Dagaallo culus ayaa Xalay Gobalada Jubada Hoose iyo Gedo ku dhaxmaray Al Shabaab iyo kooxa hubaysan oo la sheegay in ay Mucaaradsanyihiin maamulada Al Shabaab ee koonfurta Somalia.
Kooxaha Hubaysan ayaa Xalay Fiidkii weerar ku asqeeyay Fariisin ay Ciidamada Al Shabaab ku lahaayeen Duleedka degmada B/xaawo Gobalka Gedo waxaana ka dhashay khasaara shacabka soo gaaray.
Wararka B/xaawo ka imaanaya waxay sheegayaan in Nin Rayid ah uu geeriyooday dad kalane uu dhaawac soo gaaray kadib markii kooxihii weerarka soo qaaday raas is dhaafsadeen kuwii kale ee B/xaawo joogay.
Qofka Geeriyooday ayaa ahaa Nin Darawal ka ahaa gaari xamuul ah oo kayimid magaalada Muqdisho kunasii jeeday magaalada Mandheere ee Gudaha Somalida Kenya.
Nin lagu magacaabo Sheekh Ismaaciil oo sheegay in uu yahay Afhayeenka Ahlusuna gobalka Gedo ayaa sheegtay Mas’uuliyadda weerarkaas isagoo lahadlayay Idaacadda Shabelle ee Maxaliga ah ayuu yiri “Ciidankeena ayaa weerarka qaaday wuxuu ahaa mid Arbushaad ah oo aan ku doonaynay in aan shacabka tusino awood yarida Kooxda Shabaab”.
Shacabka B/xaawo ayaa la argagaxay rasaastii xooganeed oo ay is dhaafsanayeen labada dhinac waxaana jirta cabsi xoogan oo ay shacabku ka muujinayaan dagaallo kale oo halkaasi ka dhaca
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Saturday, 30 January 2010
Kidnapped British couple not in Puntland, says govt
30 Jan 30, 2010 - 2:26:04 PM
Puntland's Information Ministry has strongly condemned a news report aired on Somali TV channel Universal TV, which alleges that a British couple held by hostage by Somali pirates, is currently held in Puntland territory.
Deputy Information Assistant Minister Abdullahi Mohammed Farah (Aswad) told reporters in Garowe, the administrative capital of Puntland, that the report was meant to spoil Puntland's image abroad.
"We are stating that the report aired by Universal TV about the British couple held pirates inside Puntland controlled areas is falsehood that is intended to spoil Puntland's integrity and public image," he said, adding that its important to seek the truth before reporting.
He called on Universal TV management to apologize for the report.
The news about the whereabouts of the British hostages held by ransom hunting pirates has been in the news media lately with reports suggesting that it's certain to be held in Harardhere town, one of the pirates' safe havens in Somalia's central Mudug region.
Puntland's Information Ministry has strongly condemned a news report aired on Somali TV channel Universal TV, which alleges that a British couple held by hostage by Somali pirates, is currently held in Puntland territory.
Deputy Information Assistant Minister Abdullahi Mohammed Farah (Aswad) told reporters in Garowe, the administrative capital of Puntland, that the report was meant to spoil Puntland's image abroad.
"We are stating that the report aired by Universal TV about the British couple held pirates inside Puntland controlled areas is falsehood that is intended to spoil Puntland's integrity and public image," he said, adding that its important to seek the truth before reporting.
He called on Universal TV management to apologize for the report.
The news about the whereabouts of the British hostages held by ransom hunting pirates has been in the news media lately with reports suggesting that it's certain to be held in Harardhere town, one of the pirates' safe havens in Somalia's central Mudug region.
Ahlu Sunna militia elects new leadership
30 Jan 30, 2010 - 1:54:34 PM
Somalia’s pro-government Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamaa group elected a new leader on Friday 29, Jan 2010, in Guriel district in Galgadud region in Somalia.
Sheikh Mohamed Yusuf Hefow garnered the votes of 31 members of Ahlu Sunna administration to take over from the old chief. Sheikh Mohamed Omar Roble was elected as the deputy chief of Ahlu Sunna Islamists group.
In a press briefing shortly after his election, Sheikh Hefow announced that his group will maintain the good relation with the Somali government, vowing to continue with the fight against Al-Shabaab and Hizbul militias, the two main insurgent groups.
"We will continue fighting Al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam in all the Somali regions and there is no conflict between us and the government, our aim is to liberate our religion and the people" said Sheikh Hefow.
Chief of lawmaker Sheikh Omar Abdukadir said the elected leader was to finish Ahlu Sunna’s meeting in Galgadud region.
"We are not Politician’s, we don’t want to impose authority, what forced us to fight is to protect the enemy from Allah’s religion" said Sheikh Omar.
The group, which controls much of central Somalia, has been engaged in bloody battle with the insurgent groups over the control of the central towns.
However, Ahlu Sunnah was infuriated by the Al-Qaeda linked Al-Shabaab’s undertaking of programme to destroy mosques and the graves of their revered religious leaders.
Somalia’s pro-government Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamaa group elected a new leader on Friday 29, Jan 2010, in Guriel district in Galgadud region in Somalia.
Sheikh Mohamed Yusuf Hefow garnered the votes of 31 members of Ahlu Sunna administration to take over from the old chief. Sheikh Mohamed Omar Roble was elected as the deputy chief of Ahlu Sunna Islamists group.
In a press briefing shortly after his election, Sheikh Hefow announced that his group will maintain the good relation with the Somali government, vowing to continue with the fight against Al-Shabaab and Hizbul militias, the two main insurgent groups.
"We will continue fighting Al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam in all the Somali regions and there is no conflict between us and the government, our aim is to liberate our religion and the people" said Sheikh Hefow.
Chief of lawmaker Sheikh Omar Abdukadir said the elected leader was to finish Ahlu Sunna’s meeting in Galgadud region.
"We are not Politician’s, we don’t want to impose authority, what forced us to fight is to protect the enemy from Allah’s religion" said Sheikh Omar.
The group, which controls much of central Somalia, has been engaged in bloody battle with the insurgent groups over the control of the central towns.
However, Ahlu Sunnah was infuriated by the Al-Qaeda linked Al-Shabaab’s undertaking of programme to destroy mosques and the graves of their revered religious leaders.
Lawmakers accuse interim govt of incompetence
30 Jan 30, 2010 - 1:40:11 PM
Somali lawmakers have accused the embattled transition government of doing little to change the situation in the war-torn country.
The lawmakers numbering more than 50 held press conference in the restive capital Mogadishu and state their displeasure with the government of President Sharif Sheikh Sheikh Ahmed, who yesterday celebrated the first anniversary since his election.
“The leaders of the transition government have failed to do something about country, because they are preoccupied with their personal affairs,” said lawmaker Dhaqane.
He said the government needs to declare that it’s not able to do something about the situation in the country or show its tangible achievements to the public, noting that controlling few blocks is not domination.
“Sheikh Sharif, Sharmarke and Madobe must come up with concrete evidence to show their accomplishments or step down to allow others who can do things better way,”
Lawmaker Ma’alin Jis, who also spoke at the press conference, said the current government stands better chance than the previous ones but seems to be incompetent.
“When Sheikh Sharif was elected president, the government was holding Mogadishu and many other regions but today, its holed up in Villa Somalia, which shows how its ineffectual,” said Jis
These views from the lawmakers are also echoed by residents of Mogadishu, the only city that government has some few blocks under its wings.
Many residents believe that the government will only survive if it takes the reconciliation approach.
President Ahmed was elected late January last year in neighbouring Djibouti after he led his group to join the government in an international backed peace process.
Somali lawmakers have accused the embattled transition government of doing little to change the situation in the war-torn country.
The lawmakers numbering more than 50 held press conference in the restive capital Mogadishu and state their displeasure with the government of President Sharif Sheikh Sheikh Ahmed, who yesterday celebrated the first anniversary since his election.
“The leaders of the transition government have failed to do something about country, because they are preoccupied with their personal affairs,” said lawmaker Dhaqane.
He said the government needs to declare that it’s not able to do something about the situation in the country or show its tangible achievements to the public, noting that controlling few blocks is not domination.
“Sheikh Sharif, Sharmarke and Madobe must come up with concrete evidence to show their accomplishments or step down to allow others who can do things better way,”
Lawmaker Ma’alin Jis, who also spoke at the press conference, said the current government stands better chance than the previous ones but seems to be incompetent.
“When Sheikh Sharif was elected president, the government was holding Mogadishu and many other regions but today, its holed up in Villa Somalia, which shows how its ineffectual,” said Jis
These views from the lawmakers are also echoed by residents of Mogadishu, the only city that government has some few blocks under its wings.
Many residents believe that the government will only survive if it takes the reconciliation approach.
President Ahmed was elected late January last year in neighbouring Djibouti after he led his group to join the government in an international backed peace process.
Yemen Shia rebels make ceasefire offer
Yemen's government wants all roads held by the rebels reopened
Shia rebels in northern Yemen have said they will accept government conditions for a ceasefire - once an army offensive against them has stopped.
Rebel leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said he was willing to accept the conditions to avoid civilian casualties and called on the Yemeni government to respond.
Several previous ceasefires have broken down, some soon after being agreed.
The UN refugee agency says 250,000 Yemenis have been displaced by the fighting over the past five years.
"In order to avoid... the annihilation of civilians we reiterate our acceptance of the five points [for a ceasefire]," Mr Houthi said in an audio message posted on the internet.
The government's conditions include a rebel withdrawal, the reopening of roads in the north and the release of all military and civilian prisoners.
The rebels must also return captured equipment and not interfere in local authority affairs.
Houthi rebels from the minority Shia Zaidi sect based in the Saada district of north-west Yemen have been battling the government since 2004.
They have also been involved in a cross-border conflict with Saudi Arabia.
Last Wednesday, Saudi deputy defence minister Prince Khalid bin Sultan said the rebels had been driven from Saudi land.
Shia rebels in northern Yemen have said they will accept government conditions for a ceasefire - once an army offensive against them has stopped.
Rebel leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said he was willing to accept the conditions to avoid civilian casualties and called on the Yemeni government to respond.
Several previous ceasefires have broken down, some soon after being agreed.
The UN refugee agency says 250,000 Yemenis have been displaced by the fighting over the past five years.
"In order to avoid... the annihilation of civilians we reiterate our acceptance of the five points [for a ceasefire]," Mr Houthi said in an audio message posted on the internet.
The government's conditions include a rebel withdrawal, the reopening of roads in the north and the release of all military and civilian prisoners.
The rebels must also return captured equipment and not interfere in local authority affairs.
Houthi rebels from the minority Shia Zaidi sect based in the Saada district of north-west Yemen have been battling the government since 2004.
They have also been involved in a cross-border conflict with Saudi Arabia.
Last Wednesday, Saudi deputy defence minister Prince Khalid bin Sultan said the rebels had been driven from Saudi land.
Editorial: Maxaa u Hirgalay DKMG Mudadii Sanadka ee ay Jirtay?
Muqdisho, (RBC Radio) Maalintii shaley [29-Jan-2010] waxaa dowlada ku meel gaarka ee Soomaaliya ay u dabaal degtay sanadguuradii koowaad ee ka soo wareegtay doorashadii dalka Djibouti ee madaxweynaha ku meel gaarka Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed.
Madaxda dowlada ayaa munaasabadan oo lagu qabtay xarunta madaxtooyada ee Villa Soomaaliya ayaa ka soo jeediyey khudbado ay kaga hadleen marxaladiui ay dowladu soo martay mudadii 12-ka bilood ahayd ee ay dowladan xilka heysay.
Hadaba waxaan qormadan ku eegeynaa waxqaadkii dowlada ee sanadkii tagay iyo caqabadihii ay la kulantay.
Bishii December, 2009 ayaa xubnihii barlamanka dowlada federaalka oo ka koonaa 275 xildhibaan loogu yeeray inay isugu tagaan dalka Djibouti si halkaasi loogu qabto shir looga arinsanayo hogaanka dowlada.
Shirkaasi waxaa uu ka dambeeyey ka dib markii uu 29-Dec-2009 iscasilay madaxweynihii hore C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed oo ay soo wajaheen qalaanqal siyaasadeed oo gudaha iyo dibada ah.
Iscasilaadii C/laahi Yuusuf waxay dardargelisay qorshihii Qaramada Midoobay hormuudka ka ahayd ee la isugu keenay dowlada iyo ururkii mucaaradka ee Isbahaysiga Dib u Xoreynta, kaasi oo isaguna labo garab u sii kala jabay.
Bilawgii bihii January 2009 ayaa lagu guuleystey in markii ugu horeysay la soo xulo xubno barlaman oo gaaraya 275 xildhibaan oo kale, kuwaasi oo barlamankii jiray ee dowlada ka dhigay 550 xildhibaan.
Barlamankaasi oo ahaa kii ugu badnaa ee abid taariikhda Soomaaliya soo mara waxaa uu ka koobnaa 275 ay horey u lahayd dowladii jirtay iyo 275 xildhibaan oo ay keensadeen ururkii Isbahaysiga oo uu hogaanka u hayey Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo markaasi ka soo xuubsiibtay ururkii maxkamadaha ee dagaalka kula jiray dowlada iyo ciidankii Ethiopia ee xilligaasi dalka joogay. 30-Jan-2009 ayaa xilka madaxweynaha dowlada ku meel gaarka ee Soomaaliya waxaa loo doortay Sheekh Sheekh Axmed oo ahaa gudoomiyihii Isbahaysiga Dib u Xoreynta.
Waxaa doorashada kula tartantay in ka badan 10 musharax oo qaarkood xilal hore soo qabteen, waxaana habeenkaasi loo dabaldegey madaxweyne cusub oo ay yeelatey dowlada Soomaaliya.
Dad badan oo ku sugnaa gudaha dalka iyo dibada ayaa dareemay isbedel xoogan iyo rajo hor leh oo ay ka muujiyeen xaalada dhibaateysan ee Soomaaliya ka dib doorashada madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif.
Waxaana Soomaalida badankeed ay iska dhaadhicisay dareen yididiilo leh oo runtii ku beermay kumanaan Soomaali ah oo dhibaatadu ay ku heysay gudaha iyo dibada iyagoo filayey in sanadka 2009 uu noqon doono midkii ay Soomaaliya heli lahayd nabad iyo xasilooni, waxaana sabatu ay ahayd dhowrkan arimood:
1- Iyadoo xilkii madaxweynaha uu qabtay hogaamiye ka soo jeeda kooxihii Islaamiyiinta ee mucaaradka ahaa, kuwaasi oo horey n badan u sheegay inay u dagaalamayaan difaaca iyo sharafta dalka.
2- Waxaa taagero buuxda muujiyey beesha caalamka oo ay hormuud u ahayd Qaramada Midoobay isla markaana dhaqaale ku bixisay shirka lagu doortay Sheekh Shariif.
3- Xubnihii hore ee dowlada ku meel gaarka oo caalamku ku tilmaamay inay lugta jiidayeen nabada Soomaaliya oo masraxa ka baxay.
4- Kooxaha dagaalka ka wada Soomaaliya oo ahaa xogagii maxkamada hubeysnaa isla markaana gacanta ku hayey inta badan gobolada bartamaha iyo koonfurta dalka, loona maleynayey inay si fudud u taageeri doonaan dowlada.
5- Iyo iyadoo Soomaalida dalka ku nooleyd ay u muuqaneysay kuwo ka daalay dagaalka, rabitaan buuxana u haya nabad iyo xasilooni. Arimahan oo dhan waxay xaqiiqo u sawireen riyadii bulshada Soomaalida min siyaasi iyo shacab, waxaana xaaladu noqotay in laga wada war dhowro sida ay hawsha u wajahdo dowlada cusub.
Bixitaankii Ciidanka Ethiopia
Bishii January 15-keeda 2009 ayaa ciidankii Ethiopia ee dalka joogay ku dhawaaqeen inay ka bexeen guud ahaan geyiga Soomaaliya, iyagoo ciidamadii ugu horeeyey ka soo qaatay caasimada Muqdisho.
Bixintaanka ciidankii Ethiopia oo mudolabo sano ah ka dagaalamayey gudaha Soomaaliya, waxay ku timid heshiiskii Djibouti ee dhexmarwey dowlada iyo mucaaradkii Isbahaysiga Dib u Xoreynta, waxaana markaasi loo arkay tallaabadii koowaad ee mirihii heshiiskii Djibouti.
Dhismihii Golaha Wasiirada iyo U soo Guuriidii Dalka
Bishii February 2009 ayaa madaxweynihii la doortay ee Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif magacaabay raisul wasaaraha xukuumada kaasi oo loo magacaabay Dr. Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharma’rke oo ahaa wiil uu dhalay madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Cabdirashiid Cali Sharma’rke.
Waxaa raisul wasaaruhu soo dhisay gole wasiiro ooo ka kooban 36 wasaaradood.
Waxay tani culeyska ku sii kordhisay dareenkii rajada lahaa ee ay Soomaalidu dareentay, iyadoo dadkuna sii xoojiyeen niyada wanaagsan ee ay filayeen.
Dhamaadkii February 2009 ayey dowladu ku dhawaaqday inay dib ugu soo guurtay dalka, gaar ahaan magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada halkaasi oo ay soo gaareen xubnihii ugu horeeyey ee madaxda dowlada cusub.
Mucaaradka oo Waji Kale yeeshay
Kooxaha mucaaradka ee ka soo horjeeday dowladii ka horeysay ee madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf ayay markiiba ka dhex muuqatey kala qeybsanaan ku wajahan aragtida dowladan cusub.
- Ururkii maxkamada, gaar ahaan kuwii Muqdisho joogay oo magac ahaan midka ay ku dagaalamaan kooxaha iska caabinta oo xilligaas dagaal kula jiray ciidanka Ethiopia waxay muujiyeen inay raacsan yihiin dowlada, marka laga reebo Al Shabaab oo xilligaasi ahayd garabka dhalinyarada hubeysan ee Maxkamadaha.
- Kooxda Shabaab waxay si cad ugu dhawaaqday inay la dagaalameyso dowlada cusub, iyagoo sheegay inaysan waxba uga duwaneyn dowladii ka horeysay ee ay dagaalka ku hayeen.
Dib uu soo laabashadii Xasan Dahir
Bishii march 2009 ayaa markii ugu horeysay mudo labo sano ah ka dib waxaa garoonka diyaaradaha ee KM-50 ka soo degay Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo mudo labo sano ah ku sugnaa dalka Eritrea.
Soo noqoshada Xasan Daahir waxay dadka badankiis u fasireen sida ay hadda tahay si ka duwan, waayo hadalheynta waqtigaasi aya ahayd in wada hadal uu dhexmari doono Sheekh Aweys iyo saaxiibkiis Sheekh Shariif oo markaasi noqday madaxweynaha Soomaaliya.
Bartamihii April 2009 waxaa kooxo uu hogaaminayey Xasan Daahir ku dhawaaqeen ururka Xisbul Islaam, iyadoo raga xubnaha ka ahaa badankood ahaayeen raggii hore loogu ysqiinay ururkii Maxkamadaha oo si weyn ay isugu dhowaayeen Sheekh Shariif.
Xisbul Islam waxay ku dhawaaqday dagaal aan laga fiirsan oo ay ku qaadi doonto dowlada kaasi oo qarxay isla bishii Aprill.
Inkastoo odayaal iyo culimo badan qaadeen dadaal weyn oo lagu joojinayo dagaal hor leh haddana taasi uma cuntamin kooxaha mucaaradka oo wax kasta ku soo koobay “waan dagaalameynaa”.
Midowga Europe oo Dhaqaale u balanqaaday dowlada
Bishii Aprill 2009 Midowga Europe ayaa dhaqaale gaaraya $250 million ugu yaboohay dowlada Soomaaliya ka dib shir ay madaxda Soomaalida ka qeybgaleen uu ka dhacay magaalada Brussels ee xarunta dalka Belgium.
Dhaqaalahaasi waxaa uu ahaa midkii ugu horeeyey uguna badnaa ee la siiyo dowlada cusub ee Sheekh Shariif.
Indha Cadde oo Dowlada raacay
Bishii May 10-keeda 2009 waxaa dowlada ku meel gaarka ay ku guuleysatay in Sheekh Yuusuf Indha Cadde oo ka mid ah raga ugu cuslaa ururka Xisbul Islaam ay dowlada ku soo biiriso, isagoo wada hadal ka dibna loo magacaabay wasiiru dowlaha gaashaandhiga (xilkaasi oo illaa hadda uu hayo).
May 21-keedii 2009 ayaa ururka Al Shabaab ku dhawaaqay afhayeen cusub oo aan horey saxaafada looga aqoon Sheekh Cali Maxamuud Raage (Cali Dheere).
Waxaana uu bedelay afhayeenkii hore Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow (Abu Mansur).
Al Shabaab waxaa intaa u dheeraa inay sameysatey magic cusub oo ay sheegeen in hadda ka dib loogu yeeri doono kaasi oo u qornaa sidan:
Dad badan oo Soomaali ah waxaa markan u cadaatay in nabadii la filayey aysan soo socon mar haddii Al Shabaan magacii bedelatey, afhayeen cusubna sameysatey.
Bishii May 2009 ayaa Muqdisho oo daaraheedii burburka madaafiicda horey u baab’iyeen markale daawatay dagaal hor leh, kaasi oo caasimada wada saameeyey.
Barakac, dhimasho iyo dhaawac aan la qiyaasi Karin lagun tilmaamay kuwii ugu darnaa ee caasimada ka dhaca ayaa markale shacabku wada dareemay, waxaana sii buuxsamay xeryihii qoxootiga ee ka sameysmay duleedyada Muqdisho, taasi oo wax xoogaa nuxuus ka dhigtay rajadii dadka.
Dilkii Wasiirkii Amniga
Maalintii Khamiista, 18-kii June 2009 ayaa magaalada Beledweyne qarax ka dhacay lagu dilay wasiirkii amniga dowlada ku meel gaarka xilli uu magaalada u tagay arimaha maamulka dowlada.
Qaraxa Cumar Xaashi oo ahaa miino waxaa sidoo kale ku dhintay safiirkii dowlada Soomaaliya ee Ethiopia C/kariin Faarax Laqanyo, odayaal, waxgarad iyo shacab reer Beledweyne ah.
Dilka Cumar Xaashi wuxuu ahaa dharbaaxo xoogan oo ku dhacday dowlada Sheekh Shariif waayo waxaa uu ahaa shakhsi si weyn ugu firfircoonaa dhinaca dowlada aadna ugu dhowaa madaxweynaha. Labo maalmood ka dib ayaa afhayeenka Al Shabaab Sheekh Cali Maxamud Raage waxaa uu saxaafada ka sheegay in dilka Cumar Xaashi iyaga ka dambeeyeen.
Degaano badan oo gacanta dowlada ka baxay
Intii u dhexeysan bilihii July illaa October 2009 waxaa si is daba joog ah magaalada Muqdisho uga socday dagaalo joogto noqday oo u dhexeeyey ciidamada dowlada iyo kuwa mucaaradka, waxaana dagaaladan ay sababeen in magaalada Muqdisho ay kala xiranto iyadoo ay badatey barakaca dadka rayidka ee magaalada isaga baxay.
Waxaa dowlada gacanteeda ka baxay inta badan degmooyinka caasimada ee maamulkeeda ka shaqeynayey iyadoo weeraro joogto noqday lagu khaarajiyey xubno masuuliyiin ah oo ka tirsanaa maamulada degmooyinka ee dowlada. Waxaa sidoo kale ay dowladu weysay gobolada Hiiraan iyo Shabeelaha Dhexe oo maamulo iyada raacsan ay ka talinayeen.
