Jihadist Websites
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Shaykh Hamid al-Ali says Iran and the US “disagree on everything except one goal. They will never disagree on that goal, which is the destruction of Islamic civilization.”
Jihadist Commentator Says Huthis Part of Iranian `Project` Targeting Gulf States On 16 November, a jihadist website posted an article by jihadist commentator Shaykh Hamid al-Ali, in which he says the Huthis in Yemen are part of an Iranian “expansionist project,” which is backed by the United States. He says Iran and the US “disagree on everything except one goal. They will never disagree on that goal, which is the destruction of Islamic civilization.”
A translation of the article follows:
“Al-Husiyun (derogatory term, meaning those who avoid challenges)
“Hamid Bin-Abdallah al-Ali
“`Those who choose to pour oil on an enflamed conflict will burn in its flames,` Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mottaki said!
“This is how the Iranian minister of foreign affairs sent a stern warning to the Gulf states. The message behind it was that the Huthists are just one of the flames with which the Iranian regime has encircled the Gulf. This plan is only recognized by Persia: using the greatest oil reservoir in its expansionist project.
“Undoubtedly, as we have repeatedly stated before, the (issue of) the Safavid-planned confrontation is a top priority and one of the most important duties. Those who trust the Huthists are making a tremendous mistake; I am not referring to the Zaydis (Shiite sect). Those who want to stop the eradication of their sedition will lose as well, just like those who trusted the party of Hasan Nasrallah lost before as they read his plan with pathetic naivety. Its one-sidedness was shown in the article `Victory is for Shaykh Ibn Jabrayn, may God pour mercy on him. Response to the Naive and Misguided,` which was published three years ago when misguided people were demanding the illusory victories of Hasan Nasrallah.
“However, let us look at the situation of Bab al-Mandab (Mandab Strait), whose time has come, frankly. It is clear that the Iranian regime is capable of a tremendous breakthrough in Yemen. It has dragged the Gulf states into an acute crisis, the future of which is easy to predict: the Iranian regime has its eye set on control of Bab al-Mandab. (Eritrean President Isayas) Afewerki gave them an island from which they could support the Huthists! Just like the Straits of Hormuz. The goal is to give the Gulf states two dilemmas:
“The first is whether to confront the problem directly, without side stepping it. This means confronting the Iranian regime, which has been igniting fires since the success of Khomeyni`s revolution. This means getting into a confrontation that the Iranian regime deems out of proportion for a revolutionary regime with such military capabilities and political astuteness.
“It has deployed its malicious claws everywhere, in and around the Gulf States, surrounding the heart of the Gulf from all sides. It stretches from Iraq, in which an office for the Huthists has opened, or almost, and from which it gives them unlimited support. It supports the Isma`iliyah sect (Shiite sect) that is also in Yemen, and a part of Hijaz where the Iranians are keen to be constantly present in the Al-Haramayn (Mecca and Medina). It also threatens to exploit the pilgrimage to Mecca, and the eastern region where the Shiites of Al-Qatif create havoc.
“The second is for the Gulf States to keep on being dragged into proxy wars of attrition that overburden them and increase their problems. This also allows for Safavid expansion inside the Gulf states. The danger is greatest for Kuwait, since it has advantages through its proximity to southern Iraq. In this case the Gulf states will keep being dragged along until they are weakened and collapse, as fruits to reap from the wreckage caused by that Safavid project of a new division of the Arabian Peninsula. This division will give Yemen to the Shiites, along with eastern and southern Saudi Arabia, southern Iraq, and maybe Kuwait and Bahrain. This will be done in a historic deal with the West; they will scurry from it to the dream of Greater Persia, where all Arab states fall at its feet!
“What is surprising in this scenario is the wide gap between the planned Iranian expansion in the Gulf states, which are US allies, and the US silence about it. What is even more surprising is the US giving the green light for Iranian support of the Huthists. It (the US) made a statement that upset the Yemeni government: that there was no proof of Iranian interference in the Huthi crisis! However, the overlooking of the unlimited financial support given by Kuwaiti and Gulf dealers to Safavid pockets (stretching) from Lebanon to Sa`dah has no explanation. The only explanation is that a deal is going on between them (US) and the Iranians over something that has not yet come to light!
“These two powers, which are in conflict over this region, might disagree on everything except one goal. They will never disagree on that goal, which is the destruction of Islamic civilization and the dimming of its light. The former (US) is motivated to do this by Zionist-Crusader greed, while the latter (Iran) is motivated by an inner hatred that sees no enemy but Islam and its people.
“Saddam Husayn was mistaken in many things but he definitely nailed the truth in his view of the Safavid danger. He was also right about the fact that the only way to confront the Safavids is by striking the snake`s head.
“However, being neutral on the matter, as the Gulf states are, is the most atrocious and miserable policy and an achievement for the Iranian regime.
“It (Iran) is involved in the Huthi crisis, and similar ones, and has the following goals:
“First: Forming fronts and igniting conflicts throughout the Gulf states to provoke trouble that will cause disruption. This is done to keep them (Gulf states) preoccupied and distract their attention from Iran`s increasing danger.
