30 Dec 30, 2009 - 12:08:23 AM
Madaxweynaha Somalia Sh. Shariif Sh. Axmed oo maanta ka qaybgalay xaflad ay heshiisyo ku kala saxiixanayeen mas'uuliyiintii maamulka Galmudug ee isku hayay koonfurta Gaalkacyo oo ka dhacday Villa Somalia ayaa sheegay in maamul goboleedyadu ay sababi karaan dagaalo cusub.
Sh. Shariif wuxuu soo dhaweeyay tanaasulka ay isku sameeyeen mas'uuliyiin muddo 6-bilood ah isku hayay maamulka Galmudug, kuwaasoo mid walba uu sheeganayay inuu yahay Mas'uulka ugu sareeya maamulka Koonfurta Gaalkacyo.
"Maamul Goboleedyadfa dalka ka jira waa kuwo ku shaqeeya qaab Federaal ah, balse maamul goboleedkan oo kale, wuxuu sababi karaa inay dagaalo dhacaan, waxaana uga digayaa beelaha Soomaaliyeed inay isku mashuuliyaan sameynta maamul goboleed sababi kara colaado" ayuu yiri Sh. Shariif.
Xaflada ayaa waxaa heshiis ku kala saxiixday Axmed Cali Hilowle iyo Col. Max'ed Axmed Caalin oo isku hayay gudoonka sare ee maamulka Galmudug, iyadoo xilka uu ka tanaasulay Axmed-shariif Cali Hilowle.
Mas'uuliyiintan oo ka hadlay xaflada ayaa sheegay inay ku faraxsan yihiin heshiiska ay kala saxiixdeen ayna isku shaqeyn doonaan wixii hadda ka dabeeya, iyadoo labadoodu ay isku gacan qaadeen Madaxweynaha Somalia hortiisa.
Wasiirka Macdanta iyo Biyaha Gen. Cabdi Xasan Cawale [Qaybdid] oo isaguna hadal kooban ka jeediyay xaflada ayaa sheegay inuu ku faraxsan yahay sida wanaagsan ee labada mas'uul ay heshiiska u gaareen.
"Heshiiskan waa mid ku dayasho mudan, waxayna labada mas'uul balanqaadeen inay si wadajir ah u shaqeyn doonaan, taasoo ah guul ku dayasho mudan laguna farxo" ayuu yiri Gen. Cabdi Qaybdiid.
Xildhibaano iyo wasiiro ka tirsan DF ayaa kulankaas ka qaybgalay, waxayna dhamaantood soo dhaweeyeen heshiiska iyagoo ku sheegay inuu yahay mid lagu xaliyay khilaaf sanad barkii soo jiitamayay.
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Thursday, 31 December 2009
Al-Shabaab Rejects Plans for State in Southern Region Abdulkadir Khali 28 December 2009
Mogadishu — The authority in Southern Somalia's Juba region that is controlled by al-Shabaab, the Islamist group opposing the Transitional Federal Government has rejected the possibility of pro-government groups forming a semi-autonomous state in Southern Somalia.
Sheikh Hassan Yakoub Ali, the Information Officer of al-Shabaab Administration in Juba region, spoke on the pro-Islamist Radio, Al-Andalus, in Kismayu town, 500 kilometres south of Mogadishu, telling the listeners that no other group can form a state in Southern Somalia.
Sheikh Yakoub was responding to claims by Mr Aden Mohamed Nur alias Saransour, an influential politician in southern Somalia, who announced on Saturday, that a meeting was held on the issue in Dolo town, 370 kilometres southwest of Mogadishu.
Mr Saransour had stated that the objective of the conference was to plan ways of establishing a semi-autonomous state for six regions in Southern Somalia.
The town of Dolo is at the strategic border junction between Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia.
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According to Mr Saransour, 200 delegates participated in the meeting representing the inhabitants of Gedo, Bay, Bakol, Lower Juba, Middle Juba and Lower Shabelle regions, all of them lying southwest of Mogadishu, the capital. "What the 200 delegates discussed is how to liberate the south-western regions from Islamist radical groups opposing the TFG," said Mr Saransour.
Mr Saransour indicated that a technical committee was formed to work on the way forward. He also stated that pro-government officials that participated in the talks included three legislators, namely Barre Aden Shire Hirale, Abdullahi Sheikh Ismael, a former Foreign Affairs Minister, and Mohamud Sayid Aden.
If realised, the proposed state will join other states like Galmudug and Puntland that were respectively formed over the years in the central and north-eastern regions of Somalia. Somaliland in north-western Somalia, however, declared its independence from the rest of Somalia in May 1991, but remains without international recognition.
Sheikh Hassan Yakoub Ali, the Information Officer of al-Shabaab Administration in Juba region, spoke on the pro-Islamist Radio, Al-Andalus, in Kismayu town, 500 kilometres south of Mogadishu, telling the listeners that no other group can form a state in Southern Somalia.
Sheikh Yakoub was responding to claims by Mr Aden Mohamed Nur alias Saransour, an influential politician in southern Somalia, who announced on Saturday, that a meeting was held on the issue in Dolo town, 370 kilometres southwest of Mogadishu.
Mr Saransour had stated that the objective of the conference was to plan ways of establishing a semi-autonomous state for six regions in Southern Somalia.
The town of Dolo is at the strategic border junction between Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia.
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According to Mr Saransour, 200 delegates participated in the meeting representing the inhabitants of Gedo, Bay, Bakol, Lower Juba, Middle Juba and Lower Shabelle regions, all of them lying southwest of Mogadishu, the capital. "What the 200 delegates discussed is how to liberate the south-western regions from Islamist radical groups opposing the TFG," said Mr Saransour.
Mr Saransour indicated that a technical committee was formed to work on the way forward. He also stated that pro-government officials that participated in the talks included three legislators, namely Barre Aden Shire Hirale, Abdullahi Sheikh Ismael, a former Foreign Affairs Minister, and Mohamud Sayid Aden.
If realised, the proposed state will join other states like Galmudug and Puntland that were respectively formed over the years in the central and north-eastern regions of Somalia. Somaliland in north-western Somalia, however, declared its independence from the rest of Somalia in May 1991, but remains without international recognition.
Islamist Rebels in Somalia Threaten to Attack Ethiopia
Hezbal Islam an Islamist rebel movement fighting the Somali government vowed on Thursday to carry out attacks inside Ethiopia targeting military bases and government buildings. According to Sheikh Shuriye Afrah Sabriye, the group’s regional governor of Hiiraan region bordering with Ethiopia, Islamist forces are ready for a big war against Ethiopia, saying the attacks inside Ethiopia are imminent in the next few days, “Ethiopia is responsible for attacks on positions belonging to our forces outside the city of Beledweyn and in retaliation we will attack Ethiopian army bases inside Ethiopian territories, we are committed to do that” he said
He said that in the past several weeks there have been attacks on Islamist positions near the border accusing Ethiopian military of helping the Somali government forces who carried out those attacks on Islamist positions in the region. “The enemy is on the way–we will not to wait for them to come and kill us so we are taking the battle field into inside Ethiopia specially the city of Ferfer where the enemies prepare themselves before they attack us” he added. He said that Hezbal Islam leaders are currently engaged in the final discussions to fix the date and how to carry out attacks in Ethiopia. “For the past several days I have been in Mogadishu for consultations with Hezbal Islam’s commanders and we will soon invade on Ethiopia” he stated during Thursday’s press conference in Mogadishu.
Meanwhile he also declared war on the moderate-Islamist controlled cities of Guri El and Dhusmareb in central Somalia, accusing the moderate Islamist group of Ahlu sunna Wal Jama’a of supporting Ethiopia. The central Galgadud region is currently controlled by the Moderate Islamists with ties to Somali government but was a base for the slain Al-qaeda Boss in Somalia Aden Hashi Ayrow, who was killed in a US air strike on May 1st last year.
He said that in the past several weeks there have been attacks on Islamist positions near the border accusing Ethiopian military of helping the Somali government forces who carried out those attacks on Islamist positions in the region. “The enemy is on the way–we will not to wait for them to come and kill us so we are taking the battle field into inside Ethiopia specially the city of Ferfer where the enemies prepare themselves before they attack us” he added. He said that Hezbal Islam leaders are currently engaged in the final discussions to fix the date and how to carry out attacks in Ethiopia. “For the past several days I have been in Mogadishu for consultations with Hezbal Islam’s commanders and we will soon invade on Ethiopia” he stated during Thursday’s press conference in Mogadishu.
Meanwhile he also declared war on the moderate-Islamist controlled cities of Guri El and Dhusmareb in central Somalia, accusing the moderate Islamist group of Ahlu sunna Wal Jama’a of supporting Ethiopia. The central Galgadud region is currently controlled by the Moderate Islamists with ties to Somali government but was a base for the slain Al-qaeda Boss in Somalia Aden Hashi Ayrow, who was killed in a US air strike on May 1st last year.
Dawladdaha tababarada siinaya ciidamada DFKMGS oo ka walaacsan in ay ku biiraan ciidamadaasi Al- Shabaab.
29. december 2009
Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Xubno sar sare oo ka tirsan Wasaaraddaha Gaashaandhiga, Arrimaha gudaha iyo Arrimaha dibada ayaa usheegay APL in ay dalalka Caalamka ee tababarada siinaya ciidamada dawladda Soomaaliya ay cabsi ka qabaan in ay ciidamada ay siinayaan tababaradu ay marka ay yimaadaan Soomaaliya, ay ku biiraan Xarakada Al- Shabaab oo aad uga soo horjeedo Siyaasada Reer galbeedka iyo dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya.
Dawladdaha Faransiiska, Mareykanka iyo dawlado kale oo ka mid ah Midowga Yurub ayaa ka walaacsan in ay dhici karto in ay ciidamadaasi hadhow ka mid noqdaan Xarakada Al- Shabaab, waxa ayna usheegeen Madaxda dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya in ay tababarada dibada usoo dirsadaan dadka lugu kalsoon yahay.
Saraakiil ka tirsan Wasaaradda Gaashaandhiga ayaa sheegay in kaalmo Milateri oo hub ahayd lugula kaalmeeyey dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya mudooyin badan, ay gacanta qarkood ugaleen Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda dawladda Soomaaliya.
APL ayaa ogotaay xogtan, waxaana ciidamadii ugu dambeeyey ee loo diray dalalka Africa, gaar ahaana Ugandha iyo Jabuuti ee ay kala tababarayaan Midowga Yurub iyo Mareykanku ay noqdeen kuwa aad looga dhex xulay ciidamada dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, taasoo laga dareemay gudaha ciidamada dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya.
Gudoomiyaha gobalka Banaadir ee dawladda KMG ah oo ka soo laabtay safar uu ku tagay dalka Talyaaniga ayaa shaaciyey lama huraanimada in aysan ciidamada la tababarayo hadhow ku biirin kooxaha diidan, isagoo sheegay in ay dalalka Caalamku aad uga hadleen qodobada la xariira arrimahaasi.
Dawladda KMG ah ayaan awood badan ku laheyn gudaha dalka Soomaaliya, gaar ahaana magaalada Muqdisho oo ay hada ka degan tahay masaafo dhan 2 KM, sida ay qirayaan dalalka Deeqaha bixiya ee taageera dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya.
Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Xubno sar sare oo ka tirsan Wasaaraddaha Gaashaandhiga, Arrimaha gudaha iyo Arrimaha dibada ayaa usheegay APL in ay dalalka Caalamka ee tababarada siinaya ciidamada dawladda Soomaaliya ay cabsi ka qabaan in ay ciidamada ay siinayaan tababaradu ay marka ay yimaadaan Soomaaliya, ay ku biiraan Xarakada Al- Shabaab oo aad uga soo horjeedo Siyaasada Reer galbeedka iyo dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya.
Dawladdaha Faransiiska, Mareykanka iyo dawlado kale oo ka mid ah Midowga Yurub ayaa ka walaacsan in ay dhici karto in ay ciidamadaasi hadhow ka mid noqdaan Xarakada Al- Shabaab, waxa ayna usheegeen Madaxda dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya in ay tababarada dibada usoo dirsadaan dadka lugu kalsoon yahay.
Saraakiil ka tirsan Wasaaradda Gaashaandhiga ayaa sheegay in kaalmo Milateri oo hub ahayd lugula kaalmeeyey dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya mudooyin badan, ay gacanta qarkood ugaleen Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda dawladda Soomaaliya.
APL ayaa ogotaay xogtan, waxaana ciidamadii ugu dambeeyey ee loo diray dalalka Africa, gaar ahaana Ugandha iyo Jabuuti ee ay kala tababarayaan Midowga Yurub iyo Mareykanku ay noqdeen kuwa aad looga dhex xulay ciidamada dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, taasoo laga dareemay gudaha ciidamada dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya.
Gudoomiyaha gobalka Banaadir ee dawladda KMG ah oo ka soo laabtay safar uu ku tagay dalka Talyaaniga ayaa shaaciyey lama huraanimada in aysan ciidamada la tababarayo hadhow ku biirin kooxaha diidan, isagoo sheegay in ay dalalka Caalamku aad uga hadleen qodobada la xariira arrimahaasi.
Dawladda KMG ah ayaan awood badan ku laheyn gudaha dalka Soomaaliya, gaar ahaana magaalada Muqdisho oo ay hada ka degan tahay masaafo dhan 2 KM, sida ay qirayaan dalalka Deeqaha bixiya ee taageera dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya.
DF oo sheegtay in ay hayaan cadeymo muujinaya Qaraxyo la maleegayo.
31. december 2009
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Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in ay heshay xog cad oo cadeynaysa jiritaanka weeraro qaraxyo ah oo la filayo, in lugu weeraro dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya.
Yuusuf Max’ed Siyaad oo ah Wasiiru dowle gaashaandhigeed oo ka tirsan dawladda KMG ah lana hadlay Warbaahinta ayaa uxaqiijiyey sugnaanshaha warkan, isagoo sheegay in lugu weerari doono xarumaha dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.
Indha-Cadde wuxuu tibaaxay in ay hayana cadaymo muuqda, isagoo sheegay in uusan lamid aheyn warkan warar ay marar badan faafiyeen xubno ka tirsan dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya.
“ Wararka aan ka hadlayo waa xaqiiq mahan, kuwa la mid ah hadaladii ugu dambeeyey ee lasheegayay maalmihii ugu dambeeyey, sugnaanshahooda waxaan ka helay laamaha Sirdoonka ee dawladda Soomaaliya” Ayuu yiri Yuusuf Max’ed Siyaad oo ku faraxsan sheegida warkan.
Wasiiru dowlaha Gaashaandhiga ee dawladda KMG ah oo ka talisa dhul dhan 2 KM, oo kuyaala qeyb ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho, ayaa sheegay in ay qaadi doonaan talaabo cad oo ay ku wajahayaan mucaaradyada ka soo horjeeda dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.
Hadalka dawladda KMG ah ka soo baxay ayaa ku soo beegmaya xili ay Al- Shabaab balan qaaday weerar ay ku wajahayso dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, iyadoo shegtay in ay talaabooyin cad ka qaadi doonaan qolo kasta oo ka soo horjeeda mawqifkooda.
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Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in ay heshay xog cad oo cadeynaysa jiritaanka weeraro qaraxyo ah oo la filayo, in lugu weeraro dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya.
Yuusuf Max’ed Siyaad oo ah Wasiiru dowle gaashaandhigeed oo ka tirsan dawladda KMG ah lana hadlay Warbaahinta ayaa uxaqiijiyey sugnaanshaha warkan, isagoo sheegay in lugu weerari doono xarumaha dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.
Indha-Cadde wuxuu tibaaxay in ay hayana cadaymo muuqda, isagoo sheegay in uusan lamid aheyn warkan warar ay marar badan faafiyeen xubno ka tirsan dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya.
“ Wararka aan ka hadlayo waa xaqiiq mahan, kuwa la mid ah hadaladii ugu dambeeyey ee lasheegayay maalmihii ugu dambeeyey, sugnaanshahooda waxaan ka helay laamaha Sirdoonka ee dawladda Soomaaliya” Ayuu yiri Yuusuf Max’ed Siyaad oo ku faraxsan sheegida warkan.
Wasiiru dowlaha Gaashaandhiga ee dawladda KMG ah oo ka talisa dhul dhan 2 KM, oo kuyaala qeyb ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho, ayaa sheegay in ay qaadi doonaan talaabo cad oo ay ku wajahayaan mucaaradyada ka soo horjeeda dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.
Hadalka dawladda KMG ah ka soo baxay ayaa ku soo beegmaya xili ay Al- Shabaab balan qaaday weerar ay ku wajahayso dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, iyadoo shegtay in ay talaabooyin cad ka qaadi doonaan qolo kasta oo ka soo horjeeda mawqifkooda.
DF oo sheegtay in horaanta 2010-ka ay wax weyn ka badali doono gacan kuheynta Muqdisho.
30. december 2009
Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Wasiiru dowlaha Wasaaradda Arrimaha gudaha ee dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya C/rishiid Maxamed Xidig ayaa sheegay in ay qaadi doonaan maalmaha nagu soo aadan guluf dagaal oo xoog leh, kaas oo ay kula dagaalamayaan mucaaradyada hubeysan ee ka soo horjeeda hanaankooda Maamul.
Wasiiru dowlahan oo Wariyaasha kula hadlayay magaalada ay dawladdiisu ka maamusho 2 KM, ayaa sheegay in ay Siyaasadooda iyo shaqadoodaba ay geyn doonaan 16-ka degmo ee magaalada Muqdisho ay ka kooban yahay, isagoo tibaaxay in ay la wareegi doonaan gacan ku heynta deegaanadaasi, oo uu sheegay in ay hada maamulayaan Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda.
Xidig ayaa sheegay in ay dagaal gali doonaan Al- Shabaab & Xisbul Islaam oo aad uga soo horjeeda AMISOM iyo dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, isagoo tilmaamay in ay hada diyaar yihiin ciidamadii qaadi lahaa howlgaladaasi, isagoo ugu baaqay Shacabka magaalada Muqdisho in ay taageeraan ciidamada Xukuumadiisi.
Wasiiru dowlahan oo la weydiyey sida ay run unoqon karto maadaama hadalkiisan oo kale mudo lasoo waday, ayuu sheegay in ay hada noqon doonto markii ugu dambeysay ee xal laga gaarayo arrimaha magaalada Muqdisho, isagoo tibaaxay in gacanta dawladdiisa ay noqon doonaan kuwa ku jiro gobalo badan oo kuyaala dalka Soomaaliya, oo ula jeeday Jubooyinka, Shabeeloyinka, Baay iyo Bakool.
Cabdirishiid Maxamed Xidig wuxuu shaaciyey in horaanta sannadka 2010-ka oo ay halmaalin ka dhiman tahay, ay arki doonaan Shacabka Soomaalidu isbadal ku yimaada hanaanka magaalada Muqdisho, wuxuuna cadeeyey in ay dagaal diyaar uyihiin.
Dagaalada ka dhaca inta badan gudaha magaalada Muqdisho ayaa khasaaraha ugu badan ee ka soo gaaraa Shacabka Soomaaliyeed, maadaama dushooda lugu dagaalamo, inta ka nabad gashana in lugu dul dagaalamana ay guryahooda ugu tagaan xabaduhu, iyadoo ay taasi jirto ayaa hadana dhinacyada ku loolamaya maamulida gobalada Koonfureed ee dalku ay sii wadaan dagaaladooda.
Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Wasiiru dowlaha Wasaaradda Arrimaha gudaha ee dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya C/rishiid Maxamed Xidig ayaa sheegay in ay qaadi doonaan maalmaha nagu soo aadan guluf dagaal oo xoog leh, kaas oo ay kula dagaalamayaan mucaaradyada hubeysan ee ka soo horjeeda hanaankooda Maamul.
Wasiiru dowlahan oo Wariyaasha kula hadlayay magaalada ay dawladdiisu ka maamusho 2 KM, ayaa sheegay in ay Siyaasadooda iyo shaqadoodaba ay geyn doonaan 16-ka degmo ee magaalada Muqdisho ay ka kooban yahay, isagoo tibaaxay in ay la wareegi doonaan gacan ku heynta deegaanadaasi, oo uu sheegay in ay hada maamulayaan Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda.
Xidig ayaa sheegay in ay dagaal gali doonaan Al- Shabaab & Xisbul Islaam oo aad uga soo horjeeda AMISOM iyo dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, isagoo tilmaamay in ay hada diyaar yihiin ciidamadii qaadi lahaa howlgaladaasi, isagoo ugu baaqay Shacabka magaalada Muqdisho in ay taageeraan ciidamada Xukuumadiisi.
Wasiiru dowlahan oo la weydiyey sida ay run unoqon karto maadaama hadalkiisan oo kale mudo lasoo waday, ayuu sheegay in ay hada noqon doonto markii ugu dambeysay ee xal laga gaarayo arrimaha magaalada Muqdisho, isagoo tibaaxay in gacanta dawladdiisa ay noqon doonaan kuwa ku jiro gobalo badan oo kuyaala dalka Soomaaliya, oo ula jeeday Jubooyinka, Shabeeloyinka, Baay iyo Bakool.
Cabdirishiid Maxamed Xidig wuxuu shaaciyey in horaanta sannadka 2010-ka oo ay halmaalin ka dhiman tahay, ay arki doonaan Shacabka Soomaalidu isbadal ku yimaada hanaanka magaalada Muqdisho, wuxuuna cadeeyey in ay dagaal diyaar uyihiin.
Dagaalada ka dhaca inta badan gudaha magaalada Muqdisho ayaa khasaaraha ugu badan ee ka soo gaaraa Shacabka Soomaaliyeed, maadaama dushooda lugu dagaalamo, inta ka nabad gashana in lugu dul dagaalamana ay guryahooda ugu tagaan xabaduhu, iyadoo ay taasi jirto ayaa hadana dhinacyada ku loolamaya maamulida gobalada Koonfureed ee dalku ay sii wadaan dagaaladooda.
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Somali arrested at airport with chemicals, syringe
By MOHAMED OLAD HASSAN, KATHARINE HOURELD and JASON STRAZIUSO, Associated Press Writers Mohamed Olad Hassan, Katharine Houreld And Jason Straziuso, Associated Press Writers – 36 mins ago
MOGADISHU, Somalia – U.S. officials are investigating a Somali man's alleged attempt to board a flight last month carrying chemicals, liquid and a syringe in a case bearing chilling echoes of the plot to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner on Christmas Day.
Terrorism analysts said the arrest in Mogadishu, the Somali capital, could prove highly valuable for the Detroit investigation if the incidents turn out to be linked.
The Somali was arrested by African Union peacekeeping troops Nov. 13 before boarding the Daallo Airlines plane bound for the northern Somali city of Hargeisa, then Djibouti and Dubai.
"We don't know whether he's linked with al-Qaida or other foreign organizations, but his actions were the acts of a terrorist. We caught him red-handed," said a Somali police spokesman, Abdulahi Hassan Barise.
A Nairobi-based diplomat said the incident has similarities to the attempted attack on Northwest Airlines Flight 253 in that the Somali was said to have a syringe, liquid and powdered chemicals — tools similar to those used by the Nigerian suspect on the Detroit-bound plane. The diplomat spoke on condition he not be identified because he wasn't authorized to release the information.
Barigye Bahoku, the spokesman for the African Union military force in Mogadishu, said the materials could have caused an explosion that would have resulted in cabin decompression, though he didn't think it would have brought the plane down.
For the Amsterdam-to-Detroit flight, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab allegedly hid explosive PETN in a condom or condom-like bag just below his torso. In the Somali case, the powdered material smelled strongly of ammonia, and samples were sent to London for testing, Bahoku said.
The case drew little attention before the Christmas incident, but on Wednesday U.S. officials began to investigate any possible links to the Detroit attack. None would speak on the record.
In Washington, State Department spokesman Ian Kelly said U.S. investigators are working with Somali authorities, and linking the case to the Christmas attack "would be speculative at this point."
Thomas Sanderson, a security analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said the Somali suspect is extremely valuable for U.S. investigators, who will compare his statements with Abdulmutallab's.
Police spokesman Barise said the suspect is in Somali custody, but Sanderson said he was sure the U.S. has told the Somali government: "He's ours, and we're taking him."
He said there was no certainty the two were trained by the same group, but believed the similarities are "probably an indicator that more than just two people have been trained and prepared and ordered or convinced to carry out individual acts of terrorism," Sanderson said.
Michael Stock is president of Bancroft, an organization that advises AMISOM, the African Union peacekeeping force in Mogadishu. He said that when the passenger aroused suspicions, Somalis summoned Bancroft guards who patrol the airport.