Safarkii madaxweynaha ee USA
Bishii October 2009, madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo ay la socdaan xubno ka mid ah golaha wasiirada ayaa socdaal dheer ku tagay dalka Mareykanka.
Socdaalkaasi oo qaatay saddex toddobaad waxaa wafdiga madaxweynuhu kulamo la qaateen madaxda dowlada Mareykanka iyagoo socdaal ku tagay gobolo ka mid ah Mareykanka oo ay kulamo kula qaateen jaaliyada Soomaalida.
Waxaana meelaha ay tageen ka mid ahaa Washington DC, Minnesota, Ohio iyo Chicago.
Ujeedada safarkaasi madaxweynaha iyo wafdigiisa ay ku mareen gobolada Mareykanka ee Soomaalidu ku nooshahay ayaa ahayd labo qodob:
1- In Soomaalida Mareykanka iyo qurbe joogta kale ee Europe ku nool laga dhaadhiciyo taageerada dowlada.
2- Iyo in laga hortago dhalinyarada Soomaalida ee dibad jooga ah oo la sheegay inay soo duufsadaan kooxaha mucaaradka ka dibna qaraxyo ka geystaan gudaha dalka.
Heshiisyadii baddaha ee Kenya iyo Yemen
Bishii November 2009 waxay dowlada Soomaaliya sheegtay inay heshiis dhinaca badda ah la gashay dowlada Yemen, waxaana ka horeeyey in bishii Aprill magaalada Nairobi lagu saxiixay heshiis kale oo qeexaya xuduuda badda ee Soomaaliya iyo Kenya.
Heshiiskan Kenya iyo Soomaaliya oo uu Soomaaliya u saxiixay wasiirka Iskaashiga C/raxmaan C/Shakuur Warsame waxaa uu dowlada ku noqday laf dhuun gashay iyadoo shaki badana uu hareeyey micnaha heshiiskan iyo danta laga lahaa.
Inkastoo madaxda dowlada ay beeniyeen in wax khalad ah ay sameeyeen haddana waxaa weli la rumeysan yahay in dowlada Soomaaliya lagu khiyaameeyey heshiiska dhinaca badda oo sida muuqata Kenya ku daneysaneysay.
Qaraxii hotel Shaamo iyo Wasiiro ku dhintay
3-dii December 2009 waxaa dowlada ku meel gaarka ah ay la kulantay murugadii ugu darneyd ee soo marta mudada 12-ka bilood ee ay jirtay, waxaana maalintaas qarax ka dhacay hotelka Shaamo ee magaalada Muqdisho lagu dilay saddex wasiir oo ka tirsanaa dowlada iyadoo mid afraadna uu dhaawac halis ah soo gaaray.
Waxaa qaraxaasi oo qof ismiidaamiyey uu fuliyey ku dhintay:
1- Ibraahim Xasan Caddow: oo ahaa wasiirkii tacliinta sare ee dowlada, waxaa uu wasiirku ka soo galay dowlada dhinaca ururkii isbahaysiga ee asalkiisu ka yimid ururkii Maxkamadaha.
2- Axmed C/laahi Waayeel: oo ahaa wasiirkii waxbarashada, isla markaana ka soo galay dhinaca isbahaysiga dib u xoreynta.
3- Qamar Aadam Cali: oo ahayd wasiiradii caafimaadka. Qamar waxay ka tirsaneyd dowladii hore ee C/laahi Yuusuf.
Qaraxa waxaa sidoo kale ku dhaawacmay Suleymaan Colaad Rooble oo ahaa wasiirkii Sportiga iyo Dhalinyarada (waxaa dhaawaciisa illaa hadda lagu daweynayaa Sacuudi Carabiya).
Geerida saddexdan wasiir ayaa noqotay jab culus oo soo gaaray hawshii dowlada maadaama ay saddexdooduba ahaayeen xubno firfircoon oo ka tirsan golaha wasiirada.
Si kastaba sanad ka dib waxay dowlada Soomaalida hadda fileysaa in sanadkan cusub ee 2010 ay horumar ka sameyn doonto dhinaca amniga oo ah caqabada ugu weyn ee hortaalla dowlada madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif, sida ay dhowr jeer ku celceliyeen masuuliyiinta dowlada.
Madaxda dowlada ayaa munaasabadan oo lagu qabtay xarunta madaxtooyada ee Villa Soomaaliya ayaa ka soo jeediyey khudbado ay kaga hadleen marxaladiui ay dowladu soo martay mudadii 12-ka bilood ahayd ee ay dowladan xilka heysay.
Hadaba waxaan qormadan ku eegeynaa waxqaadkii dowlada ee sanadkii tagay iyo caqabadihii ay la kulantay.
Bishii December, 2009 ayaa xubnihii barlamanka dowlada federaalka oo ka koonaa 275 xildhibaan loogu yeeray inay isugu tagaan dalka Djibouti si halkaasi loogu qabto shir looga arinsanayo hogaanka dowlada.
Shirkaasi waxaa uu ka dambeeyey ka dib markii uu 29-Dec-2009 iscasilay madaxweynihii hore C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed oo ay soo wajaheen qalaanqal siyaasadeed oo gudaha iyo dibada ah.
Iscasilaadii C/laahi Yuusuf waxay dardargelisay qorshihii Qaramada Midoobay hormuudka ka ahayd ee la isugu keenay dowlada iyo ururkii mucaaradka ee Isbahaysiga Dib u Xoreynta, kaasi oo isaguna labo garab u sii kala jabay.
Bilawgii bihii January 2009 ayaa lagu guuleystey in markii ugu horeysay la soo xulo xubno barlaman oo gaaraya 275 xildhibaan oo kale, kuwaasi oo barlamankii jiray ee dowlada ka dhigay 550 xildhibaan.
Barlamankaasi oo ahaa kii ugu badnaa ee abid taariikhda Soomaaliya soo mara waxaa uu ka koobnaa 275 ay horey u lahayd dowladii jirtay iyo 275 xildhibaan oo ay keensadeen ururkii Isbahaysiga oo uu hogaanka u hayey Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo markaasi ka soo xuubsiibtay ururkii maxkamadaha ee dagaalka kula jiray dowlada iyo ciidankii Ethiopia ee xilligaasi dalka joogay. 30-Jan-2009 ayaa xilka madaxweynaha dowlada ku meel gaarka ee Soomaaliya waxaa loo doortay Sheekh Sheekh Axmed oo ahaa gudoomiyihii Isbahaysiga Dib u Xoreynta.
Waxaa doorashada kula tartantay in ka badan 10 musharax oo qaarkood xilal hore soo qabteen, waxaana habeenkaasi loo dabaldegey madaxweyne cusub oo ay yeelatey dowlada Soomaaliya.
Dad badan oo ku sugnaa gudaha dalka iyo dibada ayaa dareemay isbedel xoogan iyo rajo hor leh oo ay ka muujiyeen xaalada dhibaateysan ee Soomaaliya ka dib doorashada madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif.
Waxaana Soomaalida badankeed ay iska dhaadhicisay dareen yididiilo leh oo runtii ku beermay kumanaan Soomaali ah oo dhibaatadu ay ku heysay gudaha iyo dibada iyagoo filayey in sanadka 2009 uu noqon doono midkii ay Soomaaliya heli lahayd nabad iyo xasilooni, waxaana sabatu ay ahayd dhowrkan arimood:
1- Iyadoo xilkii madaxweynaha uu qabtay hogaamiye ka soo jeeda kooxihii Islaamiyiinta ee mucaaradka ahaa, kuwaasi oo horey n badan u sheegay inay u dagaalamayaan difaaca iyo sharafta dalka.
2- Waxaa taagero buuxda muujiyey beesha caalamka oo ay hormuud u ahayd Qaramada Midoobay isla markaana dhaqaale ku bixisay shirka lagu doortay Sheekh Shariif.
3- Xubnihii hore ee dowlada ku meel gaarka oo caalamku ku tilmaamay inay lugta jiidayeen nabada Soomaaliya oo masraxa ka baxay.
4- Kooxaha dagaalka ka wada Soomaaliya oo ahaa xogagii maxkamada hubeysnaa isla markaana gacanta ku hayey inta badan gobolada bartamaha iyo koonfurta dalka, loona maleynayey inay si fudud u taageeri doonaan dowlada.
5- Iyo iyadoo Soomaalida dalka ku nooleyd ay u muuqaneysay kuwo ka daalay dagaalka, rabitaan buuxana u haya nabad iyo xasilooni. Arimahan oo dhan waxay xaqiiqo u sawireen riyadii bulshada Soomaalida min siyaasi iyo shacab, waxaana xaaladu noqotay in laga wada war dhowro sida ay hawsha u wajahdo dowlada cusub.
Bixitaankii Ciidanka Ethiopia
Bishii January 15-keeda 2009 ayaa ciidankii Ethiopia ee dalka joogay ku dhawaaqeen inay ka bexeen guud ahaan geyiga Soomaaliya, iyagoo ciidamadii ugu horeeyey ka soo qaatay caasimada Muqdisho.
Bixintaanka ciidankii Ethiopia oo mudolabo sano ah ka dagaalamayey gudaha Soomaaliya, waxay ku timid heshiiskii Djibouti ee dhexmarwey dowlada iyo mucaaradkii Isbahaysiga Dib u Xoreynta, waxaana markaasi loo arkay tallaabadii koowaad ee mirihii heshiiskii Djibouti.
Dhismihii Golaha Wasiirada iyo U soo Guuriidii Dalka
Bishii February 2009 ayaa madaxweynihii la doortay ee Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif magacaabay raisul wasaaraha xukuumada kaasi oo loo magacaabay Dr. Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharma’rke oo ahaa wiil uu dhalay madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Cabdirashiid Cali Sharma’rke.
Waxaa raisul wasaaruhu soo dhisay gole wasiiro ooo ka kooban 36 wasaaradood.
Waxay tani culeyska ku sii kordhisay dareenkii rajada lahaa ee ay Soomaalidu dareentay, iyadoo dadkuna sii xoojiyeen niyada wanaagsan ee ay filayeen.
Dhamaadkii February 2009 ayey dowladu ku dhawaaqday inay dib ugu soo guurtay dalka, gaar ahaan magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada halkaasi oo ay soo gaareen xubnihii ugu horeeyey ee madaxda dowlada cusub.
Mucaaradka oo Waji Kale yeeshay
Kooxaha mucaaradka ee ka soo horjeeday dowladii ka horeysay ee madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf ayay markiiba ka dhex muuqatey kala qeybsanaan ku wajahan aragtida dowladan cusub.
- Ururkii maxkamada, gaar ahaan kuwii Muqdisho joogay oo magac ahaan midka ay ku dagaalamaan kooxaha iska caabinta oo xilligaas dagaal kula jiray ciidanka Ethiopia waxay muujiyeen inay raacsan yihiin dowlada, marka laga reebo Al Shabaab oo xilligaasi ahayd garabka dhalinyarada hubeysan ee Maxkamadaha.
- Kooxda Shabaab waxay si cad ugu dhawaaqday inay la dagaalameyso dowlada cusub, iyagoo sheegay inaysan waxba uga duwaneyn dowladii ka horeysay ee ay dagaalka ku hayeen.
Dib uu soo laabashadii Xasan Dahir
Bishii march 2009 ayaa markii ugu horeysay mudo labo sano ah ka dib waxaa garoonka diyaaradaha ee KM-50 ka soo degay Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo mudo labo sano ah ku sugnaa dalka Eritrea.
Soo noqoshada Xasan Daahir waxay dadka badankiis u fasireen sida ay hadda tahay si ka duwan, waayo hadalheynta waqtigaasi aya ahayd in wada hadal uu dhexmari doono Sheekh Aweys iyo saaxiibkiis Sheekh Shariif oo markaasi noqday madaxweynaha Soomaaliya.
Bartamihii April 2009 waxaa kooxo uu hogaaminayey Xasan Daahir ku dhawaaqeen ururka Xisbul Islaam, iyadoo raga xubnaha ka ahaa badankood ahaayeen raggii hore loogu ysqiinay ururkii Maxkamadaha oo si weyn ay isugu dhowaayeen Sheekh Shariif.
Xisbul Islam waxay ku dhawaaqday dagaal aan laga fiirsan oo ay ku qaadi doonto dowlada kaasi oo qarxay isla bishii Aprill.
Inkastoo odayaal iyo culimo badan qaadeen dadaal weyn oo lagu joojinayo dagaal hor leh haddana taasi uma cuntamin kooxaha mucaaradka oo wax kasta ku soo koobay “waan dagaalameynaa”.
Midowga Europe oo Dhaqaale u balanqaaday dowlada
Bishii Aprill 2009 Midowga Europe ayaa dhaqaale gaaraya $250 million ugu yaboohay dowlada Soomaaliya ka dib shir ay madaxda Soomaalida ka qeybgaleen uu ka dhacay magaalada Brussels ee xarunta dalka Belgium.
Dhaqaalahaasi waxaa uu ahaa midkii ugu horeeyey uguna badnaa ee la siiyo dowlada cusub ee Sheekh Shariif.
Indha Cadde oo Dowlada raacay
Bishii May 10-keeda 2009 waxaa dowlada ku meel gaarka ay ku guuleysatay in Sheekh Yuusuf Indha Cadde oo ka mid ah raga ugu cuslaa ururka Xisbul Islaam ay dowlada ku soo biiriso, isagoo wada hadal ka dibna loo magacaabay wasiiru dowlaha gaashaandhiga (xilkaasi oo illaa hadda uu hayo).
May 21-keedii 2009 ayaa ururka Al Shabaab ku dhawaaqay afhayeen cusub oo aan horey saxaafada looga aqoon Sheekh Cali Maxamuud Raage (Cali Dheere).
Waxaana uu bedelay afhayeenkii hore Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow (Abu Mansur).
Al Shabaab waxaa intaa u dheeraa inay sameysatey magic cusub oo ay sheegeen in hadda ka dib loogu yeeri doono kaasi oo u qornaa sidan:
Dad badan oo Soomaali ah waxaa markan u cadaatay in nabadii la filayey aysan soo socon mar haddii Al Shabaan magacii bedelatey, afhayeen cusubna sameysatey.
Bishii May 2009 ayaa Muqdisho oo daaraheedii burburka madaafiicda horey u baab’iyeen markale daawatay dagaal hor leh, kaasi oo caasimada wada saameeyey.
Barakac, dhimasho iyo dhaawac aan la qiyaasi Karin lagun tilmaamay kuwii ugu darnaa ee caasimada ka dhaca ayaa markale shacabku wada dareemay, waxaana sii buuxsamay xeryihii qoxootiga ee ka sameysmay duleedyada Muqdisho, taasi oo wax xoogaa nuxuus ka dhigtay rajadii dadka.
Dilkii Wasiirkii Amniga
Maalintii Khamiista, 18-kii June 2009 ayaa magaalada Beledweyne qarax ka dhacay lagu dilay wasiirkii amniga dowlada ku meel gaarka xilli uu magaalada u tagay arimaha maamulka dowlada.
Qaraxa Cumar Xaashi oo ahaa miino waxaa sidoo kale ku dhintay safiirkii dowlada Soomaaliya ee Ethiopia C/kariin Faarax Laqanyo, odayaal, waxgarad iyo shacab reer Beledweyne ah.
Dilka Cumar Xaashi wuxuu ahaa dharbaaxo xoogan oo ku dhacday dowlada Sheekh Shariif waayo waxaa uu ahaa shakhsi si weyn ugu firfircoonaa dhinaca dowlada aadna ugu dhowaa madaxweynaha. Labo maalmood ka dib ayaa afhayeenka Al Shabaab Sheekh Cali Maxamud Raage waxaa uu saxaafada ka sheegay in dilka Cumar Xaashi iyaga ka dambeeyeen.
Degaano badan oo gacanta dowlada ka baxay
Intii u dhexeysan bilihii July illaa October 2009 waxaa si is daba joog ah magaalada Muqdisho uga socday dagaalo joogto noqday oo u dhexeeyey ciidamada dowlada iyo kuwa mucaaradka, waxaana dagaaladan ay sababeen in magaalada Muqdisho ay kala xiranto iyadoo ay badatey barakaca dadka rayidka ee magaalada isaga baxay.
Waxaa dowlada gacanteeda ka baxay inta badan degmooyinka caasimada ee maamulkeeda ka shaqeynayey iyadoo weeraro joogto noqday lagu khaarajiyey xubno masuuliyiin ah oo ka tirsanaa maamulada degmooyinka ee dowlada. Waxaa sidoo kale ay dowladu weysay gobolada Hiiraan iyo Shabeelaha Dhexe oo maamulo iyada raacsan ay ka talinayeen.
Safarkii madaxweynaha ee USA
Bishii October 2009, madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo ay la socdaan xubno ka mid ah golaha wasiirada ayaa socdaal dheer ku tagay dalka Mareykanka.
Socdaalkaasi oo qaatay saddex toddobaad waxaa wafdiga madaxweynuhu kulamo la qaateen madaxda dowlada Mareykanka iyagoo socdaal ku tagay gobolo ka mid ah Mareykanka oo ay kulamo kula qaateen jaaliyada Soomaalida.
Waxaana meelaha ay tageen ka mid ahaa Washington DC, Minnesota, Ohio iyo Chicago.
Ujeedada safarkaasi madaxweynaha iyo wafdigiisa ay ku mareen gobolada Mareykanka ee Soomaalidu ku nooshahay ayaa ahayd labo qodob:
1- In Soomaalida Mareykanka iyo qurbe joogta kale ee Europe ku nool laga dhaadhiciyo taageerada dowlada.
2- Iyo in laga hortago dhalinyarada Soomaalida ee dibad jooga ah oo la sheegay inay soo duufsadaan kooxaha mucaaradka ka dibna qaraxyo ka geystaan gudaha dalka.
Heshiisyadii baddaha ee Kenya iyo Yemen
Bishii November 2009 waxay dowlada Soomaaliya sheegtay inay heshiis dhinaca badda ah la gashay dowlada Yemen, waxaana ka horeeyey in bishii Aprill magaalada Nairobi lagu saxiixay heshiis kale oo qeexaya xuduuda badda ee Soomaaliya iyo Kenya.
Heshiiskan Kenya iyo Soomaaliya oo uu Soomaaliya u saxiixay wasiirka Iskaashiga C/raxmaan C/Shakuur Warsame waxaa uu dowlada ku noqday laf dhuun gashay iyadoo shaki badana uu hareeyey micnaha heshiiskan iyo danta laga lahaa.
Inkastoo madaxda dowlada ay beeniyeen in wax khalad ah ay sameeyeen haddana waxaa weli la rumeysan yahay in dowlada Soomaaliya lagu khiyaameeyey heshiiska dhinaca badda oo sida muuqata Kenya ku daneysaneysay.
Qaraxii hotel Shaamo iyo Wasiiro ku dhintay
3-dii December 2009 waxaa dowlada ku meel gaarka ah ay la kulantay murugadii ugu darneyd ee soo marta mudada 12-ka bilood ee ay jirtay, waxaana maalintaas qarax ka dhacay hotelka Shaamo ee magaalada Muqdisho lagu dilay saddex wasiir oo ka tirsanaa dowlada iyadoo mid afraadna uu dhaawac halis ah soo gaaray.
Waxaa qaraxaasi oo qof ismiidaamiyey uu fuliyey ku dhintay:
1- Ibraahim Xasan Caddow: oo ahaa wasiirkii tacliinta sare ee dowlada, waxaa uu wasiirku ka soo galay dowlada dhinaca ururkii isbahaysiga ee asalkiisu ka yimid ururkii Maxkamadaha.
2- Axmed C/laahi Waayeel: oo ahaa wasiirkii waxbarashada, isla markaana ka soo galay dhinaca isbahaysiga dib u xoreynta.
3- Qamar Aadam Cali: oo ahayd wasiiradii caafimaadka. Qamar waxay ka tirsaneyd dowladii hore ee C/laahi Yuusuf.
Qaraxa waxaa sidoo kale ku dhaawacmay Suleymaan Colaad Rooble oo ahaa wasiirkii Sportiga iyo Dhalinyarada (waxaa dhaawaciisa illaa hadda lagu daweynayaa Sacuudi Carabiya).
Geerida saddexdan wasiir ayaa noqotay jab culus oo soo gaaray hawshii dowlada maadaama ay saddexdooduba ahaayeen xubno firfircoon oo ka tirsan golaha wasiirada.
Si kastaba sanad ka dib waxay dowlada Soomaalida hadda fileysaa in sanadkan cusub ee 2010 ay horumar ka sameyn doonto dhinaca amniga oo ah caqabada ugu weyn ee hortaalla dowlada madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif, sida ay dhowr jeer ku celceliyeen masuuliyiinta dowlada.
Kulan Dowlada Puntland iyo Odayaal Beeleed uga Socday Galgala oo Burburay (Warbixin & Wareysi)
Galgala, (RBC Radio) Warar soo baxay ayaa sheegaya in kulan toddobaadyadii u dambeeyey ka socday degaanka Galgala ee gobolka Bari oo u dhexeeyey dowlada Puntland iyo odayaal beeleed ka soo jeeda Bariga gobolka Sanaag uu burburay.
Warar soo gaaray RBC Radio ayaa xaqiijinaya in kulanka oo ay ka qeybgaleen wakiilo ka socday madaxtooyada Puntland iyo odayaasha beesha Bariga Sanaag uu sii socon waayery ka dib markii la isa soo hordhigay shuruudo adag oo ay labada dhinac kala wateen.
Goob joogayaal kulanka ka qeybqaatay oo u waramay RBC Radio ayaa ku waramay in kulanka looga hadlay arimo ku saabsan amaanka iyo sidii is faham loo dhex dhigi lahaa maamulka Puntland iyo beesha Bariga Sanaag oo waayadanba ka cabaneysay hawlgalo ciidamada dowladu ku qabqabteen dad looga shakiyey amaan dari oo degaan ahaan gobolka Sanaag ku abtirsada.
Hase ahaatee caqabada ugu weyn ee shirkaasi burburka ku keentay ayaa timid ka db markii wakiilo ka socday xarunta madaxtooyada Puntland oo kulanka dartiis u tegey degaanka Galgala oo shirku ka socday laga hor keenay shuruudo u muuqday inaysan dowlada u cuntami Karin.
Waxyaabaha khilaafka dhaliyey
Sida xogta laga helayo odayaasha degaanka ay tilmaameyso waxaa masuuliyiinta wakiilada ka ahaa dowlada oo toddobaadyadii u dambeeyey ku sugnaa degaanka Galgala ay odayaasha Bariga Sanaag markii hore kala hadleen dhowr qodob oo kala ah:
In is faham la dhex dhigo beesha iyo dowlada isla markaana laga shaqeeyo nabadgelyada.
In odayaasha Bariga Sanaag ay ka dhaadhiciyaan Wadaadka lagu magacaabo Maxamed Siciid Atam oo hub iyo ciidan ku heysta degaanka Galgala in hubkiisa uu ku soo wareejiyo dowlada Puntland isla markaana uu kala diro maleeshiyadiisa.
In dowlada Puntland ay bedel ahaan u siiyaan Maxamed Siciid Atam waraaq wareegto madaxweyne ah oo u fasaxysa in si nabadgelyo ah uu ugu noolaado degaanada Puntland.
In dowada ay siin doonto odayaasha iyo Maxamed Siciid Atam lacag aan tiradeeda la sheegin.
