Sunday 12 December 2010

ETHIOPIA: University expansion must be sustainable

Higher education in Ethiopia is 'massifying' rapidly. Student numbers quadrupled in the decade to 2007-08 and the plan is for the sector to more than double in size in the next five years, to 467,000 students. Urgent decisions need to be made on financial sustainability, or "all of a sudden, you are in big trouble," Jamil Salmi, Tertiary Education Coordinator for the World Bank, told a conference in Addis Ababa last month.

"You need to take it seriously now, not in two years, not in five years," Salmi stressed at the gathering, which was attended by more than 100 people from Ethiopia's private and public universities, NGOs, ministries, the donor community, international universities and others.

The joint World Bank-Minister of Education conference on Ethiopian Higher Education was held in the capital from 9-10 November, and focused on quality, management and governance, the role of the private sector, and finance. It drew on the expertise of local researchers and international experts to lead a lively discussion on the achievements, strategic and practical problems and the future of Ethiopian higher education.

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