"At the time, we provided the explosive material itself for analysis and a description of the incident to Western embassy officials involved in supporting AMISOM, for them to pass to law enforcement," Stock said. He said he heard nothing further.
U.S. investigators say Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian suspect held in the Detroit case, told them he received training and instructions from al-Qaida operatives in Yemen, which Western officials say is a jumping-off point for foreign fighters slipping into Somalia. Large swaths of Somalia are controlled by an al-Qaida-linked insurgent group, al-Shabab.
Abdulmutallab is charged with trying to destroy an aircraft. U.S. authorities allege he tried to ignite a two-part concoction of PETN and possibly a glycol-based liquid explosive, setting off popping, smoke and some fire but no deadly detonation.
If the Somali suspect was planning anything similar, it wasn't known what his specific target might have been. Most passengers on Daallo's Mogadishu route are Somali. The carrier's Web site calls it the national airline of Somalia's neighbor, Djibouti. Some 1,800 U.S. troops are stationed in Djibouti, while Dubai would offer the greatest range of Westbound flights along the route in question.
A Somali security official involved in the Mogadishu arrest said the suspect had a 1-kilogram (2.2-pound) package of chemical powder and a container of liquid chemicals. He said the suspect was the last passenger in line to board.
The man's name was not released, but the security official gave it as Abdi Hassan Abdi and said he was middle-aged. Stock said the name he got was Abdi Hassan Abdullah, but it was unclear that is his real name.
Once the chemicals and syringe were detected, the suspect tried to bribe the team that detained him, the security official said. He said he had a white shampoo bottle containing a black acid-like substance, a clear plastic bag with a light green chalky substance, and a syringe containing a green liquid. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to release the information.
A spokeswoman for Daallo Airlines said that company officials were unaware of the incident and would have to seek more information before commenting. Daallo Airlines is based in Dubai and has offices in Djibouti and France.
MOGADISHU, Somalia – U.S. officials are investigating a Somali man's alleged attempt to board a flight last month carrying chemicals, liquid and a syringe in a case bearing chilling echoes of the plot to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner on Christmas Day.
Terrorism analysts said the arrest in Mogadishu, the Somali capital, could prove highly valuable for the Detroit investigation if the incidents turn out to be linked.
The Somali was arrested by African Union peacekeeping troops Nov. 13 before boarding the Daallo Airlines plane bound for the northern Somali city of Hargeisa, then Djibouti and Dubai.
"We don't know whether he's linked with al-Qaida or other foreign organizations, but his actions were the acts of a terrorist. We caught him red-handed," said a Somali police spokesman, Abdulahi Hassan Barise.
A Nairobi-based diplomat said the incident has similarities to the attempted attack on Northwest Airlines Flight 253 in that the Somali was said to have a syringe, liquid and powdered chemicals — tools similar to those used by the Nigerian suspect on the Detroit-bound plane. The diplomat spoke on condition he not be identified because he wasn't authorized to release the information.
Barigye Bahoku, the spokesman for the African Union military force in Mogadishu, said the materials could have caused an explosion that would have resulted in cabin decompression, though he didn't think it would have brought the plane down.
For the Amsterdam-to-Detroit flight, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab allegedly hid explosive PETN in a condom or condom-like bag just below his torso. In the Somali case, the powdered material smelled strongly of ammonia, and samples were sent to London for testing, Bahoku said.
The case drew little attention before the Christmas incident, but on Wednesday U.S. officials began to investigate any possible links to the Detroit attack. None would speak on the record.
In Washington, State Department spokesman Ian Kelly said U.S. investigators are working with Somali authorities, and linking the case to the Christmas attack "would be speculative at this point."
Thomas Sanderson, a security analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said the Somali suspect is extremely valuable for U.S. investigators, who will compare his statements with Abdulmutallab's.
Police spokesman Barise said the suspect is in Somali custody, but Sanderson said he was sure the U.S. has told the Somali government: "He's ours, and we're taking him."
He said there was no certainty the two were trained by the same group, but believed the similarities are "probably an indicator that more than just two people have been trained and prepared and ordered or convinced to carry out individual acts of terrorism," Sanderson said.
Michael Stock is president of Bancroft, an organization that advises AMISOM, the African Union peacekeeping force in Mogadishu. He said that when the passenger aroused suspicions, Somalis summoned Bancroft guards who patrol the airport.
"At the time, we provided the explosive material itself for analysis and a description of the incident to Western embassy officials involved in supporting AMISOM, for them to pass to law enforcement," Stock said. He said he heard nothing further.
U.S. investigators say Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian suspect held in the Detroit case, told them he received training and instructions from al-Qaida operatives in Yemen, which Western officials say is a jumping-off point for foreign fighters slipping into Somalia. Large swaths of Somalia are controlled by an al-Qaida-linked insurgent group, al-Shabab.
Abdulmutallab is charged with trying to destroy an aircraft. U.S. authorities allege he tried to ignite a two-part concoction of PETN and possibly a glycol-based liquid explosive, setting off popping, smoke and some fire but no deadly detonation.
If the Somali suspect was planning anything similar, it wasn't known what his specific target might have been. Most passengers on Daallo's Mogadishu route are Somali. The carrier's Web site calls it the national airline of Somalia's neighbor, Djibouti. Some 1,800 U.S. troops are stationed in Djibouti, while Dubai would offer the greatest range of Westbound flights along the route in question.
A Somali security official involved in the Mogadishu arrest said the suspect had a 1-kilogram (2.2-pound) package of chemical powder and a container of liquid chemicals. He said the suspect was the last passenger in line to board.
The man's name was not released, but the security official gave it as Abdi Hassan Abdi and said he was middle-aged. Stock said the name he got was Abdi Hassan Abdullah, but it was unclear that is his real name.
Once the chemicals and syringe were detected, the suspect tried to bribe the team that detained him, the security official said. He said he had a white shampoo bottle containing a black acid-like substance, a clear plastic bag with a light green chalky substance, and a syringe containing a green liquid. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to release the information.
A spokeswoman for Daallo Airlines said that company officials were unaware of the incident and would have to seek more information before commenting. Daallo Airlines is based in Dubai and has offices in Djibouti and France.
Puntland condemns Kenya's deputy speaker
30 Dec 30, 2009 - 1:04:39 PM
The government of Somalia’s Puntland state has strongly condemned the recent visit of Kenya parliament deputy speaker Farah Ma’alim Mohammed to Las Anod town in Sool region.
In an interview with BBC Somali Service, Puntland’s Good Governance and State minister, Mohammed Farah Isse Gashan accused Ma’alim of interfering with the affairs of Puntland and entire war-torn Somalia.
“Puntland government strongly condemns the visit of Kenya’s parliament deputy speaker Farah Ma’alim to some parts of Somalia, which as government, we see as direct interference into Somalia’s state of affairs. In particular, we us a government condemn his visit to the capital of Sool, Las Anod,” he said in an interview with BBC’s Ahmed M. Ali (Kismayo).
Gashan said that the deputy speaker was aware of the status of the region, which is under the Somaliland administration and most of the region’s intellectuals are away.
“Farah Ma’alim is aware that Las Anod is unlawfully under the control of Somaliland and that most of its leaders, elders, elites and scholars are out of the town,”
The minister termed Ma’alim meeting with people in one of Las Anod’s Hotels as a way of fuelling animosity between Puntland and Somaliland.
Asked why his government is raising condemnation against Farah Ma’alim, who was a Somaliland visitor and the fact that Las Anod is under Somaliland, the minister replied:
“Farah Ma’alim knows better that Las Anod is forcible controlled by Somaliland and its people is against that. His visit is to support Somaliland’s bid to break-away from the entire Somalia.”
“He met with some people in a hotel called Hotel Hamdi and told them not to wait for Puntland or Somali Federal government instead join Somaliland,” he said, adding that his government got the information from the confidential eyewitnesses.
The minister said if Ma’alim would have stayed only in Hargeisa, then Puntland would not have raised any condemnations. Nevertheless, he noted that his calling to people of Las Anod to forcefully follow Somaliland was of great concern to Puntland.
On other hand, reports from Las Anod said that people who were agitated by Ma’alim’s remarks barred by security forces from demonstrating.
It is not clear the reason behind the visit of Kenya’s Palimanet deputy speaker to Las Anod, at a time when the town is heavily disputed by the two governments.
However, political analysts say the visit come after Puntland jailed several people accused of having links with Ethiopian rebel group, Ogaden National Liberation Front.
Before his election as the deputy speaker, Farah Ma’alim, who was then an opposition figure, was accused of allegedly supporting Somalia’s Union of Islamic Courts, which was fighting against the UN-backed Somali transition government.
The government of Somalia’s Puntland state has strongly condemned the recent visit of Kenya parliament deputy speaker Farah Ma’alim Mohammed to Las Anod town in Sool region.
In an interview with BBC Somali Service, Puntland’s Good Governance and State minister, Mohammed Farah Isse Gashan accused Ma’alim of interfering with the affairs of Puntland and entire war-torn Somalia.
“Puntland government strongly condemns the visit of Kenya’s parliament deputy speaker Farah Ma’alim to some parts of Somalia, which as government, we see as direct interference into Somalia’s state of affairs. In particular, we us a government condemn his visit to the capital of Sool, Las Anod,” he said in an interview with BBC’s Ahmed M. Ali (Kismayo).
Gashan said that the deputy speaker was aware of the status of the region, which is under the Somaliland administration and most of the region’s intellectuals are away.
“Farah Ma’alim is aware that Las Anod is unlawfully under the control of Somaliland and that most of its leaders, elders, elites and scholars are out of the town,”
The minister termed Ma’alim meeting with people in one of Las Anod’s Hotels as a way of fuelling animosity between Puntland and Somaliland.
Asked why his government is raising condemnation against Farah Ma’alim, who was a Somaliland visitor and the fact that Las Anod is under Somaliland, the minister replied:
“Farah Ma’alim knows better that Las Anod is forcible controlled by Somaliland and its people is against that. His visit is to support Somaliland’s bid to break-away from the entire Somalia.”
“He met with some people in a hotel called Hotel Hamdi and told them not to wait for Puntland or Somali Federal government instead join Somaliland,” he said, adding that his government got the information from the confidential eyewitnesses.
The minister said if Ma’alim would have stayed only in Hargeisa, then Puntland would not have raised any condemnations. Nevertheless, he noted that his calling to people of Las Anod to forcefully follow Somaliland was of great concern to Puntland.
On other hand, reports from Las Anod said that people who were agitated by Ma’alim’s remarks barred by security forces from demonstrating.
It is not clear the reason behind the visit of Kenya’s Palimanet deputy speaker to Las Anod, at a time when the town is heavily disputed by the two governments.
However, political analysts say the visit come after Puntland jailed several people accused of having links with Ethiopian rebel group, Ogaden National Liberation Front.
Before his election as the deputy speaker, Farah Ma’alim, who was then an opposition figure, was accused of allegedly supporting Somalia’s Union of Islamic Courts, which was fighting against the UN-backed Somali transition government.
Why Troops Must Be Deployed Now
By JULIANA TAIWO, 12.29.2009
The entire event was aimed to explore mechanisms of influencing public opinion and support for African Union Mission for Somalia (AMISOM) in Somalia, especially in current and potential Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs).
The forum sought to enable citizens—through gatekeepers—from the TCCs to appreciate the roles, responsibilities and contributions of their troops to the peace process in Somalia and its far-reaching implications for the African continent. It also aimed to explore mechanisms of influencing public policy in the current and potential TCCs with a view to generating more troops for the mission.
It is pertinent to note that the Nigerian government had stated categorically that there is no peace to keep in Somalia rather what is needed is peace enforcement. Apparently, Nigeria drew its assertion from its experience in Liberia and Sierra Leone conflicts of the late 80s and early ‘90s. It also further stated that the agreements reached with the European Union (EU) in providing equipment and funding has also not been met.
Nigeria had last August, said in the face of dwindling resources following the global economic crisis as well as the then militancy in the Niger Delta region and other competing demands at the home front, it was considering reducing its commitment in external peacekeeping operations. Government had also lamented that with 5,000 soldiers in Darfur and the current troop strength of 17,000 in various peacekeeping missions worldwide, the burden on Nigeria’s budget was becoming unbearable.
But the Acting Special Representative of the Chairperson of African Union Commission on AMISOM, Hon. Wafula Wamunyinyi grabbed the attention when he raised the alarm that if TCCs do not redeemed their pledge of sending troops to tackle insurgency and restore peace in Somalia, the continent should not be surprise to witness a repeat of September 11 attack on an African soil with the kind of support the Al-Shabab group was enjoying from Al-Qaeda which is known to commit ghastly terrorists attacks that have led to hundreds, if not thousands, of deaths in counties like US, Afghanistan, UK, Pakistan among others. “If more security-sophisticated countries like the US, UK and Spain could be affected, then Africa may be like a play ground for any Al-Qaeda terrorist attack,” he explained.
Wamunyinyi further warned that African continent is not immune from the September 11-like attack if each member state of the African Union (AU) continues to play the ostrich as Al-Shabab are now being trained by Al-Qaeda militias in terrorism acts, suicide bombings, targeted attacks and kidnappings. He added that “no African country should think it is safe as long as Al-Qaeda is present in Somalia.”
The AMISOM boss particularly called on Nigeria, being a senior, strategic partner and a major stakeholder on African issues with experience in peacekeeping operations to take the lead in keeping to its international commitment, warning that no country is safe if Al-Shabab is allowed the freehand to foster.
Ordinarily, the African Union Mission for Somalia (AMISOM) was established by the African Union Peace and Security Council (PSC) in January, 2007 and mandated to provide support to the Somalia Transitional Federal Institutions (TFIs) in their efforts to stabilise the country and further dialogue and reconciliation; facilitate provision of humanitarian assistance, and create conducive conditions for long term stabilisation, reconstruction and development in Somalia.
In implementing its mandate since March 2007, AMISOM Programme Manager, Mr. James Gadin, explained that the mission has deployed a military component comprising of two contingents from Burundi and Uganda. According to him, AMISOM force is deployed in strategic locations covering the airport, seaport, Kilometre-4, Villa Somalia (The Presidency), Siad Barre Military Academy and the former Mogadishu University.
Apart from providing security to the TFIs and key installations, the force has also been involved in the provision of humanitarian services such as medicare and portable water supply to Somalis, which have gone a long way in winning the hearts and minds of the ordinary Somali citizen.
Taking participants through the challenges of AMISOM, Gadin said AMISOM has suffered some challenges despite its laudable objectives including operating below the mandated troop strength of 8000, operating in a very hostile environment in which AMISOM soldiers have been attacked (200 injured) and killed (60 deceased), as well as lack of sufficient understanding of the mandate and roles of AMISOM both in Somalia and in the current and potential Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs).
“Despite the laudable objectives of the mission, and the political, security and humanitarian tasks which the mission has undertaken over the last two years in Somalia, it continues to suffer a number of challenges which have hampered successful implementation of the mandate.
The mission has not been able to generate and deploy its mandated troop strength of 8000 soldiers, largely due to inadequate financial and logistical resources. The mission is also operating in a very hostile environment. By September 3, more than 60 peacekeepers had been killed, while close to 200 had been injured. That problem has been compounded by the complex and multi-faceted nature of the conflict and the fluid nature of the actors.
“AMISOM has also faced the challenge of lack of wider public support in Somalia, and in the respective Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs). This is due to lack of sufficient information about the mission, and negative publicity arising out of the attacks and killings of its soldiers. In particular, the level of casualties recorded by the mission has been exploited by those opposed to the mission in Somalia and the TCCs to call for troop withdrawal, as well as to delay deployment by potential TCCs and other logistical support,” he lamented.
Speaking on the needs for TCCs to react now, Wamunyinyi said, “we have made an appeal to member states of the African Union to deploy troops in Somalia, particularly we have asked our big brothers Nigeria, Ghana and others to take the Somalia situation not as Somalia concern alone, but an issue for the entire African region, and for the whole of the international community.
“The Al-Shabab at the moment are now being supported by Al-Qaeda and Al-Qaeda’s continuous grip on the activities of Al-Shabab has given them such manner of organisation that they have gone as far as appointing managers, trainers, financiers to manage the affairs of Al-Shabab and have opened up training camps within Somalia.
Unless this is checked we will have the movement of Al-Shabab strengthened by Al-Qaeda and also because the international community’s efforts in Afghanistan are being strengthened, there is need to act so as not to turn Somalia to a new haven for Al-Qaeda activities.
“President Barrack Obama has recently resolved that America is making further deployment of over 30,000 soldiers to Afghanistan, the United Kingdom deploying 10,000, the NATO members and European Union states are doing the same, to strengthen the multilateral military efforts in Afghanistan. The troop level in Afghanistan is going up to 150,000.
“While Afghanistan is receiving that much attention, Africans on the other hand, are not deploying in Somalia. We need to realise that as pressure mounts on Al Qaeda in Afghanistan they will move to Somalia and when they move, the situation will become critical because they can attack anybody, especially with the weak institutions there.
This is because now they are training in terrorism, suicide bombings, targeted attacks and kidnappings. What happened in the US on September 11, can happen anywhere in Africa. No African country should think it is safe. African leaders must understand that this problem must be solved otherwise the security of Africa, the security of member states is greatly jeopardised by the presence of Al-Qaeda in Somalia,” he warned.
Wamunyinyi said “Nigerian forces have been involved in peacekeeping missions in various countries and have had extensive experience in conflicts resolution, we need them to provide us with selfsame experience as a senior and critical partner and a major stakeholder on the continent.
I mean Nigeria is a strategic partner and a major stakeholder on African issues. So we are really looking at Nigeria to take its position to lead, to take up its position as a leader in Africa to deploy in Somalia. If this does not happen they should not sit in Nigeria or anywhere and think we are safe. Al-Qaeda and by extension Al-Shabab is capable of attacking anywhere, this is how serious it is,” he said.
Currently, only Uganda and Burundi have deployed troops made up of 4,500 peacekeeping (six battalion) soldiers who are presently being owed nine months allowances since April. Only $800,000 has been disbursed of the US$230million promised by the European Union (EU) to support the efforts to restore peace in Somalia. So there are enormous financial and logistics challenges for the mission.
While the spirit was still high on the second and final day of the workshop, news filtered in from Somalia that a suicide bomber disguised as a woman sneaked into a graduation ceremony at the Shamo Hotel in Mogadishu and blew himself up resulting in the death of three ministers, journalists, parents and several others including 30 of the 43 medical students having their graduation ceremony. Obviously, the saddening news disrupted the workshop for about 10 minutes during which AMISOM issued a statement condemning the attack in strong terms.
In a pensive mood, Wamunyinyi, told the participants and the media present that the attack was to blackmail the government of Somalia and the AMISOM working towards peace and stabilisation of the country. “We condemn this attack and the perpetrators of this act in the strongest terms. We want to assure the people of Somalia and the international community that AMISOM will remain steadfast, we are going to continue providing our services to the people of Somalia, Transitional Federal Government (TFG), to the people of Africa and this is not going to cow us in any way. Our message to President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmad is that we will be with them at this difficult time all the way.
The commander of the African Union (AU) peacekeeping force in Somalia, Maj. Gen. Nathan Mugisha said the attack showed an urgent need to deploy more peacekeeping troops to the country to restore peace and tackle terrorists.
He warned that as countries continue to take a slow decision in deploying troops, the militants in Somalia are gaining more grounds. “These are things we have been talking about here. Now, it is evident you can see an explosion at a graduation ceremony where you have harmless students, parents, leadership and the public. Obviously it was not a good intention, when you are targeting innocent people, young doctors graduating having been trained.
“What has happened shouldn’t derail us from our plans, it’s a shock but it is not surprising and I think if anything, it should just make us more resolute to achieve in this conference anything that was determined to be achieved,” he said.
The entire event was aimed to explore mechanisms of influencing public opinion and support for African Union Mission for Somalia (AMISOM) in Somalia, especially in current and potential Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs).
The forum sought to enable citizens—through gatekeepers—from the TCCs to appreciate the roles, responsibilities and contributions of their troops to the peace process in Somalia and its far-reaching implications for the African continent. It also aimed to explore mechanisms of influencing public policy in the current and potential TCCs with a view to generating more troops for the mission.
It is pertinent to note that the Nigerian government had stated categorically that there is no peace to keep in Somalia rather what is needed is peace enforcement. Apparently, Nigeria drew its assertion from its experience in Liberia and Sierra Leone conflicts of the late 80s and early ‘90s. It also further stated that the agreements reached with the European Union (EU) in providing equipment and funding has also not been met.
Nigeria had last August, said in the face of dwindling resources following the global economic crisis as well as the then militancy in the Niger Delta region and other competing demands at the home front, it was considering reducing its commitment in external peacekeeping operations. Government had also lamented that with 5,000 soldiers in Darfur and the current troop strength of 17,000 in various peacekeeping missions worldwide, the burden on Nigeria’s budget was becoming unbearable.
But the Acting Special Representative of the Chairperson of African Union Commission on AMISOM, Hon. Wafula Wamunyinyi grabbed the attention when he raised the alarm that if TCCs do not redeemed their pledge of sending troops to tackle insurgency and restore peace in Somalia, the continent should not be surprise to witness a repeat of September 11 attack on an African soil with the kind of support the Al-Shabab group was enjoying from Al-Qaeda which is known to commit ghastly terrorists attacks that have led to hundreds, if not thousands, of deaths in counties like US, Afghanistan, UK, Pakistan among others. “If more security-sophisticated countries like the US, UK and Spain could be affected, then Africa may be like a play ground for any Al-Qaeda terrorist attack,” he explained.
Wamunyinyi further warned that African continent is not immune from the September 11-like attack if each member state of the African Union (AU) continues to play the ostrich as Al-Shabab are now being trained by Al-Qaeda militias in terrorism acts, suicide bombings, targeted attacks and kidnappings. He added that “no African country should think it is safe as long as Al-Qaeda is present in Somalia.”
The AMISOM boss particularly called on Nigeria, being a senior, strategic partner and a major stakeholder on African issues with experience in peacekeeping operations to take the lead in keeping to its international commitment, warning that no country is safe if Al-Shabab is allowed the freehand to foster.
Ordinarily, the African Union Mission for Somalia (AMISOM) was established by the African Union Peace and Security Council (PSC) in January, 2007 and mandated to provide support to the Somalia Transitional Federal Institutions (TFIs) in their efforts to stabilise the country and further dialogue and reconciliation; facilitate provision of humanitarian assistance, and create conducive conditions for long term stabilisation, reconstruction and development in Somalia.
In implementing its mandate since March 2007, AMISOM Programme Manager, Mr. James Gadin, explained that the mission has deployed a military component comprising of two contingents from Burundi and Uganda. According to him, AMISOM force is deployed in strategic locations covering the airport, seaport, Kilometre-4, Villa Somalia (The Presidency), Siad Barre Military Academy and the former Mogadishu University.
Apart from providing security to the TFIs and key installations, the force has also been involved in the provision of humanitarian services such as medicare and portable water supply to Somalis, which have gone a long way in winning the hearts and minds of the ordinary Somali citizen.
Taking participants through the challenges of AMISOM, Gadin said AMISOM has suffered some challenges despite its laudable objectives including operating below the mandated troop strength of 8000, operating in a very hostile environment in which AMISOM soldiers have been attacked (200 injured) and killed (60 deceased), as well as lack of sufficient understanding of the mandate and roles of AMISOM both in Somalia and in the current and potential Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs).
“Despite the laudable objectives of the mission, and the political, security and humanitarian tasks which the mission has undertaken over the last two years in Somalia, it continues to suffer a number of challenges which have hampered successful implementation of the mandate.
The mission has not been able to generate and deploy its mandated troop strength of 8000 soldiers, largely due to inadequate financial and logistical resources. The mission is also operating in a very hostile environment. By September 3, more than 60 peacekeepers had been killed, while close to 200 had been injured. That problem has been compounded by the complex and multi-faceted nature of the conflict and the fluid nature of the actors.
“AMISOM has also faced the challenge of lack of wider public support in Somalia, and in the respective Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs). This is due to lack of sufficient information about the mission, and negative publicity arising out of the attacks and killings of its soldiers. In particular, the level of casualties recorded by the mission has been exploited by those opposed to the mission in Somalia and the TCCs to call for troop withdrawal, as well as to delay deployment by potential TCCs and other logistical support,” he lamented.
Speaking on the needs for TCCs to react now, Wamunyinyi said, “we have made an appeal to member states of the African Union to deploy troops in Somalia, particularly we have asked our big brothers Nigeria, Ghana and others to take the Somalia situation not as Somalia concern alone, but an issue for the entire African region, and for the whole of the international community.