Wada hadal dheer oo mudo maalmo ah qaatay ka dib waxaa dhinaca odayaasha Bariga Sanaag ay iyaguna soo bandhigeen qodobo dhoqr ah oo shuruudo ahaa kuwaasi oo ay sheegeen inay ka doonayaan dowlada inay fuliso kala ahaa:
In dowlada ay sii deyso dad la sheegay inay ku jiraan xabsiyada oo degaanada Sanaag ka soo jeeda kuwaasi oo loo heysto arimo amaanka ku saabsan.
In maamulka uu wareegto rasmi ah ku bedelo saraakiil dhoqr ah oo ka hawlgala gobolka Bari oo ay ku jiraan masuuliyiinta amniga (RBC Radio waxaa uu heley magacyada saraakiisha la xusay in la bedelo laakiin waxaan ka cudur daaraneynaa inaan soo bandhigno).
Waxaa odayaasha degaanka Bariga Sanaag ay si aad ah uga cabteen in iyaga beel ahaan ay dhibaato kala kulmeen dowlada C/raxmaan Faroole hase ahaatee masuuliyiintii wakiilka u ahayd dowlada ayaa sheegay in aanu marnaba jirin cid si gaar ah loo beegsanayo laakiin hadafka dowladu yahay in nabada laga wada shaqeeyo lagana hortago cidii dhibaato wada dhinac kastaba ha ahaatee.
Marka laga tago qodobadan waxay odayaashu cudurdaar ka bixiyeen qodob ay dowladu dalbatey oo ku saabsanaa hubka Maxamed Siciid Atam, iyagoo sheegay in arinta wadaadkaasi isaga si gaar ah loogala hadlo.
Waxaa xusid mudan in wadaadka Maxamed Siciid Atam uusan ka qeybgalin kulmada mudadii ay socdeen, sida RBC Radio ku ogaaday xogtan.
Waxaa kulamadan intii ay socdeen khadka telefoonka uga qeybqaadanayey madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland Gen. C/samad Cali Shire oo hadda ah ku simaha madaxweynaha dowlada Puntland. Isagoo mudadaasi si toos ah ugala hadlayey dhinacyada kulanka fadhiyey hirgalinta go’aamada shirka looga hadlayey.
Sida wararku sheegayaan waxaa shirkan ka dhacay Galgala ka horeyey shir kale oo dhexmarey odayaasha Bariga Sanaag iyo madaxweynaha Puntland ka hor intii uusan madaxweynuhu u safrin dalka Ethiopia oo uu safar kakle uga sii gudbay wadamada Libya iyo Masar bartamihii bishan January 2010.
Saraakiil muhim ah oo ku dhow madaxtooyada ayaa RBC Radio u xaqiijiyey in madaxweynuhu uu odayaasha kala hadlay arimaha amaanka iyo cabashooyinka ay qabaan odayaasha beesha Sanaag.
Waxaana madaxweynuhu uu kula balamay odayaasha in kulamada la sii wado iyadoo dowladuna uu masuul uga noqonayo madaxweyne ku xigeenka maadaama uu yahay ku simaha madaxweynaha mudada madaxweynuhu maqan yahay.
Sida ilo muhim ah noo xaqiijiyeen waxaa odayaasha Bariga Sanaag madaxweynuhu gudoonsiiyey lacag gaareysa $30,000 si ay qeyb uga qaataan wada hadalada iyo isu soo dhoweynta dowlada iyo beesha.
Shirkii ka socday Galgala mudadii u dhexeysay 20-ka illaa 25-ka January waxaa uu ahaa mid si toos ah looga hadlayey arimaha hadda taagan gaar ahaan adkeynta nabad gelyada iyo cabashooyinka ay soo jeedinayaan odayaasha reer Sanaag.
Laakiin waxaa si rasmi ah shirkii loogu kala kacay 25-kii January 2010 iyadoo ergadii ka socotay madaxtooyada ee joogtay degaanka Galgala ay dib uga soo dhaqaaqeeb degaanka iyagoo ku laabtay magaalada Garowe oo markii hore ay ka yimaadeen.
Dhacdooyin hore
Tan iyo intii qaraxyada iyo dilalka is daba jooga noqday ay ka dhacayeen degaanada kala duwan ee Puntland waxaa ciidamada booliska ay wadeen hawlgalo xoogan oo ay ku qabqanayaan dadka ay uga shakiyaan amaan darida, kuwaasi oo qaarkood la geeyey maxkamadaha shacriga ee magaalooyinka Garowe iyo Boosaaso qaarna weli lagu hayo baaritaan.
Dadkaasi qaarkood waxaa loo heystaa qaraxii 15-kii December 2009 lala beegsaday gawaari ka mid ahayd ilaalada madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland oo markaasi ku safreysay wadada laamiga ee isku xirta magaalada Boosaaso iyo degaanka Laag oo30km dhinaca koonfureed ka xigta Boosaaso.
Waxaa meelaha hawlgalada dad qabqabashada ah laga sameeyey ka mid ah Boosaaso, Ceel Daahir, Laag iyo Garowe, waxaana mudadaadi soo axayey cabashooyin ka imaanayey waxgarad iyo odayaal reer Sanaag ah kuwaasi oo beel ahaan uga dacwoonaya in dadka la xiray ay iyaga ku abtirsanadaan isla markaana si gaar ah loo xirxiray. Waxaana dacwadahaasi ay ka mid ahaayeen waxyaabihii soo dedejiyey in kulan fool ka fool ah uu dhexmaro odayaasha Beesha Sanaag iyo masuuliyiinta dowlada Puntland.
Shakhsiyada Maxamed Siciid Atam
Sheekh Maxamed Siciid Ata moo ah nin ka soo jeeda degaanka Bariga Sanaag waxaa lagu tilmaamaa inuu yahay nin ku xiran kooxda Al Shabaab ee ka dagaalanta koonfurta Soomaaliya.
Sheekh Atam oo ku dhashay kuna barbaaray Bariga Sanaag waxaa la aaminsan yahay inuu heysto hub iyo ciidanka badan 500 nin kuwaasi oo la sheego inay tababaro ku soo qaateen meelo kala duwan. Waxaa uu wadaadku ahaa nin si weyn looga yaqaano magaalada Boosaaso isagoo kutubta cilmiga ka khrin jiray masaajidada waaweyn ee Boosaaso mudadii u dhexeysay 2000 illaa 2004.
Sheikh Atam waxa uu ku jiraa liiska dadka ay doomeyso dowlada Mareykanka waxaana lagu tilmaamaa inuu wax ka dhisay qeyb weyna ka qaato ururka Al Shabaab. Waxaa uu dhowr jeer tegey magaalooyinka Muqdisho iyo Kismaayo xilligii ururka maxkamada ee ka ariminayey koonfurta dalka sanadkii 2006.
Horaantii sanadkii 2009 ayaa warbixin ay oo saartey waaxda baaritaanka ee CIA-da Mareykanka ayey ku sheegtay in Sheekh Atam uu hub iyo rasaas kala soo dego xeebaha Puntland isagoo ka keensada dalka Yemen ka dibna uu u gudbiyo kooxda Al Shabaab.
Waxaa sidoo kale CIA-du sheegtay in Maxamed Siciid Atam uu qorsheynayo inuu kooxda Shabaab ku soo fidiyo degaanada Waqooyiga Soomaaliya.
Habadaba waxaa RBC Radio arimaha shirkaasi iyo sida uu ku soo dhamaaday uga waramay Siciid Maxamuud oo ka mid ah dadkii goob jooga u ahaa shirka isla markaana jooga degaanka Galgala.
Waxaana wareysiga uu qeyb ka yahay xog baaris RBC Radio ka sameeyey kulamadii ka dhacay Galgala eek u saabsanaa arimaha u dhexeeya dowlada Puntland iyo odayaasha degaanka gobolka Sanaag.
Waxaa xusid mudan in RBC Radioisku dayey in arinta shirka uu xiriir kala sameeyo dhinaca dowlada hase yeeshee ma suuri gelin inaan helno masuul diyaar u ah inuu ka hadlo.
Warar soo gaaray RBC Radio ayaa xaqiijinaya in kulanka oo ay ka qeybgaleen wakiilo ka socday madaxtooyada Puntland iyo odayaasha beesha Bariga Sanaag uu sii socon waayery ka dib markii la isa soo hordhigay shuruudo adag oo ay labada dhinac kala wateen.
Goob joogayaal kulanka ka qeybqaatay oo u waramay RBC Radio ayaa ku waramay in kulanka looga hadlay arimo ku saabsan amaanka iyo sidii is faham loo dhex dhigi lahaa maamulka Puntland iyo beesha Bariga Sanaag oo waayadanba ka cabaneysay hawlgalo ciidamada dowladu ku qabqabteen dad looga shakiyey amaan dari oo degaan ahaan gobolka Sanaag ku abtirsada.
Hase ahaatee caqabada ugu weyn ee shirkaasi burburka ku keentay ayaa timid ka db markii wakiilo ka socday xarunta madaxtooyada Puntland oo kulanka dartiis u tegey degaanka Galgala oo shirku ka socday laga hor keenay shuruudo u muuqday inaysan dowlada u cuntami Karin.
Waxyaabaha khilaafka dhaliyey
Sida xogta laga helayo odayaasha degaanka ay tilmaameyso waxaa masuuliyiinta wakiilada ka ahaa dowlada oo toddobaadyadii u dambeeyey ku sugnaa degaanka Galgala ay odayaasha Bariga Sanaag markii hore kala hadleen dhowr qodob oo kala ah:
In is faham la dhex dhigo beesha iyo dowlada isla markaana laga shaqeeyo nabadgelyada.
In odayaasha Bariga Sanaag ay ka dhaadhiciyaan Wadaadka lagu magacaabo Maxamed Siciid Atam oo hub iyo ciidan ku heysta degaanka Galgala in hubkiisa uu ku soo wareejiyo dowlada Puntland isla markaana uu kala diro maleeshiyadiisa.
In dowlada Puntland ay bedel ahaan u siiyaan Maxamed Siciid Atam waraaq wareegto madaxweyne ah oo u fasaxysa in si nabadgelyo ah uu ugu noolaado degaanada Puntland.
In dowada ay siin doonto odayaasha iyo Maxamed Siciid Atam lacag aan tiradeeda la sheegin.
Wada hadal dheer oo mudo maalmo ah qaatay ka dib waxaa dhinaca odayaasha Bariga Sanaag ay iyaguna soo bandhigeen qodobo dhoqr ah oo shuruudo ahaa kuwaasi oo ay sheegeen inay ka doonayaan dowlada inay fuliso kala ahaa:
In dowlada ay sii deyso dad la sheegay inay ku jiraan xabsiyada oo degaanada Sanaag ka soo jeeda kuwaasi oo loo heysto arimo amaanka ku saabsan.
In maamulka uu wareegto rasmi ah ku bedelo saraakiil dhoqr ah oo ka hawlgala gobolka Bari oo ay ku jiraan masuuliyiinta amniga (RBC Radio waxaa uu heley magacyada saraakiisha la xusay in la bedelo laakiin waxaan ka cudur daaraneynaa inaan soo bandhigno).
Waxaa odayaasha degaanka Bariga Sanaag ay si aad ah uga cabteen in iyaga beel ahaan ay dhibaato kala kulmeen dowlada C/raxmaan Faroole hase ahaatee masuuliyiintii wakiilka u ahayd dowlada ayaa sheegay in aanu marnaba jirin cid si gaar ah loo beegsanayo laakiin hadafka dowladu yahay in nabada laga wada shaqeeyo lagana hortago cidii dhibaato wada dhinac kastaba ha ahaatee.
Marka laga tago qodobadan waxay odayaashu cudurdaar ka bixiyeen qodob ay dowladu dalbatey oo ku saabsanaa hubka Maxamed Siciid Atam, iyagoo sheegay in arinta wadaadkaasi isaga si gaar ah loogala hadlo.
Waxaa xusid mudan in wadaadka Maxamed Siciid Atam uusan ka qeybgalin kulmada mudadii ay socdeen, sida RBC Radio ku ogaaday xogtan.
Waxaa kulamadan intii ay socdeen khadka telefoonka uga qeybqaadanayey madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland Gen. C/samad Cali Shire oo hadda ah ku simaha madaxweynaha dowlada Puntland. Isagoo mudadaasi si toos ah ugala hadlayey dhinacyada kulanka fadhiyey hirgalinta go’aamada shirka looga hadlayey.
Sida wararku sheegayaan waxaa shirkan ka dhacay Galgala ka horeyey shir kale oo dhexmarey odayaasha Bariga Sanaag iyo madaxweynaha Puntland ka hor intii uusan madaxweynuhu u safrin dalka Ethiopia oo uu safar kakle uga sii gudbay wadamada Libya iyo Masar bartamihii bishan January 2010.
Saraakiil muhim ah oo ku dhow madaxtooyada ayaa RBC Radio u xaqiijiyey in madaxweynuhu uu odayaasha kala hadlay arimaha amaanka iyo cabashooyinka ay qabaan odayaasha beesha Sanaag.
Waxaana madaxweynuhu uu kula balamay odayaasha in kulamada la sii wado iyadoo dowladuna uu masuul uga noqonayo madaxweyne ku xigeenka maadaama uu yahay ku simaha madaxweynaha mudada madaxweynuhu maqan yahay.
Sida ilo muhim ah noo xaqiijiyeen waxaa odayaasha Bariga Sanaag madaxweynuhu gudoonsiiyey lacag gaareysa $30,000 si ay qeyb uga qaataan wada hadalada iyo isu soo dhoweynta dowlada iyo beesha.
Shirkii ka socday Galgala mudadii u dhexeysay 20-ka illaa 25-ka January waxaa uu ahaa mid si toos ah looga hadlayey arimaha hadda taagan gaar ahaan adkeynta nabad gelyada iyo cabashooyinka ay soo jeedinayaan odayaasha reer Sanaag.
Laakiin waxaa si rasmi ah shirkii loogu kala kacay 25-kii January 2010 iyadoo ergadii ka socotay madaxtooyada ee joogtay degaanka Galgala ay dib uga soo dhaqaaqeeb degaanka iyagoo ku laabtay magaalada Garowe oo markii hore ay ka yimaadeen.
Dhacdooyin hore
Tan iyo intii qaraxyada iyo dilalka is daba jooga noqday ay ka dhacayeen degaanada kala duwan ee Puntland waxaa ciidamada booliska ay wadeen hawlgalo xoogan oo ay ku qabqanayaan dadka ay uga shakiyaan amaan darida, kuwaasi oo qaarkood la geeyey maxkamadaha shacriga ee magaalooyinka Garowe iyo Boosaaso qaarna weli lagu hayo baaritaan.
Dadkaasi qaarkood waxaa loo heystaa qaraxii 15-kii December 2009 lala beegsaday gawaari ka mid ahayd ilaalada madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland oo markaasi ku safreysay wadada laamiga ee isku xirta magaalada Boosaaso iyo degaanka Laag oo30km dhinaca koonfureed ka xigta Boosaaso.
Waxaa meelaha hawlgalada dad qabqabashada ah laga sameeyey ka mid ah Boosaaso, Ceel Daahir, Laag iyo Garowe, waxaana mudadaadi soo axayey cabashooyin ka imaanayey waxgarad iyo odayaal reer Sanaag ah kuwaasi oo beel ahaan uga dacwoonaya in dadka la xiray ay iyaga ku abtirsanadaan isla markaana si gaar ah loo xirxiray. Waxaana dacwadahaasi ay ka mid ahaayeen waxyaabihii soo dedejiyey in kulan fool ka fool ah uu dhexmaro odayaasha Beesha Sanaag iyo masuuliyiinta dowlada Puntland.
Shakhsiyada Maxamed Siciid Atam
Sheekh Maxamed Siciid Ata moo ah nin ka soo jeeda degaanka Bariga Sanaag waxaa lagu tilmaamaa inuu yahay nin ku xiran kooxda Al Shabaab ee ka dagaalanta koonfurta Soomaaliya.
Sheekh Atam oo ku dhashay kuna barbaaray Bariga Sanaag waxaa la aaminsan yahay inuu heysto hub iyo ciidanka badan 500 nin kuwaasi oo la sheego inay tababaro ku soo qaateen meelo kala duwan. Waxaa uu wadaadku ahaa nin si weyn looga yaqaano magaalada Boosaaso isagoo kutubta cilmiga ka khrin jiray masaajidada waaweyn ee Boosaaso mudadii u dhexeysay 2000 illaa 2004.
Sheikh Atam waxa uu ku jiraa liiska dadka ay doomeyso dowlada Mareykanka waxaana lagu tilmaamaa inuu wax ka dhisay qeyb weyna ka qaato ururka Al Shabaab. Waxaa uu dhowr jeer tegey magaalooyinka Muqdisho iyo Kismaayo xilligii ururka maxkamada ee ka ariminayey koonfurta dalka sanadkii 2006.
Horaantii sanadkii 2009 ayaa warbixin ay oo saartey waaxda baaritaanka ee CIA-da Mareykanka ayey ku sheegtay in Sheekh Atam uu hub iyo rasaas kala soo dego xeebaha Puntland isagoo ka keensada dalka Yemen ka dibna uu u gudbiyo kooxda Al Shabaab.
Waxaa sidoo kale CIA-du sheegtay in Maxamed Siciid Atam uu qorsheynayo inuu kooxda Shabaab ku soo fidiyo degaanada Waqooyiga Soomaaliya.
Habadaba waxaa RBC Radio arimaha shirkaasi iyo sida uu ku soo dhamaaday uga waramay Siciid Maxamuud oo ka mid ah dadkii goob jooga u ahaa shirka isla markaana jooga degaanka Galgala.
Waxaana wareysiga uu qeyb ka yahay xog baaris RBC Radio ka sameeyey kulamadii ka dhacay Galgala eek u saabsanaa arimaha u dhexeeya dowlada Puntland iyo odayaasha degaanka gobolka Sanaag.
Waxaa xusid mudan in RBC Radioisku dayey in arinta shirka uu xiriir kala sameeyo dhinaca dowlada hase yeeshee ma suuri gelin inaan helno masuul diyaar u ah inuu ka hadlo.
DEG DEG: C/laahi Mahdi Sayidka oo Caawa Lagu Dilay Boosaaso
Boosaaso, (RBC Radio) Waxaa goor dhoweyd kooxo hubeysan bartamaha magaalada Boosaaso ku toogteen gudoomiyihii ururka ISKU XIRKA ARDEYDA SOOMAALIYEED SSCO C/laahi Mahdi Sayidka.
Goob joogayaal ku sugan Boosaaso ayaa RBC Radio u sheegay in C/laahi Mahdi Sayidka ay toogteen niman ku hubeysnaa bastoolado kuwaasi oo madaxa ka toogtay ninka Dhalinyarada ah.
Meydka C/laahi Mahdi Sayidka ayaa goor dhoweyd la geeyey isbitaalka guud ee Boosaaso, iyadoo na loo xaqiijiyey in uu u dhintay xabadihii ku dhacay.
Ciidamo boolis ah ayaa gaaray goobta dilku ka dhacay waxaana socda baaritaan sida ay dad goob joogayaal ah sheegeen.
Rasaas badan ayaa laga maqlay goobta uu dilku ka dhacay oo bartamaha magaalada ku taalla.
Lama garanayo sababta ka dambeysa dilka Sayidka oo ahaa nin dhalinyaro ah oo aad u furfuran. Mana jirto cid la sheegay in loo qabtay dilka Sayidka.
Waxaa uu Sayidka dhowaanahan hormuud u ahaa ururo dhalinyaro oo kulamo la qaatay madaxda dowlada Puntland kuwaasi oo looga hadlayey in laga wada shaqeeyo arimaha nabadgelyada Puntland.
Waa dilkii ugu horeeyey ee loo geysto nin ka tirsan ururada dhalinyarada Puntland iyo kuwa waxbarashada oo ka dhaca Boosaaso.
Alle ha u naxariisto Sayidka.
Goob joogayaal ku sugan Boosaaso ayaa RBC Radio u sheegay in C/laahi Mahdi Sayidka ay toogteen niman ku hubeysnaa bastoolado kuwaasi oo madaxa ka toogtay ninka Dhalinyarada ah.
Meydka C/laahi Mahdi Sayidka ayaa goor dhoweyd la geeyey isbitaalka guud ee Boosaaso, iyadoo na loo xaqiijiyey in uu u dhintay xabadihii ku dhacay.
Ciidamo boolis ah ayaa gaaray goobta dilku ka dhacay waxaana socda baaritaan sida ay dad goob joogayaal ah sheegeen.
Rasaas badan ayaa laga maqlay goobta uu dilku ka dhacay oo bartamaha magaalada ku taalla.
Lama garanayo sababta ka dambeysa dilka Sayidka oo ahaa nin dhalinyaro ah oo aad u furfuran. Mana jirto cid la sheegay in loo qabtay dilka Sayidka.
Waxaa uu Sayidka dhowaanahan hormuud u ahaa ururo dhalinyaro oo kulamo la qaatay madaxda dowlada Puntland kuwaasi oo looga hadlayey in laga wada shaqeeyo arimaha nabadgelyada Puntland.
Waa dilkii ugu horeeyey ee loo geysto nin ka tirsan ururada dhalinyarada Puntland iyo kuwa waxbarashada oo ka dhaca Boosaaso.
Alle ha u naxariisto Sayidka.
Xildhibaanno Muqdisho ku kulmay oo Cambaareeyay Dowladda.
Xildhibaanno katirsan baarlamanka Dowlada KMG Somalia ayaa maanta Eedayn kulul ujeediyay dowladda uu hogaamiyo Madaxweyne Shariif Sheekh Axmed.
Kulan balaaran oo ay Mudanayaal gaaraya 30 Xildhibaan ku yeesheen Hotelka Saxafi magaalada Muqdisho ayay ku Cambaareeyeen dowladda jirta wax qabad la’aan iyo in ay dalka gacanta u gelisay kooxo Mucaarad ah sida ay hadalka u dhigeen.
Xildhibaan Max’med Dhaqane Cilmi Aar oo dhawaan ka fariistay hogaaminta dagaaladii Hiiraan ayaa sheegay in dowladu ay fashilantay sidaas darteedna loo baahanyahay in ay is casisho.
Mudanayaashan kulanka qaatay ayaa ku dhaliilay dowladda sanadkii tegay in ay waqtigeeda ku idlaysatay safaro iyo xilal ka qaadis wasiiro iyo Gudoomiyaashii Gobalka Banaadir.
Xildhibaan Macalin Jiis oo gaba gabadii kulankaasi lahadlay saxaafadda ayaa yiri “Dowladda waxaan ku dhaliilsanahay in aysan wax qaban sanadkii ay jirtay, ARS iyo TFG-dii hore isku gayntooda waxaa laga dhaxlay fadhiidnimo iyo in dalka ay qabsadaan Mucaarad ka daran kii hore ee madaxweyne shariif hogaamin jiray”ayuu yiri Macalin Jiis.
Macalin Jiis ayaa ugu baaqay Madaxweynaha iyo R/wasaaraha in ay wax ka qabtaan arrimaha baahinta awoodda dalka islamarkaana ay Baarlamanku barbar taaganyihiin Dowladda isagoona uga digay madaxda dowlada in ay yareeyaan xilka qaadista ay ladaba taaganyihiin wasiirada qaar.