“Second: The formation of fronts used to its advantage to raise conditional provisions in negotiations with the West, by making the West recognize Iran as the primary state in the region. Therefore, important deals will only be made with it (Iran), while the remaining states are marginalized.
“Third: Warning those who want to incite Iran internally, that it is capable of doing the same to them.
“There is no doubt that the Iranian regime recognizes that its current action in the Gulf states is a major opportunity that will not be repeated again.
“Oman`s ruler has a mysterious stance! Oman`s sultan traveled to (Iranian President) Ahmadinezhad to congratulate him right after the opposition was silenced! In Kuwait trivial conflicts are taking place in the midst of imminent danger. While Qatar as usual is shaking everybody`s hand, Bahrain is on the edge of a cliff, and Saudi Arabia is experiencing internal issues that are worsening, and to top it all the Huthist issue also came along!
“In addition, the Iranian regime has been successful in deceitfully stealing Islamic cultural discourse; its piousness throughout the centuries trained it to master that! It exposed the Gulf states as conspirators in the ummah, the ones who abandoned the ummah`s issues; to the extent that it made Arab people seem like they did not care about what had been inflicted on them.
“The onlooker would be confused by the overwhelming past and present events. How did the (Gulf) states reach the stage that they handed Iraq (to Iran); Iraq, which was able to protect them (Gulf states) from their worst enemy?! And was able to recognize the Safavid danger and how to deal with it?! They allowed the Iranian regime to occupy Iraq at its expense, without the Iranian regime paying anything?!
“Were the Gulf states aware that eventually their turn would come?!
“How could they have disregarded all their internal problems, which could ultimately become explosives that would later be detonated by the Iranian regime operating inside them?!
“How could they have ignored Yemen until the Huthist Iranian devil nested there, laid its eggs, and welcomed its offspring?
“How were they drawn to fight their struggle with their own hands, and end all the relationships they had with their Sunni counterpart resisting in the Islamic world?! They continued until they had abandoned, let alone fought, the resistance in Palestine for the sake of Iran?!
“How could they throw themselves into the US-Zionist arms of deceit and waste the source of their power, until their armies became weak and fragile compared to the armies of the region?! How could they trust the protection of the US, when they had clearly witnessed the fate of those who had trusted it in other places around the world?!
“The answer is clear: The difference between the Iranian regime and the Gulf states, and all of the Arab states, is that the Iranian regime decided to carry out a global cultural project and enter the global struggle as a competitor. This grand idea made the Iranian regime utilize all means available and seek all the tools for the contest. These are things that Almighty God made as a source of power, He provided it with wealth and strength until it transformed itself into an influential power, which revealed itself as an opponent of the world powers. It knows that in the end, the West will agree to negotiate with the powerful, whereas the weak will only be used as provisions in the negotiations!
“The Gulf states chose to remain followers and be controlled by the United States. The fact of the matter is that there was no logical idea behind this, it only worked to disrupt their own plans until they became a source to be plundered by the greedy and eaten by the hungry.
“We have mentioned many times that if they (Gulf states) remain `Al-Husiyun,` and try to avoid challenges by hiding behind others, then they will have no way out of the Safavid danger. They have to ask forgiveness from God first and foremost. Secondly, reconcile with their scholars, intellectuals, and their people. Thirdly, muster their strength. Fourthly, enable the civilization project for the ummah by embracing the resistance in order to pull the rug out from under the Safavids. Fifthly, recreate what they have spoiled in Iraq and bring Iraq back to how it used to be; a protective shield, the ummah`s fortress. Sixthly, adopt the unjustly treated in Iran, and lastly, declare a war against the Safavids until the danger is eradicated.
“By God, if they do the above-mentioned, then you will know that the Safavid danger is very fragile and it is only feeding off their weakness, division, and disunity.
“Their current situation, characterized by them being astray, is only a step towards the enemy`s decoy.
“We ask the Lord to either bless this ummah by eradicating the Safavism inside it, or raise another enemy against it.
“If this does not happen then the region will witness sedition, which will continue until God says otherwise.
“O God, I have delivered the message. O God, be my witness.
“God is the best Supporter, we rely on Him. God suffices us for He is the best Guardian and the best Supporter.”
© Compiled and distributed by NTIS, US Dept. of Commerce. All rights reserved.
Iran: Commentary Says Saudi, Yemeni Militaries Having Trouble Fighting Shiites
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Unattributed commentary: “Saudi Arabia Commits Crimes against the Shiites in Yemen and We Remain Silent”
Why have the seminarians, the student organizations, the personalities of our country with international status, and the nongovernmental Iranian organizations kept silent regarding the recent events in Yemen? Why does the national medium disregard this issue? Why do our written and cyber media foster this climate of silence? Hundreds of other whys show that we have not acted as well as we should have in regard to the recent events.