“The Al-Shabab at the moment are now being supported by Al-Qaeda and Al-Qaeda’s continuous grip on the activities of Al-Shabab has given them such manner of organisation that they have gone as far as appointing managers, trainers, financiers to manage the affairs of Al-Shabab and have opened up training camps within Somalia.
Unless this is checked we will have the movement of Al-Shabab strengthened by Al-Qaeda and also because the international community’s efforts in Afghanistan are being strengthened, there is need to act so as not to turn Somalia to a new haven for Al-Qaeda activities.
“President Barrack Obama has recently resolved that America is making further deployment of over 30,000 soldiers to Afghanistan, the United Kingdom deploying 10,000, the NATO members and European Union states are doing the same, to strengthen the multilateral military efforts in Afghanistan. The troop level in Afghanistan is going up to 150,000.
“While Afghanistan is receiving that much attention, Africans on the other hand, are not deploying in Somalia. We need to realise that as pressure mounts on Al Qaeda in Afghanistan they will move to Somalia and when they move, the situation will become critical because they can attack anybody, especially with the weak institutions there.
This is because now they are training in terrorism, suicide bombings, targeted attacks and kidnappings. What happened in the US on September 11, can happen anywhere in Africa. No African country should think it is safe. African leaders must understand that this problem must be solved otherwise the security of Africa, the security of member states is greatly jeopardised by the presence of Al-Qaeda in Somalia,” he warned.
Wamunyinyi said “Nigerian forces have been involved in peacekeeping missions in various countries and have had extensive experience in conflicts resolution, we need them to provide us with selfsame experience as a senior and critical partner and a major stakeholder on the continent.
I mean Nigeria is a strategic partner and a major stakeholder on African issues. So we are really looking at Nigeria to take its position to lead, to take up its position as a leader in Africa to deploy in Somalia. If this does not happen they should not sit in Nigeria or anywhere and think we are safe. Al-Qaeda and by extension Al-Shabab is capable of attacking anywhere, this is how serious it is,” he said.
Currently, only Uganda and Burundi have deployed troops made up of 4,500 peacekeeping (six battalion) soldiers who are presently being owed nine months allowances since April. Only $800,000 has been disbursed of the US$230million promised by the European Union (EU) to support the efforts to restore peace in Somalia. So there are enormous financial and logistics challenges for the mission.
While the spirit was still high on the second and final day of the workshop, news filtered in from Somalia that a suicide bomber disguised as a woman sneaked into a graduation ceremony at the Shamo Hotel in Mogadishu and blew himself up resulting in the death of three ministers, journalists, parents and several others including 30 of the 43 medical students having their graduation ceremony. Obviously, the saddening news disrupted the workshop for about 10 minutes during which AMISOM issued a statement condemning the attack in strong terms.
In a pensive mood, Wamunyinyi, told the participants and the media present that the attack was to blackmail the government of Somalia and the AMISOM working towards peace and stabilisation of the country. “We condemn this attack and the perpetrators of this act in the strongest terms. We want to assure the people of Somalia and the international community that AMISOM will remain steadfast, we are going to continue providing our services to the people of Somalia, Transitional Federal Government (TFG), to the people of Africa and this is not going to cow us in any way. Our message to President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmad is that we will be with them at this difficult time all the way.
The commander of the African Union (AU) peacekeeping force in Somalia, Maj. Gen. Nathan Mugisha said the attack showed an urgent need to deploy more peacekeeping troops to the country to restore peace and tackle terrorists.
He warned that as countries continue to take a slow decision in deploying troops, the militants in Somalia are gaining more grounds. “These are things we have been talking about here. Now, it is evident you can see an explosion at a graduation ceremony where you have harmless students, parents, leadership and the public. Obviously it was not a good intention, when you are targeting innocent people, young doctors graduating having been trained.
“What has happened shouldn’t derail us from our plans, it’s a shock but it is not surprising and I think if anything, it should just make us more resolute to achieve in this conference anything that was determined to be achieved,” he said.
Monday, 28 December 2009
Somalia: Verbal declarations of support are not enough
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Over several months, in a whole series of resolutions from IGAD, the AU Peace and Security Council and the AU Heads of State and Government Summit, and most recently with last week’s International Contact Group (ICG) declaration in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the international community has time and again announced its readiness to support Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in its efforts to restore peace and stability in Somalia. Indeed, there is an impressive consensus of support within the international community for the TFG and for Somalia. However this has still not translated into the necessary material support when considering the enormity of the challenges faced by the TFG and its allies. By contrast, the opponents of the TFG, the combined extremist forces of Al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam with Al Qaeda operatives, have been continuing to receive unlimited and unchecked support. This has allowed them to take advantage of the lack of sufficient, concrete assistance from the international community to the TFG and its allies. The situation has created a balance that clearly favors extremists and needs to be addressed urgently by the international community.
The increasing security threats and the associated problems of statelessness emanating from Somalia are not confined to Somalia or indeed to the region. There has been a succession of terrorist attacks in Somaliland and Puntland as well as in Mogadishu, Belet Weyne and other towns in Somalia, many under the guidance of foreign nationals of Somali origin coming from Europe and America. Significant numbers of foreign fighters have been appearing in Somalia in recent months. Al-Shabaab itself has also been making threats against a whole series of countries in the region, in Africa and even more widely.
The solidarity and support shown to the TFG and to Somalia in general has so far been largely focused on the political and diplomatic arena. This may have created unprecedented verbal support and a favorable international environment for the Government of Somalia. There have been successive resolutions at the regional and continental level in support of the TFG. Now the UN Security Council has imposed sanctions on Eritrea for its continued support to extremists who have been openly working to undermine the TFG and the international efforts to restore peace and security in Somalia.
This may all sound impressive, but it fails to provide what the TFG actually needs: more resources, more practical support and above all more security assistance. Unless the international community is prepared to exert more realistic and coordinated efforts to assist the TFG and help resolve its security problems, it will remain difficult for the Government to exert its control. There is certainly a need for the TFG itself to demonstrate more progress and engage more actively with its actual and potential allies in overcoming the challenges posed by Al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam group. Equally, the TFG needs to re-emphasize its links with supporters of peace in Somalia including Ahlu Sunna wal-Jamma, the administration of Puntland, the different clan militias, the business community and civil society. There is currently a real opportunity to do this following the December 3rd suicide bombing in Mogadishu which has shocked all Somalis, and demonstrated the true nature of Al-Shabaab’s barbarism, its lack of interest in innocent Somali lives, and, indeed, its un-Islamic behavior. It underlined the fact that Al-Shabaab has become dominated by foreign extremists whose agenda is no longer related to Somalia.
Increased practical support to the TFG from the international community would now provide a great opportunity to change the situation for the better. At the Brussels donor’s conference on Somalia in April more than $200 million USD was promised. What has been delivered is too small to have had any real impact. On Monday, President Sheikh Sharif opened the 10th session of the Somali Parliament in Mogadishu. He told MPs that the Government had “only received $3 million from the huge sum of money promised by the world”. He called on donors to “fulfill their pledges to the Somali people who are currently facing brutal radicals bent on destabilizing not only Somalia but the entire region”. Dressed in a military uniform, the President told MPs that establishing security was the principal priority for the Government, and it was making considerable progress in this direction, recruiting and training Somali National Forces and appointing a new leadership. He said the Government had recruited enough troops to take on the extremists, but called on Somaliland and Puntland to join forces with the TFG in the fight against Al Qaeda which was, he said, a menace to all Somalis. Certainly, without greater immediate and practical support from the international community miracles cannot be expected of the TFG and its allies. If the international community is serious in its repeated protestations of support, it must be time for it to put its money where its mouth is, and provide the resources the TFG needs on the ground to defeat Al-Shabaab and its extremist allies.
We say all this not because we are convinced that the TFG itself has no weaknesses. It has. But it is critical that we all recognize that the context within which the TFG operates in Somalia should be taken into account. Context really matters. What the TFG is facing today is not a normal challenge. What we have in Somalia is rather an emergency situation and that is exactly how the need to provide support to the TFG should be taken.
Over several months, in a whole series of resolutions from IGAD, the AU Peace and Security Council and the AU Heads of State and Government Summit, and most recently with last week’s International Contact Group (ICG) declaration in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the international community has time and again announced its readiness to support Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in its efforts to restore peace and stability in Somalia. Indeed, there is an impressive consensus of support within the international community for the TFG and for Somalia. However this has still not translated into the necessary material support when considering the enormity of the challenges faced by the TFG and its allies. By contrast, the opponents of the TFG, the combined extremist forces of Al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam with Al Qaeda operatives, have been continuing to receive unlimited and unchecked support. This has allowed them to take advantage of the lack of sufficient, concrete assistance from the international community to the TFG and its allies. The situation has created a balance that clearly favors extremists and needs to be addressed urgently by the international community.
The increasing security threats and the associated problems of statelessness emanating from Somalia are not confined to Somalia or indeed to the region. There has been a succession of terrorist attacks in Somaliland and Puntland as well as in Mogadishu, Belet Weyne and other towns in Somalia, many under the guidance of foreign nationals of Somali origin coming from Europe and America. Significant numbers of foreign fighters have been appearing in Somalia in recent months. Al-Shabaab itself has also been making threats against a whole series of countries in the region, in Africa and even more widely.
The solidarity and support shown to the TFG and to Somalia in general has so far been largely focused on the political and diplomatic arena. This may have created unprecedented verbal support and a favorable international environment for the Government of Somalia. There have been successive resolutions at the regional and continental level in support of the TFG. Now the UN Security Council has imposed sanctions on Eritrea for its continued support to extremists who have been openly working to undermine the TFG and the international efforts to restore peace and security in Somalia.
This may all sound impressive, but it fails to provide what the TFG actually needs: more resources, more practical support and above all more security assistance. Unless the international community is prepared to exert more realistic and coordinated efforts to assist the TFG and help resolve its security problems, it will remain difficult for the Government to exert its control. There is certainly a need for the TFG itself to demonstrate more progress and engage more actively with its actual and potential allies in overcoming the challenges posed by Al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam group. Equally, the TFG needs to re-emphasize its links with supporters of peace in Somalia including Ahlu Sunna wal-Jamma, the administration of Puntland, the different clan militias, the business community and civil society. There is currently a real opportunity to do this following the December 3rd suicide bombing in Mogadishu which has shocked all Somalis, and demonstrated the true nature of Al-Shabaab’s barbarism, its lack of interest in innocent Somali lives, and, indeed, its un-Islamic behavior. It underlined the fact that Al-Shabaab has become dominated by foreign extremists whose agenda is no longer related to Somalia.
Increased practical support to the TFG from the international community would now provide a great opportunity to change the situation for the better. At the Brussels donor’s conference on Somalia in April more than $200 million USD was promised. What has been delivered is too small to have had any real impact. On Monday, President Sheikh Sharif opened the 10th session of the Somali Parliament in Mogadishu. He told MPs that the Government had “only received $3 million from the huge sum of money promised by the world”. He called on donors to “fulfill their pledges to the Somali people who are currently facing brutal radicals bent on destabilizing not only Somalia but the entire region”. Dressed in a military uniform, the President told MPs that establishing security was the principal priority for the Government, and it was making considerable progress in this direction, recruiting and training Somali National Forces and appointing a new leadership. He said the Government had recruited enough troops to take on the extremists, but called on Somaliland and Puntland to join forces with the TFG in the fight against Al Qaeda which was, he said, a menace to all Somalis. Certainly, without greater immediate and practical support from the international community miracles cannot be expected of the TFG and its allies. If the international community is serious in its repeated protestations of support, it must be time for it to put its money where its mouth is, and provide the resources the TFG needs on the ground to defeat Al-Shabaab and its extremist allies.
We say all this not because we are convinced that the TFG itself has no weaknesses. It has. But it is critical that we all recognize that the context within which the TFG operates in Somalia should be taken into account. Context really matters. What the TFG is facing today is not a normal challenge. What we have in Somalia is rather an emergency situation and that is exactly how the need to provide support to the TFG should be taken.
Somalia: Verbal declarations of support are not enough
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Over several months, in a whole series of resolutions from IGAD, the AU Peace and Security Council and the AU Heads of State and Government Summit, and most recently with last week’s International Contact Group (ICG) declaration in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the international community has time and again announced its readiness to support Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in its efforts to restore peace and stability in Somalia. Indeed, there is an impressive consensus of support within the international community for the TFG and for Somalia. However this has still not translated into the necessary material support when considering the enormity of the challenges faced by the TFG and its allies. By contrast, the opponents of the TFG, the combined extremist forces of Al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam with Al Qaeda operatives, have been continuing to receive unlimited and unchecked support. This has allowed them to take advantage of the lack of sufficient, concrete assistance from the international community to the TFG and its allies. The situation has created a balance that clearly favors extremists and needs to be addressed urgently by the international community.
The increasing security threats and the associated problems of statelessness emanating from Somalia are not confined to Somalia or indeed to the region. There has been a succession of terrorist attacks in Somaliland and Puntland as well as in Mogadishu, Belet Weyne and other towns in Somalia, many under the guidance of foreign nationals of Somali origin coming from Europe and America. Significant numbers of foreign fighters have been appearing in Somalia in recent months. Al-Shabaab itself has also been making threats against a whole series of countries in the region, in Africa and even more widely.
The solidarity and support shown to the TFG and to Somalia in general has so far been largely focused on the political and diplomatic arena. This may have created unprecedented verbal support and a favorable international environment for the Government of Somalia. There have been successive resolutions at the regional and continental level in support of the TFG. Now the UN Security Council has imposed sanctions on Eritrea for its continued support to extremists who have been openly working to undermine the TFG and the international efforts to restore peace and security in Somalia.
This may all sound impressive, but it fails to provide what the TFG actually needs: more resources, more practical support and above all more security assistance. Unless the international community is prepared to exert more realistic and coordinated efforts to assist the TFG and help resolve its security problems, it will remain difficult for the Government to exert its control. There is certainly a need for the TFG itself to demonstrate more progress and engage more actively with its actual and potential allies in overcoming the challenges posed by Al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam group. Equally, the TFG needs to re-emphasize its links with supporters of peace in Somalia including Ahlu Sunna wal-Jamma, the administration of Puntland, the different clan militias, the business community and civil society. There is currently a real opportunity to do this following the December 3rd suicide bombing in Mogadishu which has shocked all Somalis, and demonstrated the true nature of Al-Shabaab’s barbarism, its lack of interest in innocent Somali lives, and, indeed, its un-Islamic behavior. It underlined the fact that Al-Shabaab has become dominated by foreign extremists whose agenda is no longer related to Somalia.
Increased practical support to the TFG from the international community would now provide a great opportunity to change the situation for the better. At the Brussels donor’s conference on Somalia in April more than $200 million USD was promised. What has been delivered is too small to have had any real impact. On Monday, President Sheikh Sharif opened the 10th session of the Somali Parliament in Mogadishu. He told MPs that the Government had “only received $3 million from the huge sum of money promised by the world”. He called on donors to “fulfill their pledges to the Somali people who are currently facing brutal radicals bent on destabilizing not only Somalia but the entire region”. Dressed in a military uniform, the President told MPs that establishing security was the principal priority for the Government, and it was making considerable progress in this direction, recruiting and training Somali National Forces and appointing a new leadership. He said the Government had recruited enough troops to take on the extremists, but called on Somaliland and Puntland to join forces with the TFG in the fight against Al Qaeda which was, he said, a menace to all Somalis. Certainly, without greater immediate and practical support from the international community miracles cannot be expected of the TFG and its allies. If the international community is serious in its repeated protestations of support, it must be time for it to put its money where its mouth is, and provide the resources the TFG needs on the ground to defeat Al-Shabaab and its extremist allies.
We say all this not because we are convinced that the TFG itself has no weaknesses. It has. But it is critical that we all recognize that the context within which the TFG operates in Somalia should be taken into account. Context really matters. What the TFG is facing today is not a normal challenge. What we have in Somalia is rather an emergency situation and that is exactly how the need to provide support to the TFG should be taken.
Over several months, in a whole series of resolutions from IGAD, the AU Peace and Security Council and the AU Heads of State and Government Summit, and most recently with last week’s International Contact Group (ICG) declaration in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, the international community has time and again announced its readiness to support Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in its efforts to restore peace and stability in Somalia. Indeed, there is an impressive consensus of support within the international community for the TFG and for Somalia. However this has still not translated into the necessary material support when considering the enormity of the challenges faced by the TFG and its allies. By contrast, the opponents of the TFG, the combined extremist forces of Al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam with Al Qaeda operatives, have been continuing to receive unlimited and unchecked support. This has allowed them to take advantage of the lack of sufficient, concrete assistance from the international community to the TFG and its allies. The situation has created a balance that clearly favors extremists and needs to be addressed urgently by the international community.
The increasing security threats and the associated problems of statelessness emanating from Somalia are not confined to Somalia or indeed to the region. There has been a succession of terrorist attacks in Somaliland and Puntland as well as in Mogadishu, Belet Weyne and other towns in Somalia, many under the guidance of foreign nationals of Somali origin coming from Europe and America. Significant numbers of foreign fighters have been appearing in Somalia in recent months. Al-Shabaab itself has also been making threats against a whole series of countries in the region, in Africa and even more widely.
The solidarity and support shown to the TFG and to Somalia in general has so far been largely focused on the political and diplomatic arena. This may have created unprecedented verbal support and a favorable international environment for the Government of Somalia. There have been successive resolutions at the regional and continental level in support of the TFG. Now the UN Security Council has imposed sanctions on Eritrea for its continued support to extremists who have been openly working to undermine the TFG and the international efforts to restore peace and security in Somalia.
This may all sound impressive, but it fails to provide what the TFG actually needs: more resources, more practical support and above all more security assistance. Unless the international community is prepared to exert more realistic and coordinated efforts to assist the TFG and help resolve its security problems, it will remain difficult for the Government to exert its control. There is certainly a need for the TFG itself to demonstrate more progress and engage more actively with its actual and potential allies in overcoming the challenges posed by Al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam group. Equally, the TFG needs to re-emphasize its links with supporters of peace in Somalia including Ahlu Sunna wal-Jamma, the administration of Puntland, the different clan militias, the business community and civil society. There is currently a real opportunity to do this following the December 3rd suicide bombing in Mogadishu which has shocked all Somalis, and demonstrated the true nature of Al-Shabaab’s barbarism, its lack of interest in innocent Somali lives, and, indeed, its un-Islamic behavior. It underlined the fact that Al-Shabaab has become dominated by foreign extremists whose agenda is no longer related to Somalia.
Increased practical support to the TFG from the international community would now provide a great opportunity to change the situation for the better. At the Brussels donor’s conference on Somalia in April more than $200 million USD was promised. What has been delivered is too small to have had any real impact. On Monday, President Sheikh Sharif opened the 10th session of the Somali Parliament in Mogadishu. He told MPs that the Government had “only received $3 million from the huge sum of money promised by the world”. He called on donors to “fulfill their pledges to the Somali people who are currently facing brutal radicals bent on destabilizing not only Somalia but the entire region”. Dressed in a military uniform, the President told MPs that establishing security was the principal priority for the Government, and it was making considerable progress in this direction, recruiting and training Somali National Forces and appointing a new leadership. He said the Government had recruited enough troops to take on the extremists, but called on Somaliland and Puntland to join forces with the TFG in the fight against Al Qaeda which was, he said, a menace to all Somalis. Certainly, without greater immediate and practical support from the international community miracles cannot be expected of the TFG and its allies. If the international community is serious in its repeated protestations of support, it must be time for it to put its money where its mouth is, and provide the resources the TFG needs on the ground to defeat Al-Shabaab and its extremist allies.
We say all this not because we are convinced that the TFG itself has no weaknesses. It has. But it is critical that we all recognize that the context within which the TFG operates in Somalia should be taken into account. Context really matters. What the TFG is facing today is not a normal challenge. What we have in Somalia is rather an emergency situation and that is exactly how the need to provide support to the TFG should be taken.
Gaalkacyo: Maxaad kala socotaa qodobadii lugu heshiiyey Wada hadaladii Puntland & Galmudug….WARBIXIN..
28. december 2009
Gaalkacyo(AllPuntland)- Maalmihii ugu dambeeyey oo ay socdeen dadaalo ku wajahan dajinta xaaladaha magaalada Gaalkacyo iyo sidii xal waara looga gaari lahaa rabshado kala gedisan oo ka dhacay magaalada Gaalkacyo labadii bilood ee lasoo dhaafay, ayaa usocday maamulada Puntland & Galmudug.
Madaxda labada dhinac, Ganacsatada iyo Waxgaradka oo maanta xaadiray markii labaad hoolka Shirarka ee Garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Gaalkacyo, ayaa laga wada hadlay qodobo badan oo khuseeyey xaaladaha magaalada.
Sida lafilayay shirka ayaa ladoonayay in maanta laga amba qaado qodobadii shalay laysku soo qaaday, balse aan laga gaarin go’aanka mideysan, kuwaas oo ay ka mid ahaayeen baaritaano lugu sameeyo Masuuliyada wixii dhacay cida lahayd, sameynta xad kala qeybiya Puntland iyo Galmudug iyo go’aan aan layskugu soo laaban oo laga gaaro dagaalada magaalada.
Dhinacyada ayaa soo jeediyey fikrada aan kala fogeyn, waxaana ay xaaladu aad uga soo durugtay meel ay ka eegayaan dhinacyada kale ee falanqeeya xaaladaha magaalada Gaalkacyo.
Maamulka Puntland oo doonayay in sameynta xaduud laga sameeyo gudaha magaalada, maadaama ay labo Maamul ka shaqeynayaan magaalada, ayaa intii aysan bandhigin qorshahooda dhinaca Galmudug waxa ay soo jeediyeen sameynta xaduud,iyagoo sababta uga dhigay maadaama ay soo laab-laabatay dhibka dagaalda iyo amaan la'aanta, taasoo noqotey mid ay isku raaceen dhinacyadu sacabna ku soo dhaweeyeen, sida uu APL usheegay Axmed Muuse Nuur oo ah gudoomiye kuxigeenka golaha deegaanka ee magaalada Gaalkacyo oo ka qeybgalay wada xaajoodyada.
Kulanka oo ahaa mid saxaafada loo diiday, maadaama qodobo hoosaadyo ku saabsan xaaladaha Gaalkacyo laga hadlayay, ayay APL heshay qaar kamid ah qodobadii lasoo qaaday mudadii uu socdey wada xaajoodyada, luguna heshiiyey dhamaadkii wada hadalada, kuwaas oo kala ahaa.
1- In Heshiiskii la gaaray maalintii la joojiyey xabada, la xoojiyo lana taabagaliyo, dhinacyaduna ay bilaabaan sidii horumar wanaagsan looga gaari lahaa magaalada Gaalkacyo.
2- In gudi Madax banaan loo saaro dhibaatooyinkii ugu dambeeyey ee ka dhacay magaalada Gaalkacyo, iyadoo ay dhinacyadu isku afgarteen in maanta lugu dhawaaqo xubnaha gudigaasi oo lashaaciyey, dhinac kastana magacowday xubnahaasi oo berito howshooda bilaabaya.
3- In dadka Gaalkacyo aysan kala maarmin oo ay wada yihiin dad Soomaaliyeed, hadana wada daga gobalka Mudug, baahi weyna uqaba nabadgalyo iyo amaan wanaagsan ee ay helaan.
4- In si toos ah oo aan gabasho laheyn looga wada shaqeeyo amaanka iyo xasiloonida, lana diyaariyo jiil wanaagsan oo wax badan ka qabta xaaladaha amaanka, lagana garowsaday in ay dhinacyadu yihiin kuwa aan kala maarmin.
5- Ergada ayaa garowsaday in xaduud la’aanta timid in ay dhib utahay mashaakilaadka inta badan ka dhacay magaalada Gaalkacyo, waxa ayna isku raaceen sameynta xadkaas, maadaama laysku racay in ay baajin karto rabshadaha Gaalkacyo oo ay xaalada dajin karto.
Gudiga lugu dhawaaqay ee ka socda Puntland iyo Galmudug ayaa waajibaadkooda shaqo sidoo kale lugu qeexay wada hadaladii maanta oo qaatay saacado badan, lagana soo baxay Abaare saacada Gaalkacyo markii ay ahayd 01:00 Duhurnimo, iyadoo ay bilowdeen Barqanimadii saakadii hore ee Gaalkacyo.
Waajibaadka gudiga la sameeyey ayaa laga dhigay sidan.
1- In ay ka soo tala bixiyaan sida ugu wanaagsan ee loogu wada noolaan karo Gaalkacyo, oo labadii bilood ee lasoo dhaafay ku jirtay dagaal iyo xaalad kacsanaan ah.