Ramadaan Sheekh Mohamed
RBC Muqdisho-Somalia
Kulan balaaran oo ay Mudanayaal gaaraya 30 Xildhibaan ku yeesheen Hotelka Saxafi magaalada Muqdisho ayay ku Cambaareeyeen dowladda jirta wax qabad la’aan iyo in ay dalka gacanta u gelisay kooxo Mucaarad ah sida ay hadalka u dhigeen.
Xildhibaan Max’med Dhaqane Cilmi Aar oo dhawaan ka fariistay hogaaminta dagaaladii Hiiraan ayaa sheegay in dowladu ay fashilantay sidaas darteedna loo baahanyahay in ay is casisho.
Mudanayaashan kulanka qaatay ayaa ku dhaliilay dowladda sanadkii tegay in ay waqtigeeda ku idlaysatay safaro iyo xilal ka qaadis wasiiro iyo Gudoomiyaashii Gobalka Banaadir.
Xildhibaan Macalin Jiis oo gaba gabadii kulankaasi lahadlay saxaafadda ayaa yiri “Dowladda waxaan ku dhaliilsanahay in aysan wax qaban sanadkii ay jirtay, ARS iyo TFG-dii hore isku gayntooda waxaa laga dhaxlay fadhiidnimo iyo in dalka ay qabsadaan Mucaarad ka daran kii hore ee madaxweyne shariif hogaamin jiray”ayuu yiri Macalin Jiis.
Macalin Jiis ayaa ugu baaqay Madaxweynaha iyo R/wasaaraha in ay wax ka qabtaan arrimaha baahinta awoodda dalka islamarkaana ay Baarlamanku barbar taaganyihiin Dowladda isagoona uga digay madaxda dowlada in ay yareeyaan xilka qaadista ay ladaba taaganyihiin wasiirada qaar.
Ramadaan Sheekh Mohamed
RBC Muqdisho-Somalia
Explosions Raise Fears Over Somaliland Stability
Angola Press
Jan 30, 2010
Hargeisa - The latest bomb explosion in Somalia's self-declared independent republic of Somaliland raises concerns over the lack of government presence in the Las-anod area, says an analyst.
Among those injured in the blast, which killed one person and injured five on 28 January, was the governor of Sool region, Askar Farah Hussein, who was admitted to a hospital in the town of Las-anod.
Commenting on the bombings that have hit the region since October 2009, Somaliland President Dahir Rayale Kahin told reporters: "I have heard the opposition accusing the government of being behind the bombs; this is unfortunate, the government is investigating, but
we need to know that the enemy wants [to stage] more attacks against Somaliland...".
The latest incident brings to five the bombings since October 2009 in Las-anod, capital of a region in contention between Somaliland and Puntland. Las-anod is part of Sool and Sanag region, to which the governments of Somaliland and Puntland both lay claim.
According to EJ Hogendoorn, the International Crisis Group's Horn of Africa Project Director, the Somaliland government is strong enough to get the situation under control in Las-anod "but the problem is that there is minimal government presence in the area".
"The area remains largely unadministered by both Puntland and Somaliland," Hogendoorn said, adding that the region is inhabited mainly by the Dhulbahante clan, which has family ties to the ruling Harti clan in Puntland.
"The Sool and Sanag region is disputed by both Puntland and Somaliland for several reasons; the Dhulbahante are unhappy with both Puntland and Somaliland, and Islamist radicals have taken advantage of this to try to cause instability in the area," Hogendoorn said.
"Moreover, it is likely that there are significant oil deposits in Sool and Sanag, so both governments lay claim to the region."
Hogendoorn said it appeared the violence was inspired by Islamist elements among the Dhulbahante that are sympathetic to Al-Shabab, the main Islamist group that has been waging war against the government in Somalia.
"The interest of these Islamist elements is to foment instability. What is clear is that they have links with Al-Shabab in south and central Somalia," he said. "There is a similar dynamic going in Puntland, where the Islamist radicals have also targeted government officials in the past."
However, Hogendoorn said analysts did not have any evidence that the bombings in Las-anod were orchestrated by Al-Shabab.
Source: Angola Press
Jan 30, 2010
Hargeisa - The latest bomb explosion in Somalia's self-declared independent republic of Somaliland raises concerns over the lack of government presence in the Las-anod area, says an analyst.
Among those injured in the blast, which killed one person and injured five on 28 January, was the governor of Sool region, Askar Farah Hussein, who was admitted to a hospital in the town of Las-anod.
Commenting on the bombings that have hit the region since October 2009, Somaliland President Dahir Rayale Kahin told reporters: "I have heard the opposition accusing the government of being behind the bombs; this is unfortunate, the government is investigating, but
we need to know that the enemy wants [to stage] more attacks against Somaliland...".
The latest incident brings to five the bombings since October 2009 in Las-anod, capital of a region in contention between Somaliland and Puntland. Las-anod is part of Sool and Sanag region, to which the governments of Somaliland and Puntland both lay claim.
According to EJ Hogendoorn, the International Crisis Group's Horn of Africa Project Director, the Somaliland government is strong enough to get the situation under control in Las-anod "but the problem is that there is minimal government presence in the area".
"The area remains largely unadministered by both Puntland and Somaliland," Hogendoorn said, adding that the region is inhabited mainly by the Dhulbahante clan, which has family ties to the ruling Harti clan in Puntland.
"The Sool and Sanag region is disputed by both Puntland and Somaliland for several reasons; the Dhulbahante are unhappy with both Puntland and Somaliland, and Islamist radicals have taken advantage of this to try to cause instability in the area," Hogendoorn said.
"Moreover, it is likely that there are significant oil deposits in Sool and Sanag, so both governments lay claim to the region."
Hogendoorn said it appeared the violence was inspired by Islamist elements among the Dhulbahante that are sympathetic to Al-Shabab, the main Islamist group that has been waging war against the government in Somalia.
"The interest of these Islamist elements is to foment instability. What is clear is that they have links with Al-Shabab in south and central Somalia," he said. "There is a similar dynamic going in Puntland, where the Islamist radicals have also targeted government officials in the past."
However, Hogendoorn said analysts did not have any evidence that the bombings in Las-anod were orchestrated by Al-Shabab.
Source: Angola Press
Friday, 29 January 2010
Dawladda Puntland, Soomaaliya
Dawladda Puntland, Soomaaliya
Warbixin: Safaradii Madaxweynaha Puntland ku tagey waddanka bannaankiisa
Jimce, 29 Jan 2010
Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxman Maxamad Farole oo muddo labo usbuuc ah safarro ku marayey Itoobiya, Liibiya iyo Jabuuti ayaa waxaa uu maanta Jan 29,2010 aqalka madaxtooyada kula kulmey madaxweynaha Jamhuriyada Jabuuti Md. Ismaciil Cumar Geelle.
Md. Farole iyo Md. Geelle ayaa kulankooda diiradda ku saarey xaaladda Soomaaliya ka taagan iyo sidii xal loogu heli lahaa iyada oo la wada ogsoon yahay in dowladda Jabuuti ay kaalin weyn ka caayaartey sidii xal loogu heli xarbi-ahliga Soomaaliya ka socdey mudada 21-ka sano ah.
Madaxweyne Farole ayaa hoggamiyaha dalka Jabuuti sidoo kale ka codsadey in xaaladda Soomaaliya ka taagan muhimadda koowaad laga siiyo shirka ururka Midowga Afrika uga furmi doona magaalada Addis Ababa. Madaxweynaha Jabuuti Md. Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle oo maanta 29 Jan,2010 u ambabaxaya dalka Itoobiya ayaa sheegey in ammaanka mandaqaddu guud ahaan khatar ku jiro haddii aan xal degdeg ah loo helin xaaladda cakiran ee ka taaggan Soomaaliya gaar ahaan Koonfurta. Halkaas oo daagaallo xooggani ka socdaan.
Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa hoosta ka xariiqey in amni darrada maalmahan ku soo korortey Puntland iyo Somaliland ay salka ku hayso xaaladda ka sii dareysa ee ka taagan Koonfurta & gobolada dhexe ee Soomaaliya. Taas oo cabsi weyn laga qabo iney saameyn ku yeelato Jabuuti iyo waddamada dariska badda kala ah sida Yamen.
Dhinaca kale safarkii madaxweynaha Puntland ku tagey dalka Itoobiya ayaa guul ku soo dhammaadey iyada oo uu halkaas kula kulmey madaxda dalkaas iyo safiirada hay'adaha caalmiga ah ka jooga Addis Ababa. Kulamada Faroole la yeeshey Itoobiya ayaa ka hadlayey xaalka Soomaaliya iyo kaalinta Itoobiya ay kaga jirto xal u heliddiisa iyada oo la sheegey inuu muhiim yahay xiriirka u dhexeeya Puntland iyo Itoobiya.
Safarkii Madaxweynaha Puntland ku tagey dalka Liibiya ayaa dhinaca kale ku soo dhammaadey guul isaga oo la kulmey ra'isal wasaaraha iyo Madaxweyne Qadaafi. Kuwaas oo ka wada hadley arrimaha Soomaaliay. Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa madaxda dalkaas kala hadley sidii Puntland ay u tageeri lahaayeen iyada oo uu xusey in dalka Liibiya qayb libaax ka qaatey xiligii dhidibada loo aasayey maamulka Puntland. Madaxda Liibiya oo uu madaxweyne Qadaafi ugu horreeyo ayaa ballan qaadey inuu tageeri doono maamulka Puntland iyo guud ahaan Soomaaliya.
Maamulka Puntland ayaa waxaa ka go'an sidii codka shacabka ku dhaqan mandaqaddu u gaari lahaa caalamka isaga oo geed gaaban iyo mid dheer u fuuli doona madaama ay yihiin kuwo nabadda iyo hurumarka jecel..
Xafiiska Madaxweynaha
Dowladda Puntland
Warbixin: Safaradii Madaxweynaha Puntland ku tagey waddanka bannaankiisa
Jimce, 29 Jan 2010
Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxman Maxamad Farole oo muddo labo usbuuc ah safarro ku marayey Itoobiya, Liibiya iyo Jabuuti ayaa waxaa uu maanta Jan 29,2010 aqalka madaxtooyada kula kulmey madaxweynaha Jamhuriyada Jabuuti Md. Ismaciil Cumar Geelle.
Md. Farole iyo Md. Geelle ayaa kulankooda diiradda ku saarey xaaladda Soomaaliya ka taagan iyo sidii xal loogu heli lahaa iyada oo la wada ogsoon yahay in dowladda Jabuuti ay kaalin weyn ka caayaartey sidii xal loogu heli xarbi-ahliga Soomaaliya ka socdey mudada 21-ka sano ah.
Madaxweyne Farole ayaa hoggamiyaha dalka Jabuuti sidoo kale ka codsadey in xaaladda Soomaaliya ka taagan muhimadda koowaad laga siiyo shirka ururka Midowga Afrika uga furmi doona magaalada Addis Ababa. Madaxweynaha Jabuuti Md. Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle oo maanta 29 Jan,2010 u ambabaxaya dalka Itoobiya ayaa sheegey in ammaanka mandaqaddu guud ahaan khatar ku jiro haddii aan xal degdeg ah loo helin xaaladda cakiran ee ka taaggan Soomaaliya gaar ahaan Koonfurta. Halkaas oo daagaallo xooggani ka socdaan.
Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa hoosta ka xariiqey in amni darrada maalmahan ku soo korortey Puntland iyo Somaliland ay salka ku hayso xaaladda ka sii dareysa ee ka taagan Koonfurta & gobolada dhexe ee Soomaaliya. Taas oo cabsi weyn laga qabo iney saameyn ku yeelato Jabuuti iyo waddamada dariska badda kala ah sida Yamen.
Dhinaca kale safarkii madaxweynaha Puntland ku tagey dalka Itoobiya ayaa guul ku soo dhammaadey iyada oo uu halkaas kula kulmey madaxda dalkaas iyo safiirada hay'adaha caalmiga ah ka jooga Addis Ababa. Kulamada Faroole la yeeshey Itoobiya ayaa ka hadlayey xaalka Soomaaliya iyo kaalinta Itoobiya ay kaga jirto xal u heliddiisa iyada oo la sheegey inuu muhiim yahay xiriirka u dhexeeya Puntland iyo Itoobiya.
Safarkii Madaxweynaha Puntland ku tagey dalka Liibiya ayaa dhinaca kale ku soo dhammaadey guul isaga oo la kulmey ra'isal wasaaraha iyo Madaxweyne Qadaafi. Kuwaas oo ka wada hadley arrimaha Soomaaliay. Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa madaxda dalkaas kala hadley sidii Puntland ay u tageeri lahaayeen iyada oo uu xusey in dalka Liibiya qayb libaax ka qaatey xiligii dhidibada loo aasayey maamulka Puntland. Madaxda Liibiya oo uu madaxweyne Qadaafi ugu horreeyo ayaa ballan qaadey inuu tageeri doono maamulka Puntland iyo guud ahaan Soomaaliya.
Maamulka Puntland ayaa waxaa ka go'an sidii codka shacabka ku dhaqan mandaqaddu u gaari lahaa caalamka isaga oo geed gaaban iyo mid dheer u fuuli doona madaama ay yihiin kuwo nabadda iyo hurumarka jecel..
Xafiiska Madaxweynaha
Dowladda Puntland
Baladweyn: Gudoomiyaha Odayasha gobalka Hiiraan oo ka hadlay dagaalada Baladweyne.
Baladweyne(AllPuntland)- Gudoomiyaha golaha Nabadoonada ee gobalka Hiiraan Max’ed Cabdi Yuusuf (Xuushow) oo ka hadlayay Saxaafada Soomaalida ayaa ka hadlay xaaladaha qalafsan ee maalmihii ugu dambeeyey ku sugnaa gobalka Hiiraan ee dalka Soomaaliya.
Nabadoon Maxamed wuxuu sheegay in ay gobalkaasi ku dagaalamayaan dad uu sheegay in ay udhasheen gobalka, oo wata magac Ahlu Suna iyo ciidamo uu sheegay in ay soo duuleen, oo ula jeeday ciidamada Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya.
Nabadoonkan ayaa sheegay in ay dad badan ka baxeen magaalada Baladweyne, isagoo sheegay in ay dadkaasi ka baqdeen dagaalada socda, wuxuuna tibaaxay in ay heystaan dadkaas dhibab kala gedisan oo dhamaantood ah, kuwa aysan udulqaadan Karin.
Xuushow oo umuuqday in uu la dhacsan yahay ciidamada taabacsan dawladda KMG ah duulaankooda gobalka Hiiraan, ayaa sheegay in ay Odayaal ahaan ka xun yihiin dagaalada, balse wuxuu tilmaamay in ay doonayaan in gobalka ay qabsadaan, waa sida uu hadalka udhigaye dadka udhashay.
Maxamed Cabdi wuxuu waxba kama jiraan ku sifeeyey magaca Ahlu Suna in ay yihiin dad kale, isagoo sheegay in ay dadkaasi yihiin dad udhashay gobalka Hiiraan, magacaasna ay ku doonayaan in ay ku soo galaan gobalka Hiiraan.
Mar la weydiiyey waxa ku jaban in ay gobalka Maamulaan Xarakada Al- Shabaab & Ururka Xisbul Islaam ayuu sheegay in ay dhinacyadaasi ku xiran yihiin, waa sida uu hadalka udhigaye dhinacyo kale, sidoo kale mar la weydiiyey waxa uu ku xaqiijin karo in dhinacyada uu taageersan yahay aysan xiriir la laheyn Itoobiya, ayuu ka gaabsaday in uu taasi ka jawaabo.
Nabadoon Maxamed wuxuu sheegay in ay gobalkaasi ku dagaalamayaan dad uu sheegay in ay udhasheen gobalka, oo wata magac Ahlu Suna iyo ciidamo uu sheegay in ay soo duuleen, oo ula jeeday ciidamada Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya.
Nabadoonkan ayaa sheegay in ay dad badan ka baxeen magaalada Baladweyne, isagoo sheegay in ay dadkaasi ka baqdeen dagaalada socda, wuxuuna tibaaxay in ay heystaan dadkaas dhibab kala gedisan oo dhamaantood ah, kuwa aysan udulqaadan Karin.
Xuushow oo umuuqday in uu la dhacsan yahay ciidamada taabacsan dawladda KMG ah duulaankooda gobalka Hiiraan, ayaa sheegay in ay Odayaal ahaan ka xun yihiin dagaalada, balse wuxuu tilmaamay in ay doonayaan in gobalka ay qabsadaan, waa sida uu hadalka udhigaye dadka udhashay.
Maxamed Cabdi wuxuu waxba kama jiraan ku sifeeyey magaca Ahlu Suna in ay yihiin dad kale, isagoo sheegay in ay dadkaasi yihiin dad udhashay gobalka Hiiraan, magacaasna ay ku doonayaan in ay ku soo galaan gobalka Hiiraan.
Mar la weydiiyey waxa ku jaban in ay gobalka Maamulaan Xarakada Al- Shabaab & Ururka Xisbul Islaam ayuu sheegay in ay dhinacyadaasi ku xiran yihiin, waa sida uu hadalka udhigaye dhinacyo kale, sidoo kale mar la weydiiyey waxa uu ku xaqiijin karo in dhinacyada uu taageersan yahay aysan xiriir la laheyn Itoobiya, ayuu ka gaabsaday in uu taasi ka jawaabo.
Somali Government Celebrates First Anniversary
President, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, Speaker of the Parliament, Sheikh Adam Mohammed Nur
Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya Xafiiska Madaxweynaha
Republic of SomaliaOffice of the President
January 29, 2010
Media Release
The Transitional Federal Government of Somalia today celebrated its first anniversary as a government of national unity in Mogadishu.
The three hour-long celebrations, attended by the President, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, together with the Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, Speaker of the Parliament, Sheikh Adam Mohammed Nur, and senior ministers and members of parliament, included poetry readings, songs and traditional Somali dance and a series of comic sketches performed by the famous Waberi band.
The President highlighted the achievements of the transitional federal institutions, noting the great strides made in re-establishing the Somali security forces, the success in attracting the overwhelming support of the international community and the continued advances in institution-building.
“The past year we have been very busy building the foundations of the Somali state,” said the president. “This year, our plans are to be as self-sufficient as we can and to start providing essential services to our people such as education, health and rehabilitating the infrastructure.”
During the ceremony Al Shabab terrorists fired two mortars into the general area of the theatre where the celebrations were taking place, killing one Somali civilian and one Ugandan AMISOM peacekeeper and wounding another.
Despite the attack, the ceremony continued as planned, with both participants and the audience undaunted. The president immediately condemned the attack which he said highlighted the complete moral bankruptcy of Al Shabab.
“Our thoughts are first of all with the families of those who lost their lives today.
This is a classic example of what Al Shabab represents and offers to the Somali people: absolutely nothing beyond murder and repression.
This is why more and more people are turning away from these thugs and supporting our government in our efforts to restore law and order and national unity to Somalia. On this, the first anniversary of a new government and a new beginning for the country, I call upon all Somalis to join us on the path towards peace.”
The president also conferred the country’s highest honour on four ministers, two MPs and two senior military officers, all of whom were killed in the line of duty in the past 12 months.
The President thanked AMISOM troop-contributing countries for their sacrifice and he called on the international community to make good on their commitments to Somalia.
Communications Department
Email: media@sompresidency.org
Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya Xafiiska Madaxweynaha
Republic of SomaliaOffice of the President
January 29, 2010
Media Release
The Transitional Federal Government of Somalia today celebrated its first anniversary as a government of national unity in Mogadishu.
The three hour-long celebrations, attended by the President, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, together with the Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, Speaker of the Parliament, Sheikh Adam Mohammed Nur, and senior ministers and members of parliament, included poetry readings, songs and traditional Somali dance and a series of comic sketches performed by the famous Waberi band.
The President highlighted the achievements of the transitional federal institutions, noting the great strides made in re-establishing the Somali security forces, the success in attracting the overwhelming support of the international community and the continued advances in institution-building.
“The past year we have been very busy building the foundations of the Somali state,” said the president. “This year, our plans are to be as self-sufficient as we can and to start providing essential services to our people such as education, health and rehabilitating the infrastructure.”
During the ceremony Al Shabab terrorists fired two mortars into the general area of the theatre where the celebrations were taking place, killing one Somali civilian and one Ugandan AMISOM peacekeeper and wounding another.
Despite the attack, the ceremony continued as planned, with both participants and the audience undaunted. The president immediately condemned the attack which he said highlighted the complete moral bankruptcy of Al Shabab.
“Our thoughts are first of all with the families of those who lost their lives today.
This is a classic example of what Al Shabab represents and offers to the Somali people: absolutely nothing beyond murder and repression.
This is why more and more people are turning away from these thugs and supporting our government in our efforts to restore law and order and national unity to Somalia. On this, the first anniversary of a new government and a new beginning for the country, I call upon all Somalis to join us on the path towards peace.”
The president also conferred the country’s highest honour on four ministers, two MPs and two senior military officers, all of whom were killed in the line of duty in the past 12 months.
The President thanked AMISOM troop-contributing countries for their sacrifice and he called on the international community to make good on their commitments to Somalia.
Communications Department
Email: media@sompresidency.org
Ururka Ahlu Sunna oo Maanta Doortay Xubnaha Hogaanka Guddiga Fulinta (Sawiro)
Friday, January 29th, 2010 at 03:27 pm
Gudoomiyaha cusub ee fulinta
Guriceel, (RBC Radio) Ururka Ahlu Sunna Wal Jameeca ayaa maanta degmada Guriceel uga dhawaaqay guddi fulin oo ay yeelanayaan, ka dib kulan mudo labo maalmood ah uga socday magaalada Guriceel.
Munaasabad ballaaran oo maanta ka dhacday magaalada Guriceel isla markaana ay ka soo qeybgaleen xubno sare oo ka mid ah gudiga talada ee ururka Ahlu Sunna ayaa lagu doortay gudoomiyaha guddiga fulinta ee Ahlu Sunna iyo labo ku xigeeno, kuwaasi oo hogaamin doona guddiga fulinta ee Ahlu Sunna.
Waxaana doorasho loo samaayey xubnaha guddigan ka qeybgaley 31 xubnood oo ka mid ah guddiga loo yaqaano “guddiga talada” ee Ahlu Sunna oo ka koban 42 xubnood, kaasi ooh ore loogu dhisay shirkii degmada Caabudwaaq ee dhacay bishii December ee tagtay.
Gudoomiyaha gudiga fulinta ayaa loo doortay Sheekh Maxamed Yuusuf Xeefow, iyadoo
gudoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee guddigana loo doortay Sheekh Cumar Cali Rooble.
Gudoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee gudiga fulinta Ahlu Sunna ayaa loo doortay Sheekh Maxamed Maxamud Yuusuf.
Gudoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee la doortay
Doorashada ka dib ayaa hadalo ay jeediyeen masuuliyiinta loo doortay hogaanka guddiga fulinta ee ururka Ahlu Sunna waxay ku sheegeen inay sii wadi doonaan dadaalada iyo hawsha ay ka hayaan ururka.
Gudoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee guddiga
Waxay masuuliyiinta tilmaameen in doorashadan ka dib ay u taalo shaqo adag oo ay ugu horeyso ka hortaga kooxaha ka soo horjeeda oo ay ku tilmaameen kuwi gardarro ku socda.
Doorashada guddiga fulinta ee Ahlu Sunna ayaa qeyb ka ah qorasha shirkii degmada Caabudwaaq uu ku lahaa ururka kaasi oo la soo gabagabeeyey bishan janaury horaanteeda.