The recent events in Yemen are so unfortunate that they sadden every Muslim, especially the Shiites, but in the meantime they have not been paid the attention they should have by the Islamic world as well as the people, institutions, and officials of Iran. Tabnak
correspondent reports that while the military clashes of the joint Yemen and Saudi Arabia forces with the al-Houthi Shiite group are entering the second week, despite all the atrocities that have occurred against the Shiites of Yemen, no sign of the victory of the fully armed military of these two Arab countries has been reported.
Moreover, the reports show that Saudi Arabia is in a passive state of affairs and this means the incompetence of the military of Saudi Arabia in fighting a small group.
In the meantime, the declaration of support by Arab countries for Yemen and Saudi Arabia in the war against the Houthis, on the one hand, shows that the morale of the military personnel of these countries on the battlefield is in an extremely dire situation, and in practice, the awesome image of the powerful military of Saudi Arabia, with its ultramodern weapons, compared to all the Arab countries has been broken, and Saudi Arabia is in a self-made predicament; on the other hand, the Arab countries of the Islamic world by shutting their eyes to the crimes that are being committed against a significant section of the Muslims of Yemen, encourage the Saudi and Yemeni military force to engage in further suppression and commission of crimes.
In the same connection, in yesterday`s meeting of the foreign ministers of the members of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council, these ministers declared their decisive support for Saudi Arabia.
According to this report, while the Arab countries, without taking into consideration the atrocities that are taking place in Yemen, express their unquestioning support for the joint actions of Yemen and Saudi Arabia and officially announce their support, the protesting group, Houthi, not only does not have the support of the Islamic countries, but also the non-governmental Muslim institutions of the Islamic world have also kept silent in the face of all these crimes.
The unquestioned support of the media for the actions of Saudi Arabia and Yemen and the presentation of the demands and the goals of al-Houthi as the reverse of what they are have caused this issue to not be reported factually. The question is: What basic steps, in fact, have these Arab countries that give their unquestioning support for the actions of the military of Yemen and Saudi Arabia against a protesting group taken during this time toward mediation and meeting the demands of the al-Houthi protesters regarding the government of Ali Abdullah Saleh?
Even though the government of Iran, however, because of the particular regional issues and accusations made against it, has not been able to become involved in this issue with an appropriate strategy, the non-governmental institutions, personalities, and nongovernmental groups have also not acted successfully in regard to this issue, as they should have.
Why have the seminarians, the student organizations, the personalities of our country with international status, and the non-governmental Iranian organizations kept silent regarding the recent events in Yemen? Why does the national medium disregard this issue? Why do our written and cyber media foster this climate of silence? Hundreds of other whys show that we have not acted as well as we should have in regard to the recent events.
But in the meantime, the more clear position taken by Grand Ayatollah Safi-Golpayegani, one of the sources of emulation, who by sending a letter to the Organization of the Islamic Conference tried to call the attention of that organization as well as the leaders of the Islamic countries to this issue, can be a suitable beginning for the nongovernment Iranian institutions to be more active in this connection.
In this letter, he stated:
“We ask the Organization of the Islamic Conference: Why has it been silent regarding the war and fratricide in Yemen and why does it not become involved?
“Why is a government that acts on the basis of oppression, massacre, and depriving the citizens of their basic rights; kills its defenseless people from the air and land; and does not tolerate their guardianship religion that is of Koranic origin and basis and has had a history there since the time of the prophet, and eradicates its followers and murders a group of them, not called into question? If it does not perform its duty in an instance such as this great Islamic tragedy in Yemen, where, then, does it act, and essentially what is the philosophy behind the creation and use of this organization?
“Most unfortunately, in these atrocious crimes, some of the neighboring countries are helping and cooperating with them. Condemning the silence of the so-called international human rights organizations that are affiliated with imperialism and the enemies of Islam, I ask the Organization of the Islamic Conference to break its silence and to become seriously involved and to prevent the injustice and aggression of the military of Yemen on the innocent Shiites of Yemen, to strongly protest against the rulers of Yemen, and to condemn their crimes.”
Mention should be made that the latest reports indicate the failure of the military forces of Saudi Arabia and Yemen in clashes with the Houthi protesters. The killings of at least 10 soldiers and wounding of 30 others from the Saudi military in the course of these few days in addition to the capture of at least five soldiers by Houthi young men, considering the weapons capabilities of the two sides, is considered some sort of military disgrace for the Saudi Arabians.
At the same time, reports from Saudi Arabia indicate that the casualties and damages in these few days to the Saudi Arabian military has increased the pressure of public opinion in Saudi Arabia on their government. For this reason, the Saudi authorities have decided to immediately withdraw their military from Yemen; but they are looking for an excuse and suitable solution to cover up their defeat and withdraw from Yemen in a supposedly respectable manner.
(Description of Source: : Tehran Tabnak -- Conservative Persian website replacing the banned Baztab. It is believed to be associated with the former IRGC commander and the Expediency Discernment Council Secretary Major General Mohsen Reza`i. URL: http://www.tabnak.ir)
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