2- In in ay ka soo hadlaan kana soo tala bixiyaan calaamado lugu kala garan karo Maamulada labada dhinac (GALMUDUG VS PUNTLAND), qodobkan wuxuu ka mid yahay qodobada ay maanta ku wada hadleen dhinacyada oo umuuqday mid dood culus galay, oo ay ku jirto xad cad oo la muujiyo.
3- In la helo cidii ka wada shaqeyn lahayd xaduuda ama xadka markii lasameeyo, si toos ahna uwada sugi lahayd amaanka iyo nabad ku noolaanshaha Gaalkacyo, loona heli lahaa qofkii dambila oo aysan udhaceen falalkii dhacay maalmihii ugu dambeeyey oo aysan xiisad ka dhalin dil dhaca, ee qolo kasta qofkii wax dila loo keeni lahaa loona soo qaban lahaa.
Gudoomiye kuxigeenka Golaha deegaanka ee magaalada Gaalkacyo Md, Axmed Muuse Nuur ayaa usheegay APL in ay dhinacooda ku faraxsan yihiin go’aamadii laga gaaray madasha, isagoo ka mid ahaa ka qeybgalayaashii wada xaajoodyada.
Axmed wuxuu usheegay APL in ay rajeynayaan in ay wada hadalada uu ka qeybgalayo ay noqdaan kuwii ugu dambeeyey oo lugu soo dhameeyo howlaha magaalada Gaalkacyo, isagoo tilmaamay lama huraanimada in nabad iyo jawi wanaagsan looga shaqeeyo magaalo Madaxda gobalka Mudug.
Wada hadalada ayaa sii soconaya tan iyo inta layskaga gaarayo go’aamada ugu muhiimsan oo noqon doona kuwa wajahaya xaaladaha rasmiga ah ee magaalada Gaalkacyo.
28. december 2009
Gaalkacyo(AllPuntland)- Maalmihii ugu dambeeyey oo ay socdeen dadaalo ku wajahan dajinta xaaladaha magaalada Gaalkacyo iyo sidii xal waara looga gaari lahaa rabshado kala gedisan oo ka dhacay magaalada Gaalkacyo labadii bilood ee lasoo dhaafay, ayaa usocday maamulada Puntland & Galmudug.
Madaxda labada dhinac, Ganacsatada iyo Waxgaradka oo maanta xaadiray markii labaad hoolka Shirarka ee Garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Gaalkacyo, ayaa laga wada hadlay qodobo badan oo khuseeyey xaaladaha magaalada.
Sida lafilayay shirka ayaa ladoonayay in maanta laga amba qaado qodobadii shalay laysku soo qaaday, balse aan laga gaarin go’aanka mideysan, kuwaas oo ay ka mid ahaayeen baaritaano lugu sameeyo Masuuliyada wixii dhacay cida lahayd, sameynta xad kala qeybiya Puntland iyo Galmudug iyo go’aan aan layskugu soo laaban oo laga gaaro dagaalada magaalada.
Dhinacyada ayaa soo jeediyey fikrada aan kala fogeyn, waxaana ay xaaladu aad uga soo durugtay meel ay ka eegayaan dhinacyada kale ee falanqeeya xaaladaha magaalada Gaalkacyo.
Maamulka Puntland oo doonayay in sameynta xaduud laga sameeyo gudaha magaalada, maadaama ay labo Maamul ka shaqeynayaan magaalada, ayaa intii aysan bandhigin qorshahooda dhinaca Galmudug waxa ay soo jeediyeen sameynta xaduud,iyagoo sababta uga dhigay maadaama ay soo laab-laabatay dhibka dagaalda iyo amaan la'aanta, taasoo noqotey mid ay isku raaceen dhinacyadu sacabna ku soo dhaweeyeen, sida uu APL usheegay Axmed Muuse Nuur oo ah gudoomiye kuxigeenka golaha deegaanka ee magaalada Gaalkacyo oo ka qeybgalay wada xaajoodyada.
Kulanka oo ahaa mid saxaafada loo diiday, maadaama qodobo hoosaadyo ku saabsan xaaladaha Gaalkacyo laga hadlayay, ayay APL heshay qaar kamid ah qodobadii lasoo qaaday mudadii uu socdey wada xaajoodyada, luguna heshiiyey dhamaadkii wada hadalada, kuwaas oo kala ahaa.
1- In Heshiiskii la gaaray maalintii la joojiyey xabada, la xoojiyo lana taabagaliyo, dhinacyaduna ay bilaabaan sidii horumar wanaagsan looga gaari lahaa magaalada Gaalkacyo.
2- In gudi Madax banaan loo saaro dhibaatooyinkii ugu dambeeyey ee ka dhacay magaalada Gaalkacyo, iyadoo ay dhinacyadu isku afgarteen in maanta lugu dhawaaqo xubnaha gudigaasi oo lashaaciyey, dhinac kastana magacowday xubnahaasi oo berito howshooda bilaabaya.
3- In dadka Gaalkacyo aysan kala maarmin oo ay wada yihiin dad Soomaaliyeed, hadana wada daga gobalka Mudug, baahi weyna uqaba nabadgalyo iyo amaan wanaagsan ee ay helaan.
4- In si toos ah oo aan gabasho laheyn looga wada shaqeeyo amaanka iyo xasiloonida, lana diyaariyo jiil wanaagsan oo wax badan ka qabta xaaladaha amaanka, lagana garowsaday in ay dhinacyadu yihiin kuwa aan kala maarmin.
5- Ergada ayaa garowsaday in xaduud la’aanta timid in ay dhib utahay mashaakilaadka inta badan ka dhacay magaalada Gaalkacyo, waxa ayna isku raaceen sameynta xadkaas, maadaama laysku racay in ay baajin karto rabshadaha Gaalkacyo oo ay xaalada dajin karto.
Gudiga lugu dhawaaqay ee ka socda Puntland iyo Galmudug ayaa waajibaadkooda shaqo sidoo kale lugu qeexay wada hadaladii maanta oo qaatay saacado badan, lagana soo baxay Abaare saacada Gaalkacyo markii ay ahayd 01:00 Duhurnimo, iyadoo ay bilowdeen Barqanimadii saakadii hore ee Gaalkacyo.
Waajibaadka gudiga la sameeyey ayaa laga dhigay sidan.
1- In ay ka soo tala bixiyaan sida ugu wanaagsan ee loogu wada noolaan karo Gaalkacyo, oo labadii bilood ee lasoo dhaafay ku jirtay dagaal iyo xaalad kacsanaan ah.
2- In in ay ka soo hadlaan kana soo tala bixiyaan calaamado lugu kala garan karo Maamulada labada dhinac (GALMUDUG VS PUNTLAND), qodobkan wuxuu ka mid yahay qodobada ay maanta ku wada hadleen dhinacyada oo umuuqday mid dood culus galay, oo ay ku jirto xad cad oo la muujiyo.
3- In la helo cidii ka wada shaqeyn lahayd xaduuda ama xadka markii lasameeyo, si toos ahna uwada sugi lahayd amaanka iyo nabad ku noolaanshaha Gaalkacyo, loona heli lahaa qofkii dambila oo aysan udhaceen falalkii dhacay maalmihii ugu dambeeyey oo aysan xiisad ka dhalin dil dhaca, ee qolo kasta qofkii wax dila loo keeni lahaa loona soo qaban lahaa.
Gudoomiye kuxigeenka Golaha deegaanka ee magaalada Gaalkacyo Md, Axmed Muuse Nuur ayaa usheegay APL in ay dhinacooda ku faraxsan yihiin go’aamadii laga gaaray madasha, isagoo ka mid ahaa ka qeybgalayaashii wada xaajoodyada.
Axmed wuxuu usheegay APL in ay rajeynayaan in ay wada hadalada uu ka qeybgalayo ay noqdaan kuwii ugu dambeeyey oo lugu soo dhameeyo howlaha magaalada Gaalkacyo, isagoo tilmaamay lama huraanimada in nabad iyo jawi wanaagsan looga shaqeeyo magaalo Madaxda gobalka Mudug.
Wada hadalada ayaa sii soconaya tan iyo inta layskaga gaarayo go’aamada ugu muhiimsan oo noqon doona kuwa wajahaya xaaladaha rasmiga ah ee magaalada Gaalkacyo.
Mid ka mid ah qodobbadii ay maalintii shalay ku heshiiyeen guddiyadii Puntland iyo GalMudug ayaa maanta fulintiisa carqaladi ka hor timid kaas oo ahaa in suuqii dagaalku ka biloowday dib loo furo,kaas oo carqalad ku noqon kara meel marinta qodobbadii horay loo hirgaliyay ee kala ahaa xabad joojinta iyo goobohoodii ku celinta ciidamadii dagaalamay meeshana ka saari karta sii ambo qaadidda arrimaha dhiman.
Carqaladdaan ayaa timid ka dib markii ganacsatadii suuqaasi qaybta Puntland ay sheegeen kuna adkaysteen saaka in suuqa aysan furaynin ilaa la keeno ciidamo tuute wata oo ka tirsan kuwa maamulkaasi Puntland walina u xiran halka ganacsatada Galmudug ay albaabada u fureen inta badan qaybtoodii.ilaa iyo haddana ma cadda sababta keentay go.aankaan ka badalin kuwii ka horeeyay ee ahaa in suuqu noqdo mid ka caagan ciidan siyaasadeed balse loo sameeyo ciidan ganacsatada ku kooban
Soo shaac bixidda arrintaan ka dib ayaa Wabsaydka Dayniile waxaa uu xiriirro la yeeshay qaarka mid ah qaybaha arrintaasi khusayn karto oo ay ka mid yihiin masuuliyiin ka tirsan Puntland oo ku gaabsadeen in ganacsatadu yihiin kuwa fidnooyinkoo dhan iyo maja xaabooyinka ka dabbeeya maamulka Puntlandna uu si adag u canaantay uguna sheegay in tilaabooyin laga qaadi doono .iyadoo dadka qaarkiis ay u fasireen in go,aankaan cusub ee ay la yimaadeen ganacsatadaasi uu yahay mid uu faray maamulka Puntland.
Qaar ka mid ah ganacsatada Dhinaca GalMudug oo arrintaan wax laga waydiiyay ayaa ku tilmaameen carqalad fool xun oo wanaagga iyo go,aamadii hore ee ganacsatada ka soo horjeeeda dhibaatooyin hor lehna curin kara.iyadoo mid kale oo ka mid ah ganacsatadaasi dhinaca Galmudug uu intaasi ku sii daray in sababta uu u malaynayo in canshuurtii qaadiddeeda laga soo bilaabay Boosaaso ay soo gaartay in shacbiga Galmudug canshuur qasab looga qaado .
Tilabadaan cusub oo aanay wali wax hadal ah ka soo saarin guddiyadii wada xaajoodku ayaan la ogayn sida ay arrintu ku dambayn doonto.
Carqaladdaan ayaa timid ka dib markii ganacsatadii suuqaasi qaybta Puntland ay sheegeen kuna adkaysteen saaka in suuqa aysan furaynin ilaa la keeno ciidamo tuute wata oo ka tirsan kuwa maamulkaasi Puntland walina u xiran halka ganacsatada Galmudug ay albaabada u fureen inta badan qaybtoodii.ilaa iyo haddana ma cadda sababta keentay go.aankaan ka badalin kuwii ka horeeyay ee ahaa in suuqu noqdo mid ka caagan ciidan siyaasadeed balse loo sameeyo ciidan ganacsatada ku kooban
Soo shaac bixidda arrintaan ka dib ayaa Wabsaydka Dayniile waxaa uu xiriirro la yeeshay qaarka mid ah qaybaha arrintaasi khusayn karto oo ay ka mid yihiin masuuliyiin ka tirsan Puntland oo ku gaabsadeen in ganacsatadu yihiin kuwa fidnooyinkoo dhan iyo maja xaabooyinka ka dabbeeya maamulka Puntlandna uu si adag u canaantay uguna sheegay in tilaabooyin laga qaadi doono .iyadoo dadka qaarkiis ay u fasireen in go,aankaan cusub ee ay la yimaadeen ganacsatadaasi uu yahay mid uu faray maamulka Puntland.
Qaar ka mid ah ganacsatada Dhinaca GalMudug oo arrintaan wax laga waydiiyay ayaa ku tilmaameen carqalad fool xun oo wanaagga iyo go,aamadii hore ee ganacsatada ka soo horjeeeda dhibaatooyin hor lehna curin kara.iyadoo mid kale oo ka mid ah ganacsatadaasi dhinaca Galmudug uu intaasi ku sii daray in sababta uu u malaynayo in canshuurtii qaadiddeeda laga soo bilaabay Boosaaso ay soo gaartay in shacbiga Galmudug canshuur qasab looga qaado .
Tilabadaan cusub oo aanay wali wax hadal ah ka soo saarin guddiyadii wada xaajoodku ayaan la ogayn sida ay arrintu ku dambayn doonto.
Munaasabad lagu soo afjarayey murankii ka taagnaa xilka madaxweynaha maamulka Galmudug oo Muqdisho lagu qabtay iyo masuuliyiin ka tirsan dowlada Somal
Waxaa maanta lagu qabtay magaalada Muqdisho munaasabad balaaran oo lagu soo afjarayey muran iyo khilaaf in muddo ah ka taagnaa xilka madaxweynaha maamulka Galmudug oo labo mas’uul ay wada sheeganayeen, waxaana munaasabadaasi ka soo qeyb galay wasiiro iyo xildhibaano ka tirsan dowlada Somalia.
Labada mas’uul ee isku heystay xilka madaxweynaha maamulka Galmudug oo kala ahaa Axmed Shariif Cali Hilowle iyo Maxamed Axmed Caalin ayaa xalinta khilaafkooda oo muddo soo jiitamayey waxaa uu yimid ka dib wadahadalo ay dowlada Somalia uga furtay magaalada Muqdisho oo labada dhinac lagu dhexdhexaadinayey, kaasoo ugu dambeyntii keenay inuu tanaasulo mid ka mid ah labada mas’uul ah oo ah Axmed Shariif Cali Hilowle, iyadoo danjire Maxamed Axmed Caallina uu noqday madaxweynaha rasmiga ah ee maamulka Galmudug.
Labada masuul ayaa kala saxiixday heshiis ay soo diyaarisay dowlada Somalia kaasoo madaxweynaha rasmiga ah ee Galmudug ka dhigaya danjire Maxamed Axmed Caalin.
Lama oga waxaa lagu qanciyey mas’uulka tanaasulay ee Axmed Shariif Cali Hilowle hase ahaatee waxaa uu sheegay mar uu ka hadlayey goobtaasi inuu la shaqeyn doono madaxweynaha loo tanaasulay, isagoo xusay inuu arintaasi uu u sameeyey si meesha looga saaro khilaafka arintaasi ka jiray, shacabka Galmudugna ay u yeeshaan hal hogaan “Waxaan ugu baaqayaa Jaaliyadaha dibeda iyo shacabka Galmudug iney taageeraan Madaxweyne Caalin” ayuu intaa ku daray.
Sidoo kale waxaa halkaasi ka hadlay masuuliyin iyo siyaasiyiin ay ka mid ahaayeen wasiirka macdanta iyo biyaha Cabdi Xasan Cawaale (Qeybdiid), wasiiru dowlaha Gaashaandhiga Yuusuf Maxaned Siyaad (Indhacadde) Siyaasiga Maxamed Faarax Jimcaale iyo kuwo kale oo fara badan, iyagoo u mahad celiyey madaxweynaha tanaasulay, hambalyeeyey madaxweynaha loo tanaasulay waxayna ku booriyeen labadoodaba iney ka shaqeeyaan horumarka shacabka Galmudug.
Labada mas’uul ee isku heystay xilka madaxweynaha maamulka Galmudug oo kala ahaa Axmed Shariif Cali Hilowle iyo Maxamed Axmed Caalin ayaa xalinta khilaafkooda oo muddo soo jiitamayey waxaa uu yimid ka dib wadahadalo ay dowlada Somalia uga furtay magaalada Muqdisho oo labada dhinac lagu dhexdhexaadinayey, kaasoo ugu dambeyntii keenay inuu tanaasulo mid ka mid ah labada mas’uul ah oo ah Axmed Shariif Cali Hilowle, iyadoo danjire Maxamed Axmed Caallina uu noqday madaxweynaha rasmiga ah ee maamulka Galmudug.
Labada masuul ayaa kala saxiixday heshiis ay soo diyaarisay dowlada Somalia kaasoo madaxweynaha rasmiga ah ee Galmudug ka dhigaya danjire Maxamed Axmed Caalin.
Lama oga waxaa lagu qanciyey mas’uulka tanaasulay ee Axmed Shariif Cali Hilowle hase ahaatee waxaa uu sheegay mar uu ka hadlayey goobtaasi inuu la shaqeyn doono madaxweynaha loo tanaasulay, isagoo xusay inuu arintaasi uu u sameeyey si meesha looga saaro khilaafka arintaasi ka jiray, shacabka Galmudugna ay u yeeshaan hal hogaan “Waxaan ugu baaqayaa Jaaliyadaha dibeda iyo shacabka Galmudug iney taageeraan Madaxweyne Caalin” ayuu intaa ku daray.
Sidoo kale waxaa halkaasi ka hadlay masuuliyin iyo siyaasiyiin ay ka mid ahaayeen wasiirka macdanta iyo biyaha Cabdi Xasan Cawaale (Qeybdiid), wasiiru dowlaha Gaashaandhiga Yuusuf Maxaned Siyaad (Indhacadde) Siyaasiga Maxamed Faarax Jimcaale iyo kuwo kale oo fara badan, iyagoo u mahad celiyey madaxweynaha tanaasulay, hambalyeeyey madaxweynaha loo tanaasulay waxayna ku booriyeen labadoodaba iney ka shaqeeyaan horumarka shacabka Galmudug.
Munaasabad Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al-Shabaab ay heshiis nabadeed ku dhex dhigtay beelo Somaliyed oo horey u dagaalamay ayaa lagu qabtay degmada Daynii
Gelinkii dambe ee shalay ayaa waxaa duleedka degmada Dayniile ee magaalada Muqdisho lagu qabtay kulan ay soo qabanqaabiyeen Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al-shabaab oo lagu heshiisiinayay beelo walaalo ah wada dega gobolka Banaadir kuwaasoo ay masuuliyinta soo qabanqaabisay kulankaasi sheegeen inay ka heshiinayeen colaad dhex martay labadaasi beelood muddo laga joogo dhowr iyo toban sanadood.
Kulankaasi waxaa hadalka ka jeediyay afhayeenka Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al-shabaab Sheekh Cali Maxamud Raage (Cali dheere) oo sheegay in hawlaha ay mujaahidiintu wadaan ay ka mid tahay musaalaxo la dhex dhigo shacabka Muslimka ah, taasina ay tahay hadafka ay Mujaahidiinta si dhammaan beelaha Soomaaliyeed ee walaalaha ah ay si nabad gelyo ah ugu wada noolaadaan.
Sidoo kale waxaa kulankaasi ka hadlay Waaliga Walaayada Gobolka Banaadir ee xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al-shabaab Sheekh Cali Maxamed Xuseen oo sheegay inay aad ugu faraxsan yihiin in la soo afjaro mad-madow iyo colaad u dhexeeyay labadaasi muddo lix iyo toban sano ah, wuxuuna intaasi ku daray inay sii wadi doonaan musaalaxada isla markaana ay heshiis dhex dhigi doonaan beelo kale oo uusan carabaabin.
Odayaal iyo waxgarad ka kala socda beelaha shalay la heshiisiinayay oo kala ahaa Murusade iyo Abgaal ayaa hadallo ay halkaasi ka jeediyeen waxayna u mahad celiyaan masuuliyiinta Xarakada Mujaahidiinta ee kulanka soo qabanqaabiyay, iyagoo sheegay inay ku qanacsan yihiin natiijada ka soo baxday shirkii nabadeynta ahaa ee loo qabtay ayna garab taagan yihiin Walaalaha Mujaahidiinta.
Nabadoon Xuseen Maxamed Nuur (Xuseen Dheere) oo ku hadlayay magaca Beesha Abgaal iyo Nabadoon Maxamed Cali Faynuus oo ku halayay magaca beesha Murusade ayaa labadaba waxay cadeeyeen sida ay raaliga uga yihiin Heshiiskan, waxaaney dareenkooda farxadeed ku muujiyeen iyagoo gacmaha isqabsaday oo mid walbana beeshiisa ugu baaqay taageeridda heshiiskan iyaga oo tilmaamay in wixii heshuiiskaan ka dhiman loo saaray guddi farsamo.
Beelahan Muddada aadka u dheer ay u dhexeysay colaadda keentay gacanka hadalka oo sida la sheegayna ay ku dhinteen dad aad u fara badan ayaa waxay kala yihiin Murusade iyo Abgaal, iyadoo aagga ay ku dagaallameen ee iminka lagu soo afmeeray colaadooduna ay aheyd degaanno ka tirsan degmada dayniile ee Gobolka Banaadir, waxaaney sheegayaan wararka colaaddaasi ku saabsan iney soo billaabantay Xilligii ay Hoggaamiye kooxeedyadu ka talin jireen magaalada Muqdisho.
Xurfgufta u dhexeyasay labadan Beelood ayaa waxaa jirtay in dhowr jeer oo hore laysku dayay in arrimaha u dhexeeya Beelahaasi La dhameeyo hase ahaatee ma noqon kuwo u suurta gala sida ay shalay u dhacday, iyadoo sida ay ku warameen qaar ka mid ah Odayaasha labada Dhinacba aaney jirin wixii hadda ka horreeyay dad sidan oo kale u lafa-gura xaaladaha iyo dhibaatooyinka ay kala tirsanayeen labadan beelood oo colaaddoodu ay gaartay meel aad u adag.
Kulankaasi waxaa hadalka ka jeediyay afhayeenka Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al-shabaab Sheekh Cali Maxamud Raage (Cali dheere) oo sheegay in hawlaha ay mujaahidiintu wadaan ay ka mid tahay musaalaxo la dhex dhigo shacabka Muslimka ah, taasina ay tahay hadafka ay Mujaahidiinta si dhammaan beelaha Soomaaliyeed ee walaalaha ah ay si nabad gelyo ah ugu wada noolaadaan.
Sidoo kale waxaa kulankaasi ka hadlay Waaliga Walaayada Gobolka Banaadir ee xarakada Mujaahidiinta Al-shabaab Sheekh Cali Maxamed Xuseen oo sheegay inay aad ugu faraxsan yihiin in la soo afjaro mad-madow iyo colaad u dhexeeyay labadaasi muddo lix iyo toban sano ah, wuxuuna intaasi ku daray inay sii wadi doonaan musaalaxada isla markaana ay heshiis dhex dhigi doonaan beelo kale oo uusan carabaabin.
Odayaal iyo waxgarad ka kala socda beelaha shalay la heshiisiinayay oo kala ahaa Murusade iyo Abgaal ayaa hadallo ay halkaasi ka jeediyeen waxayna u mahad celiyaan masuuliyiinta Xarakada Mujaahidiinta ee kulanka soo qabanqaabiyay, iyagoo sheegay inay ku qanacsan yihiin natiijada ka soo baxday shirkii nabadeynta ahaa ee loo qabtay ayna garab taagan yihiin Walaalaha Mujaahidiinta.
Nabadoon Xuseen Maxamed Nuur (Xuseen Dheere) oo ku hadlayay magaca Beesha Abgaal iyo Nabadoon Maxamed Cali Faynuus oo ku halayay magaca beesha Murusade ayaa labadaba waxay cadeeyeen sida ay raaliga uga yihiin Heshiiskan, waxaaney dareenkooda farxadeed ku muujiyeen iyagoo gacmaha isqabsaday oo mid walbana beeshiisa ugu baaqay taageeridda heshiiskan iyaga oo tilmaamay in wixii heshuiiskaan ka dhiman loo saaray guddi farsamo.
Beelahan Muddada aadka u dheer ay u dhexeysay colaadda keentay gacanka hadalka oo sida la sheegayna ay ku dhinteen dad aad u fara badan ayaa waxay kala yihiin Murusade iyo Abgaal, iyadoo aagga ay ku dagaallameen ee iminka lagu soo afmeeray colaadooduna ay aheyd degaanno ka tirsan degmada dayniile ee Gobolka Banaadir, waxaaney sheegayaan wararka colaaddaasi ku saabsan iney soo billaabantay Xilligii ay Hoggaamiye kooxeedyadu ka talin jireen magaalada Muqdisho.
Xurfgufta u dhexeyasay labadan Beelood ayaa waxaa jirtay in dhowr jeer oo hore laysku dayay in arrimaha u dhexeeya Beelahaasi La dhameeyo hase ahaatee ma noqon kuwo u suurta gala sida ay shalay u dhacday, iyadoo sida ay ku warameen qaar ka mid ah Odayaasha labada Dhinacba aaney jirin wixii hadda ka horreeyay dad sidan oo kale u lafa-gura xaaladaha iyo dhibaatooyinka ay kala tirsanayeen labadan beelood oo colaaddoodu ay gaartay meel aad u adag.