Doorashadan xubnaha guddiga Fulinta ee ururka Ahlu Sunna waxay ku soo beegmeysaa xilli ururku uu dagaalo kula jiro ururada Al Shabab iyo Xisbul Islam, waxaana dagaaladii ugu dambeeyeeyey ay dhinacyadan ku dhexmareen magaalooyinka Beledweyne, Warxoolo iyo Caws weyne ooka kala tirsan gobolada Hiiraan iyo Galgaduud.
Gudoomiyaha cusub ee fulinta
Guriceel, (RBC Radio) Ururka Ahlu Sunna Wal Jameeca ayaa maanta degmada Guriceel uga dhawaaqay guddi fulin oo ay yeelanayaan, ka dib kulan mudo labo maalmood ah uga socday magaalada Guriceel.
Munaasabad ballaaran oo maanta ka dhacday magaalada Guriceel isla markaana ay ka soo qeybgaleen xubno sare oo ka mid ah gudiga talada ee ururka Ahlu Sunna ayaa lagu doortay gudoomiyaha guddiga fulinta ee Ahlu Sunna iyo labo ku xigeeno, kuwaasi oo hogaamin doona guddiga fulinta ee Ahlu Sunna.
Waxaana doorasho loo samaayey xubnaha guddigan ka qeybgaley 31 xubnood oo ka mid ah guddiga loo yaqaano “guddiga talada” ee Ahlu Sunna oo ka koban 42 xubnood, kaasi ooh ore loogu dhisay shirkii degmada Caabudwaaq ee dhacay bishii December ee tagtay.
Gudoomiyaha gudiga fulinta ayaa loo doortay Sheekh Maxamed Yuusuf Xeefow, iyadoo

Gudoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee gudiga fulinta Ahlu Sunna ayaa loo doortay Sheekh Maxamed Maxamud Yuusuf.
Gudoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee la doortay
Doorashada ka dib ayaa hadalo ay jeediyeen masuuliyiinta loo doortay hogaanka guddiga fulinta ee ururka Ahlu Sunna waxay ku sheegeen inay sii wadi doonaan dadaalada iyo hawsha ay ka hayaan ururka.
Gudoomiye ku xigeenka labaad ee guddiga
Waxay masuuliyiinta tilmaameen in doorashadan ka dib ay u taalo shaqo adag oo ay ugu horeyso ka hortaga kooxaha ka soo horjeeda oo ay ku tilmaameen kuwi gardarro ku socda.
Doorashada guddiga fulinta ee Ahlu Sunna ayaa qeyb ka ah qorasha shirkii degmada Caabudwaaq uu ku lahaa ururka kaasi oo la soo gabagabeeyey bishan janaury horaanteeda.
Doorashadan xubnaha guddiga Fulinta ee ururka Ahlu Sunna waxay ku soo beegmeysaa xilli ururku uu dagaalo kula jiro ururada Al Shabab iyo Xisbul Islam, waxaana dagaaladii ugu dambeeyeeyey ay dhinacyadan ku dhexmareen magaalooyinka Beledweyne, Warxoolo iyo Caws weyne ooka kala tirsan gobolada Hiiraan iyo Galgaduud.
Yemeni Salafis reject terrorism accusations
Mohammad Bin Sallam
SANA’A, JAN. 20 — A Yemeni Salafi sheikh has refuted allegations made by the German press that the Dar Al-Hadeeth Center for Islamic Studies in Sa’ada is encouraging terrorism.
German officials reportedly said that German Muslims had been invited to be trained in the Sa’ada center, where they said students were urged to attack Christians and Jews.
According to a traditional Salafi sheikh based in Sana’a who asked for anonymity, students at the center are trained to use of light weapons, but only to be used if necessary as a self-defense and that the training started only after the students felt increasingly threatened by the Houthis.
The German accusations against the center follow the failed attempt, by Nigerian youth Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, to blow up a Detroit-headed plane on Christmas day, and the increased international focus on Al-Qaeda in Yemen as a result.
Adulmutallab, who attended university in London, has admitted to having received military training and equipment from Al-Qaeda in Yemen.
“The students and their supervisors in Sa’ada, where civil war is spreading, are in touch with Al-Qaeda elements. It is believed that there are training camps belonging to the mentioned center,” the spokesman of the General Prosecution in Munich told the German press.
According to the German press, many new converts to Islam from Europe and the US are still studying at the Dar Al-Hadeeth Center for Islamic Studies, among them are ten Muslims from Germany. The Yemen Times was unable to verify these figures.
The Dar Al-Hadeeth Center for Islamic Studies was established in 1979 by Moqbil Bin Hadi Al-Wade’e, a Salafi scholar and is an Islamic center for teaching Quran sciences and the traditions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
The center’s establishment was funded by the Islamic Scholarship Fund in Mecca and, before September 2001, had reportedly attracted 5,000 students from countries all over the world.
Unlike the Iman University in Sana’a, where different Islamic ideologies are taught, Dar Al-Hadeeth only teaches the Quran and the Hadith, according to the Salafi source.
The Dar Al-Hadeeth Center became the center for Salafism in Yemen, but now has branches in other parts of Yemen as well. Dozens graduate from the center and with their own interpretations now manage their own Salafi institutes. Examples include the Ma’bar Center headed by Mohammad Al-Imam in Dhamar and the Marib Center headed by Egyptian Abu Al-Hasan “Al-Maribi” in Marib, in addition to many other small centers in Sana’a, Aden, Taiz, Ibb and Hadramout.
Traditional Salafism is not political
According to Abdulfatah Al-Hakimi, a Yemeni academic, Al-Wade’e was particular is arguing for a split between religion and politics. Among his strict views, he rejected political associations and viewed elections as invalid. He also disapproved of eating with a spoon.
Al-Wade’e’s stand against forming political associations which led to a serious split among Salafis, starting in the early nineties. After the death of Al-Wade’e in 2001, an argument about who would succeed him as head of the Dar Al-Hadeeth Center led to a split in Salafism in Yemen. Sheikh Yahya Bin Ali Al-Hajori has now taken up his position.
A new, more active Salafi trend has appeared with the founding of the Al-Hikma Al-Yemeniyya and Al-Ihsan charitable associations. Abdullah Al-Zaidy, the head of Al-Hikma Al-Yemeniyya has published a magazine titled Al-Forkan in which Sheikh Al-Wade’e’s thoughts are refuted.
Where the followers of recent Salafi trends can be involved in politics, the followers of Al-Wade’e’s more traditional Salafism are usually not.
COMMENTSPost a Comment
n.murshed2010.01.29usacould we replace these schools with lets say an engineering school, or a medical school or just a vocational school that has real life practical application?Post a Comment
Also a former British student at Dammaj2010.01.28SanaaThese are lies spread by the German media. The Salafi ideology is based on Quran and Hadith and refutes strongly the takfiri ideologies of Alqaeda and also the Houthis and secessionist demontrators. It calls people to follow the religion of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam which forbids the killing of non-muslims who come to visit muslim countries, forbids taking a flight and blowing it up, forbids living in a non-muslim country and ranting rubbish about their country and then using your position to kill a few. In fact, you should be a good example to them, not freak them out by always talking about blood on the streets like the takfiris do. This is what I remember at Dar Alhadith with Sheikh Muqbil and Sheikh Yahya, and others. We never had weapons training, and were never offered, it does not exist. After the civil war I am sure the students have had to be careful for their own safety, but mashallah, while the region around them has been destroyed by fighting and sectarianism, they have kept well away from this evil and carried on studying their religion. That is how they survived and still exist today, their call stronger and better. Nowhere is there any peace in Sadah region except Dammaj village where people live in peace, even the students and Shia villagers live side by side and dependent on each other. The German report is a gross fabrication.Post a Comment
Osama2010.01.28America. Manchesteryou gotta write to make people aware of what it is going to happen soon, you all know about the meeting held soon by the U.S and other countries. Wake up Post a Comment
D.M.2010.01.26USAThe typical muslim country and or arab country spends 30 percent of their curiculum on islamic studies. How benefical is that when most if not all these countries are impoverished? Please, let us look at this objectively. The “sunnah” means following the ways of someone who lived in a different time era, more than 1400 hundred years ago. Now the salfais view of the sunnah is to follow it exactly. How the helk is that not going to produce clashes with today’s world? We, as Muslims, have to really critique ourselves objectively. It is not a sin punishable by death to critique a way of life that is out of date. And please, lets not just blame the people that follow this system and not the system itself. And yes, i am a muslim, from yemen.Post a Comment
Abu Salman Al Sawahie2010.01.25Saudia Arabia, Dammamwe are in a very critical situation that really needs from us to be one hand against enemies. Such stories will rais to devide Yemeni people and make them fighting to prove their different beleives and points. Let us all pray that Allah will look into Yemen Nation with His mercifull eye.Post a Comment
Hassan Basarally2010.01.25TrinidadA couple of questions: 1. You say"Unlike the Iman University in Sana’a, where different Islamic ideologies are taught, Dar Al-Hadeeth only teaches the Quran and the Hadith, according to the Salafi source." Isn't the "salafi source" the Quran and Sunnah, how can anyone have a problem with that? Also the Iman University is known as a breeding ground of the Ikhwan al Muslimoon in Yemen. This group advocates violent removal of governments. Sre they not a real threat to Yemen? 2. You say "Al-Wade’e’s stand against forming political associations which led to a serious split among Salafis, starting in the early nineties." What evidence is there of this split? 3. You say "After the death of Al-Wade’e in 2001, an argument about who would succeed him as head of the Dar Al-Hadeeth Center led to a split in Salafism in Yemen." Again any evidence? 4. You say "A new, more active Salafi trend has appeared with the founding of the Al-Hikma Al-Yemeniyya and Al-Ihsan charitable associations. Abdullah Al-Zaidy, the head of Al-Hikma Al-Yemeniyya has published a magazine titled Al-Forkan in which Sheikh Al-Wade’e’s thoughts are refuted." What thoughts are refuted?Post a Comment
FormerStudent2010.01.24USIt shows how stupid you are Mr/Mrs spokesman of the General Prosecution. You dont deserve anymore comment Post a Comment
the cheetah2010.01.24askmeEnemies of Islam are always working and fabricating stories and actions to invade, colonize, and control Muslim's freedom, wealth, and properties. They use their names and shapes to smear (to defame) their reputations. They consider Muslims stupid human living. This is politics games…etc Basically, they make seditions among ethnic, belief, and schools. Making Muslims much weaker, weaker, weaker. Through their tongues and people. Post a Comment
FormerStudentofDarulHadith2010.01.24USYeah you are right. Do you remember the stupid ass George W Bush and his WMD? That dumb ass finally succeeded in murdering Sadam Hussein. Why? He said because he tried to murder my daddy. I believe there's another reason too, it's oil. So let's see what they have in store for Yemen.Post a Comment
SANA’A, JAN. 20 — A Yemeni Salafi sheikh has refuted allegations made by the German press that the Dar Al-Hadeeth Center for Islamic Studies in Sa’ada is encouraging terrorism.
German officials reportedly said that German Muslims had been invited to be trained in the Sa’ada center, where they said students were urged to attack Christians and Jews.
According to a traditional Salafi sheikh based in Sana’a who asked for anonymity, students at the center are trained to use of light weapons, but only to be used if necessary as a self-defense and that the training started only after the students felt increasingly threatened by the Houthis.
The German accusations against the center follow the failed attempt, by Nigerian youth Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, to blow up a Detroit-headed plane on Christmas day, and the increased international focus on Al-Qaeda in Yemen as a result.
Adulmutallab, who attended university in London, has admitted to having received military training and equipment from Al-Qaeda in Yemen.
“The students and their supervisors in Sa’ada, where civil war is spreading, are in touch with Al-Qaeda elements. It is believed that there are training camps belonging to the mentioned center,” the spokesman of the General Prosecution in Munich told the German press.
According to the German press, many new converts to Islam from Europe and the US are still studying at the Dar Al-Hadeeth Center for Islamic Studies, among them are ten Muslims from Germany. The Yemen Times was unable to verify these figures.
The Dar Al-Hadeeth Center for Islamic Studies was established in 1979 by Moqbil Bin Hadi Al-Wade’e, a Salafi scholar and is an Islamic center for teaching Quran sciences and the traditions of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
The center’s establishment was funded by the Islamic Scholarship Fund in Mecca and, before September 2001, had reportedly attracted 5,000 students from countries all over the world.
Unlike the Iman University in Sana’a, where different Islamic ideologies are taught, Dar Al-Hadeeth only teaches the Quran and the Hadith, according to the Salafi source.
The Dar Al-Hadeeth Center became the center for Salafism in Yemen, but now has branches in other parts of Yemen as well. Dozens graduate from the center and with their own interpretations now manage their own Salafi institutes. Examples include the Ma’bar Center headed by Mohammad Al-Imam in Dhamar and the Marib Center headed by Egyptian Abu Al-Hasan “Al-Maribi” in Marib, in addition to many other small centers in Sana’a, Aden, Taiz, Ibb and Hadramout.
Traditional Salafism is not political
According to Abdulfatah Al-Hakimi, a Yemeni academic, Al-Wade’e was particular is arguing for a split between religion and politics. Among his strict views, he rejected political associations and viewed elections as invalid. He also disapproved of eating with a spoon.
Al-Wade’e’s stand against forming political associations which led to a serious split among Salafis, starting in the early nineties. After the death of Al-Wade’e in 2001, an argument about who would succeed him as head of the Dar Al-Hadeeth Center led to a split in Salafism in Yemen. Sheikh Yahya Bin Ali Al-Hajori has now taken up his position.
A new, more active Salafi trend has appeared with the founding of the Al-Hikma Al-Yemeniyya and Al-Ihsan charitable associations. Abdullah Al-Zaidy, the head of Al-Hikma Al-Yemeniyya has published a magazine titled Al-Forkan in which Sheikh Al-Wade’e’s thoughts are refuted.
Where the followers of recent Salafi trends can be involved in politics, the followers of Al-Wade’e’s more traditional Salafism are usually not.
COMMENTSPost a Comment
n.murshed2010.01.29usacould we replace these schools with lets say an engineering school, or a medical school or just a vocational school that has real life practical application?Post a Comment
Also a former British student at Dammaj2010.01.28SanaaThese are lies spread by the German media. The Salafi ideology is based on Quran and Hadith and refutes strongly the takfiri ideologies of Alqaeda and also the Houthis and secessionist demontrators. It calls people to follow the religion of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam which forbids the killing of non-muslims who come to visit muslim countries, forbids taking a flight and blowing it up, forbids living in a non-muslim country and ranting rubbish about their country and then using your position to kill a few. In fact, you should be a good example to them, not freak them out by always talking about blood on the streets like the takfiris do. This is what I remember at Dar Alhadith with Sheikh Muqbil and Sheikh Yahya, and others. We never had weapons training, and were never offered, it does not exist. After the civil war I am sure the students have had to be careful for their own safety, but mashallah, while the region around them has been destroyed by fighting and sectarianism, they have kept well away from this evil and carried on studying their religion. That is how they survived and still exist today, their call stronger and better. Nowhere is there any peace in Sadah region except Dammaj village where people live in peace, even the students and Shia villagers live side by side and dependent on each other. The German report is a gross fabrication.Post a Comment
Osama2010.01.28America. Manchesteryou gotta write to make people aware of what it is going to happen soon, you all know about the meeting held soon by the U.S and other countries. Wake up Post a Comment
D.M.2010.01.26USAThe typical muslim country and or arab country spends 30 percent of their curiculum on islamic studies. How benefical is that when most if not all these countries are impoverished? Please, let us look at this objectively. The “sunnah” means following the ways of someone who lived in a different time era, more than 1400 hundred years ago. Now the salfais view of the sunnah is to follow it exactly. How the helk is that not going to produce clashes with today’s world? We, as Muslims, have to really critique ourselves objectively. It is not a sin punishable by death to critique a way of life that is out of date. And please, lets not just blame the people that follow this system and not the system itself. And yes, i am a muslim, from yemen.Post a Comment
Abu Salman Al Sawahie2010.01.25Saudia Arabia, Dammamwe are in a very critical situation that really needs from us to be one hand against enemies. Such stories will rais to devide Yemeni people and make them fighting to prove their different beleives and points. Let us all pray that Allah will look into Yemen Nation with His mercifull eye.Post a Comment
Hassan Basarally2010.01.25TrinidadA couple of questions: 1. You say"Unlike the Iman University in Sana’a, where different Islamic ideologies are taught, Dar Al-Hadeeth only teaches the Quran and the Hadith, according to the Salafi source." Isn't the "salafi source" the Quran and Sunnah, how can anyone have a problem with that? Also the Iman University is known as a breeding ground of the Ikhwan al Muslimoon in Yemen. This group advocates violent removal of governments. Sre they not a real threat to Yemen? 2. You say "Al-Wade’e’s stand against forming political associations which led to a serious split among Salafis, starting in the early nineties." What evidence is there of this split? 3. You say "After the death of Al-Wade’e in 2001, an argument about who would succeed him as head of the Dar Al-Hadeeth Center led to a split in Salafism in Yemen." Again any evidence? 4. You say "A new, more active Salafi trend has appeared with the founding of the Al-Hikma Al-Yemeniyya and Al-Ihsan charitable associations. Abdullah Al-Zaidy, the head of Al-Hikma Al-Yemeniyya has published a magazine titled Al-Forkan in which Sheikh Al-Wade’e’s thoughts are refuted." What thoughts are refuted?Post a Comment
FormerStudent2010.01.24USIt shows how stupid you are Mr/Mrs spokesman of the General Prosecution. You dont deserve anymore comment Post a Comment
the cheetah2010.01.24askmeEnemies of Islam are always working and fabricating stories and actions to invade, colonize, and control Muslim's freedom, wealth, and properties. They use their names and shapes to smear (to defame) their reputations. They consider Muslims stupid human living. This is politics games…etc Basically, they make seditions among ethnic, belief, and schools. Making Muslims much weaker, weaker, weaker. Through their tongues and people. Post a Comment
FormerStudentofDarulHadith2010.01.24USYeah you are right. Do you remember the stupid ass George W Bush and his WMD? That dumb ass finally succeeded in murdering Sadam Hussein. Why? He said because he tried to murder my daddy. I believe there's another reason too, it's oil. So let's see what they have in store for Yemen.Post a Comment
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Djibouti says to commit 450 troops to Somalia
28 Jan 28, 2010 - 7:55:14 AM
ADDIS ABABA, Jan 28 (Reuters) - Djibouti said on Thursday it planned to send 450 soldiers to Somalia possibly next month to boost the African Union (AU) peace mission that is protecting the fragile Western-backed government.
Uganda and Burundi each have 2,500 peacekeepers in Mogadishu with the AU's AMISOM force in Mogadishu.
Its soldiers come under near-daily attacks from roadside bombs and rebel artillery. The force is struggling to raise its numbers beyond the 5,000 troops already present in the anarchic nation that has had no functional central government since 1991.
"We are preparing our troops. We are training them so that they can carry out their mission in a very efficient way," Djibouti's Foreign Minister Mahmoud Ali Youssouf told Reuters on the sidelines of an African Union foreign ministers' meeting.
Youssouf said he hoped his country's contribution would inspire others to do the same.
"Somalia is a neighbouring country. We have a very close relationship. We can see what is going on there and we have to contribute as Africans," he said.
Since the beginning of 2007, fighting between pro-government militia and the Islamist al Shabaab group -- which Washington terms as al Qaeda's proxy in the region -- has killed more than 21,000 Somalis and driven 1.5 million from their homes.
Together with Hizbul Islam, another hardline Islamist group, al Shabaab wants to impose a harsh version of sharia Islamic law in the country.
Youssouf said the region must remain watchful against extremist groups.
"We have to be very vigilant because al Qaeda has a very large network in the Arabian peninsula and also in the Horn of Africa," he said.
Separately, AU Commission Chairman Jean Ping said in a speech that Somalia's best hope was its transitional government and urged the international community to implement their pledges for aid.
International donors pledged $213 million at a conference in Belgium about a year ago, but Somalia's government complains that only a small proportion has so far been delivered.
ADDIS ABABA, Jan 28 (Reuters) - Djibouti said on Thursday it planned to send 450 soldiers to Somalia possibly next month to boost the African Union (AU) peace mission that is protecting the fragile Western-backed government.
Uganda and Burundi each have 2,500 peacekeepers in Mogadishu with the AU's AMISOM force in Mogadishu.
Its soldiers come under near-daily attacks from roadside bombs and rebel artillery. The force is struggling to raise its numbers beyond the 5,000 troops already present in the anarchic nation that has had no functional central government since 1991.
"We are preparing our troops. We are training them so that they can carry out their mission in a very efficient way," Djibouti's Foreign Minister Mahmoud Ali Youssouf told Reuters on the sidelines of an African Union foreign ministers' meeting.
Youssouf said he hoped his country's contribution would inspire others to do the same.
"Somalia is a neighbouring country. We have a very close relationship. We can see what is going on there and we have to contribute as Africans," he said.
Since the beginning of 2007, fighting between pro-government militia and the Islamist al Shabaab group -- which Washington terms as al Qaeda's proxy in the region -- has killed more than 21,000 Somalis and driven 1.5 million from their homes.
Together with Hizbul Islam, another hardline Islamist group, al Shabaab wants to impose a harsh version of sharia Islamic law in the country.
Youssouf said the region must remain watchful against extremist groups.
"We have to be very vigilant because al Qaeda has a very large network in the Arabian peninsula and also in the Horn of Africa," he said.
Separately, AU Commission Chairman Jean Ping said in a speech that Somalia's best hope was its transitional government and urged the international community to implement their pledges for aid.
International donors pledged $213 million at a conference in Belgium about a year ago, but Somalia's government complains that only a small proportion has so far been delivered.
Galkayo hospital “desperate for supplies”
28 Jan 28, 2010 - 7:53:40 AM
NAIROBI, 28 January 2010 (IRIN) - Galkayo Hospital in northern Somalia, once a large, fully equipped referral facility, has become a shadow of its former self since the collapse of the central government in 1991, according to medical staff.
"The hospital is for all practical purposes closed. We have nothing. It lacks basic equipment to treat even small injuries," Abdullahi Hirsi Jestro, a doctor, told IRIN.
Jestro and other medical staff have started a campaign to re-open the hospital.
It is the only public health facility in north Galkayo, in the self-declared autonomous region of Puntland, he said, adding that the most needy were now unable to access medical care.
There are several private clinics in the town but they are beyond the financial reach of most, he said. "Almost 90 percent cannot afford to go to a private clinic," he said.
The campaign, Jestro added, aimed to help the most vulnerable in the town - "displaced women, children and elderly and the very poor. Those are the ones this hospital is meant to help," he told IRIN.
The operating theatre is just one of the facilities in the 70-bed hospital that needs to be re-equipped. "Almost all departments from the children's wing to the maternity ward need [supplies]," said Maimun Farah, the hospital director.
"We don’t even have IV fluid," she said. The doctors were there "but without the proper equipment and the medicines, they are useless”.
She urged international aid agencies to help. "We need all the help we can get, particularly in the provision of the more expensive equipment and supplies."
Jestro said the hospital buildings were in fair shape and most of the local doctors were committed to offering their services. "All we need now is to raise funds for the equipment, the drugs and the general staff."
The town's business community has pledged to help but that was not enough. "We are appealing to our brothers and sisters in the diaspora to contribute generously to this endeavour."
Increased insecurity
Galkayo, which is home to thousands of displaced people, has in the past few months suffered increased insecurity, with a rise in explosions and fatalities, blamed by locals on the displaced who have fled fighting to seek refuge in the town.
