.
"When people are in a crowd they are more likely to do things they would never do as an individual. Someone had to step out of the pack and say, 'This isn't right.'"
So the teenager, then still at high school, threw herself on top of a man she did not know and shielded him from the blows.
"When they dropped him to the ground, it felt like two angels had lifted my body up and laid me down."
For Mark Brunner, a student photographer who witnessed the episode, it was who she saved that made Thomas' actions so remarkable.
"She put herself at physical risk to protect someone who, in my opinion, would not have done the same for her," he says. "Who does that in this world?"

So what gave Thomas the impetus to help a man whose views it appeared were so different from her own? Her religious beliefs played a part. But her own experience of violence was a factor, too.

More from the Magazine

Confederate flag
The Confederate flag wasn't a major symbol until the Civil Rights movement began to take shape in the 1950s, says Bill Ferris, from the Center for the Study of Southern Culture at the University of Mississippi. It had been relegated to history, but the Ku Klux Klan and others who resisted desegregation turned to the flag as a symbol, he says.
"I knew what it was like to be hurt," she says. "The many times that that happened, I wish someone would have stood up for me."
The circumstances - which she does not want to describe - were different. "But violence is violence - nobody deserves to be hurt, especially not for an idea."
Thomas has never heard from the man she saved, but she did once meet a member of his family. Months later, someone came up to her in a coffee shop and said thanks. "What for?" she asked. "That was my dad," the young man replied.
For Thomas, the fact that the man had a son gave her actions even greater significance - she had potentially prevented further violence.
"For the most part, people who hurt... they come from hurt. It is a cycle. Let's say they had killed him or hurt him really bad. How does the son feel? Does he carry on the violence?"
Keshia Thomas (left) pictured before the rally with friendsKeshia Thomas (left) pictured before the rally with friends
Teri Gunderson, who was bringing up her two adopted mixed-race daughters in Iowa at the time, was so touched by Thomas' story that she kept a copy of her picture - and still looks at it 17 years later. Gunderson even thinks the student made her a better person.
"The voice in my head says something like this, 'If she could protect a man [like that], I can show kindness to this person.' And with that encouragement, I do act with more kindness. I don't know her, but since then I am more kind."

'Keshia's choice was hope'

"That some in Ann Arbor have been heard grumbling that she should have left the man to his fate, only speaks of how far they have drifted from their own humanity. And of the crying need to get it back.
Keshia's choice was to affirm what they have lost.
Keshia's choice was human.
Keshia's choice was hope."
By Pulitzer Prize-winning commentator Leonard Pitts Jr. The Miami Herald, 29 June 1996
But she asks herself whether she could be as brave as Thomas. What if one of the hurtful people who had racially abused her girls was in danger, she wonders. "Would I save them, or would I stand there and say, 'You deserved it, you were a jerk.' I just don't know the answer to that, yet. Maybe that is why I am so struck by her."
Brunner and Gunderson both often think of the teenager's actions. But Thomas, now in her 30s and living in Houston, Texas, does not. She prefers to concentrate on what more she can do in future, rather than what she has achieved in the past.
"I don't want to think that this is the best I could ever be. In life you are always striving to do better."
Thomas says she tries to do something to break down racial stereotypes every day. No grand gestures - she thinks that small, regular acts of kindness are more important.
"The biggest thing you can do is just be kind to another human being. It can come down to eye contact, or a smile. It doesn't have to be a huge monumental act."
Looking back at his photos of Thomas pushing back the mob that day in June 1996, Brunner says: "We would all like to be a bit like Keshia, wouldn't we? She didn't think about herself. She just did the right thing."
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