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Yemen: the international jihadi's destination of choice
Attempted bombing of Northwest flight 253 has belatedly turned spotlight on terrorist network inside troubled state
The claim by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab that he was trained, armed and tasked with blowing up an American airliner over US soil by al-Qaida operatives based in Yemen is the western intelligence community's worst nightmare come true.
Since the September 11 attacks, the US and allied security services hunting Osama bin Laden and his associates have focused their attention on the mountains of eastern Afghanistan and the lawless tribal areas of Pakistan.
In recent years, concern has grown about the activities of al-Qaida affiliates in North Africa's Maghreb region, notably Algeria, and in a few sub-Saharan countries such as Nigeria, birthplace of the would-be bomber of Northwest Airlines flight 253.
But in all these cases – even Afghanistan, once its Taliban rulers were deposed – the US could count on the collaboration of established, friendly governments that felt equally threatened by the spectre of Islamist terrorism.
Yemen, and Somalia, its terrible twin situated just across the Gulf of Aden, are a different matter altogether.
Both countries lack effective central government. Both, having suffered a long history of colonial intervention, are currently prey to warring factions that have no love of the west.
And both contain vast, so-called "ungoverned spaces" that offer ideal hideouts and training centres for "non-state actors", the intelligence community's polite euphemism for terrorists.
Large tracts of sparsely populated Yemen are, in effect, "no-go" areas for the forces of global counter-terrorism. These safe havens remain mostly out of sight and, despite a trailblazing CIA Predator drone attack against al-Qaida in 2002, mostly out of range.
In short, Yemen has become the international jihadi's destination of choice from which to prepare, plot and launch future terror attacks. "Only Pakistan's tribal regions rival Yemen as a terrorist Shangri-La", the Wall Street Journal said this year, citing American estimates that up to 1,500 al-Qaida-linked fighters are based there.
Now Abdulmutallab, the well-to-do, well-educated Nigerian recruit, has demonstrated what the Yemeni terrorist melting pot is capable of producing – and just how far its malice can reach.
The signs have been there for those who wished to read them. In an under-reported incident in August, a suicide bomber crossed from Yemen into pro-western Saudi Arabia, passed two security checks, and blew himself up only yards from Prince Mohammad bin Nayef, the Saudi counter-terrorism chief.
The same military explosive, pentaerythritol, that Abdulmutallab attached to his leg was used by the bomber in the Saudi attack, though the latter concealed it in his rectum. Like the Northwest passengers, Nayef escaped serious injury.
Another grim message of intent came in October when al-Qaida's Yemen-based "emir of the Arabian peninsula", Nasir al-Wahayshi, urged supporters to use any means to kill western unbelievers. He identified preferred targets. They were "airports in the western crusade countries that participated in the war against Muslims; or on their planes".
Abdulmutallab's statement to the FBI that he went to Yemen this year and received instructions from al-Qaida there is now under investigation by the government in Sana'a, which said it was co-operating fully with the US.
"The whereabouts and exact details of what he did in Yemen are still unknown, but the investigation will clear up these things in the coming days," a Yemeni official said.
Despite their Af-Pak focus, the US and allies such as Britain have not ignored the Yemen threat. In September, John Brennan, the White House counter-terrorism chief, travelled to Sana'a, and in an unusually strong statement, Barack Obama declared the security of Yemen to be "vital for the security of the United States".
Since then, Washington has provided unspecified assistance to Yemeni and Saudi crackdowns on jihadi bases and Iranian-backed Shia rebels, amid unconfirmed reports that US special forces are in the country.
Two air strikes on al-Qaida strongholds in Yemen, the latest on Christmas Eve, reportedly killed up to 60 militants. It remains unclear whether these unusual operations were influenced by knowledge of a plot to blow up a US airliner.
Yet such efforts notwithstanding, the fact remains that Yemen's security problems retain potential to destabilise Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states.
Author Christopher Boucek, in a report this year by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, warned: "The inability of the Yemeni central government to fully control its territory will create space for violent extremists to regroup and launch attacks against domestic and international targets."
Another uncomfortable fact is that Abdulmutallab pointed to western military intervention in Afghanistan as the justification for his actions. His words appear further to undercut always tendentious official arguments that the war is making western countries safer.
Next time Gordon Brown tries to explain his Afghan policy, he may do well to examine its connection to what so nearly happened to Northwest Airlines flight 253 in the skies over Detroit.
The claim by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab that he was trained, armed and tasked with blowing up an American airliner over US soil by al-Qaida operatives based in Yemen is the western intelligence community's worst nightmare come true.
Since the September 11 attacks, the US and allied security services hunting Osama bin Laden and his associates have focused their attention on the mountains of eastern Afghanistan and the lawless tribal areas of Pakistan.
In recent years, concern has grown about the activities of al-Qaida affiliates in North Africa's Maghreb region, notably Algeria, and in a few sub-Saharan countries such as Nigeria, birthplace of the would-be bomber of Northwest Airlines flight 253.
But in all these cases – even Afghanistan, once its Taliban rulers were deposed – the US could count on the collaboration of established, friendly governments that felt equally threatened by the spectre of Islamist terrorism.
Yemen, and Somalia, its terrible twin situated just across the Gulf of Aden, are a different matter altogether.
Both countries lack effective central government. Both, having suffered a long history of colonial intervention, are currently prey to warring factions that have no love of the west.
And both contain vast, so-called "ungoverned spaces" that offer ideal hideouts and training centres for "non-state actors", the intelligence community's polite euphemism for terrorists.
Large tracts of sparsely populated Yemen are, in effect, "no-go" areas for the forces of global counter-terrorism. These safe havens remain mostly out of sight and, despite a trailblazing CIA Predator drone attack against al-Qaida in 2002, mostly out of range.
In short, Yemen has become the international jihadi's destination of choice from which to prepare, plot and launch future terror attacks. "Only Pakistan's tribal regions rival Yemen as a terrorist Shangri-La", the Wall Street Journal said this year, citing American estimates that up to 1,500 al-Qaida-linked fighters are based there.
Now Abdulmutallab, the well-to-do, well-educated Nigerian recruit, has demonstrated what the Yemeni terrorist melting pot is capable of producing – and just how far its malice can reach.
The signs have been there for those who wished to read them. In an under-reported incident in August, a suicide bomber crossed from Yemen into pro-western Saudi Arabia, passed two security checks, and blew himself up only yards from Prince Mohammad bin Nayef, the Saudi counter-terrorism chief.
The same military explosive, pentaerythritol, that Abdulmutallab attached to his leg was used by the bomber in the Saudi attack, though the latter concealed it in his rectum. Like the Northwest passengers, Nayef escaped serious injury.
Another grim message of intent came in October when al-Qaida's Yemen-based "emir of the Arabian peninsula", Nasir al-Wahayshi, urged supporters to use any means to kill western unbelievers. He identified preferred targets. They were "airports in the western crusade countries that participated in the war against Muslims; or on their planes".
Abdulmutallab's statement to the FBI that he went to Yemen this year and received instructions from al-Qaida there is now under investigation by the government in Sana'a, which said it was co-operating fully with the US.
"The whereabouts and exact details of what he did in Yemen are still unknown, but the investigation will clear up these things in the coming days," a Yemeni official said.
Despite their Af-Pak focus, the US and allies such as Britain have not ignored the Yemen threat. In September, John Brennan, the White House counter-terrorism chief, travelled to Sana'a, and in an unusually strong statement, Barack Obama declared the security of Yemen to be "vital for the security of the United States".
Since then, Washington has provided unspecified assistance to Yemeni and Saudi crackdowns on jihadi bases and Iranian-backed Shia rebels, amid unconfirmed reports that US special forces are in the country.
Two air strikes on al-Qaida strongholds in Yemen, the latest on Christmas Eve, reportedly killed up to 60 militants. It remains unclear whether these unusual operations were influenced by knowledge of a plot to blow up a US airliner.
Yet such efforts notwithstanding, the fact remains that Yemen's security problems retain potential to destabilise Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states.
Author Christopher Boucek, in a report this year by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, warned: "The inability of the Yemeni central government to fully control its territory will create space for violent extremists to regroup and launch attacks against domestic and international targets."
Another uncomfortable fact is that Abdulmutallab pointed to western military intervention in Afghanistan as the justification for his actions. His words appear further to undercut always tendentious official arguments that the war is making western countries safer.
Next time Gordon Brown tries to explain his Afghan policy, he may do well to examine its connection to what so nearly happened to Northwest Airlines flight 253 in the skies over Detroit.
Africa Oil and Puntland State of Somalia Amend Production Sharing Agreements
27 Dec 27, 2009 - 1:37:49 AM
ANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Dec. 23, 2009) -
Africa Oil Corp. (TSX VENTURE:AOI) ("Africa Oil" or "the Company") and the Puntland State of Somalia are pleased to announce that they have entered into amending agreements modifying the terms of the existing January 17, 2007 Production Sharing Agreements made in respect of the Dharoor Valley Exploration Area and the Nugaal Valley Exploration Area. The revised agreements were signed by the parties in Garowe on December 8, 2009 and the amending agreements were ratified by the parliament of the Puntland State of Somalia on December 23, 2009.
With the conclusion of the negotiations and the execution of the amending agreements, the Production Sharing Agreements, as amended, now provide for initial exploration periods in respect of both blocks that have been extended from 36 months to 48 months with a revised expiry of January 17, 2011. In addition, the terms of the exploration programs have been amended so that Africa Oil can, at its option, drill one exploratory well in each of the Nugaal and Dharoor Valley Exploration Areas, or two exploratory wells in the Dharoor Valley.
In consideration of the extension of the exploration period, Africa Oil agreed to voluntarily relinquish twenty-five percent of the original agreement area on or before January 17, 2010 and has agreed to pay a US$1 million bonus within 30 days of a commercial discovery in each of the production blocks. Africa Oil also agreed to certain enhanced abandonment and environmental safety measures and to make a one time US$ 1,050,000 payment to the Puntland government for development of infrastructure.
Africa Oil President and CEO, Keith Hill, commented, "We are very pleased that we have been able to come to a mutually beneficial agreement which will allow us to recommence operations in our Puntland, Somalia blocks. Our plan is to immediately commence operations with an intent to spud the first exploration well by mid-2010. We consider these blocks to have world class exploration potential and to be a continuation of the prolific Yemen rift system."
Africa Oil is an exploration focused company based in Canada with ongoing operations in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia. The Company is currently drilling an exploration well in Block 9 in Kenya and has recently completed a seismic acquisition program in the Adigala Block in Ethiopia. The rift basins of East Africa on which the company has acquired over 200,000 square kilometers of gross acreage are highly under-explored and analogous to recent major discoveries in the Albert Graben in Uganda. The Company plans an aggressive exploration seismic and drilling program to evaluate this potential in the next two years.
"Keith Hill", President and CEO
ANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Dec. 23, 2009) -
Africa Oil Corp. (TSX VENTURE:AOI) ("Africa Oil" or "the Company") and the Puntland State of Somalia are pleased to announce that they have entered into amending agreements modifying the terms of the existing January 17, 2007 Production Sharing Agreements made in respect of the Dharoor Valley Exploration Area and the Nugaal Valley Exploration Area. The revised agreements were signed by the parties in Garowe on December 8, 2009 and the amending agreements were ratified by the parliament of the Puntland State of Somalia on December 23, 2009.
With the conclusion of the negotiations and the execution of the amending agreements, the Production Sharing Agreements, as amended, now provide for initial exploration periods in respect of both blocks that have been extended from 36 months to 48 months with a revised expiry of January 17, 2011. In addition, the terms of the exploration programs have been amended so that Africa Oil can, at its option, drill one exploratory well in each of the Nugaal and Dharoor Valley Exploration Areas, or two exploratory wells in the Dharoor Valley.
In consideration of the extension of the exploration period, Africa Oil agreed to voluntarily relinquish twenty-five percent of the original agreement area on or before January 17, 2010 and has agreed to pay a US$1 million bonus within 30 days of a commercial discovery in each of the production blocks. Africa Oil also agreed to certain enhanced abandonment and environmental safety measures and to make a one time US$ 1,050,000 payment to the Puntland government for development of infrastructure.
Africa Oil President and CEO, Keith Hill, commented, "We are very pleased that we have been able to come to a mutually beneficial agreement which will allow us to recommence operations in our Puntland, Somalia blocks. Our plan is to immediately commence operations with an intent to spud the first exploration well by mid-2010. We consider these blocks to have world class exploration potential and to be a continuation of the prolific Yemen rift system."
Africa Oil is an exploration focused company based in Canada with ongoing operations in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia. The Company is currently drilling an exploration well in Block 9 in Kenya and has recently completed a seismic acquisition program in the Adigala Block in Ethiopia. The rift basins of East Africa on which the company has acquired over 200,000 square kilometers of gross acreage are highly under-explored and analogous to recent major discoveries in the Albert Graben in Uganda. The Company plans an aggressive exploration seismic and drilling program to evaluate this potential in the next two years.
"Keith Hill", President and CEO
Somali armed groups fight in central Somalia
27 Dec 27, 2009 - 12:55:26 PM
At least 10 combatants are reportedly killed and over 15 others injured in heavy fighting that erupted on Sunday between militiamen loyal to Somalia’s militant Hizbul Islam and Ahlu-Sunnah Wal-Jama’a near central Somali town of Beleweyne, officials said.
The fighting started on early Sunday in a village, some 10-km from Beleweyne, the capital of Hiran region where the armed fighters from both sides engaged in heavy gun battle.
Ma’alin Farah Daud, Hizbul Islam’s head of security told reporters in Beledweyne that some anti-peace elements carried out surprise attacks on their forces in the village but successfully repelled.
“We repulsed the attack by the people who oppose administration for Hiran Region. We still control the area,” he claimed while declining to give the casualty figures on their side.
Adan Abdulle Awale, an Ahlu-Sunnah representative on the other hand claims that his fighters inflicted heavy casualties on their foes, capturing several battlewagons.
“We attacked their station in the outskirts of Beledweyne and killed at least 13 soldiers and wounded 9 others,” he stated.
Awale admitted the injuries of two fighters from their side while maintaining that the area is under their control.
Its not immediately clear the extent of the damages caused by the fighting with the tension remaining high.
At least 10 combatants are reportedly killed and over 15 others injured in heavy fighting that erupted on Sunday between militiamen loyal to Somalia’s militant Hizbul Islam and Ahlu-Sunnah Wal-Jama’a near central Somali town of Beleweyne, officials said.
The fighting started on early Sunday in a village, some 10-km from Beleweyne, the capital of Hiran region where the armed fighters from both sides engaged in heavy gun battle.
Ma’alin Farah Daud, Hizbul Islam’s head of security told reporters in Beledweyne that some anti-peace elements carried out surprise attacks on their forces in the village but successfully repelled.
“We repulsed the attack by the people who oppose administration for Hiran Region. We still control the area,” he claimed while declining to give the casualty figures on their side.
Adan Abdulle Awale, an Ahlu-Sunnah representative on the other hand claims that his fighters inflicted heavy casualties on their foes, capturing several battlewagons.
“We attacked their station in the outskirts of Beledweyne and killed at least 13 soldiers and wounded 9 others,” he stated.
Awale admitted the injuries of two fighters from their side while maintaining that the area is under their control.
Its not immediately clear the extent of the damages caused by the fighting with the tension remaining high.
Bomb suspect came from elite family, best schools
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Delicious Digg Facebook Fark Newsvine Reddit StumbleUpon Technorati Twitter Yahoo! Bookmarks .Print .. Reuters – Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the suspect in the Detroit bound Delta Airlines plane on Christmas day, is …
. Slideshow:Northwest Flight 253 Terrorism Plot .
By JON GAMBRELL, Associated Press Writer Jon Gambrell, Associated Press Writer – 26 mins ago
LAGOS, Nigeria – As a member of an uppercrust Nigerian family, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab received the best schooling, from the elite British International School in West Africa to the vaunted University College London.
But the education he sought was of a different sort: Nigerian officials say his interest in extremist Islam prompted his father to warn U.S. authorities. As Abdulmutallab was being escorted in handcuffs off the Detroit-bound airliner he attempted to blow up on Christmas Day, he told U.S. officials that he had sought extremist education at an Islamist hotbed in Yemen.
Friends and family expressed shock Sunday that the 23-year-old they described as friendly, respected and strongly religious would attempt to kill more than 300 people in what he claimed was an al-Qaida-supported plot.
His father, through officials, said he was shocked and regretful. A neighbor in his hometown in northern Nigeria described Abdulmutallab as religious and obedient. A former teacher at his elite West African preparatory school said he was so respected by classmates that they dubbed him "the Pope." And an engineering classmate at his competitive university said he was quiet and religious.
Nigerian Information Minister Dora Akunyili said Abdulmutallab had sneaked into his own country to catch the flight that would take him to Amsterdam and Detroit. She did not elaborate on how he entered the country.
He was only in Nigeria for one day, she said. Nigerian media reports say Abdulmutallab was estranged from his family. He had been living overseas for some time, Akunyili said, but she didn't say where.
"The father, Alhaji Umar Mutallab, who is a responsible and respected Nigerian, with a true Nigerian spirit, had earlier reported his concern about his son's activities to relevant American authorities," she said. "The father has already expressed deep shock and regret over his son's actions."
Mutallab could not be reached for comment Sunday.
In Abdulmutallab's hometown in northern Nigeria's Katsina state, family members told The Associated Press they could not comment but expected the family to issue a statement.
A close neighbor told the AP he believed Abdulmutallab did not get his extremist ideas from his family or from within Nigeria.
Basiru Sani Hamza, 35, said Abdulmutallab was a "very religious" and a "very obedient" as a boy in the well-to-do banking family.
"I believe he must have been lured where he is schooling to carry out this attack," Hamza said. "Really, the boy has betrayed his father because he has been taken care of all their needs."
A teacher at his high school in West Africa said Abdulmutallab had been well-respected.
"At one stage, his nickname was 'The Pope,'" said Michael Rimmer, a Briton who taught history at the British International School in Lome, Togo. "In one way it's totally unsuitable because he's Muslim, but he did have this saintly aura.
But Abdulmutallab also showed signs of inflexibility, Rimmer said.
In a discussion in 2001, Abdulmutallab was the only one to defend the actions of the Taliban in Afghanistan, Rimmer said. At the time, Rimmer thought the boy was just playing the devil's advocate.
He also noted that during a school trip to London, Abdulmutallab became upset when the teacher took students to a pub and said it wasn't right to be in a place where alcohol was being served.
Rimmer also remembered youngster choosing to give 50 pounds to an orphanage rather than spend it on souvenirs in London.
"In all the time I taught him we never had cross words," Rimmer said from London in a telephone interview. "Somewhere along the line he must have met some sort of fanatics, and they must have turned his mind."
Rimmer described the institution — an elite college preparatory school, attended by children of diplomats and wealthy Africans — as "lovely, lovely environment" where Christians often joined in Islamic feasts and where some of the best Christmas carolers were Muslims.
Abdulmutallab showed no signs of intolerance toward other students, Rimmer said, explaining that "lots of his mates were Christians."
The Briton noted that he has not seen or heard from his former pupil since 2003, when he was about 15.
Students at his prestigious university in London, where Abdulmutallab lived in a smart white stone apartment block in an exclusive area of central London, said Abdulmutallab showed no signs of radicalization and painted him as a lax student with deep religious views.
"We worked on projects together," Fabrizio Cavallo Marincola, a 22-year-old mechanical engineering student at University College, told The Independent newspaper. "He always did the bare minimum of work and would just show up to classes. When we were studying, he always would go off to pray.
"He was pretty quiet and didn't socialize much or have a girlfriend that I knew of. I didn't get to talk to him much on a personal level. I was really shocked when I saw the reports. You would never imagine him pulling off something like this."
Email IM .Share
Delicious Digg Facebook Fark Newsvine Reddit StumbleUpon Technorati Twitter Yahoo! Bookmarks .Print .. Reuters – Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the suspect in the Detroit bound Delta Airlines plane on Christmas day, is …
. Slideshow:Northwest Flight 253 Terrorism Plot .
By JON GAMBRELL, Associated Press Writer Jon Gambrell, Associated Press Writer – 26 mins ago
LAGOS, Nigeria – As a member of an uppercrust Nigerian family, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab received the best schooling, from the elite British International School in West Africa to the vaunted University College London.
But the education he sought was of a different sort: Nigerian officials say his interest in extremist Islam prompted his father to warn U.S. authorities. As Abdulmutallab was being escorted in handcuffs off the Detroit-bound airliner he attempted to blow up on Christmas Day, he told U.S. officials that he had sought extremist education at an Islamist hotbed in Yemen.
Friends and family expressed shock Sunday that the 23-year-old they described as friendly, respected and strongly religious would attempt to kill more than 300 people in what he claimed was an al-Qaida-supported plot.
His father, through officials, said he was shocked and regretful. A neighbor in his hometown in northern Nigeria described Abdulmutallab as religious and obedient. A former teacher at his elite West African preparatory school said he was so respected by classmates that they dubbed him "the Pope." And an engineering classmate at his competitive university said he was quiet and religious.
Nigerian Information Minister Dora Akunyili said Abdulmutallab had sneaked into his own country to catch the flight that would take him to Amsterdam and Detroit. She did not elaborate on how he entered the country.
He was only in Nigeria for one day, she said. Nigerian media reports say Abdulmutallab was estranged from his family. He had been living overseas for some time, Akunyili said, but she didn't say where.
"The father, Alhaji Umar Mutallab, who is a responsible and respected Nigerian, with a true Nigerian spirit, had earlier reported his concern about his son's activities to relevant American authorities," she said. "The father has already expressed deep shock and regret over his son's actions."
Mutallab could not be reached for comment Sunday.
In Abdulmutallab's hometown in northern Nigeria's Katsina state, family members told The Associated Press they could not comment but expected the family to issue a statement.
A close neighbor told the AP he believed Abdulmutallab did not get his extremist ideas from his family or from within Nigeria.
Basiru Sani Hamza, 35, said Abdulmutallab was a "very religious" and a "very obedient" as a boy in the well-to-do banking family.
"I believe he must have been lured where he is schooling to carry out this attack," Hamza said. "Really, the boy has betrayed his father because he has been taken care of all their needs."
A teacher at his high school in West Africa said Abdulmutallab had been well-respected.
"At one stage, his nickname was 'The Pope,'" said Michael Rimmer, a Briton who taught history at the British International School in Lome, Togo. "In one way it's totally unsuitable because he's Muslim, but he did have this saintly aura.
But Abdulmutallab also showed signs of inflexibility, Rimmer said.
In a discussion in 2001, Abdulmutallab was the only one to defend the actions of the Taliban in Afghanistan, Rimmer said. At the time, Rimmer thought the boy was just playing the devil's advocate.
He also noted that during a school trip to London, Abdulmutallab became upset when the teacher took students to a pub and said it wasn't right to be in a place where alcohol was being served.
Rimmer also remembered youngster choosing to give 50 pounds to an orphanage rather than spend it on souvenirs in London.
"In all the time I taught him we never had cross words," Rimmer said from London in a telephone interview. "Somewhere along the line he must have met some sort of fanatics, and they must have turned his mind."
Rimmer described the institution — an elite college preparatory school, attended by children of diplomats and wealthy Africans — as "lovely, lovely environment" where Christians often joined in Islamic feasts and where some of the best Christmas carolers were Muslims.
Abdulmutallab showed no signs of intolerance toward other students, Rimmer said, explaining that "lots of his mates were Christians."
The Briton noted that he has not seen or heard from his former pupil since 2003, when he was about 15.
Students at his prestigious university in London, where Abdulmutallab lived in a smart white stone apartment block in an exclusive area of central London, said Abdulmutallab showed no signs of radicalization and painted him as a lax student with deep religious views.
"We worked on projects together," Fabrizio Cavallo Marincola, a 22-year-old mechanical engineering student at University College, told The Independent newspaper. "He always did the bare minimum of work and would just show up to classes. When we were studying, he always would go off to pray.
"He was pretty quiet and didn't socialize much or have a girlfriend that I knew of. I didn't get to talk to him much on a personal level. I was really shocked when I saw the reports. You would never imagine him pulling off something like this."