Halimo Jama, 45, went to the hospital seeking help. She had a miscarriage, which led to severe bleeding. "I have nowhere else to go. I cannot afford a private doctor, so I came here."
She said the doctors had examined her but now she had to look for the medicine. “I don’t know how I will find the money.”
The UN estimates that at least 1.5 million Somalis are internally displaced while 3.7 million require humanitarian aid.
Source: IRIN
NAIROBI, 28 January 2010 (IRIN) - Galkayo Hospital in northern Somalia, once a large, fully equipped referral facility, has become a shadow of its former self since the collapse of the central government in 1991, according to medical staff.
"The hospital is for all practical purposes closed. We have nothing. It lacks basic equipment to treat even small injuries," Abdullahi Hirsi Jestro, a doctor, told IRIN.
Jestro and other medical staff have started a campaign to re-open the hospital.
It is the only public health facility in north Galkayo, in the self-declared autonomous region of Puntland, he said, adding that the most needy were now unable to access medical care.
There are several private clinics in the town but they are beyond the financial reach of most, he said. "Almost 90 percent cannot afford to go to a private clinic," he said.
The campaign, Jestro added, aimed to help the most vulnerable in the town - "displaced women, children and elderly and the very poor. Those are the ones this hospital is meant to help," he told IRIN.
The operating theatre is just one of the facilities in the 70-bed hospital that needs to be re-equipped. "Almost all departments from the children's wing to the maternity ward need [supplies]," said Maimun Farah, the hospital director.
"We don’t even have IV fluid," she said. The doctors were there "but without the proper equipment and the medicines, they are useless”.
She urged international aid agencies to help. "We need all the help we can get, particularly in the provision of the more expensive equipment and supplies."
Jestro said the hospital buildings were in fair shape and most of the local doctors were committed to offering their services. "All we need now is to raise funds for the equipment, the drugs and the general staff."
The town's business community has pledged to help but that was not enough. "We are appealing to our brothers and sisters in the diaspora to contribute generously to this endeavour."
Increased insecurity
Galkayo, which is home to thousands of displaced people, has in the past few months suffered increased insecurity, with a rise in explosions and fatalities, blamed by locals on the displaced who have fled fighting to seek refuge in the town.
Halimo Jama, 45, went to the hospital seeking help. She had a miscarriage, which led to severe bleeding. "I have nowhere else to go. I cannot afford a private doctor, so I came here."
She said the doctors had examined her but now she had to look for the medicine. “I don’t know how I will find the money.”
The UN estimates that at least 1.5 million Somalis are internally displaced while 3.7 million require humanitarian aid.
Source: IRIN
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Kooxda Alshabaab oo maamul kaga dhawaaqday degmada ceel dheer
Wararka naga soo gaaraya DegmadaCeeldheer oo ka tirsan Gobalka Galagaduud ayaa sheegaya in degmadaa maanta maamul u magacabeen Urur diimaydka Alshabaab kaa oo hoostagi doona Maamuladooda.
Maamulkaa ayaa waxaa ku dhawaaqay Madaxa siyaasada iyo xiriirka Gobolada u qaabilsan Sheekh Xuseen Cali Fiidoow waxaana goobtaasi lugu magacaabay ku sugnaa saraakiil sar sare oo xarakada ka mid ah.
Wakiilka degmadaa ayaa loo magacaabay Liibaan Cabdi Aadan halka Taliyaha Ciidamada loo dhiibay Macalin bashiir Macalin Cali.
Sheekh Yuusuf Kaba-kutukade oo ah mas’uulka dhawaan wakiilka Gobolka Gal-gaduud loo magacaabay ayaa goobtaasi ka hadlay waxa uuna kula dardaarmay xubnihii maamulka cusub in ay waajibka saaran ka soo baxaan.
Maamulkaan ayaa qeyb ka ah maamulo kooxda Al-shabaab inta badan u sameeyeen gobolada Koonfureed ee dalka Soomaaliya qayba kamid ah hasayyeeshee arintaan ayaa walaac ku abuurtay dad badan oo goobahaa ay ka taliyaan kuu nool kuwaasi oo ay gacanta ku hayaan intooda badan
Maamulkaa ayaa waxaa ku dhawaaqay Madaxa siyaasada iyo xiriirka Gobolada u qaabilsan Sheekh Xuseen Cali Fiidoow waxaana goobtaasi lugu magacaabay ku sugnaa saraakiil sar sare oo xarakada ka mid ah.
Wakiilka degmadaa ayaa loo magacaabay Liibaan Cabdi Aadan halka Taliyaha Ciidamada loo dhiibay Macalin bashiir Macalin Cali.
Sheekh Yuusuf Kaba-kutukade oo ah mas’uulka dhawaan wakiilka Gobolka Gal-gaduud loo magacaabay ayaa goobtaasi ka hadlay waxa uuna kula dardaarmay xubnihii maamulka cusub in ay waajibka saaran ka soo baxaan.
Maamulkaan ayaa qeyb ka ah maamulo kooxda Al-shabaab inta badan u sameeyeen gobolada Koonfureed ee dalka Soomaaliya qayba kamid ah hasayyeeshee arintaan ayaa walaac ku abuurtay dad badan oo goobahaa ay ka taliyaan kuu nool kuwaasi oo ay gacanta ku hayaan intooda badan
Dagaaladii Warxoollo oo soo dhamaaday iyo Dhinacyada oo Guulo kala sheegtay.
Waxaa Duhurnimadii Maanta soo gaba gaboobay dagaaladii cuslaa ee saaka ka qarxay Tula Warxoolo Gobalka G/gaduud bartamaha dalka Somalia.
Wararka nagasoo gaaraya Warxoollo ayaa xaqiijinaya in dagaalkii saaka uu soo dhamaaday islamarkaana Khasaara aad u xoogan uu kala gaaray dhinacyadii dagaalamayay ee Ururka Ahlusuna iyo Al Shabaab.
Dadka ku sugan Tuulada Warxoollo ayaa soo sheegay in dhinac kamid ha dhinacyadii soo weeraray Warxoollo uu dib uga gurtay Tuuladaasi xaaladuna ay tahay mid degan.
Wararka ayaa intaas ku daraya in Ciidamada Ahlusuna ay dib ugu laabteen degmada Guriceel Gobalkaasi G/gaduud kadib markii ay galeen dagaal faraha looga gubtay.
qof ku sugan Goonlle Goonlle oo u dhexeeya Guri Ceel iyo Warxoolla ayaa Saxaafadda u xaqiijiyay in Ciidankii saaka weeraray Warxoolle ay u dhaafeen dhanka Guriceel.
Dadka reer miyiga ah ayaa bilaabay in ay u Biya doontaan Ceelka Warxoolla oo saaka xirmay kadib dagaalo qaraar oo ka dhacayay hareeraha tuuladaasi.
dhinacyadii dagaalamay ayaa sidoo kale guullo ka kala sheegtay dagaalka, Afhayeenka Al Shabaab Cali Dheere oo Saxaafadda lahadlay ayaa sheegay in Xoogagoodu ay iska difaaceen weerar ay Ahlusuna kusoo qaaday.
Sidoo kale Afhayeenka Ahlusuna Yuusuf Al qaadi ayaa sheegay in dhankoodu ay guulo gaareen balse ay dib ka faah faahin doonaan.
Dagaaladan soo laa laabtay ee ka dhacaya Tuulooyinka iyo degmooyinka Gobalka G/gaduud ayaa caqab ku ah Nolosha dadka Reer Miyiga a
Wararka nagasoo gaaraya Warxoollo ayaa xaqiijinaya in dagaalkii saaka uu soo dhamaaday islamarkaana Khasaara aad u xoogan uu kala gaaray dhinacyadii dagaalamayay ee Ururka Ahlusuna iyo Al Shabaab.
Dadka ku sugan Tuulada Warxoollo ayaa soo sheegay in dhinac kamid ha dhinacyadii soo weeraray Warxoollo uu dib uga gurtay Tuuladaasi xaaladuna ay tahay mid degan.
Wararka ayaa intaas ku daraya in Ciidamada Ahlusuna ay dib ugu laabteen degmada Guriceel Gobalkaasi G/gaduud kadib markii ay galeen dagaal faraha looga gubtay.
qof ku sugan Goonlle Goonlle oo u dhexeeya Guri Ceel iyo Warxoolla ayaa Saxaafadda u xaqiijiyay in Ciidankii saaka weeraray Warxoolle ay u dhaafeen dhanka Guriceel.
Dadka reer miyiga ah ayaa bilaabay in ay u Biya doontaan Ceelka Warxoolla oo saaka xirmay kadib dagaalo qaraar oo ka dhacayay hareeraha tuuladaasi.
dhinacyadii dagaalamay ayaa sidoo kale guullo ka kala sheegtay dagaalka, Afhayeenka Al Shabaab Cali Dheere oo Saxaafadda lahadlay ayaa sheegay in Xoogagoodu ay iska difaaceen weerar ay Ahlusuna kusoo qaaday.
Sidoo kale Afhayeenka Ahlusuna Yuusuf Al qaadi ayaa sheegay in dhankoodu ay guulo gaareen balse ay dib ka faah faahin doonaan.
Dagaaladan soo laa laabtay ee ka dhacaya Tuulooyinka iyo degmooyinka Gobalka G/gaduud ayaa caqab ku ah Nolosha dadka Reer Miyiga a
Cali Dheere “Doon Hub siday ayaan G/gaduud ku qabanay Dadkii watayna waa Gowracnay”.
Dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ayaa lagu Eedeeyay in ay si dadban uga qayb qaadanayso Dagaalada ka socda Gobalada Hiiraan iyo Galgaduud kuwaasi oo loogasoo horjeedo Islaamiyiinta Mayalka adag.
Afhayeenka Al Shabaab Sheekh Cali Dheere oo Maanta Saxaafadda lahadlay ayaa sheegay in ay Gacanta kusoo dhigeen Doonyo Hub usiday Gobalka Galgaduud oo laga diray magaalada Muqdisho.
Al Shabaab waxay Dowlada KMG ah ku Eedeeyay in ay saanado Hub ah u dirtay degmada Ceeldheer Gobalkaasi Galgaduud si loogu hubeeyo Maleeshiyaad deegaanka ah oo taageersan Dowladda KMG ah.
“Sedax doonyood oo Muqdisho lga diray ayaan ku qabanay Xeebaha degmada Ceel Dheer waana Gowracnay Dadkii Hubkaasi weday,Dowladda Muqdisho ku go’doonsan baa sidaas yeeshay”ayuu yiri Cali Dheere.
Afhayeenka Al Shabaab wuxuu intaasi ku daray in Hubkan uu ka buuxay Sanaadiiq iyo Jawaano lana doonayay in laga qaybiyo Ceeldheer iyo Tuulooyinka ku teedsan, lama oga xaqiiqda Warka shabaab waxaase aan caad saarnayn iyo Dowlada KMG ah iyo wadama Deriska ah ay taageeraan Ururka Ahlusuna Waljamaaca ee Galgaduud ka dagaalamo.
Ilaa iyo Hadda Wax War ah kamasoo bixin Dowlada KMG ah ee ku aadan Eedaynta kasoo yeertay Shabaab ee ku aadan in ay Hub u daabushay Ceeldheer.
Dhinaca kale Al Shabaab waxay ku hanjabtay in ay dagaal kula wareegi doonto degmooyinka Gobalka Galgaduud “Waqtiyada soo socda waxay shacabka Gaglgaduud maqli doonaan Bishaarooyin aan kooxaha Cadawga ah uga saari doono gobalka” Cali dheere.
Gobalka Galgaduud ayaa sanadkii lasoo dhaafay ahaa goob ay ku dagaalamaan Al Shabaab iyo Ururka Ahlusuna Waljamaaca mana muuqdo Dowr ay Dowladu dagaalkaasi ka qaadanayso.
Ramadaan Sheekh Mohamed
RBC Muqdisho-Somalia
Afhayeenka Al Shabaab Sheekh Cali Dheere oo Maanta Saxaafadda lahadlay ayaa sheegay in ay Gacanta kusoo dhigeen Doonyo Hub usiday Gobalka Galgaduud oo laga diray magaalada Muqdisho.
Al Shabaab waxay Dowlada KMG ah ku Eedeeyay in ay saanado Hub ah u dirtay degmada Ceeldheer Gobalkaasi Galgaduud si loogu hubeeyo Maleeshiyaad deegaanka ah oo taageersan Dowladda KMG ah.
“Sedax doonyood oo Muqdisho lga diray ayaan ku qabanay Xeebaha degmada Ceel Dheer waana Gowracnay Dadkii Hubkaasi weday,Dowladda Muqdisho ku go’doonsan baa sidaas yeeshay”ayuu yiri Cali Dheere.
Afhayeenka Al Shabaab wuxuu intaasi ku daray in Hubkan uu ka buuxay Sanaadiiq iyo Jawaano lana doonayay in laga qaybiyo Ceeldheer iyo Tuulooyinka ku teedsan, lama oga xaqiiqda Warka shabaab waxaase aan caad saarnayn iyo Dowlada KMG ah iyo wadama Deriska ah ay taageeraan Ururka Ahlusuna Waljamaaca ee Galgaduud ka dagaalamo.
Ilaa iyo Hadda Wax War ah kamasoo bixin Dowlada KMG ah ee ku aadan Eedaynta kasoo yeertay Shabaab ee ku aadan in ay Hub u daabushay Ceeldheer.
Dhinaca kale Al Shabaab waxay ku hanjabtay in ay dagaal kula wareegi doonto degmooyinka Gobalka Galgaduud “Waqtiyada soo socda waxay shacabka Gaglgaduud maqli doonaan Bishaarooyin aan kooxaha Cadawga ah uga saari doono gobalka” Cali dheere.
Gobalka Galgaduud ayaa sanadkii lasoo dhaafay ahaa goob ay ku dagaalamaan Al Shabaab iyo Ururka Ahlusuna Waljamaaca mana muuqdo Dowr ay Dowladu dagaalkaasi ka qaadanayso.
Ramadaan Sheekh Mohamed
RBC Muqdisho-Somalia
ANALYSIS-No quick fix for Yemen, powers commit to long haul
Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:11pm GMT
LONDON, Jan 27 (Reuters) - International talks to stop Yemen from joining the club of failed states and becoming the regional command for al Qaeda mark the start of a broader and more comprehensive strategy to fight militancy by major powers.
The London talks galvanised global support for Yemen and its government recognised the urgent need for economic and political reforms to help fight al Qaeda militancy which could threaten regional stability, according to a draft conference statement.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown called the meeting after a Yemen-based al Qaeda affiliate said it was behind a failed Dec. 25 bid to blow up a U.S.-bound plane with 300 people aboard.
* The botched Christmas bomb attack was a wake-up call to the United States, its Western and Sunni Arab allies that Yemen's lawlessness has reached an alarming level that could no longer be ignored in the oil-producing region.
* It drove home how al Qaeda could threaten Western interests from Yemen, compounding security challenges already posed by lawless Somalia just across the Gulf of Aden.
"This is a step in the right direction but a global solution and broader approach will have to follow. It is a very complicated situation," London-based Yemen expert Khairallah Khairallah said of the strategy for Yemen.
"But it is the first time that all these countries are really concerned about Yemen, that it could turn into another Afghanistan or Somalia," he said, adding:
"They cannot face a state failure that can lead to worsening instability in the region and beyond."
* The meeting underlined a broader approach to tackling radicalisation in Yemen by targeting reforms, infrastructure, corruption, building institutions and most importantly addressing poverty, a breeding ground for militancy.
"The meeting is only a foundation and a starting point for all the major powers to work together but it is quite an important step really," London-based Yemen expert Henry Thompson told Reuters.
"This meeting has shown a greater level of international involvement, a much greater level of engagement from Yemen's immediate neighbours on how to provide aid and how to foresee the implementation of this aid," Thompson said.
* Nobody expects a quick fix in a country beset by a Shi'ite Muslim insurgency in the north, separatist unrest in the south, al Qaeda militancy, a weak state, corruption and a dire economy with 42 percent of Yemen's 23 million people living on $2 a day.
* Donors say it would take a while to gear up and provide assistance mainly because they would need to set up the mechanisms to oversee the distribution of funds.
* One clear outcome of the meeting is that donors all agree that just pumping in more unregulated money or providing more military assistance as they did in the past was not enough. Any more aid will be closely scrutinised and conditioned with the Yemeni government enacting reforms.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has referred to Yemen's governance shortcomings, saying the West should tie strings to aid to President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who has ruled for three decades via his northern tribal power base, patronage networks and support in the armed and security services.
"It's more about trying to show international support, create unity, get a common sense of what is needed and what people's capacity to contribute is, and then build a game plan from there," said one U.S. official, who declined to be named.
"Yemen is not a failed state but it's an incredibly fragile state," British Foreign Office Minister Ivan Lewis said.
"We want to get in there early to offer assistance and to prevent Yemen becoming a failed state," he said.
"There is an international commitment now to oversee the development of Yemen but donors won't just give money to the government of Ali Abdullah Saleh. They would want to see action on implementation and a serious approach in dealing with al Qaeda," one Arab delegate said.
* One Western demand in Yemen's fight against al Qaeda is for the Yemeni authorities to screen the security forces for possible penetration by al Qaeda, who Saleh had used in the past to fight his own enemies in the south and north.
* Some Yemen watchers fear that if the separatist movement in the south gathers strength and seeks outside alliances this could lead to a new civil war that could become the regional frontline between Shi'ite Iran and Sunni powers led by Saudi Arabia, which regards Yemen as its backyard.
Yemen last fought a civil war in 1994. "There is real concern now. Nobody wants to see the disintegration of Yemen," one analyst said. (Reporting by Samia Nakhoul, editing by Peter Millership)
LONDON, Jan 27 (Reuters) - International talks to stop Yemen from joining the club of failed states and becoming the regional command for al Qaeda mark the start of a broader and more comprehensive strategy to fight militancy by major powers.
The London talks galvanised global support for Yemen and its government recognised the urgent need for economic and political reforms to help fight al Qaeda militancy which could threaten regional stability, according to a draft conference statement.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown called the meeting after a Yemen-based al Qaeda affiliate said it was behind a failed Dec. 25 bid to blow up a U.S.-bound plane with 300 people aboard.
* The botched Christmas bomb attack was a wake-up call to the United States, its Western and Sunni Arab allies that Yemen's lawlessness has reached an alarming level that could no longer be ignored in the oil-producing region.
* It drove home how al Qaeda could threaten Western interests from Yemen, compounding security challenges already posed by lawless Somalia just across the Gulf of Aden.
"This is a step in the right direction but a global solution and broader approach will have to follow. It is a very complicated situation," London-based Yemen expert Khairallah Khairallah said of the strategy for Yemen.
"But it is the first time that all these countries are really concerned about Yemen, that it could turn into another Afghanistan or Somalia," he said, adding:
"They cannot face a state failure that can lead to worsening instability in the region and beyond."
* The meeting underlined a broader approach to tackling radicalisation in Yemen by targeting reforms, infrastructure, corruption, building institutions and most importantly addressing poverty, a breeding ground for militancy.
"The meeting is only a foundation and a starting point for all the major powers to work together but it is quite an important step really," London-based Yemen expert Henry Thompson told Reuters.
"This meeting has shown a greater level of international involvement, a much greater level of engagement from Yemen's immediate neighbours on how to provide aid and how to foresee the implementation of this aid," Thompson said.
* Nobody expects a quick fix in a country beset by a Shi'ite Muslim insurgency in the north, separatist unrest in the south, al Qaeda militancy, a weak state, corruption and a dire economy with 42 percent of Yemen's 23 million people living on $2 a day.
* Donors say it would take a while to gear up and provide assistance mainly because they would need to set up the mechanisms to oversee the distribution of funds.
* One clear outcome of the meeting is that donors all agree that just pumping in more unregulated money or providing more military assistance as they did in the past was not enough. Any more aid will be closely scrutinised and conditioned with the Yemeni government enacting reforms.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has referred to Yemen's governance shortcomings, saying the West should tie strings to aid to President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who has ruled for three decades via his northern tribal power base, patronage networks and support in the armed and security services.
"It's more about trying to show international support, create unity, get a common sense of what is needed and what people's capacity to contribute is, and then build a game plan from there," said one U.S. official, who declined to be named.
"Yemen is not a failed state but it's an incredibly fragile state," British Foreign Office Minister Ivan Lewis said.
"We want to get in there early to offer assistance and to prevent Yemen becoming a failed state," he said.
"There is an international commitment now to oversee the development of Yemen but donors won't just give money to the government of Ali Abdullah Saleh. They would want to see action on implementation and a serious approach in dealing with al Qaeda," one Arab delegate said.
* One Western demand in Yemen's fight against al Qaeda is for the Yemeni authorities to screen the security forces for possible penetration by al Qaeda, who Saleh had used in the past to fight his own enemies in the south and north.
* Some Yemen watchers fear that if the separatist movement in the south gathers strength and seeks outside alliances this could lead to a new civil war that could become the regional frontline between Shi'ite Iran and Sunni powers led by Saudi Arabia, which regards Yemen as its backyard.
Yemen last fought a civil war in 1994. "There is real concern now. Nobody wants to see the disintegration of Yemen," one analyst said. (Reporting by Samia Nakhoul, editing by Peter Millership)
Britain and US pledge to support Yemeni government
Britain and the US have pledged to prop up the regime in Yemen as diplomats warn the country is running out of water and money at the same time as it is facing pressure on three fronts from insurgents and terrorists.
By Duncan Gardham, Security Correspondent
Published: 8:12PM GMT 27 Jan 2010
Hosting a conference in London for 20 foreign ministers David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary said al-Qaeda had been "exploiting the insecurity" of Yemen but its problems did not begin and end there.
The conference was called in the wake of the attempted Christmas Day bombing by Umar Farouq Abdulmutallab, a former student at University College London, over Detroit.
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The Korean crisis is China's chance to show the world it has changedHillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, said the Yemenis had been "brutally honest about the problems they face" and had submitted one paper labelled "appalling indicators."
"It has given us an unvarnished view of what they are up against," she added.
Yemen's Foreign Minister Abu Bakr Abdullah al-Qirbi said the meeting had addressed how to tackle the country's economic problems which had led to "political problems and the biggest problem of all, terrorism."
The country is facing a rapidly growing population and already has two thirds under the age of 24 and massive unemployment.
Much of the water produced for irrigation is used to grow the drug khat rather than food and officials fear that Yemen could be the first country to run out of water.
Oil reserves are likely to run out in ten years time, which is particularly worrying because it accounts for 70 per cent of the country's income.
In addition the country has faced an insurgency from the shia Houthis in the north, a secessionist movement in the south fighting to re-establish divisions from before the civil war of 1994, and the growing threat from al-Qaeda terrorists.
Among those allegedly recruiting for al-Qaeda is the preacher Anwar al-Awlaki, who is said to have had a significant influence on Abdulmutallab and dozens of British extremists.
Despite the pledge of $5bn (£3.1bn) in aid at a conference in London four years ago, much of it has gone unspent because of Yemen's inability to identify suitable projects and fears of corruption.
Diplomats say the president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, has demonstrated a "masterly grasp of tribal dynamics" to stay in power for the last 11 years but he has only "scant control over certain parts of the country" and "corruption is endemic".
They warn that Yemen's problems are on the same level as those in sub-Saharan Africa and there are no "quick fix solutions."
The country's links with the failing state of Somalia, across the Gulf of Aden, are also a concern.