Maxaad kala socotaa qorshaha Itoobiya ay ku in qilaabeyso madaxweyne Sheikh Shariif yaasa hor boodayo qorshahaasi
Dowlada Itoobiya ayaa wado qorsho in qilaab ah oo ku dooneyso in xilka si xeeladeysan in ugu xayuubin rabaan madaxweyne Sheikh Shariif ,qorshahaas oo lagu kar karinooyo magaalooyinka Nairobi iyo Dooloow kuwaa oo wado dhawaan in ay dalka ku soo duliyaan ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo rag Soomaali ah ay gadaal ka joogaan
Qorshaha xilka looga xayuubinaayo madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa hor bodoyo Dowlada Itoobiya waxayna adeegsaneysaa Wasiirkii koowaad ee hore Cali Maxamed Geeddi ,Col Bare Hiiraale iyo Adan Saran soor
Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah ayaa dhawaan la soo galinayaa Soomaaliya waxayna qabanayaan Gobolada Gaddo iyo Bay iyo Bakool waxayna garayaan ciidamadaan difaac ka galayaan degmada Buurhakabo halkaa oo degi doonaan kadibna waxaa magaalada Baydhaba la geynayaa xildhibaanda badan ee joogo dalka Kenya kuwaa oo xarun ka dhigan doono magaladaasi kadibna u yeeri doono madaxweynaha Dowlada midnimada Qaran Sheikh Shariif Axmed waxaase la hubaa in uu diidi doono dowladana kala noqon doonto laba garab sidii hore loogu yiqiinay dowladii ka horeysay uu garwadeenka ka ahaa col Cabdulaahi Yuusuf
Isku soo duubee dowlada Itoobiya ayaa waxaa la hubaa in ay Soomaliya ku heysay 20kii sano ee dowlad laaanta faragalin qaawan oo aan meel loogu soo gaban waxaase shacabka Soomaaliyed aad ula yaaban yihiin cunaqabateenta la saaray dowlada Eratareya ee la saari layahay Dowlada Itoobiya oo hub galiso Soomaaliya maalin iyo habeen
Qorshaha xilka looga xayuubinaayo madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa hor bodoyo Dowlada Itoobiya waxayna adeegsaneysaa Wasiirkii koowaad ee hore Cali Maxamed Geeddi ,Col Bare Hiiraale iyo Adan Saran soor
Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah ayaa dhawaan la soo galinayaa Soomaaliya waxayna qabanayaan Gobolada Gaddo iyo Bay iyo Bakool waxayna garayaan ciidamadaan difaac ka galayaan degmada Buurhakabo halkaa oo degi doonaan kadibna waxaa magaalada Baydhaba la geynayaa xildhibaanda badan ee joogo dalka Kenya kuwaa oo xarun ka dhigan doono magaladaasi kadibna u yeeri doono madaxweynaha Dowlada midnimada Qaran Sheikh Shariif Axmed waxaase la hubaa in uu diidi doono dowladana kala noqon doonto laba garab sidii hore loogu yiqiinay dowladii ka horeysay uu garwadeenka ka ahaa col Cabdulaahi Yuusuf
Isku soo duubee dowlada Itoobiya ayaa waxaa la hubaa in ay Soomaliya ku heysay 20kii sano ee dowlad laaanta faragalin qaawan oo aan meel loogu soo gaban waxaase shacabka Soomaaliyed aad ula yaaban yihiin cunaqabateenta la saaray dowlada Eratareya ee la saari layahay Dowlada Itoobiya oo hub galiso Soomaaliya maalin iyo habeen
Kalfadhiga Baarlamaanka Somalia oo maalintii labaad dib u dhacay ka dib markii uu buuxsami waayay kooramkii uu ku furmi lahaa kulanka
Waxaa maanta mar kale dib u dhacay kalfadhiga mudanayaasha Baarlamaanka kaddib markii mudanayaasha baarlamaanka isugu yimid fadhigaasi ay buuxin waayeen kooramkii uu kulanka ku qabsoomi lahaa, isla markaana uu soo xaadiri waayey afhayeenka baarlamaanka Sheekh Aadan Madoobe.
Kulankan oo maanta lagu waday mar kale inuu ka dhaco xarunta gobolka Banaadir ayaa waxaa looga doodi lahaa ajendayaal fara badan oo hor yaalla baarlamaanka oo u badan ansixinta qorshayaal ay u soo gudbiyeen golaha wasiirrada tan iyo intii uu baarlamaanka fasax galay dhowr bilood ka hor.
Xildhibaanada baarlamaanka kuwooda ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho waxaa looga yeeray inay iska soo xaadiriyaan kulanka baarlamaanka, halka kuwa maqana uu guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka ku wargeliyay inay muddo toban maalmood ah ugu soo laabtaan dalka kana qayb galaan kalfadhiyada Baarlamaanka.
Kulankan oo maanta lagu waday mar kale inuu ka dhaco xarunta gobolka Banaadir ayaa waxaa looga doodi lahaa ajendayaal fara badan oo hor yaalla baarlamaanka oo u badan ansixinta qorshayaal ay u soo gudbiyeen golaha wasiirrada tan iyo intii uu baarlamaanka fasax galay dhowr bilood ka hor.
Xildhibaanada baarlamaanka kuwooda ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho waxaa looga yeeray inay iska soo xaadiriyaan kulanka baarlamaanka, halka kuwa maqana uu guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka ku wargeliyay inay muddo toban maalmood ah ugu soo laabtaan dalka kana qayb galaan kalfadhiyada Baarlamaanka.
Afhayeenka siyaasada Odayaasha Dhaqanka belaha hawiye oo sheegay in dowladu ay wado qorshayaashii Ethiopia ee ahaa muqdisho in dastuur u goonidaa loo
Afhayeenka siyaasada Odayaasha Dhaqanka belaha hawiye oo sheegay in dowladu ay wado qorshayaashii Ethiopia ee ahaa muqdisho in dastuur u goonidaa loo sameeyo
Afhayeenka dhinaca Siyaasada ee odayaasha beelaha Hawiye cabadullaahi Dheere ee gudoomiyaha uu u yahey Dr Maxamed Xasan xaad ayaa si weyn waxaa uu uga cowdey Dastuur la shegay in la doonayo in loo sameynayo gooni u ah muqdisho.
Afhayeenka ayaa yiri wax soconaya maaha in muqdisho kaliya la yiraahdo waxaa loo sameynaya Dastuur u gooniya aydoo gobalduu kale aan wax loo sameyn waxaan ay u dhiganyaa ayuu yiri "Keygana Anigaa iska Leh kaagana kula lihi" oo ay ku dhaqmayan gobolda qaarkood oo doonua ayuu yiri dowlada ayey rabaan in ay wixii ay hesho la qeybsadaan waxoodana ay gooni u ahadaan oo hadan shidaal si gooniya u soo saranaya.
" aniga waxaan la yabanhey waxa dowladu ay muqdisho kaliya dastur ugula soo degdegayso xiligaan sidi midi ka horeysey ee Ethiopia taageri jirtey oo kale mise Ethiopia ayeyba u shaqeeyaan oo howlahooda ayey fulinayaan" ayuu yiri Afahayeenka Odayaasha dhaqanka beelaha hawiye C/llaahi Dheere oo intaas sii dabadhigey in looga bahanyahey xitaa hadii wax la sameynayo in loo daayo dadka muqdisho degan oo ehelka u ah.
Ugu danbeyntiina waxaa uu sheegay in aysan hada suurto gal ahgeyn in xiligaan dastuur gooniya loo sameeyo muqdisho ayna ka soo horjeedaan odayaasha dhaqanka beelaha Hawiye .
Hadalkaan ayaa ka danbeyey ka dib markii shaley maamulka gobolka banaadir uu qabtey siminaar loogu talo galey in lagu sameeyo dastuur Muqdisho u gooniya oo ay iska kashanayaan UNDP iyo maamulka gobolka banaadir oo dowlada uga wakiila kaas oo loo qabtey gudoomiyayaasha 16 degmo ee muqdisho iyo Xildhibanada golaha degaanka Gobolka banaadir
Afhayeenka dhinaca Siyaasada ee odayaasha beelaha Hawiye cabadullaahi Dheere ee gudoomiyaha uu u yahey Dr Maxamed Xasan xaad ayaa si weyn waxaa uu uga cowdey Dastuur la shegay in la doonayo in loo sameynayo gooni u ah muqdisho.
Afhayeenka ayaa yiri wax soconaya maaha in muqdisho kaliya la yiraahdo waxaa loo sameynaya Dastuur u gooniya aydoo gobalduu kale aan wax loo sameyn waxaan ay u dhiganyaa ayuu yiri "Keygana Anigaa iska Leh kaagana kula lihi" oo ay ku dhaqmayan gobolda qaarkood oo doonua ayuu yiri dowlada ayey rabaan in ay wixii ay hesho la qeybsadaan waxoodana ay gooni u ahadaan oo hadan shidaal si gooniya u soo saranaya.
" aniga waxaan la yabanhey waxa dowladu ay muqdisho kaliya dastur ugula soo degdegayso xiligaan sidi midi ka horeysey ee Ethiopia taageri jirtey oo kale mise Ethiopia ayeyba u shaqeeyaan oo howlahooda ayey fulinayaan" ayuu yiri Afahayeenka Odayaasha dhaqanka beelaha hawiye C/llaahi Dheere oo intaas sii dabadhigey in looga bahanyahey xitaa hadii wax la sameynayo in loo daayo dadka muqdisho degan oo ehelka u ah.
Ugu danbeyntiina waxaa uu sheegay in aysan hada suurto gal ahgeyn in xiligaan dastuur gooniya loo sameeyo muqdisho ayna ka soo horjeedaan odayaasha dhaqanka beelaha Hawiye .
Hadalkaan ayaa ka danbeyey ka dib markii shaley maamulka gobolka banaadir uu qabtey siminaar loogu talo galey in lagu sameeyo dastuur Muqdisho u gooniya oo ay iska kashanayaan UNDP iyo maamulka gobolka banaadir oo dowlada uga wakiila kaas oo loo qabtey gudoomiyayaasha 16 degmo ee muqdisho iyo Xildhibanada golaha degaanka Gobolka banaadir
Gaalkacyo: Puntland & Galmudug oo wada hadlay maanta…Maxaase lugu wada hadlay!! Maxaase ka soo baxay!!..WARBIXIN..
27. december 2009
Gaalkacyo(AllPuntland)- Wada xaajoodyo adag qaatayna saacado badan, kana dhacay garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa iskugu yimaadeen dhinacyada Galmudug & Puntland, oo ka wada hadlaya xaaladaha magaalada iyo go’aanka laga gaarayo dagaaladii dhacay maalmihii ugu dambeeyey.
Madaxda dawladda Puntland ee gobalka Mudug, Odayaal, Ganacsatada qaarkood iyo dhinaca Galmudug oo ay sidoo kale ka yimaadeen xubno kala gedisan, ayaa laysku hor fariistay hoolka Shirarka ee garoonka diyaaradaha Gaalkacyo.
Col, Axmad Cali Salaad iyo Xasan Faarax Bare oo kala ah gudoomiyaasha gobalka Mudug ee dhinacyada Galmudug & Puntland, ayaa furay wada xaajoodyo, iyadoo ka dibna ay bilowdeen hadalada ay jeedinayeen dhinacyada kala gedisan.
Xasan Faarax Barre ayaa furitaankii shirka sheegay in aad uga xun yihiin dagaalada Gaalkacyo, wuxuuna sheegay in ay Galmudug ahaan ku jiraan talaabo ka qaadid ku aadan cidii lugta ku lahayd arrimahaasi, wuxuuna garowsiiyo ka bixiyay dhibaatadii ka dhacday Gaalkacyo oo masuuliyadeeda la saarayay dhinaca Koonfureed, inkastoo lafilayo in dhamaadka wada xaajoodyada lugu soo qaado.
Saxaafada oo laga dheereeyey wada xaajoodyada ayaa qaar ka mid ah ka qeybgalayaashu waxa ay usheegeen APL, in lasoo qaaday dagaaladii dhacay, sidii wax looga qaban lahaa iyo xalka magaalada Gaalkacyo, qolo kasta sida ay la tahay.
Saraakiisha kala gedisan ee Puntland ayaa hordhigay dhinaca Galmudug qoraal cadaynaya waxyaabaha ay doonayso Puntland in ay ka gaarto Gaalkacyo, oo ay ugu muhiimsanaayeen sameynta Xaduud labada dhinac ah iyo go’aan laga gaaro soo laabashada xiisadaha dagaal ee magaalada.
Odayaasha iyo Ganacsatada Puntland oo hadlay ayaa sheegay in aad uga xun yihiin 4 duulaan oo lugu soo qaaday Ilaalada dawladda Hoose iyo Hoobiyayaal lugu garaacay xaafadaha ay joogeen dad rayid ah oo aan loo aaboyeelin, waxa ayna ku eedeyeen Galmudug in ay soo diyaar garoobeen dagaalo lugu hoobto oo ka dhaca gobalka Mudug.
Odayaasha Koonfureed ayaa garowsiyo ka bixiyay dagaaladii ka dhacay Gaalkacyo, ayagoo cadeeyey in ay aad uga xun yihiin kuna jiraan sidii aysan mar dambe usoo laaban lahayn dagaaladu, iyagoo muujiyey dabacsanaan ku wajahan xaaladihii ka dhacay magaalada Gaalkacyo, si loo gaaro nabad, iyagoo soo qaaday khasaarihii dagaalada, waxa ayna tibaxeen in ay doonayaan nabadgalyada Gaalkacyo iyo ku dhaqanka heshiiskii 1993-dii oo aysan aaminsaneyn.
Masuuliyiinta dawladda ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa sheegay in ay Puntland ay doonayso xaduud ay la sameysato Galmudug, maadaama ay labo maamul yihiin, waxa ayna sidoo kale sheegtay in ay doonayaan in ay dhaqan galiyaan heshiiskii 1993-dii, waxa ayna usheegeen ka qeybgalayaasha shir nabdeedka ee dhinaca Galmudug in ay ciidamadooda waafajiso xaduudii laysku raacay 1993-dii, kana baxaan goobaha ay hada kaga jiraan difaacyada iyo dagaalada ay ka wadaan, waa sida ay sheegtay Puntland-ne
Mid ka mid ah ka qeybgalayaasha shirka oo ka socdey dhinaca Galmudug ayaa sheegay in aysan marnaba fileyn in ay Puntland uga yimaadaan arrimahaasi, wuxuuna tilmaamay in ay hada ka tashanayaan arrimaha ku wajahan xaduuda, isagoo muujiyey in aysan kala maarmin dadka magaalada Gaalkacyo, wuxuuna sheegay badanka dhulka Gaalkacyo oo ay ku jiraan goobaha dawladda ay gacanta ku hayso dawladda Puntland.
Shirka oo ay maanta ahayd wajigii ugu horeeyey ayaa laysku raacay in mar kale berito dib loo balamay, iyadoo ay ka soo baxeen shirkii maanta, xoojinta xabad joojintii iyo Sidii looga tashan lahaa wada daganaanshaha magaalada Gaalkacyo.
Xasaradaha Siyaasadeed ee Gaalkacyo ayaa kacsanaa laga soo bilaabo dhismihii maamulka Galmudug, hadana marar badan ayay socdeen hadalo keenayay khilaafaadyo sii badanayay, ilaa lasoo gaaray in Galmudug labo garab noqoto, Puntland-na mowqif ka qaadato Siyaasadeed ku wajahan magaalada Gaalkacyo.
Wixii ka dambeeyey 27 October ee sannadkan waxa ay Gaalkacyo yeelatay wajiyo cusub oo Siyaasadeed, markaas oo la weerara Shaqaalaha dawladda Hoose oo uu hogaaminayay duqa magaalada Md, C/rixmaan Maxamuud Xaaji Xasan, waxaana wixii ka dambeeyey socday dadaalo ladoonayay in lugu wada hadlo, balse markasta ku dhamaanayay guuldarooyin, iyadoo qodobada laga wada hadlayay aysan dhinacyadu isku raaceynin.
Shirka berito dhici doona ayaa lafilayaa in ay ka soo baxaan go’aamo culus oo ku saabsan xaajada magaalada Gaalkacyo oo laga soo bilaabo bilihii October ilaa December, ku jirtay duulaamo lugu eedaynayay dad taageersan dhinaca Galmudug in ay soo qaadayeen, waxaa sidoo kale lafilayaa in ay shirka ka soo baxaan go’aamo ay wada taageeri doonaan Galmudug & Puntland.
Gaalkacyo(AllPuntland)- Wada xaajoodyo adag qaatayna saacado badan, kana dhacay garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa iskugu yimaadeen dhinacyada Galmudug & Puntland, oo ka wada hadlaya xaaladaha magaalada iyo go’aanka laga gaarayo dagaaladii dhacay maalmihii ugu dambeeyey.
Madaxda dawladda Puntland ee gobalka Mudug, Odayaal, Ganacsatada qaarkood iyo dhinaca Galmudug oo ay sidoo kale ka yimaadeen xubno kala gedisan, ayaa laysku hor fariistay hoolka Shirarka ee garoonka diyaaradaha Gaalkacyo.
Col, Axmad Cali Salaad iyo Xasan Faarax Bare oo kala ah gudoomiyaasha gobalka Mudug ee dhinacyada Galmudug & Puntland, ayaa furay wada xaajoodyo, iyadoo ka dibna ay bilowdeen hadalada ay jeedinayeen dhinacyada kala gedisan.
Xasan Faarax Barre ayaa furitaankii shirka sheegay in aad uga xun yihiin dagaalada Gaalkacyo, wuxuuna sheegay in ay Galmudug ahaan ku jiraan talaabo ka qaadid ku aadan cidii lugta ku lahayd arrimahaasi, wuxuuna garowsiiyo ka bixiyay dhibaatadii ka dhacday Gaalkacyo oo masuuliyadeeda la saarayay dhinaca Koonfureed, inkastoo lafilayo in dhamaadka wada xaajoodyada lugu soo qaado.
Saxaafada oo laga dheereeyey wada xaajoodyada ayaa qaar ka mid ah ka qeybgalayaashu waxa ay usheegeen APL, in lasoo qaaday dagaaladii dhacay, sidii wax looga qaban lahaa iyo xalka magaalada Gaalkacyo, qolo kasta sida ay la tahay.
Saraakiisha kala gedisan ee Puntland ayaa hordhigay dhinaca Galmudug qoraal cadaynaya waxyaabaha ay doonayso Puntland in ay ka gaarto Gaalkacyo, oo ay ugu muhiimsanaayeen sameynta Xaduud labada dhinac ah iyo go’aan laga gaaro soo laabashada xiisadaha dagaal ee magaalada.
Odayaasha iyo Ganacsatada Puntland oo hadlay ayaa sheegay in aad uga xun yihiin 4 duulaan oo lugu soo qaaday Ilaalada dawladda Hoose iyo Hoobiyayaal lugu garaacay xaafadaha ay joogeen dad rayid ah oo aan loo aaboyeelin, waxa ayna ku eedeyeen Galmudug in ay soo diyaar garoobeen dagaalo lugu hoobto oo ka dhaca gobalka Mudug.
Odayaasha Koonfureed ayaa garowsiyo ka bixiyay dagaaladii ka dhacay Gaalkacyo, ayagoo cadeeyey in ay aad uga xun yihiin kuna jiraan sidii aysan mar dambe usoo laaban lahayn dagaaladu, iyagoo muujiyey dabacsanaan ku wajahan xaaladihii ka dhacay magaalada Gaalkacyo, si loo gaaro nabad, iyagoo soo qaaday khasaarihii dagaalada, waxa ayna tibaxeen in ay doonayaan nabadgalyada Gaalkacyo iyo ku dhaqanka heshiiskii 1993-dii oo aysan aaminsaneyn.
Masuuliyiinta dawladda ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa sheegay in ay Puntland ay doonayso xaduud ay la sameysato Galmudug, maadaama ay labo maamul yihiin, waxa ayna sidoo kale sheegtay in ay doonayaan in ay dhaqan galiyaan heshiiskii 1993-dii, waxa ayna usheegeen ka qeybgalayaasha shir nabdeedka ee dhinaca Galmudug in ay ciidamadooda waafajiso xaduudii laysku raacay 1993-dii, kana baxaan goobaha ay hada kaga jiraan difaacyada iyo dagaalada ay ka wadaan, waa sida ay sheegtay Puntland-ne
Mid ka mid ah ka qeybgalayaasha shirka oo ka socdey dhinaca Galmudug ayaa sheegay in aysan marnaba fileyn in ay Puntland uga yimaadaan arrimahaasi, wuxuuna tilmaamay in ay hada ka tashanayaan arrimaha ku wajahan xaduuda, isagoo muujiyey in aysan kala maarmin dadka magaalada Gaalkacyo, wuxuuna sheegay badanka dhulka Gaalkacyo oo ay ku jiraan goobaha dawladda ay gacanta ku hayso dawladda Puntland.
Shirka oo ay maanta ahayd wajigii ugu horeeyey ayaa laysku raacay in mar kale berito dib loo balamay, iyadoo ay ka soo baxeen shirkii maanta, xoojinta xabad joojintii iyo Sidii looga tashan lahaa wada daganaanshaha magaalada Gaalkacyo.
Xasaradaha Siyaasadeed ee Gaalkacyo ayaa kacsanaa laga soo bilaabo dhismihii maamulka Galmudug, hadana marar badan ayay socdeen hadalo keenayay khilaafaadyo sii badanayay, ilaa lasoo gaaray in Galmudug labo garab noqoto, Puntland-na mowqif ka qaadato Siyaasadeed ku wajahan magaalada Gaalkacyo.
Wixii ka dambeeyey 27 October ee sannadkan waxa ay Gaalkacyo yeelatay wajiyo cusub oo Siyaasadeed, markaas oo la weerara Shaqaalaha dawladda Hoose oo uu hogaaminayay duqa magaalada Md, C/rixmaan Maxamuud Xaaji Xasan, waxaana wixii ka dambeeyey socday dadaalo ladoonayay in lugu wada hadlo, balse markasta ku dhamaanayay guuldarooyin, iyadoo qodobada laga wada hadlayay aysan dhinacyadu isku raaceynin.
Shirka berito dhici doona ayaa lafilayaa in ay ka soo baxaan go’aamo culus oo ku saabsan xaajada magaalada Gaalkacyo oo laga soo bilaabo bilihii October ilaa December, ku jirtay duulaamo lugu eedaynayay dad taageersan dhinaca Galmudug in ay soo qaadayeen, waxaa sidoo kale lafilayaa in ay shirka ka soo baxaan go’aamo ay wada taageeri doonaan Galmudug & Puntland.
Saturday, 26 December 2009
Xog: Halkee ku dambeeyay e-passports Soomaaliya ?!
26. december 2009
Waxaa qoray: Nuur Xaashi Salaad
Muqdisho, Soomaaliya
Sannadkii 2004 dawladii dalka Kenya loogu dhisay Soomaaliya waxqabadyadii ugu balaarnaa ee ay hirgalisay waxaa ka mid ahaa hirgalinta baasaboor casriya oo la mid ah midka ay isticmaalaan dawladaha horumaray , kaasoo ahaa mid aan la badalikarin ama la koobiyayn karin.
Nofember 2006 safaarada Soomaalida ee Nairobi ayaa markii ugu horaysay laga furay xafiis qaabilsan bixinta baasaboorka casriga ahaa
27-kii Nofember 2006 safaarada Soomaalida ee Nairobi ayaa markii ugu horaysay waxaa laga furay xafiis qaabilsan bixinta baasaboorkaasi, waxaana xafladii lagu furayay ka soo qeyb galay Raysalwasarihii xiligaas Prof. Cali Maxamed Geedi, Wasiiro, Xildhimaano iyo Diblamaasiyiinta fadhida Nairobi, ka dib waxaa xafiisyo bixiya baasaboorka cusub laga furay Baydhabo oo ahayd xaruntii dawladu fadhiday, bishii december 2006 waxaa laga furay Garowe iyo Boosoaso, waxaana lagu xijiyey Addis-Ababa, Dubay, Gaalkacyo, Lascanood, Abudabey, Jidda, Zanbiya, Muqdishu iyo Djabuti, guud ahaana meelaha laga furay xafiiska bixinta baasabooka cusub waxay garayeen 14 xarumood, xarumahaasi waxaa maanta ka furan afar xafiis oo kaliya, iyadoo kuwa xirmayna ay u xirmeel maamul xumo soo wajahday qaabka bixinta baasoboorka cusbaa.
Taliska Hoggaanka socdaalka oo masuul dawlada uga ah hawha basaboorka ayaa lugu eedaynayaa burburka ku yimid bixinta baasoboorkii cusubaa.
Taliyaha taliskaas Col. Gaafoow ayaa ku guul daraystay inuu bixiyo mushahaarka shaqaalaha hawl wadeenada ka ahaa xarumaha bixiya baasoboorka, shaqaalaha oo aan helin sagaal bilood mushaharkooda ayaa markii ay dalbadeen mushaharkoodii waxaa Col. Gaafoow jawaab uga dhigay inuu shaqada ka cayriyo.
Warbixintaan markaad akhridid aragtidaada noogu soo dir emailka raadgure@gmail.com
Xafiisyada wali furan ayaa niman dulaaliin ahi dadka ka qabtaan araajida ay ku codsanayaan baasaboorka cusub, laakiin ma helaan baasaboorkii oo sharikadii samaynaysay ayaa hakisay baasabooradii ay samaynaysay ka dib markii ay wayday kharashkii ay ku samaynaysay, dadweynaha araajida laga xareeyay ayaa dhib badan ku qaba maqnaanshaha baasoboorka iyadoo ilaa sideed bilood aan dadkii loo keenin, halka madaxa hogaanka socdaalku uu door biday in uu hantidii dadweynaha iyo mushaharkii shaqaalaha uu guryo uga dhisto Muqdisho, iyadoo uu hadda guri qasri ah ka dhisanayo agagaarka gurigii Gen. Maxamed Shiikh Cosmaan ee xaafada Buulo Xuubeey.
Dakhliga Kasoo Xerooday Baasoboorka Cusub:
Nofember 2006 Ilaa Janaayo, 2009 waxaa hogaanka Socdaalka ka soo galay baasoboorka cusub lacag dhan $1,984 900.
Sharcigii oo badalay:
Waxaa khatar ku ah qaaadashada jinsiyada Soomaalinimada waa badalaad uu taliyaha hogaanka socdaalku ku sameeyay sharcigii qaaadashada baasoboorka cusub oo awal lagu qaadan jirey in qofka raba baasaboorku uu yimaado xafiiska fomkana looga buuxiyo, masawirka iyo faarahana isla meesha ayaa looga qaadi jiray, taas wuxuu Gaafoow ku badaley hab suuq madow ah oo wuxuu samaystay niman mukhalisiin (dilaaliin) ah oo qofkastoo raba baasaboor u dalba iyadoo qofka aan la hubin inuu Soomaaliya yahay iyo in kale. taasoo ka dhigaysa in dad itoobiyaan iyo eretereeyaan ahi ay baasaboorka Soomaaliga ah ku qaataan lacag yaroo laga qaata.
Baasoboorkii Cagaarnaa oo la soo celiyay:
Markii uu ka dhamaaday E Passport-gii oo sharikadii ka joojisay ayuu Gaafoow soo celiyay baasaboorkii cagaarnaa oo sidda sahlan loo koobiyayn karo, kaasoo si sahlan ay ugu samaynayaan mabdacaduhu.
Nuur Xaashi Salaad
Muqdisho, Soomaaliya
Waxaa qoray: Nuur Xaashi Salaad
Muqdisho, Soomaaliya
Sannadkii 2004 dawladii dalka Kenya loogu dhisay Soomaaliya waxqabadyadii ugu balaarnaa ee ay hirgalisay waxaa ka mid ahaa hirgalinta baasaboor casriya oo la mid ah midka ay isticmaalaan dawladaha horumaray , kaasoo ahaa mid aan la badalikarin ama la koobiyayn karin.
Nofember 2006 safaarada Soomaalida ee Nairobi ayaa markii ugu horaysay laga furay xafiis qaabilsan bixinta baasaboorka casriga ahaa
27-kii Nofember 2006 safaarada Soomaalida ee Nairobi ayaa markii ugu horaysay waxaa laga furay xafiis qaabilsan bixinta baasaboorkaasi, waxaana xafladii lagu furayay ka soo qeyb galay Raysalwasarihii xiligaas Prof. Cali Maxamed Geedi, Wasiiro, Xildhimaano iyo Diblamaasiyiinta fadhida Nairobi, ka dib waxaa xafiisyo bixiya baasaboorka cusub laga furay Baydhabo oo ahayd xaruntii dawladu fadhiday, bishii december 2006 waxaa laga furay Garowe iyo Boosoaso, waxaana lagu xijiyey Addis-Ababa, Dubay, Gaalkacyo, Lascanood, Abudabey, Jidda, Zanbiya, Muqdishu iyo Djabuti, guud ahaana meelaha laga furay xafiiska bixinta baasabooka cusub waxay garayeen 14 xarumood, xarumahaasi waxaa maanta ka furan afar xafiis oo kaliya, iyadoo kuwa xirmayna ay u xirmeel maamul xumo soo wajahday qaabka bixinta baasoboorka cusbaa.
Taliska Hoggaanka socdaalka oo masuul dawlada uga ah hawha basaboorka ayaa lugu eedaynayaa burburka ku yimid bixinta baasoboorkii cusubaa.
Taliyaha taliskaas Col. Gaafoow ayaa ku guul daraystay inuu bixiyo mushahaarka shaqaalaha hawl wadeenada ka ahaa xarumaha bixiya baasoboorka, shaqaalaha oo aan helin sagaal bilood mushaharkooda ayaa markii ay dalbadeen mushaharkoodii waxaa Col. Gaafoow jawaab uga dhigay inuu shaqada ka cayriyo.
Warbixintaan markaad akhridid aragtidaada noogu soo dir emailka raadgure@gmail.com
Xafiisyada wali furan ayaa niman dulaaliin ahi dadka ka qabtaan araajida ay ku codsanayaan baasaboorka cusub, laakiin ma helaan baasaboorkii oo sharikadii samaynaysay ayaa hakisay baasabooradii ay samaynaysay ka dib markii ay wayday kharashkii ay ku samaynaysay, dadweynaha araajida laga xareeyay ayaa dhib badan ku qaba maqnaanshaha baasoboorka iyadoo ilaa sideed bilood aan dadkii loo keenin, halka madaxa hogaanka socdaalku uu door biday in uu hantidii dadweynaha iyo mushaharkii shaqaalaha uu guryo uga dhisto Muqdisho, iyadoo uu hadda guri qasri ah ka dhisanayo agagaarka gurigii Gen. Maxamed Shiikh Cosmaan ee xaafada Buulo Xuubeey.
Dakhliga Kasoo Xerooday Baasoboorka Cusub:
Nofember 2006 Ilaa Janaayo, 2009 waxaa hogaanka Socdaalka ka soo galay baasoboorka cusub lacag dhan $1,984 900.
Sharcigii oo badalay:
Waxaa khatar ku ah qaaadashada jinsiyada Soomaalinimada waa badalaad uu taliyaha hogaanka socdaalku ku sameeyay sharcigii qaaadashada baasoboorka cusub oo awal lagu qaadan jirey in qofka raba baasaboorku uu yimaado xafiiska fomkana looga buuxiyo, masawirka iyo faarahana isla meesha ayaa looga qaadi jiray, taas wuxuu Gaafoow ku badaley hab suuq madow ah oo wuxuu samaystay niman mukhalisiin (dilaaliin) ah oo qofkastoo raba baasaboor u dalba iyadoo qofka aan la hubin inuu Soomaaliya yahay iyo in kale. taasoo ka dhigaysa in dad itoobiyaan iyo eretereeyaan ahi ay baasaboorka Soomaaliga ah ku qaataan lacag yaroo laga qaata.
Baasoboorkii Cagaarnaa oo la soo celiyay:
Markii uu ka dhamaaday E Passport-gii oo sharikadii ka joojisay ayuu Gaafoow soo celiyay baasaboorkii cagaarnaa oo sidda sahlan loo koobiyayn karo, kaasoo si sahlan ay ugu samaynayaan mabdacaduhu.
Nuur Xaashi Salaad
Muqdisho, Soomaaliya
The Greatest Impediment to Puntland’s Progress
By Abdikadir N. Salah
December 25, 2009
"Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists" (George W. Bush).
Ever since former U.S. President Bush declared war on terror, a new political trend has taken a shape in the Horn of Africa. Political foes started to flip the terrorist card in order to subdue their arch enemies. There is no gainsaying that Melez Zanawi's oppressive regime saw the utility of the terrorist card and maximized it to usurp power, indefinitely. His regime accuses all opposition groups with legitimate grievances as terrorist organizations, thereby seeking help from the Western Allies (USA, NATO). Similarly, Somali warlords, opportunists, and pseudo politicians invoke this political card and indict anyone whom they perceive as a threat to their narrow political agenda and alleged corruption schemes. Among these antagonists who carry out heinous crimes against other tribes while ostensibly appearing as an American ally is the head of Puntland Intelligence Service, Osman Diano, a man who is infamous for smearing terrorist allegations against his critics and traditional adversaries.
Background Context
After the debacle of the September 11, U.S. foreign policy objectives spearheaded by the Pentagon was keen to develop a relationship with the only two functioning sub-states in Somalia: Puntland and Somaliland. Puntland Intelligence Service was created in 2001 and it markets itself as a counter terrorist organization that was first established with the good intention to protect and serve the people of Puntland. Nevertheless, PIS has fallen into the hands of a dynasty. Hence, instead of serving the people of Puntland, it became a catalyst to further subjugate the very same citizens it is assumed to protect. With over half the state budget and other foreign assistance package, PIS has evolved on to become the most powerful institution in Puntland.
A report that was released by the Crisis Group Africa in 2009 states "The makeup of the new police and army was predominantly Majerten, to be precise from the subclans of Mohamoud Saleban (sub-clans). This apparent imbalance planted the seeds of the political problems that over- took the administration." Many regional analyst, predict if the U.S. Government does not consider a policy change to attend to popular grievances against the PIS's structure and leadership, which are accused of clan bias, nepotism, extortion, and extensive torture, it could spark a new inter-clan bloodshed.
Human Rights Violations
Crisis Group Africa also reports "The arrests and renditions further eroded public support for the regime, which became increasingly dependent on the PIS for survival."
Just several weeks ago, PIS allegedly charged two young men for supporting ONLF without any proof or attestation. After few days in their cells, both prisoners were reported dead. Several human rights activists are accusing PIS of basic human rights violations. The head of PIS is notorious for torturing and repatriating refugees and political asylums from the Ogaden region of Ethiopia. The UN Convention against Torture, in Sub article (l and 2) of Article 3, clearly states that: "No State Party shall expel, return or extradite a person to another State where there are substantial grounds for believing that he would be in danger of being subjected to torture."
Meanwhile, PIS is playing a key role in fuelling an inter clan war fare between the Dubais sub-clan of Warsangeli and Usman Mohamud subclan of Mejirteen, the predominant clan in PIS's composition. Unlike the Ogaden refugees, PIS is waging war against a formidable force in the region. The Dubaiss sub clan resides in the city of Bosaso and its surrounding areas such as Laag, Hamur, Galgala, El-Dahir, and Marajo of Bari region. On Dec 22, PIS has launched an unexpected attack which resulted in the torture, arbitrary arrests, and looting of innocent people in the towns of El-Dahir and Laag, seriously wounding a mother in the process. On Dec 23, the chief of Dubaiss sub-clan of Warsangeli spoke against the false allegation perpetrated by Osman Diano, in which he asserted that there are terrorist cells in all of Warsangeli dominated cities in Puntland. On Dec 24, Abdi Dawar Gurhan, an innocent man from Galgala was gunned down at Netco center in Bosaaso by unidentified, veiled men. The Chief Gerad cautioned the international community that this type of aggression could escalate an inter-clan bloodshed. He also warned the international community not to be deceived by the hidden agenda of the PIS whose composition, structure and leadership are exclusively made up of one clan with the sole purpose to dominate other clans in the region.
When President Abdirahman Mohamed (Faroole) first came to the office in Puntland, he promised to reform the economic and security sectors of the state. Conversely, he failed to get in the affairs of PIS, for the reason that they are a separate entity under the false pretext of Puntland State. Their main donors are westerners who lack the competency to understand the convoluted political atmosphere in Somalia. Nowadays, the term "terrorism" became a mechanism to withdraw western tax payers' money in order to pursue personal/tribal goals. People of Puntland should stand up against these tyrannical leaders who could lead us into a period of devastation and mistrust. It is time for President Abdirahman to take full control of his administration or succumb to a new re-invigorated inter-clan warfare.
By Abdikadir N. Salah
December 25, 2009
"Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists" (George W. Bush).
Ever since former U.S. President Bush declared war on terror, a new political trend has taken a shape in the Horn of Africa. Political foes started to flip the terrorist card in order to subdue their arch enemies. There is no gainsaying that Melez Zanawi's oppressive regime saw the utility of the terrorist card and maximized it to usurp power, indefinitely. His regime accuses all opposition groups with legitimate grievances as terrorist organizations, thereby seeking help from the Western Allies (USA, NATO). Similarly, Somali warlords, opportunists, and pseudo politicians invoke this political card and indict anyone whom they perceive as a threat to their narrow political agenda and alleged corruption schemes. Among these antagonists who carry out heinous crimes against other tribes while ostensibly appearing as an American ally is the head of Puntland Intelligence Service, Osman Diano, a man who is infamous for smearing terrorist allegations against his critics and traditional adversaries.
Background Context
After the debacle of the September 11, U.S. foreign policy objectives spearheaded by the Pentagon was keen to develop a relationship with the only two functioning sub-states in Somalia: Puntland and Somaliland. Puntland Intelligence Service was created in 2001 and it markets itself as a counter terrorist organization that was first established with the good intention to protect and serve the people of Puntland. Nevertheless, PIS has fallen into the hands of a dynasty. Hence, instead of serving the people of Puntland, it became a catalyst to further subjugate the very same citizens it is assumed to protect. With over half the state budget and other foreign assistance package, PIS has evolved on to become the most powerful institution in Puntland.
A report that was released by the Crisis Group Africa in 2009 states "The makeup of the new police and army was predominantly Majerten, to be precise from the subclans of Mohamoud Saleban (sub-clans). This apparent imbalance planted the seeds of the political problems that over- took the administration." Many regional analyst, predict if the U.S. Government does not consider a policy change to attend to popular grievances against the PIS's structure and leadership, which are accused of clan bias, nepotism, extortion, and extensive torture, it could spark a new inter-clan bloodshed.
Human Rights Violations
Crisis Group Africa also reports "The arrests and renditions further eroded public support for the regime, which became increasingly dependent on the PIS for survival."
Just several weeks ago, PIS allegedly charged two young men for supporting ONLF without any proof or attestation. After few days in their cells, both prisoners were reported dead. Several human rights activists are accusing PIS of basic human rights violations. The head of PIS is notorious for torturing and repatriating refugees and political asylums from the Ogaden region of Ethiopia. The UN Convention against Torture, in Sub article (l and 2) of Article 3, clearly states that: "No State Party shall expel, return or extradite a person to another State where there are substantial grounds for believing that he would be in danger of being subjected to torture."
Meanwhile, PIS is playing a key role in fuelling an inter clan war fare between the Dubais sub-clan of Warsangeli and Usman Mohamud subclan of Mejirteen, the predominant clan in PIS's composition. Unlike the Ogaden refugees, PIS is waging war against a formidable force in the region. The Dubaiss sub clan resides in the city of Bosaso and its surrounding areas such as Laag, Hamur, Galgala, El-Dahir, and Marajo of Bari region. On Dec 22, PIS has launched an unexpected attack which resulted in the torture, arbitrary arrests, and looting of innocent people in the towns of El-Dahir and Laag, seriously wounding a mother in the process. On Dec 23, the chief of Dubaiss sub-clan of Warsangeli spoke against the false allegation perpetrated by Osman Diano, in which he asserted that there are terrorist cells in all of Warsangeli dominated cities in Puntland. On Dec 24, Abdi Dawar Gurhan, an innocent man from Galgala was gunned down at Netco center in Bosaaso by unidentified, veiled men. The Chief Gerad cautioned the international community that this type of aggression could escalate an inter-clan bloodshed. He also warned the international community not to be deceived by the hidden agenda of the PIS whose composition, structure and leadership are exclusively made up of one clan with the sole purpose to dominate other clans in the region.
When President Abdirahman Mohamed (Faroole) first came to the office in Puntland, he promised to reform the economic and security sectors of the state. Conversely, he failed to get in the affairs of PIS, for the reason that they are a separate entity under the false pretext of Puntland State. Their main donors are westerners who lack the competency to understand the convoluted political atmosphere in Somalia. Nowadays, the term "terrorism" became a mechanism to withdraw western tax payers' money in order to pursue personal/tribal goals. People of Puntland should stand up against these tyrannical leaders who could lead us into a period of devastation and mistrust. It is time for President Abdirahman to take full control of his administration or succumb to a new re-invigorated inter-clan warfare.
By Abdikadir N. Salah
Garowe: Madaxweynaha Puntland oo ku baaqay go’aan laga gaaro xaajada Gaalkacyo.
26. december 2009
Garowe(AllPuntland)- Madaxweynaha dawladda Dhexe ee Puntland Dr, C/rixmaan Sheekh Maxamed Maxamuud ayaa ku amray Madaxda dawladda Puntland ee jooga gobalka Mudug in ay go’aan adag ka qaataan wada xaajoodyada maanta dhacaya, isagoo sheegay in ay lama huraan tahay in xaqiiqada Gaalkacyo laga taliyo, wuxuuna sheegay Madaxweynuhu in ay muhiimad weyn tahay in laga shaqeeyo nabadgalyada magaalada.
Xiriiro dhanka Telfoonada ah oo dhexmaray Madaxda dawladda Puntland ee ugu sareeya ayaa lugu go’aamiyay in ay howlaha magaalada Gaalkacyo soo noq-noqdeen, ayna tahay markii 3aad oo dagaal lugu soo qaado Ilaalada dawladda Hoose ee magaalada Gaalkacyo, loogana baahan yahay dhinacyadu in ay maanta wada hadaladoodu noqdaan kuwa si toos ah loogu faaqido ciladaha jiraha oo dhan.
Saraakiil aad ugu dhaw Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in uu Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr, C/rixmaan Sheekh Maxamed Maxamuud, uu ugu baaqay Shacabka Puntland in ay daganaansho muujiyaan, isla markaasna ay ka shaqeeyaan sidii nabadgalyo loogu dhameyn lahaa talaabo kasta oo dhacda.
Madaxweynuhu wuxuu Saraakiisha ciidamada amaanka Puntland ku amray in ay adkeeyaan amaanka, isagoo sheegay in looga baahan yahay feejignaan guud, maadaama ay jiraa dad badan oo doonaya in ay khal-khalgaliyaan amaanka deegaanada Puntland oo idil.
Ganacsatada, Odayaasha dhaqanka, Siyaasiinta, xubnaha dawladda ee gobalka Mudug iyo Saraakiisha hogaaminaysa ciidamada Gaalkacyo, ayaa wada xaajoodyo aan la aqoon waxa ka soo baxay waxa ay goor dhaw oo saaka ah ku yeesheen Xarunta maamulka gobalka Mudug ee Puntland.
Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr, C/rixmaan Sheekh Maxamed Maxamuud taladiisa ku wajahan in go’aan laga gaaro xaaladaha Gaalkacyo, ayaa ah mid ay qabaan guud ahaan dadka magaalada Gaalkacyo oo lugu taageerayo, iyadoo maalmihii ugu dambeeyey oo ay xiisado dagaal jiraan ay dadku aad uga hadlayeen sida loogu baahan yahay go’aan kama dambeys ah oo laga qaato dhibaatooyinka Gaalkacyo.
Garowe(AllPuntland)- Madaxweynaha dawladda Dhexe ee Puntland Dr, C/rixmaan Sheekh Maxamed Maxamuud ayaa ku amray Madaxda dawladda Puntland ee jooga gobalka Mudug in ay go’aan adag ka qaataan wada xaajoodyada maanta dhacaya, isagoo sheegay in ay lama huraan tahay in xaqiiqada Gaalkacyo laga taliyo, wuxuuna sheegay Madaxweynuhu in ay muhiimad weyn tahay in laga shaqeeyo nabadgalyada magaalada.
Xiriiro dhanka Telfoonada ah oo dhexmaray Madaxda dawladda Puntland ee ugu sareeya ayaa lugu go’aamiyay in ay howlaha magaalada Gaalkacyo soo noq-noqdeen, ayna tahay markii 3aad oo dagaal lugu soo qaado Ilaalada dawladda Hoose ee magaalada Gaalkacyo, loogana baahan yahay dhinacyadu in ay maanta wada hadaladoodu noqdaan kuwa si toos ah loogu faaqido ciladaha jiraha oo dhan.
Saraakiil aad ugu dhaw Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in uu Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr, C/rixmaan Sheekh Maxamed Maxamuud, uu ugu baaqay Shacabka Puntland in ay daganaansho muujiyaan, isla markaasna ay ka shaqeeyaan sidii nabadgalyo loogu dhameyn lahaa talaabo kasta oo dhacda.
Madaxweynuhu wuxuu Saraakiisha ciidamada amaanka Puntland ku amray in ay adkeeyaan amaanka, isagoo sheegay in looga baahan yahay feejignaan guud, maadaama ay jiraa dad badan oo doonaya in ay khal-khalgaliyaan amaanka deegaanada Puntland oo idil.
Ganacsatada, Odayaasha dhaqanka, Siyaasiinta, xubnaha dawladda ee gobalka Mudug iyo Saraakiisha hogaaminaysa ciidamada Gaalkacyo, ayaa wada xaajoodyo aan la aqoon waxa ka soo baxay waxa ay goor dhaw oo saaka ah ku yeesheen Xarunta maamulka gobalka Mudug ee Puntland.
Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland Dr, C/rixmaan Sheekh Maxamed Maxamuud taladiisa ku wajahan in go’aan laga gaaro xaaladaha Gaalkacyo, ayaa ah mid ay qabaan guud ahaan dadka magaalada Gaalkacyo oo lugu taageerayo, iyadoo maalmihii ugu dambeeyey oo ay xiisado dagaal jiraan ay dadku aad uga hadlayeen sida loogu baahan yahay go’aan kama dambeys ah oo laga qaato dhibaatooyinka Gaalkacyo.
Gaalkacyo: Wada hadalo la filayay in ay maanta ubilowdaan Puntland & Galmudug oo baaqday….SABABTA…..
26. december 2009
Galkacyo(AllPuntland)- Maanta oo ahayd sabti 26 December 2009, lana filayay in ay bilowdaan wada hadalo ku saabsan xaaladaha magaalada Gaalkacyo, ayaysan suuragalin in ay qabsoomaan wada hadaladaasi oo looga hadli lahaa qodobo badan oo ku wajahan xaaladaha magaalada Gaalkacyo.
Sababaha ay dhici waayeen kulamadan oo ahaa kuwa xasaasi ah ayaa lasheegay in ay tahay dhinacyada Puntland & Galmudug oo qolo kastaa ay meel gaar ah ku lahayd shirk u aadan go’aamada ay ka qaadanayaan xaaladaha ay kula hadlayaan dhinaca kale.
Shir adag oo laga dheereeyey Saxaafada, lana koobay ka qeybgalayaashii ayaa ku qabsoomay xarunta Maamulka gobalka Mudug, iyadoo ay ka qeybgaleen duqa magaalada Gaalkacyo Md, C/rixmaan Max’uud Xaaji Xasan, Gudoomiyaha gobalka Mudug Col. Axmed Cali Salaad, taliyaha ciidamada Booliska ee gobalka Mudug G/sare Axmed C/rixmaan Muuse (Xasaasi), Odayaal, Ganacsatada iyo Culumada Diinta.
Sidoo kale shirkan waxaa si kormeer ah uga soo qeybgalay mudadii uu socdey taliyaha guud ee ciidamada Daraawiishta Puntland Jeneraal Siciid Cabdi Faarax (Tuuta-weyne) , isagoo aan la garan Karin hadalkii uu ka jeediyey madasha wada xaajoodyada, ka dibna wuxuu bilaabay booqashooyin uu ku kala bixiyay Xeryaha ciidamada Daraawiishta iyo qeybo ka mid ah magaalada.
Ilo ku dhow dhow Taliyaha guud ee ciidamada Daraawiishta Puntland Jeneraal Siciid Cabdi Faarax (Tuuta-weyne) ayaa sheegay in uu Mr, Tuuta-weyne uyimid xasilinta amaanka magaalada, isla markaasna uu ka qeybqaadanayo dadaalada ku wajahan xaaladaha magaalada Gaalkacyo.
Masuuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka degmada ee Gaalkacyo ayaa usheegay APL in sababaha uu maanta ubaaqday wada hadalku ay ahayd dhinaca Puntland oo ka tashanayay aayaha magaalada iyo qodobada ay ula tagayaan dhinaca Galmudug.