While Britain gives around £40 million a year in aid, only around £8m goes on "policing and justice"
At the conference the Yemeni government promised to pursue its "reform agenda," and to initiate discussion of an IMF programme.
Its neighbours in the Gulf Cooperation Council pledged to host a meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on 27 and 28 February to address the spending of aid money.
Britain, the US and the rest of the international partners have formed a Friends of Yemen group and promised to support the fight against al-Qaeda and other forms of terrorism.
It came as Saudi Arabia declared victory over the Houthi following a truce offer from the insurgents, who said they had withdrawn from all Saudi territory.
"We achieved a clear victory," Saudi Assistant Minister of Defence Prince Khaled bin Sultan told journalists, adding that the rebels had been forced from Saudi land. "We cleansed the area ... Withdrawal was not an option for them."
By Duncan Gardham, Security Correspondent
Published: 8:12PM GMT 27 Jan 2010
Hosting a conference in London for 20 foreign ministers David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary said al-Qaeda had been "exploiting the insecurity" of Yemen but its problems did not begin and end there.
The conference was called in the wake of the attempted Christmas Day bombing by Umar Farouq Abdulmutallab, a former student at University College London, over Detroit.
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The Korean crisis is China's chance to show the world it has changedHillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, said the Yemenis had been "brutally honest about the problems they face" and had submitted one paper labelled "appalling indicators."
"It has given us an unvarnished view of what they are up against," she added.
Yemen's Foreign Minister Abu Bakr Abdullah al-Qirbi said the meeting had addressed how to tackle the country's economic problems which had led to "political problems and the biggest problem of all, terrorism."
The country is facing a rapidly growing population and already has two thirds under the age of 24 and massive unemployment.
Much of the water produced for irrigation is used to grow the drug khat rather than food and officials fear that Yemen could be the first country to run out of water.
Oil reserves are likely to run out in ten years time, which is particularly worrying because it accounts for 70 per cent of the country's income.
In addition the country has faced an insurgency from the shia Houthis in the north, a secessionist movement in the south fighting to re-establish divisions from before the civil war of 1994, and the growing threat from al-Qaeda terrorists.
Among those allegedly recruiting for al-Qaeda is the preacher Anwar al-Awlaki, who is said to have had a significant influence on Abdulmutallab and dozens of British extremists.
Despite the pledge of $5bn (£3.1bn) in aid at a conference in London four years ago, much of it has gone unspent because of Yemen's inability to identify suitable projects and fears of corruption.
Diplomats say the president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, has demonstrated a "masterly grasp of tribal dynamics" to stay in power for the last 11 years but he has only "scant control over certain parts of the country" and "corruption is endemic".
They warn that Yemen's problems are on the same level as those in sub-Saharan Africa and there are no "quick fix solutions."
The country's links with the failing state of Somalia, across the Gulf of Aden, are also a concern.
While Britain gives around £40 million a year in aid, only around £8m goes on "policing and justice"
At the conference the Yemeni government promised to pursue its "reform agenda," and to initiate discussion of an IMF programme.
Its neighbours in the Gulf Cooperation Council pledged to host a meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on 27 and 28 February to address the spending of aid money.
Britain, the US and the rest of the international partners have formed a Friends of Yemen group and promised to support the fight against al-Qaeda and other forms of terrorism.
It came as Saudi Arabia declared victory over the Houthi following a truce offer from the insurgents, who said they had withdrawn from all Saudi territory.
"We achieved a clear victory," Saudi Assistant Minister of Defence Prince Khaled bin Sultan told journalists, adding that the rebels had been forced from Saudi land. "We cleansed the area ... Withdrawal was not an option for them."
Yemen pledges to reform and wins support for fight against al-QaidaForeign ministers from the US, Britain, Saudi Arabia and 20 other countries met to
Ian Black, Middle East editor guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 27 January 2010 20.20 GMT Article history
A protester holds a South Yemen flag during a demonstration outside 10 Downing Street. Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
Yemen tonight won broad international and Arab support for fighting al-Qaida but was urged to carry out economic and social reforms to address the causes of its instability and stop it becoming a failed state where extremism can flourish.
Foreign ministers from the US, Britain, Saudi Arabia and 20 other countries met in London at Gordon Brown's invitation to back President Ali Abdullah Salih and pledge not to interfere in Yemen's internal affairs. But they also issued a stark public warning of the dangers of inaction.
"The challenges in Yemen are growing and, if not addressed, risk threatening the stability of the country and broader region," said a statement issued after two hours of talks at the Foreign Office. It called for "urgent and concrete action" by Yemen to address "conditions conducive to radicalisation and instability".
Brown convened the meeting in response to the Christmas Day attempt by a Nigerian, Umar Farouq Abdulmutallab, to blow up a US passenger plane over Detroit – claimed by al-Qaida in the Arabian peninsula and praised by Osama bin Laden. Abdulmutallab is alleged to have been trained and equipped in Yemen.
Intercepted communications "chatter" from Yemen led to the decision last week to raise the UK terrorist threat level to severe, the Guardian has learned.
Alarm that al-Qaida is finding safe havens in the country's "ungoverned spaces" – tribal areas beyond the reach of the cash-strapped government – has triggered an intensive and largely clandestine US effort to assist Yemeni security forces with intelligence, equipment and training. The Washington Post reported that secret joint operations had resulted in the deaths of six al-Qaida leaders in recent weeks.
The London meeting promised to support Yemeni counter-terrorist capabilities, enhance aviation and border security, and strengthen coastguard operations. Yemen pledged in return to pursue reforms and initiate discussions with the IMF. An existing 10-point plan includes scrapping fuel subsidies and public sector jobs.
"We look to Yemen to enact reforms to improve the lot of its people and reduce the influence of groups like al-Qaida," said Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state. "If conflict and violence go unaddressed they will undermine the political reform and reconciliation that are essential to Yemen's progress."
David Miliband, the foreign secretary, said: "Yemen faces a crisis that could have implications for the people of Yemen and the whole region."
Abu Bakr al-Qirbi, Yemen's foreign minister, said: "We want to implement our national reform programme, combat terrorism and create an environment that will help us find political solutions through dialogue." Saudi Arabia, seen by the US and Britain as the key to support of its southern neighbour, agreed to host a follow-up conference next month to look at "the barriers to effective aid" – diplomatic code for the Sana'a government's shortcomings in terms of capacity, corruption and lack of transparency.
An international conference on Yemen in 2006 pledged $5bn (£3bn) in aid, but only 7% of that was spent. "The money is there but we need a mechanism to ensure it reaches ordinary people," a Gulf diplomat said.
Rising international concerns about instability in the Arab world's poorest country were underlined by the participation of the G8 countries, the EU and UN. The delegates were in London to attend Thursday's Afghanistan conference.
References in the statement to Yemen's sovereignty and independence reflected nervousness in Sana'a at charges by the opposition and Islamists that the west is dictating terms. Yemen is keen to emphasise that it can fight al-Qaida by itself and will not tolerate the presence of any foreign forces. President Barack Obama has insisted he will not put American "boots on the ground".
Saudi Arabia and the five other members of the Gulf Co-operation Council will join a new "friends of Yemen" group to monitor the country's security, economic and development issues. No new financial pledges were made.
Also in Yemen
In Sana'a, a Yemeni official announced the building of an $11m US-funded rehabilitation centre for returning Guantánamo detainees. There are 91 Yemenis left in the prison. Washington suspended transfers to Yemen this month because of the security situation. The US wants Yemen to emulate Saudi Arabia, which has rehabilitated former jihadis by combining religious re-education with material and social benefits.
A protester holds a South Yemen flag during a demonstration outside 10 Downing Street. Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
Yemen tonight won broad international and Arab support for fighting al-Qaida but was urged to carry out economic and social reforms to address the causes of its instability and stop it becoming a failed state where extremism can flourish.
Foreign ministers from the US, Britain, Saudi Arabia and 20 other countries met in London at Gordon Brown's invitation to back President Ali Abdullah Salih and pledge not to interfere in Yemen's internal affairs. But they also issued a stark public warning of the dangers of inaction.
"The challenges in Yemen are growing and, if not addressed, risk threatening the stability of the country and broader region," said a statement issued after two hours of talks at the Foreign Office. It called for "urgent and concrete action" by Yemen to address "conditions conducive to radicalisation and instability".
Brown convened the meeting in response to the Christmas Day attempt by a Nigerian, Umar Farouq Abdulmutallab, to blow up a US passenger plane over Detroit – claimed by al-Qaida in the Arabian peninsula and praised by Osama bin Laden. Abdulmutallab is alleged to have been trained and equipped in Yemen.
Intercepted communications "chatter" from Yemen led to the decision last week to raise the UK terrorist threat level to severe, the Guardian has learned.
Alarm that al-Qaida is finding safe havens in the country's "ungoverned spaces" – tribal areas beyond the reach of the cash-strapped government – has triggered an intensive and largely clandestine US effort to assist Yemeni security forces with intelligence, equipment and training. The Washington Post reported that secret joint operations had resulted in the deaths of six al-Qaida leaders in recent weeks.
The London meeting promised to support Yemeni counter-terrorist capabilities, enhance aviation and border security, and strengthen coastguard operations. Yemen pledged in return to pursue reforms and initiate discussions with the IMF. An existing 10-point plan includes scrapping fuel subsidies and public sector jobs.
"We look to Yemen to enact reforms to improve the lot of its people and reduce the influence of groups like al-Qaida," said Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state. "If conflict and violence go unaddressed they will undermine the political reform and reconciliation that are essential to Yemen's progress."
David Miliband, the foreign secretary, said: "Yemen faces a crisis that could have implications for the people of Yemen and the whole region."
Abu Bakr al-Qirbi, Yemen's foreign minister, said: "We want to implement our national reform programme, combat terrorism and create an environment that will help us find political solutions through dialogue." Saudi Arabia, seen by the US and Britain as the key to support of its southern neighbour, agreed to host a follow-up conference next month to look at "the barriers to effective aid" – diplomatic code for the Sana'a government's shortcomings in terms of capacity, corruption and lack of transparency.
An international conference on Yemen in 2006 pledged $5bn (£3bn) in aid, but only 7% of that was spent. "The money is there but we need a mechanism to ensure it reaches ordinary people," a Gulf diplomat said.
Rising international concerns about instability in the Arab world's poorest country were underlined by the participation of the G8 countries, the EU and UN. The delegates were in London to attend Thursday's Afghanistan conference.
References in the statement to Yemen's sovereignty and independence reflected nervousness in Sana'a at charges by the opposition and Islamists that the west is dictating terms. Yemen is keen to emphasise that it can fight al-Qaida by itself and will not tolerate the presence of any foreign forces. President Barack Obama has insisted he will not put American "boots on the ground".
Saudi Arabia and the five other members of the Gulf Co-operation Council will join a new "friends of Yemen" group to monitor the country's security, economic and development issues. No new financial pledges were made.
Also in Yemen
In Sana'a, a Yemeni official announced the building of an $11m US-funded rehabilitation centre for returning Guantánamo detainees. There are 91 Yemenis left in the prison. Washington suspended transfers to Yemen this month because of the security situation. The US wants Yemen to emulate Saudi Arabia, which has rehabilitated former jihadis by combining religious re-education with material and social benefits.
Jowhar(AllPuntland)- Madaxweynaha dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa umagacaabay gobalka Shabeelada Dhexe ee dalka Soomaaliya maa
Shir ay magaalooyinka Muqdisho iyo Jowhar ku yeesheen Odayaal kala gedisan ayaa lugu sheegay maamulka lugu dhawaaqay mid aysan waxba ka jirin, isla markaasna ladoonayo in dhib loogu siyaado shacabka gobalka Shabeelada Dhexe, iyagoo ugu baaqay Shariif Sheekh Axmed in uusan dhibaato waqtigan usoo jeedin Shacabka gobalkasi.
Odayaashan ayaa ku sheegay Maamulkii la magacaabay mid si gaar ah u magacowday Shariif, oo aan matalin gobalka Sh/Dhexe, iyagoo sheegay in uu yahay Maamulkaas mid laga dheereeyey dadka degan gobalka, isla markaasna laga soo buux dhaafiyey shaqsiyaad ay heyb hoose wadaagaan Shariif Sheekh Axmed.
Sarkaalkii horey Shariif ugu qaabilsanaa gobalkas oo ay ka soo ceyriyeen magaalada xarakada Al- Shabaab, ayaa diiday magacaabida dhacday, wuxuuna tibaaxay in aysan haba yaraatee waxba ka jirin arrimahaasi.
Daahir wuxuu tibaaxay in uu yahay Gudoomiyaha gobalka Shabeelada Dhexe, isagoo sheegay in aysan cidna ka qaadi Karin xilka gudoomiyenimada gobalkaas, isagoo ku eedeyey Shariif in uu magacaabay rag aad iskugu dhow yihiin oo aan gobalka ku laheyn shacbiyad, waa sida uu hadalka udhigaye.
Sidoo kale qaar ka mid ah xubnihii uu magacaabay Shariif ee loo magacaabay gobalkaas, ayaa qaarkood diiday xilalkii loo magacaabay, waxa ayna qaarkood oo jooga gudaha gobalka Shabeelada Dhexe, ay sheegeen in aysan qaban doonin xilal ay leedahay dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya.
Diidmada Odayaashan iyo dhinacyadan ayaa dhabar jab weyn ku noqotey Shariif Sheekh Axmed, oo ka soo jeeda gobalka laga diiday Siyaasadiisa maamul, waxa ayna shaqsiyaad aad ugu dhaw xaqiijiyeen in uusan Madaxweyne Shariif uarkeyn in ay dhici karto in sidan looga soo horjesto.
Odayaashan ayaa ku sheegay Maamulkii la magacaabay mid si gaar ah u magacowday Shariif, oo aan matalin gobalka Sh/Dhexe, iyagoo sheegay in uu yahay Maamulkaas mid laga dheereeyey dadka degan gobalka, isla markaasna laga soo buux dhaafiyey shaqsiyaad ay heyb hoose wadaagaan Shariif Sheekh Axmed.
Sarkaalkii horey Shariif ugu qaabilsanaa gobalkas oo ay ka soo ceyriyeen magaalada xarakada Al- Shabaab, ayaa diiday magacaabida dhacday, wuxuuna tibaaxay in aysan haba yaraatee waxba ka jirin arrimahaasi.
Daahir wuxuu tibaaxay in uu yahay Gudoomiyaha gobalka Shabeelada Dhexe, isagoo sheegay in aysan cidna ka qaadi Karin xilka gudoomiyenimada gobalkaas, isagoo ku eedeyey Shariif in uu magacaabay rag aad iskugu dhow yihiin oo aan gobalka ku laheyn shacbiyad, waa sida uu hadalka udhigaye.
Sidoo kale qaar ka mid ah xubnihii uu magacaabay Shariif ee loo magacaabay gobalkaas, ayaa qaarkood diiday xilalkii loo magacaabay, waxa ayna qaarkood oo jooga gudaha gobalka Shabeelada Dhexe, ay sheegeen in aysan qaban doonin xilal ay leedahay dawladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya.
Diidmada Odayaashan iyo dhinacyadan ayaa dhabar jab weyn ku noqotey Shariif Sheekh Axmed, oo ka soo jeeda gobalka laga diiday Siyaasadiisa maamul, waxa ayna shaqsiyaad aad ugu dhaw xaqiijiyeen in uusan Madaxweyne Shariif uarkeyn in ay dhici karto in sidan looga soo horjesto.
Somali Rebels Accused of Crime Within Capital
The radical Islamist group al-Shabab has recently been accused of a number of acts of theft, the most serious incident being the alleged robbery of a money wiring company.
Alan Boswell |Nairobi 20 January 2010
Recently trained al-Shabab fighters stand during military exercise in northern Mogadishu’s Suqaholaha neighborhood. photo: AFP
Criminal acts from armed forces are on the rise in Mogadishu. Islamist fighters have been accused of abusing civilians and looting private property.
The radical Islamist group al-Shabab has recently been accused of a number of acts of theft, the most serious incident being the alleged robbery of a money wiring company. The militants reportedly walked away with over $100,000 and a vehicle.
Moalim Hashi Mohamed Farah, the rebel group Hizbul Islam's appointed governor of the Banadir region that includes Mogadishu, apologized that some members of the anti-government forces were behind the armed robbery as well as other incidents of theft.
He said that an investigation is under way to expel those responsible from the rebel ranks. The Hizbul Islam official did not name any particular rebel group as responsible for the cited criminal activities.
Al-Shabab is the most dominant and most radical of the two rebel groups, but both have been fighting side-by-side in Mogadishu in a campaign to topple the Western-backed government.
But relations between the two groups have been shaky as a dispute over the southern port city of Kismayo has led to open conflict in the Lower Jubba area.
Analysts say the al-Shabab militant group is believed to be largely decentralized in command, and some youth within its movement could be taking advantage of the group's power.
Unconfirmed reports also suggest the group has ordered local detachments to begin raising their own funds, possibly indicating the insurgent force is facing a financial strain.
Al-Shabab has implemented Islamic sharia law within areas under its control and several Somalis have had their hands chopped off after allegedly caught stealing.
Since the removal of the Islamic Courts Union by Ethiopian forces in 2007, forces aligned to the transitional federal government have been blamed for abusing their power against civilians.
In October, a Somali member of parliament accused government soldiers of robbing him, saying they were setting up illegal checkpoints in order to shakedown passing civilians.
The African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia, known as AMISOM, has allegedly been responsible for numerous civilian deaths during the shelling of rebel-controlled areas.
Alan Boswell |Nairobi 20 January 2010
Recently trained al-Shabab fighters stand during military exercise in northern Mogadishu’s Suqaholaha neighborhood. photo: AFP
Criminal acts from armed forces are on the rise in Mogadishu. Islamist fighters have been accused of abusing civilians and looting private property.
The radical Islamist group al-Shabab has recently been accused of a number of acts of theft, the most serious incident being the alleged robbery of a money wiring company. The militants reportedly walked away with over $100,000 and a vehicle.
Moalim Hashi Mohamed Farah, the rebel group Hizbul Islam's appointed governor of the Banadir region that includes Mogadishu, apologized that some members of the anti-government forces were behind the armed robbery as well as other incidents of theft.
He said that an investigation is under way to expel those responsible from the rebel ranks. The Hizbul Islam official did not name any particular rebel group as responsible for the cited criminal activities.
Al-Shabab is the most dominant and most radical of the two rebel groups, but both have been fighting side-by-side in Mogadishu in a campaign to topple the Western-backed government.
But relations between the two groups have been shaky as a dispute over the southern port city of Kismayo has led to open conflict in the Lower Jubba area.
Analysts say the al-Shabab militant group is believed to be largely decentralized in command, and some youth within its movement could be taking advantage of the group's power.
Unconfirmed reports also suggest the group has ordered local detachments to begin raising their own funds, possibly indicating the insurgent force is facing a financial strain.
Al-Shabab has implemented Islamic sharia law within areas under its control and several Somalis have had their hands chopped off after allegedly caught stealing.
Since the removal of the Islamic Courts Union by Ethiopian forces in 2007, forces aligned to the transitional federal government have been blamed for abusing their power against civilians.
In October, a Somali member of parliament accused government soldiers of robbing him, saying they were setting up illegal checkpoints in order to shakedown passing civilians.
The African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia, known as AMISOM, has allegedly been responsible for numerous civilian deaths during the shelling of rebel-controlled areas.
Somalia Women on Music Censorship
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
By Suleiman Mbatiah
Fatma Adow reaches for a remote control to amplify the volume of her music player as she engages a customer in a seemingly funny joke. They talk loudly amid the thundering music from the woofers, and finally the customer parts with a music cassette. "Try this in Somalia, and that will be the end of you," she said. "You'll be lashed, stoned to death, or forever get shunned,” Fatma said.
Fatma is one of the 25 women, who on November 2008 faced the wrath of militiamen from the Islamic Courts Union for taking part in a folklore dance galore in Shabelle zone, Mogadishu, north of Somalia.
Somali Party
"How can our own culture be 'un-Islamic'?"
"Charges were opened against us, and we were accused of taking part in an 'un-Islamic event,'" she told IslamOnline.net (IOL). She managed to flee the country and is now operating a music shop in Eastleigh, a Nairobi suburb inhabited by Somalis.
Many Others
Such punishment, according to Fatma, has been meting out to a number of other Somalia woman musicians.
"Even our customers and spectators have also been punished for 'wasting' their time and corrupting morals," she added.
Lists of edicts have been circulated to a number of media houses, warning them to trash all secular songs from their broadcasts.
Late last year, Radio Warsame, a local private, commercial FM radio station in Baidoa region in southwestern Somalia, was ordered closed indefinitely by Al-Shabab movement, an Al-Qaeda proxy in Somalia.
"How can our own culture be 'un-Islamic'?"
"This is unacceptable. We have refused to air their tenets and are now zooming in to media houses from all angles. They have lashed women and imposed 'fatwa' on music. This is barbaric," Abdullah Adan, National Union of Somali Journalists told IOL.
Militants who control swathes of the Somalia have banned music in the country. Somalia musical bands are unfastened, and their careers discarded, and most of illustrious musicians and artists are now hopeless.
Lost Livelihood
"For the last four years, live has been miserable for Somalia women artists. Some have managed to flee to Europe, while others are still stuck in Somalia," said a sympathetic Fatma.
Cinema hall owners and event organizers have also lost dollars in the process, Fatma adds. When music was banned in Somalia, people resorted to video, and music halls have been attacked.
"No one can invest in a shaky business," said Athman Musa, a businessman in Nairobi. "You don't know when they will strike and bomb your packed hall, killing all your customers."
In June 2008, one person was killed, and scores were injured at a cinema hall in the capital Mogadishu. As people watched Somalia music videos as grenades were hurled at the building by radical Islamist militias.
Before the collapse of the Siad Barre government and the introduction of the laws, women earned a lot from public performances and many other occasions that required entertainment.
"The general atmosphere of insecurity and extremists taking over the entire region has crippled us. No one will invite you to a wedding or any other celebration to perform," said Fatma. "People fear to be branded sympathizers. We also lost our equipments worth thousands of dollars."
Fatma, who has now picked up the shreds, talks of other women who saw their children drop out of school, as they could not keep in track paying their school fees as well as earning daily breads.
The dislocations of music bands lead to disintegration and disarrays.
"Songs and dances are a fundamental part of life. Long before mankind created an alphabet or philosophized, there were women making music," Patricia Adkins Chiti, president and founder of the Women in Music movement worldwide told IOL.
Somalia women musicians top the list of those who have fallen victims of civil wars and anarchy, which have rendered them entirely hopeless.
The dramatic problems in Somalia are of concern to all musicians in every part of the world. Music must be freely expressed.
"Songs and dances are a fundamental part of life. Long before mankind created an alphabet or philosophized, there were women making music," Patricia Adkins Chiti, president and founder of the Women in Music movement worldwide told IOL.
She adds that when musicians are unable to make music, they lose their reason for living, self-esteem, and livelihoods, including lack of money for the most essential basic commodities in life: homes, food, clothing, and education for themselves and for their families.
"When a society eliminates music, then everyone suffers," she said. "The first sound a baby hears is that of its mother's singing and that all of humanity will be poorer without the music of women."
The Somalia music has been banned on the pretext of spreading Western propagandas in a Shari`ah-compliant state, according to Fatma.
"How can our own culture be 'un-Islamic'?" she asks. "If it's love songs, they are part and parcel of each and every community. They, Islamist groups, are the ones going against the grains. Islam means love and peace."