Shirka mudadii uu socday waxaa lugu soo qaaday waxyaabo ka jira gudaha Puntland, gaar ahaana xaaladaha Gaalkacyo oo inta badan mudooyinkii ugu dambeeyey lasheegayay in aan laysku wanaagsaneyn saraakiisha dawladda oo aysan isku raacsaneyn dagaaladii maalmihii ugu dambeeyey dhacayay.
Qodobo kala gedisan ayaa laga gaaray mudadii uu socdey shirkaasi, wuxuuna soo dhamaaday duhurnimadii maanta, iyadoo ay dhinacyadu ka gaabsadeen in ay ka hadlaan go’aamada ay gaaraan, balse waxa ay sheegeen in ay dhinaca Koonfureed ka dhowrayaan in aan fadhiga loo soo dirin Odayaal iyo Culumo, ee loo baahan yahay in ay soo gogol fariistaan Maamulka Galmudug.
Siyaabo kala duwan ayay dadku ku cabirayaan xaaladaha magaalada Gaalkacyo, siyaasiinta falan qeeyaa xaaladaha Mudug ayaa sheegaya in kulanka berito laga filan karo waxyaabo badan oo lugu wada hadlo, kuwaas oo keeni in nabad ay ka dhacdo magaalada Gaalkacyo.
Dhinac kasta oo ka mid ah dhinacyada ayaa isku dayaya in ay soo dirsadaan dad codkar ah, waxaana dhinacyadu umuuqdaan kuwa hadaladoodu adkaan doonaan maalinimada berito ah, kuwaas oo wajihi doono marxalado adag oo ku saabsan xaaladaha magaalada Gaalkacyo.
Galmudug ayaa lugu eedaynayaa in ay leedahay Masuuliyada 4 weerar oo lugu qaaday Ilaalada dawladda Hoose ee magaalada Gaalkacyo, waxaana horay ay dhinacyo 22 xubnood ka kooban ay isku afgaran waayeen waxyaabaha magaalada, gaar ahaana weerarkii lugu qaaday Ilaalada dawladda Hoose 27 & 29 October, ka dibna geystay dhimashada iyo dhaawac kala gedisan.
Galkacyo(AllPuntland)- Maanta oo ahayd sabti 26 December 2009, lana filayay in ay bilowdaan wada hadalo ku saabsan xaaladaha magaalada Gaalkacyo, ayaysan suuragalin in ay qabsoomaan wada hadaladaasi oo looga hadli lahaa qodobo badan oo ku wajahan xaaladaha magaalada Gaalkacyo.
Sababaha ay dhici waayeen kulamadan oo ahaa kuwa xasaasi ah ayaa lasheegay in ay tahay dhinacyada Puntland & Galmudug oo qolo kastaa ay meel gaar ah ku lahayd shirk u aadan go’aamada ay ka qaadanayaan xaaladaha ay kula hadlayaan dhinaca kale.
Shir adag oo laga dheereeyey Saxaafada, lana koobay ka qeybgalayaashii ayaa ku qabsoomay xarunta Maamulka gobalka Mudug, iyadoo ay ka qeybgaleen duqa magaalada Gaalkacyo Md, C/rixmaan Max’uud Xaaji Xasan, Gudoomiyaha gobalka Mudug Col. Axmed Cali Salaad, taliyaha ciidamada Booliska ee gobalka Mudug G/sare Axmed C/rixmaan Muuse (Xasaasi), Odayaal, Ganacsatada iyo Culumada Diinta.
Sidoo kale shirkan waxaa si kormeer ah uga soo qeybgalay mudadii uu socdey taliyaha guud ee ciidamada Daraawiishta Puntland Jeneraal Siciid Cabdi Faarax (Tuuta-weyne) , isagoo aan la garan Karin hadalkii uu ka jeediyey madasha wada xaajoodyada, ka dibna wuxuu bilaabay booqashooyin uu ku kala bixiyay Xeryaha ciidamada Daraawiishta iyo qeybo ka mid ah magaalada.
Ilo ku dhow dhow Taliyaha guud ee ciidamada Daraawiishta Puntland Jeneraal Siciid Cabdi Faarax (Tuuta-weyne) ayaa sheegay in uu Mr, Tuuta-weyne uyimid xasilinta amaanka magaalada, isla markaasna uu ka qeybqaadanayo dadaalada ku wajahan xaaladaha magaalada Gaalkacyo.
Masuuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka degmada ee Gaalkacyo ayaa usheegay APL in sababaha uu maanta ubaaqday wada hadalku ay ahayd dhinaca Puntland oo ka tashanayay aayaha magaalada iyo qodobada ay ula tagayaan dhinaca Galmudug.
Shirka mudadii uu socday waxaa lugu soo qaaday waxyaabo ka jira gudaha Puntland, gaar ahaana xaaladaha Gaalkacyo oo inta badan mudooyinkii ugu dambeeyey lasheegayay in aan laysku wanaagsaneyn saraakiisha dawladda oo aysan isku raacsaneyn dagaaladii maalmihii ugu dambeeyey dhacayay.
Qodobo kala gedisan ayaa laga gaaray mudadii uu socdey shirkaasi, wuxuuna soo dhamaaday duhurnimadii maanta, iyadoo ay dhinacyadu ka gaabsadeen in ay ka hadlaan go’aamada ay gaaraan, balse waxa ay sheegeen in ay dhinaca Koonfureed ka dhowrayaan in aan fadhiga loo soo dirin Odayaal iyo Culumo, ee loo baahan yahay in ay soo gogol fariistaan Maamulka Galmudug.
Siyaabo kala duwan ayay dadku ku cabirayaan xaaladaha magaalada Gaalkacyo, siyaasiinta falan qeeyaa xaaladaha Mudug ayaa sheegaya in kulanka berito laga filan karo waxyaabo badan oo lugu wada hadlo, kuwaas oo keeni in nabad ay ka dhacdo magaalada Gaalkacyo.
Dhinac kasta oo ka mid ah dhinacyada ayaa isku dayaya in ay soo dirsadaan dad codkar ah, waxaana dhinacyadu umuuqdaan kuwa hadaladoodu adkaan doonaan maalinimada berito ah, kuwaas oo wajihi doono marxalado adag oo ku saabsan xaaladaha magaalada Gaalkacyo.
Galmudug ayaa lugu eedaynayaa in ay leedahay Masuuliyada 4 weerar oo lugu qaaday Ilaalada dawladda Hoose ee magaalada Gaalkacyo, waxaana horay ay dhinacyo 22 xubnood ka kooban ay isku afgaran waayeen waxyaabaha magaalada, gaar ahaana weerarkii lugu qaaday Ilaalada dawladda Hoose 27 & 29 October, ka dibna geystay dhimashada iyo dhaawac kala gedisan.
Ahlu Sunna Wal-jameeca oo ka jawaabay eedeymo ay u soo jeediyeen ururka xisbul Islaam
Afhayeenka culimaa’udiinka Ahlu Sunna Wal-jameeca Sheekh C/laahi Sheekh C/raxmaan Abuu Yuusuf Al-qaadi oo saxaafadda la hadlay isagoo ku sugan degmada Caabudwaaq ee gobolka Galgaduud ayaa waxa uu ka jawaabay eedeymo ay u soo jeediyeen ururka Xisbul Islaam oo ahaa in shirka ay culimaa’udiinka ku leeyihiin Galgaduud ay gadaal ka riixayso dawladda Itoobiya, ujeedadiisuna ay tahay in lagula wareego deegaanada ay ka taliyaan mujaahidiinta.
Afhayeenka culimaa’udiinka ahlu Sunna Wal-jameeca wuxuu sheegay in eedeyntaasi aysan waxba ka jirin, shirkuna uu yahay mid ka madax bannaan dalal shisheeye kaasoo soo billowday horraantii sanadkan, wuxuuna intaasi ku daray inaysan suurto gal ahayn in iyagoo Muslimiin ah ay taageero ka helaan masiixiyiin, ilaahayna ay ka magan galayaan.
Afhayeenka culimaa’udiinka ahlu Sunna Wal-jameeca waxa uu sheegay in ururka Xisbul Islaam masuuliyiintooda ay yihiin kuwo u afduuban oo gumaysi ugu jira kooxaha khawaarijta, waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye, kuwaasoo buu yiri aan awood u lahayn inay afkaartooda iyo rabitaankooda soo bandhigaan, wuxuuna intaasi ku daray in ay nasiib darro tahay in xisbul islaam ay eedey taasi oo kale ah soo jeediyaan.
Afhayeenka Culimaa’udiinka ahlu Sunna Wal-jameeca Sheekh C/laahi Sheekh C/raxmaan Abu Yuusuf Al-qaadi wuxuu sheegay inay soo dhoweynayaan cunaqabataynta lagu soo rogay dawladda Eritrea taasina ay wax weyn ka qaban doonto in Soomaaliya ay aayaheeda ka tashato, una istaagto inay hesho midnimadeeda iyo qaranimadeeda.
Afhayeenka culimaa’udiinka ahlu Sunna Wal-jameeca wuxuu sheegay in eedeyntaasi aysan waxba ka jirin, shirkuna uu yahay mid ka madax bannaan dalal shisheeye kaasoo soo billowday horraantii sanadkan, wuxuuna intaasi ku daray inaysan suurto gal ahayn in iyagoo Muslimiin ah ay taageero ka helaan masiixiyiin, ilaahayna ay ka magan galayaan.
Afhayeenka culimaa’udiinka ahlu Sunna Wal-jameeca waxa uu sheegay in ururka Xisbul Islaam masuuliyiintooda ay yihiin kuwo u afduuban oo gumaysi ugu jira kooxaha khawaarijta, waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye, kuwaasoo buu yiri aan awood u lahayn inay afkaartooda iyo rabitaankooda soo bandhigaan, wuxuuna intaasi ku daray in ay nasiib darro tahay in xisbul islaam ay eedey taasi oo kale ah soo jeediyaan.
Afhayeenka Culimaa’udiinka ahlu Sunna Wal-jameeca Sheekh C/laahi Sheekh C/raxmaan Abu Yuusuf Al-qaadi wuxuu sheegay inay soo dhoweynayaan cunaqabataynta lagu soo rogay dawladda Eritrea taasina ay wax weyn ka qaban doonto in Soomaaliya ay aayaheeda ka tashato, una istaagto inay hesho midnimadeeda iyo qaranimadeeda.
Dawladda federalka Soomaaliya oo ku gacan sayrtay inay jiraan wax dhex-dhexaadin ah oo laga dhex wado kooxaha Mucaaradka ah iyo ayaka
Ra'iisul wasaare xigeenka ahna wasiirka kalluumaysiga iyo Khayraadka Badda dawladda federalka Soomaaliya C/raxmaan Xaaji Aadan Ibbi oo la hadlayay Wargeyska ka soo baxa dalka Sacuudi Carabiya ayaa ku gacan sayray inay jiraan hindisayaal gudaha iyo dibada ah oo lagu dhax dhaxaadinayo dowladda federalka Soomaaliya iyo xoogagga ka soo horjeeda.
Prof. Ibbi ayaa sheegay in qorshayaashii hore ee uu soo bandhigay Madaxweynaha dowladda Soomaaliya ay fashil ku dhamaadeen sababo la xiriira dhinacyada ka soo horjeeda dowladda oo aan dooneyn wax aan ka aheyn sii wadida dagaalada ay ku doonayaan in ay xukunka kaga turaan dowladda federalka Soomaaliya.
Waxa uu intaasi ku daray in aanay xiligani jirin wax qorshe ah oo ku saabsan dhax dhaxaadinta dhinacyada isku haya Soomaaliya marka laga reebo aragtida Masar ay ku soo bandhigtay Shirkii kooxda xiriirka Caalamiga ee magaalada Jidah ee ku aadanaa in dhamaan dhinacyada isku haya Soomaaliya ay aqbalaan dadaalo kasta oo dib u heshiisiineed oo lagu doonayo in lagu soo afjaro hardanka Siyaasadeed ee Soomaaliya ka taagan.
ugu dambeyntii wasiirka kalluumaysiga iyo khayraadka Badda wuxuu ku eedeeyay dowladda Eritrea in ay taageerto dhinacyada ka horjeeda dowlada, uguna baaqay dowladaha Carabta in ay taageeraan dowladda Soomaaliya, wuxuuna dhinaca kale rajo ka muujiyay in Ciidmada Booliska iyo ku Melateriga ay waqti dhow la wareegi doonaan amaanka dalka Soomaaliya.
Prof. Ibbi ayaa sheegay in qorshayaashii hore ee uu soo bandhigay Madaxweynaha dowladda Soomaaliya ay fashil ku dhamaadeen sababo la xiriira dhinacyada ka soo horjeeda dowladda oo aan dooneyn wax aan ka aheyn sii wadida dagaalada ay ku doonayaan in ay xukunka kaga turaan dowladda federalka Soomaaliya.
Waxa uu intaasi ku daray in aanay xiligani jirin wax qorshe ah oo ku saabsan dhax dhaxaadinta dhinacyada isku haya Soomaaliya marka laga reebo aragtida Masar ay ku soo bandhigtay Shirkii kooxda xiriirka Caalamiga ee magaalada Jidah ee ku aadanaa in dhamaan dhinacyada isku haya Soomaaliya ay aqbalaan dadaalo kasta oo dib u heshiisiineed oo lagu doonayo in lagu soo afjaro hardanka Siyaasadeed ee Soomaaliya ka taagan.
ugu dambeyntii wasiirka kalluumaysiga iyo khayraadka Badda wuxuu ku eedeeyay dowladda Eritrea in ay taageerto dhinacyada ka horjeeda dowlada, uguna baaqay dowladaha Carabta in ay taageeraan dowladda Soomaaliya, wuxuuna dhinaca kale rajo ka muujiyay in Ciidmada Booliska iyo ku Melateriga ay waqti dhow la wareegi doonaan amaanka dalka Soomaaliya.
Warbixin dheeri ah oo ku saabsan shirkaan ay culimaa udiinku ahlusunna wal-jamaaca kuleeyihiin m.cabudwaaq ee G/galgaduud.
Fikirka shirkaan wuxuu biloowday markii ay ku guuleysteen culumaa’udiin ka ahlusunna waljamaca in ay ka xoreeyaan qayba ka mid ah dalka somaliya khawariijta ku soo duushay diinta,dadka iyo dalka somaliyeed.
Islaarkaana lahelay amni iyo istiqraar ay la’aayeen shacabka deegaanadaas mudo dheer.
11/01/09 markii laga framaroojiya caasimadda g/galgaduud m.dhuusa mareeb gacmihii khawaarijta ee gumaysiga ku haystay ayey heleen shacabku fursad ay uga fakaraan sidii ay u heli lahaayeen maamul lagu gaaro kala dan beyn iyo nabad waarta, 18/02/09 ayey ahayd markii ugu horaysay ee ay dhisteen culumaa’udiinka ahlusunnah waljamaca maamul kumeel gaar ah oo mudadiisu ahayd 3bilood.
Maamulkaas oo ahadaaftiisa ay ugu waawayneed (2) qodob.
1- Inuu dardar galiyo ladagaalanka khawaariijta
2- Inuu ugogol xaaro isla markaana uu diyaariyo shir lagu dhiso maamul intaa kabalaaran oo lagu gaaro ujeedada rasmigaa ee ahlusunnah waljamacah oo ah in laga sifeeyo khawaariijta dalka soomaliya lanahelo nabad iyo xasilooni dhab ahaantiina ujeedooyinkaas guulo lataaban karo ayaa laga gaaray ugu danbeyntiina waxaa qabsoomay shirkaan hada loofadhiyo.
1- In logu sameeyo maamul wax ku ool ah oo mideeya deegaanada ay gacanta ku hayaan culumaa’udiinka ahlusunnah waljamacah ama ay ciidamadoodu kula dagaalamayaan khawaariijta si loo xaqiijiyo hadafka laga leeyahay oo ah kasifaynta qawaarijta dalka somaliya iyo habsami usocodka gudashada waajibaadka horyaala ahlusunnah waljamacah sida ,
· Dib usoonoolaynta adeegyadii bulshada oo mudo dheer burbursanaa sida
· Kala danbeynta
· Amniga
· Caafimaadka
· Wax barashada iyo dhamaan waxyaabaha lagama maarmaanka u ah nolosha bulshada
2- abaabulka dardar kaglinta iyo isku dubaridka dagaalka ay umada soomaaliyeed uga soo horjeedaan cadowga khawaariijta silooga dulqaado gumaadka iyo dhaca joogtadaa oo ay ku hayaan dadka soomaaliyeed ee islaamka ah.
Sidaa darteed shirkaani wuxuu uleeyahay umada soomaalyeed muhiimad gaar ah oo ah raja soo celinta ay u baahanyihiin.
shirkani waa kii ugu horeeyey ee noociisa ahaa oo lagu qabtay gudaha dalka somaliya kaasoo kamadaxa banaan habayaraatee gacan shisheeye.
Shirkaan waxaa kasoo qaybgalay qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada sida
A) Culumaa’udiinka
B) Aqoonyahanada
C) Salaadiinta iyo indheer garadka
D) Dhaliyarada
E) Ganacsatada
F) Haweenka
G) Abwaanada
H) Iyo dhamaan qaybaha ay bulshadu ka koobantahay oo ka kala yimid dalka gudihiisa iyo dabadiisaba
Shirku haatan wuxuu maryaa heer gaban gabo waxaana kasoo bixi doona go’aano nuxurleh oo wax ku ool u ah umadda somaliyeed Insha Allahu tacaalaa,
Shirkaan majirto cid gacan kageysatay oo kabaxsan dadka soomaaliyeed, dhinac dhaqaale siyaasad iyo fakir midnaba.
Shirkaan waxaa dhexfadhiya Culumaa’udinkii ugu waaweynaa ee soomaaliya ee daraasaadka shareecada islamka ka aqrin jiray dhamaan dalka somaliya
Intaas kadib waxaan umahad celinaynaa dhamaan dadkii soomaaliyeed ee suurta giliyey inuu shirkaani qabsoomo iyo guud ahaan shacabka wax garadkaa ee afkaartooda kusoo biirinaaya shirka dal iyo dibadba meelkastoo ay joogaan taasoo u dhiganta iyagoo jooga hoolka shirka sidookale waxaad afkaartiina qaaligaa noogusoo gudbin kartaan Email ka ciwaan kiisu yahay info@ahlusunna.org
Waxaan ugu baaqaynaa dhamaan bulshada soomaaliyeed in ay ka dheeraadaan wax kasta oo qilaafsan shareecada islam ka kana foojignaadaan wax walba oo mugdi galinkara ayaayahooda una midoobaan sidii ay ku gaarilahaayeen mustaqbal wanaagsan aaqiro iyo aduunba
Gaar ahaan waxaan ugu baaqaynaa goobaha ay kasocdaan dagaalada sokeeye sida gaalkacyo, agagaarka camaara iyo bacaad wayn inay si shuruud la’aan ah u joojiyaan xabadda uu ku daadanayo dhiigga sokeeye kuna xaliyaan khilaafaadka dhexdooda ah wadahadal.
Ugu dan baynti waxaan bulshada soomaaliyeed eek u nool daafaha caalamka iyo caalamka intiisa kaleba ugu baaqaynaa inay taageeraan shirkaan iyo wixii kasoobaxaba maadaama uu muhiim uyahay umadda soomaaliyeed.
Warbixin dheeri ah oo ku saabsan shirkaan ay culimaa udiinku ahlusunna wal-jamaaca kuleeyihiin m.cabudwaaq ee G/galgaduud.
Fikirka shirkaan wuxuu biloowday markii ay ku guuleysteen culumaa’udiin ka ahlusunna waljamaca in ay ka xoreeyaan qayba ka mid ah dalka somaliya khawariijta ku soo duushay diinta,dadka iyo dalka somaliyeed.
Islaarkaana lahelay amni iyo istiqraar ay la’aayeen shacabka deegaanadaas mudo dheer.
11/01/09 markii laga framaroojiya caasimadda g/galgaduud m.dhuusa mareeb gacmihii khawaarijta ee gumaysiga ku haystay ayey heleen shacabku fursad ay uga fakaraan sidii ay u heli lahaayeen maamul lagu gaaro kala dan beyn iyo nabad waarta, 18/02/09 ayey ahayd markii ugu horaysay ee ay dhisteen culumaa’udiinka ahlusunnah waljamaca maamul kumeel gaar ah oo mudadiisu ahayd 3bilood.
Maamulkaas oo ahadaaftiisa ay ugu waawayneed (2) qodob.
1- Inuu dardar galiyo ladagaalanka khawaariijta
2- Inuu ugogol xaaro isla markaana uu diyaariyo shir lagu dhiso maamul intaa kabalaaran oo lagu gaaro ujeedada rasmigaa ee ahlusunnah waljamacah oo ah in laga sifeeyo khawaariijta dalka soomaliya lanahelo nabad iyo xasilooni dhab ahaantiina ujeedooyinkaas guulo lataaban karo ayaa laga gaaray ugu danbeyntiina waxaa qabsoomay shirkaan hada loofadhiyo.
1- In logu sameeyo maamul wax ku ool ah oo mideeya deegaanada ay gacanta ku hayaan culumaa’udiinka ahlusunnah waljamacah ama ay ciidamadoodu kula dagaalamayaan khawaariijta si loo xaqiijiyo hadafka laga leeyahay oo ah kasifaynta qawaarijta dalka somaliya iyo habsami usocodka gudashada waajibaadka horyaala ahlusunnah waljamacah sida ,
· Dib usoonoolaynta adeegyadii bulshada oo mudo dheer burbursanaa sida
· Kala danbeynta
· Amniga
· Caafimaadka
· Wax barashada iyo dhamaan waxyaabaha lagama maarmaanka u ah nolosha bulshada
2- abaabulka dardar kaglinta iyo isku dubaridka dagaalka ay umada soomaaliyeed uga soo horjeedaan cadowga khawaariijta silooga dulqaado gumaadka iyo dhaca joogtadaa oo ay ku hayaan dadka soomaaliyeed ee islaamka ah.
Sidaa darteed shirkaani wuxuu uleeyahay umada soomaalyeed muhiimad gaar ah oo ah raja soo celinta ay u baahanyihiin.
shirkani waa kii ugu horeeyey ee noociisa ahaa oo lagu qabtay gudaha dalka somaliya kaasoo kamadaxa banaan habayaraatee gacan shisheeye.
Shirkaan waxaa kasoo qaybgalay qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada sida
A) Culumaa’udiinka
B) Aqoonyahanada
C) Salaadiinta iyo indheer garadka
D) Dhaliyarada
E) Ganacsatada
F) Haweenka
G) Abwaanada
H) Iyo dhamaan qaybaha ay bulshadu ka koobantahay oo ka kala yimid dalka gudihiisa iyo dabadiisaba
Shirku haatan wuxuu maryaa heer gaban gabo waxaana kasoo bixi doona go’aano nuxurleh oo wax ku ool u ah umadda somaliyeed Insha Allahu tacaalaa,
Shirkaan majirto cid gacan kageysatay oo kabaxsan dadka soomaaliyeed, dhinac dhaqaale siyaasad iyo fakir midnaba.
Shirkaan waxaa dhexfadhiya Culumaa’udinkii ugu waaweynaa ee soomaaliya ee daraasaadka shareecada islamka ka aqrin jiray dhamaan dalka somaliya
Intaas kadib waxaan umahad celinaynaa dhamaan dadkii soomaaliyeed ee suurta giliyey inuu shirkaani qabsoomo iyo guud ahaan shacabka wax garadkaa ee afkaartooda kusoo biirinaaya shirka dal iyo dibadba meelkastoo ay joogaan taasoo u dhiganta iyagoo jooga hoolka shirka sidookale waxaad afkaartiina qaaligaa noogusoo gudbin kartaan Email ka ciwaan kiisu yahay info@ahlusunna.org
Waxaan ugu baaqaynaa dhamaan bulshada soomaaliyeed in ay ka dheeraadaan wax kasta oo qilaafsan shareecada islam ka kana foojignaadaan wax walba oo mugdi galinkara ayaayahooda una midoobaan sidii ay ku gaarilahaayeen mustaqbal wanaagsan aaqiro iyo aduunba
Gaar ahaan waxaan ugu baaqaynaa goobaha ay kasocdaan dagaalada sokeeye sida gaalkacyo, agagaarka camaara iyo bacaad wayn inay si shuruud la’aan ah u joojiyaan xabadda uu ku daadanayo dhiigga sokeeye kuna xaliyaan khilaafaadka dhexdooda ah wadahadal.
Ugu dan baynti waxaan bulshada soomaaliyeed eek u nool daafaha caalamka iyo caalamka intiisa kaleba ugu baaqaynaa inay taageeraan shirkaan iyo wixii kasoobaxaba maadaama uu muhiim uyahay umadda soomaaliyeed.
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