The Somali-Speaking Centre of International PEN (a writers union) strongly condemns the attacks and censorships and calls for groups committing crimes against music to immediately stop.
"This is a gross violation of Somali artists' rights and freedom of expression as well as Somalia community taste and choice of music," the group told IOL.
Somalia Music vs. World Music
Apparently, as much as war has made Somalia known, so has music scooped its share. Somalia ministry of Culture and Tourism has for ages been in the frontline in promoting and exhibiting its institutions to the world.
At the 2008 World Music Day in Hargeisa, Somaliland, the authorities wanted to depict the world through music; how the country is governed from democratically established institutions. This has never been achieved.
Somalia musicians have been accused of siding with the pirates, hampering efforts by international community to cripple the clique of pirates operating.
K’Naan Warsame, a celebrated Somalia male rapper, is of the view that the pirates help Somalia in clearing the ocean. This has raised eyebrows, as the US government is currently in a standoff with Somalia, following increased pirate attacks.
Fatma said, "This is complicated, but reality stands. Those toxic chemicals and oils are dumped in our waters by the liners who carry out fishing in our own waters. This is not acceptable. The pirates are our coast guards."
Lixle Muxuyaddin, a member of Waayaha Cusub music group told IOL that Kenya has offered a reaping market for Somalia music, and there are no laws that are prohibitive as long as you do what is right.
"Mostly, we are not after profit margins but educating the world on what is going on in Somalia. However, we pocket a lot here. The Somalia community here is receptive and feels most at home when we have shows," he said.
Fatma lacks words to explain the market portion in Kenya though Somalia community is concentrated in a one point — Eastleigh Estate. "People are now spreading to other estates within Nairobi, taking with them the rich Somalia culture," she said.
According to her, this has provided a bigger market.
What's the Future of Somalia Woman Musicians?
"It's bright," said Noor Mohamed a Somalia elder. "All will be well very soon. The music they play is educating masses on the reality on the ground, and on time peace will prevail."
According to Freemuse.org, a group advocating the human rights of musicians, unlike in the case of the freedom of expression, there are no legal grounds for limiting the right to participate in cultural life.
So, unless the music contains defamatory lyrics or other expressions that can legally be limited within the scope of the freedom of expression, the right to perform and enjoy music in itself can never be legally prohibited.
Suleiman Mbatiah is freelance writer, and journalist based in Nairobi, Kenya. You may contact him via artculture AT iolteam DOT com
Source: Islam Online
By Suleiman Mbatiah
Fatma Adow reaches for a remote control to amplify the volume of her music player as she engages a customer in a seemingly funny joke. They talk loudly amid the thundering music from the woofers, and finally the customer parts with a music cassette. "Try this in Somalia, and that will be the end of you," she said. "You'll be lashed, stoned to death, or forever get shunned,” Fatma said.
Fatma is one of the 25 women, who on November 2008 faced the wrath of militiamen from the Islamic Courts Union for taking part in a folklore dance galore in Shabelle zone, Mogadishu, north of Somalia.
Somali Party
"How can our own culture be 'un-Islamic'?"
"Charges were opened against us, and we were accused of taking part in an 'un-Islamic event,'" she told IslamOnline.net (IOL). She managed to flee the country and is now operating a music shop in Eastleigh, a Nairobi suburb inhabited by Somalis.
Many Others
Such punishment, according to Fatma, has been meting out to a number of other Somalia woman musicians.
"Even our customers and spectators have also been punished for 'wasting' their time and corrupting morals," she added.
Lists of edicts have been circulated to a number of media houses, warning them to trash all secular songs from their broadcasts.
Late last year, Radio Warsame, a local private, commercial FM radio station in Baidoa region in southwestern Somalia, was ordered closed indefinitely by Al-Shabab movement, an Al-Qaeda proxy in Somalia.

"This is unacceptable. We have refused to air their tenets and are now zooming in to media houses from all angles. They have lashed women and imposed 'fatwa' on music. This is barbaric," Abdullah Adan, National Union of Somali Journalists told IOL.
Militants who control swathes of the Somalia have banned music in the country. Somalia musical bands are unfastened, and their careers discarded, and most of illustrious musicians and artists are now hopeless.
Lost Livelihood
"For the last four years, live has been miserable for Somalia women artists. Some have managed to flee to Europe, while others are still stuck in Somalia," said a sympathetic Fatma.
Cinema hall owners and event organizers have also lost dollars in the process, Fatma adds. When music was banned in Somalia, people resorted to video, and music halls have been attacked.
"No one can invest in a shaky business," said Athman Musa, a businessman in Nairobi. "You don't know when they will strike and bomb your packed hall, killing all your customers."
In June 2008, one person was killed, and scores were injured at a cinema hall in the capital Mogadishu. As people watched Somalia music videos as grenades were hurled at the building by radical Islamist militias.
Before the collapse of the Siad Barre government and the introduction of the laws, women earned a lot from public performances and many other occasions that required entertainment.
"The general atmosphere of insecurity and extremists taking over the entire region has crippled us. No one will invite you to a wedding or any other celebration to perform," said Fatma. "People fear to be branded sympathizers. We also lost our equipments worth thousands of dollars."
Fatma, who has now picked up the shreds, talks of other women who saw their children drop out of school, as they could not keep in track paying their school fees as well as earning daily breads.
The dislocations of music bands lead to disintegration and disarrays.
"Songs and dances are a fundamental part of life. Long before mankind created an alphabet or philosophized, there were women making music," Patricia Adkins Chiti, president and founder of the Women in Music movement worldwide told IOL.
Somalia women musicians top the list of those who have fallen victims of civil wars and anarchy, which have rendered them entirely hopeless.
The dramatic problems in Somalia are of concern to all musicians in every part of the world. Music must be freely expressed.
"Songs and dances are a fundamental part of life. Long before mankind created an alphabet or philosophized, there were women making music," Patricia Adkins Chiti, president and founder of the Women in Music movement worldwide told IOL.
She adds that when musicians are unable to make music, they lose their reason for living, self-esteem, and livelihoods, including lack of money for the most essential basic commodities in life: homes, food, clothing, and education for themselves and for their families.
"When a society eliminates music, then everyone suffers," she said. "The first sound a baby hears is that of its mother's singing and that all of humanity will be poorer without the music of women."
The Somalia music has been banned on the pretext of spreading Western propagandas in a Shari`ah-compliant state, according to Fatma.
"How can our own culture be 'un-Islamic'?" she asks. "If it's love songs, they are part and parcel of each and every community. They, Islamist groups, are the ones going against the grains. Islam means love and peace."
The Somali-Speaking Centre of International PEN (a writers union) strongly condemns the attacks and censorships and calls for groups committing crimes against music to immediately stop.
"This is a gross violation of Somali artists' rights and freedom of expression as well as Somalia community taste and choice of music," the group told IOL.
Somalia Music vs. World Music
Apparently, as much as war has made Somalia known, so has music scooped its share. Somalia ministry of Culture and Tourism has for ages been in the frontline in promoting and exhibiting its institutions to the world.
At the 2008 World Music Day in Hargeisa, Somaliland, the authorities wanted to depict the world through music; how the country is governed from democratically established institutions. This has never been achieved.
Somalia musicians have been accused of siding with the pirates, hampering efforts by international community to cripple the clique of pirates operating.
K’Naan Warsame, a celebrated Somalia male rapper, is of the view that the pirates help Somalia in clearing the ocean. This has raised eyebrows, as the US government is currently in a standoff with Somalia, following increased pirate attacks.
Fatma said, "This is complicated, but reality stands. Those toxic chemicals and oils are dumped in our waters by the liners who carry out fishing in our own waters. This is not acceptable. The pirates are our coast guards."
Lixle Muxuyaddin, a member of Waayaha Cusub music group told IOL that Kenya has offered a reaping market for Somalia music, and there are no laws that are prohibitive as long as you do what is right.
"Mostly, we are not after profit margins but educating the world on what is going on in Somalia. However, we pocket a lot here. The Somalia community here is receptive and feels most at home when we have shows," he said.
Fatma lacks words to explain the market portion in Kenya though Somalia community is concentrated in a one point — Eastleigh Estate. "People are now spreading to other estates within Nairobi, taking with them the rich Somalia culture," she said.
According to her, this has provided a bigger market.
What's the Future of Somalia Woman Musicians?
"It's bright," said Noor Mohamed a Somalia elder. "All will be well very soon. The music they play is educating masses on the reality on the ground, and on time peace will prevail."
According to Freemuse.org, a group advocating the human rights of musicians, unlike in the case of the freedom of expression, there are no legal grounds for limiting the right to participate in cultural life.
So, unless the music contains defamatory lyrics or other expressions that can legally be limited within the scope of the freedom of expression, the right to perform and enjoy music in itself can never be legally prohibited.
Suleiman Mbatiah is freelance writer, and journalist based in Nairobi, Kenya. You may contact him via artculture AT iolteam DOT com
Source: Islam Online
Shabaab suicide bomber kills seven at Mogadishu medical clinic
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
By Bill Roggio
A Shabaab suicide bomber killed seven people in an attack at a medical clinic used by African Union forces.
The suicide bomber detonated his vest while waiting in line to enter the Halane medical clinic at the Mogadishu airport, the headquarters for the African Union Mission in Somalia.
Shabaab, al Qaeda's affiliate in Somalia, took credit for the suicide attack, claiming African Union doctors and soldiers were among those killed.
"We killed some of the senior medical officers and soldiers in the mercenary base," Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Ali Mahamoud Rage told reporters. "It is part of our retaliation attack against the occupiers’ massacre of our people."
An African Union spokesman said that only Somalis were killed in the suicide attack. Eleven people, including three African Union soldiers, were wounded in the attack.
The last suicide attack carried out by Shabaab also targeted medical personnel. On Dec. 3, 2009, a suicide bomber, who was disguised as a woman, detonated his vest in the midst of a graduation ceremony for Somali medical students from Banadir University. The ministers of health, education, and higher education, along with two reporters from Shabelle and Al Arabia, nine medical students, and a well-known doctor, were killed in the blast. Scores more were wounded, including the sports minister.
Shabaab has vowed to continue to attack African Union forces and the weak Somali government, which controls only small enclaves in the Somali capital.
Shabaab and its predecessor organization, the Islamic Courts, have conducted 20 suicide attacks since September 2006, when the first suicide attack was recorded in Somalia [see list below]. The latest four attacks have focused on senior leaders in the government and the African Union.
One of the most deadly suicide attacks took place on Sept. 17, 2009, when two suicide bombers penetrated security at an African Union base in Mogadishu and killed 21 people, including the deputy African Union commander and 16 other peacekeepers. One of the suicide bombers was later confirmed to be an American citizen recruited by Shabaab in Minneapolis. State Minister for Defense Sheikh Yusuf Mohammad Siad, who is better known as Indha'adde, sold intelligence to Shabaab that allowed the terror group to conduct the attack.
Suicide attacks in Somalia since September 2006:
Dec. 3, 2009: A Shabaab suicide bomber detonated his vest at a medical clinic at an African Union base in Mogadishu and killed seven people.
Dec. 3, 2009: A Shabaab suicide bomber dressed as a woman detonated his vest at a graduation ceremony for medical students at a hotel in Mogadishu and killed 19 people, including the ministers of health, education, and higher education, and two reporters.
Sept. 17, 2009: Shabaab suicide bombers penetrated security at an African Union base in Mogadishu and killed 21 people, including the deputy African Union commander and 16 other peacekeepers.
June 18, 2009: A Shabaab suicide bomber killed the security minister and a former ambassador during an attack outside a hotel in Beletwein that killed more than 35 people.
May 24, 2009: A Shabaab suicide bomber killed six policemen and a civilian in an attack on a police station in Mogadishu.
Feb. 22, 2009: Shabaab claimed to have conducted a dual suicide attack on Burundi troops in Mogadishu; the African Union claimed the attack was a mortar strike.
Oct. 29, 2008: Five suicide bombers struck four compounds in the semi-autonomous regions of Somaliland and Puntland, killing 28 and wounding scores more. Three suicide car bombers struck the presidential palace, the UN Development Program compound, and the Ethiopian Consulate in the city of Hargeisa in Somaliland. Two bombers targeted an intelligence facility in the city of Bosasso in Puntland.
April 8, 2008: A Shabaab suicide bomber rammed a car into the gate of the complex that housed peacekeepers from Burundi; one soldier was killed.
Oct. 11, 2007: A suicide bomber killed three Ethiopian soldiers near a base in Baidoa where the Prime Minister was visiting.
June 4, 2007: A suicide car bomber attacked the Somali Prime Minister's home; seven were killed. Another suicide car bomb was detonated near an Ethiopian Army base.
April 25, 2007: A suicide bomber killed 11 during an attack on a hotel south of Mogadishu.
April 20, 2007: A suicide car bomber attacked an Ethiopian army base in the capital.
Nov. 30, 2006: A suicide bomber killed eight in an attack in Baidoa.
Sept. 18, 2006: In the first recorded suicide attack in Somalia, one or two suicide bombers attacked the convoy of the president of the Transitional Federal Government as he was heading to speak to parliament in Baidoa; six Somalis were killed.
Source: The Long War Journal
By Bill Roggio
A Shabaab suicide bomber killed seven people in an attack at a medical clinic used by African Union forces.
The suicide bomber detonated his vest while waiting in line to enter the Halane medical clinic at the Mogadishu airport, the headquarters for the African Union Mission in Somalia.
Shabaab, al Qaeda's affiliate in Somalia, took credit for the suicide attack, claiming African Union doctors and soldiers were among those killed.
"We killed some of the senior medical officers and soldiers in the mercenary base," Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Ali Mahamoud Rage told reporters. "It is part of our retaliation attack against the occupiers’ massacre of our people."
An African Union spokesman said that only Somalis were killed in the suicide attack. Eleven people, including three African Union soldiers, were wounded in the attack.
The last suicide attack carried out by Shabaab also targeted medical personnel. On Dec. 3, 2009, a suicide bomber, who was disguised as a woman, detonated his vest in the midst of a graduation ceremony for Somali medical students from Banadir University. The ministers of health, education, and higher education, along with two reporters from Shabelle and Al Arabia, nine medical students, and a well-known doctor, were killed in the blast. Scores more were wounded, including the sports minister.
Shabaab has vowed to continue to attack African Union forces and the weak Somali government, which controls only small enclaves in the Somali capital.
Shabaab and its predecessor organization, the Islamic Courts, have conducted 20 suicide attacks since September 2006, when the first suicide attack was recorded in Somalia [see list below]. The latest four attacks have focused on senior leaders in the government and the African Union.
One of the most deadly suicide attacks took place on Sept. 17, 2009, when two suicide bombers penetrated security at an African Union base in Mogadishu and killed 21 people, including the deputy African Union commander and 16 other peacekeepers. One of the suicide bombers was later confirmed to be an American citizen recruited by Shabaab in Minneapolis. State Minister for Defense Sheikh Yusuf Mohammad Siad, who is better known as Indha'adde, sold intelligence to Shabaab that allowed the terror group to conduct the attack.
Suicide attacks in Somalia since September 2006:
Dec. 3, 2009: A Shabaab suicide bomber detonated his vest at a medical clinic at an African Union base in Mogadishu and killed seven people.
Dec. 3, 2009: A Shabaab suicide bomber dressed as a woman detonated his vest at a graduation ceremony for medical students at a hotel in Mogadishu and killed 19 people, including the ministers of health, education, and higher education, and two reporters.
Sept. 17, 2009: Shabaab suicide bombers penetrated security at an African Union base in Mogadishu and killed 21 people, including the deputy African Union commander and 16 other peacekeepers.
June 18, 2009: A Shabaab suicide bomber killed the security minister and a former ambassador during an attack outside a hotel in Beletwein that killed more than 35 people.
May 24, 2009: A Shabaab suicide bomber killed six policemen and a civilian in an attack on a police station in Mogadishu.
Feb. 22, 2009: Shabaab claimed to have conducted a dual suicide attack on Burundi troops in Mogadishu; the African Union claimed the attack was a mortar strike.
Oct. 29, 2008: Five suicide bombers struck four compounds in the semi-autonomous regions of Somaliland and Puntland, killing 28 and wounding scores more. Three suicide car bombers struck the presidential palace, the UN Development Program compound, and the Ethiopian Consulate in the city of Hargeisa in Somaliland. Two bombers targeted an intelligence facility in the city of Bosasso in Puntland.
April 8, 2008: A Shabaab suicide bomber rammed a car into the gate of the complex that housed peacekeepers from Burundi; one soldier was killed.
Oct. 11, 2007: A suicide bomber killed three Ethiopian soldiers near a base in Baidoa where the Prime Minister was visiting.
June 4, 2007: A suicide car bomber attacked the Somali Prime Minister's home; seven were killed. Another suicide car bomb was detonated near an Ethiopian Army base.
April 25, 2007: A suicide bomber killed 11 during an attack on a hotel south of Mogadishu.
April 20, 2007: A suicide car bomber attacked an Ethiopian army base in the capital.
Nov. 30, 2006: A suicide bomber killed eight in an attack in Baidoa.
Sept. 18, 2006: In the first recorded suicide attack in Somalia, one or two suicide bombers attacked the convoy of the president of the Transitional Federal Government as he was heading to speak to parliament in Baidoa; six Somalis were killed.
Source: The Long War Journal
UPDF soldier killed in Somalia attack
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
By Risdel Kasasira
Amisom spokesperson Maj. Barigye Ba-Hoku told Daily Monitor on phone from Mogadishu that the attackers hit the Outpatient department run by the Ugandan peacekeepers, with a mortar.
One Ugandan soldier was among several Somalis killed in the attack by insurgents on the Amisom camp on Monday in Mogadishu. Amisom spokesperson Maj. Barigye Ba-Hoku told Daily Monitor on phone from Mogadishu that the attackers hit the Outpatient department run by the Ugandan peacekeepers, with a mortar.
He said several Ugandan peacekeepers sustained minor injuries in the attack. “There is a soldier who died and others sustained minor injuries, but they are back on duty,” Maj. Barigye said.
Uganda and Burundi have contributed at least 5,000 peacekeeping troops to Somalia to support the beleaguered government of President Sherif Ahmed Sharif. Uganda alone has at least 3,200 soldiers serving in the war torn Horn of Africa country.
Maj. Ba-Hoku said they had not ascertained the number of dead civilians, saying the relatives of the dead picked bodies before they were counted.
The African Union base in Somalia has always been targeted by the Al Shabaab.
In September last year, the insurgents attacked the base by planting explosives on two vehicles with United Nations insignia which they exploded inside the base killing at least 17 peacekeepers including the Burundian deputy head of mission. Eleven of those killed were Burundian and the rest Ugandans.
The Ugandan peacekeepers’ medical unit is open to Somalis on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. But Maj. Barigye told Daily Monitor recently that Somali militants are against the offering of these medical services to Somalis. “They think treating these people makes us popular among the Somali community,” he said in an interview with Daily Monitor. The Islamist fundamentalists have consistently attacked the peacekeepers, who they describe as an occupational force.
Source: Daily Monitor
By Risdel Kasasira
Amisom spokesperson Maj. Barigye Ba-Hoku told Daily Monitor on phone from Mogadishu that the attackers hit the Outpatient department run by the Ugandan peacekeepers, with a mortar.
One Ugandan soldier was among several Somalis killed in the attack by insurgents on the Amisom camp on Monday in Mogadishu. Amisom spokesperson Maj. Barigye Ba-Hoku told Daily Monitor on phone from Mogadishu that the attackers hit the Outpatient department run by the Ugandan peacekeepers, with a mortar.
He said several Ugandan peacekeepers sustained minor injuries in the attack. “There is a soldier who died and others sustained minor injuries, but they are back on duty,” Maj. Barigye said.
Uganda and Burundi have contributed at least 5,000 peacekeeping troops to Somalia to support the beleaguered government of President Sherif Ahmed Sharif. Uganda alone has at least 3,200 soldiers serving in the war torn Horn of Africa country.
Maj. Ba-Hoku said they had not ascertained the number of dead civilians, saying the relatives of the dead picked bodies before they were counted.
The African Union base in Somalia has always been targeted by the Al Shabaab.
In September last year, the insurgents attacked the base by planting explosives on two vehicles with United Nations insignia which they exploded inside the base killing at least 17 peacekeepers including the Burundian deputy head of mission. Eleven of those killed were Burundian and the rest Ugandans.
The Ugandan peacekeepers’ medical unit is open to Somalis on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. But Maj. Barigye told Daily Monitor recently that Somali militants are against the offering of these medical services to Somalis. “They think treating these people makes us popular among the Somali community,” he said in an interview with Daily Monitor. The Islamist fundamentalists have consistently attacked the peacekeepers, who they describe as an occupational force.
Source: Daily Monitor
DEG DEG: Qarax Xoogan oo Goor Dhoweyd Laga Maqlay Magaalada Boosaaso
Boosaaso, (RBC Radio) Qarax xoogan oo loo maleynayo in miino loo adeegsaday ayaa goor dhoweyd oo barqanimadii maanta ka dhacay magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari.
Qaraxan oo guud ahaan magaalada laga maqlayey ayaa ka dhacay wadada dheer isku xirta dekeda Boosaaso iyo xarunta madaxtooyada ee Waqooyiga magaalada
Sida wararku sheegayaan waxaa qaraxa lala beegsaday gaari ay leeyihiin ciidanka booliska gaar ahaan kuwa PIS ee sirdoonka oo xilligaasi marayey wadada.
Ugu yaraan 3 ruux oo isugu jira rayid iyo askar ayaa ku dhaawacantay qaraxa. Mid ka mid ah dadka dhaawacmay ayaa ah haweeney biibito shaaha laga cabo ku heysatey wadada dhinaceeda.
Qof goob jooge ah ayaa RBC Radio u sheegay in ciidamo badan oo boolis ah ay gaareen goobta qaraxu ka dhacay oo ah halkaasi oo ay ka wadaan baaritaan.
Gaariga ay wateen ciidanka qaraxa lala beegsaday ayaa la sheegayaa khasaare kooban uu ka soo gaaray firirka qaraxaka dhashay.
Waxaa qaraxan uu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo qarax bam gacmeed loo adeegsaday oo xaley ka dhacay magaalada, kaasi oo aan geysan wax khasaare ah.
Qaraxan oo guud ahaan magaalada laga maqlayey ayaa ka dhacay wadada dheer isku xirta dekeda Boosaaso iyo xarunta madaxtooyada ee Waqooyiga magaalada
Sida wararku sheegayaan waxaa qaraxa lala beegsaday gaari ay leeyihiin ciidanka booliska gaar ahaan kuwa PIS ee sirdoonka oo xilligaasi marayey wadada.
Ugu yaraan 3 ruux oo isugu jira rayid iyo askar ayaa ku dhaawacantay qaraxa. Mid ka mid ah dadka dhaawacmay ayaa ah haweeney biibito shaaha laga cabo ku heysatey wadada dhinaceeda.
Qof goob jooge ah ayaa RBC Radio u sheegay in ciidamo badan oo boolis ah ay gaareen goobta qaraxu ka dhacay oo ah halkaasi oo ay ka wadaan baaritaan.
Gaariga ay wateen ciidanka qaraxa lala beegsaday ayaa la sheegayaa khasaare kooban uu ka soo gaaray firirka qaraxaka dhashay.
Waxaa qaraxan uu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo qarax bam gacmeed loo adeegsaday oo xaley ka dhacay magaalada, kaasi oo aan geysan wax khasaare ah.
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