Ciidamo Ethiopian ah oo wata inka badan 9 gaadiidka dagaalka ah ayaa shalay gelinkii dambe gudaha u soo galay dhinaca waqooyi ee magaalada Galkacyo xarunta gobolka Mudug.
Ciidamadan Ethiopian-ka ah ayaa fariisin ka sameystay garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Galkacyo halkaas oo la soo sheegayo inay dhaqdhaqaaqyo ka wadaan.
Dadka ku dhaqan magaalada Galkacyo ayaa walaac xooggan ka muujiyey soo galitaanka ciidamada Ethiopian-ka ah ee gudaha magalada Galkacyo ee gobolka Mudug.
Lama oga ujeedada ka dambeysa in ciidamad Ethiopia ay gudaha u soo galaan waqooyiga magaalada Galkacyo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug.
Ciidamada Ethiopia ayaa wixii ka dambeeyey markii ay ka bexeen dalka Somalia ay bilaabeen inay gudaha u soo gala gobolada dalka ee ku yaala xadka ay wadaagaan dalalka Somalia iyo Ethiopia.
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Monday, 30 November 2009
Puntland president appoints media advisor
30 Nov 30, 2009 - 11:49:31 AM
The president of Somalia's Puntland State has appointed a new media advisor.
A statement from president Abdirahman Mohammed Farole’s Office said Mohamed Abdirahman, the president’s son was appointed as a media advisor after it has emerged that there is need for a consultant in handling the news media.
Reacting to the announcement, Mohamed says he is honoured to be working with the president in regards to the media.
“My job would be to advise the president on addressing the local media and international media about the issues concerning Puntland state,” the new media advisor told Garowe Online.
He added that the new position would play crucial role in strengthening the correlation between the media and the Puntland presidency.
Since its inception earlier this year, President Farole’s government has been under media spotlight over the rampant piracy activities along coast of Somalia.
The president of Somalia's Puntland State has appointed a new media advisor.
A statement from president Abdirahman Mohammed Farole’s Office said Mohamed Abdirahman, the president’s son was appointed as a media advisor after it has emerged that there is need for a consultant in handling the news media.
Reacting to the announcement, Mohamed says he is honoured to be working with the president in regards to the media.
“My job would be to advise the president on addressing the local media and international media about the issues concerning Puntland state,” the new media advisor told Garowe Online.
He added that the new position would play crucial role in strengthening the correlation between the media and the Puntland presidency.
Since its inception earlier this year, President Farole’s government has been under media spotlight over the rampant piracy activities along coast of Somalia.
Qardho: Madaxweynihii hore ee Puntland oo ka hadlay falalkii amaan daro Bishii November & Khilaafka Puntland iyo dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya…WAR
Qardho(AllPuntland)- Madaxweynihii hore ee Puntland Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi oo markii uu soo gaaray Puntland sheegay in uu ka baxay Siyaasada Soomaaliya, ayaa ka hadlay xaaladaha Siyaasadeed ee ka taagan Puntland, qaarkood gaar ahaana dilalkii iyo falal amaan daro oo ka dhacay Puntland Bishan November iyo khilaafka udhaxeeya dawladda Puntland iyo dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya, isagoo qadiyah arrimahan mowqifyo ka iska taagay.
Madaxweynihii hore oo la hadlayay Laanta Af-ka Soomaaliga ee Idaacada Codka Mareykanka ayaa usheegay in Puntland nabad ahayd waligeed, balse bilihii ugu dambeeyey ay jireen falal amaan daro, kuwaas oo uu sheegay in ay salka ku hayeen aanooyin qabaa’il waa sida uu hadalka udhigaye.
Cadde Muuse ayaa tibaaxay in falkii lugu dilay Mudanihii ka tirsanaa baarlamaanka Puntland ee Ibraahim Cilmi Warsame (Gaab) uu ahaa mid ay ka dambaysay aanooyin qabaa’il, isagoo sheegay in uusan rumeysneyn in ay falkaasi lug ku leeyahay arrimaha Siyaasadeed ee ka jira dalka Soomaaliya.
Hadalka Cadde Muuse wuxuu ka lid ku noqonayaa hadal uu dhawaan jeediyey Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland ee Soomaaliya Dr, C/rixmaan Sheekh Maxamed oo 27-kii November, usheegay Dadweynaha Puntland in falkii lugu dilay Garsoore Maxamed Cabdi Awaare iyo Xildhibaan Ibraahim Cilmi Warsame ay ahaayeen kuwa Siyaasadeed oo isku xiran, isla markaasna ladoonayay in caqabad looga dhigo horumarka iyo amaanka Puntland, isagoo sheegay in ay soo qaban doonaan dhagar qabayaasha arrimahaasi fuliyey.
Madaxweynihii hore wuxuu kaloo intaasi raaciyey in qaraxyada iyo waxyaabihii dhacayay November oo dhan oo ay ahaayeen kuwa aanooyin qabaa’il, isagoo aan tafaasiilad ka bixin cida ay yihiin dadka ka dambeeya arrimahaasi iyo qabaa’ilada ugaarsigu ka dhaxeeya waqtigan.
Mar la weydiiyey waxa uu ka aaminsan yahay khilaafka Puntland iyo dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya, ayuu sheegay in uusan jirin khilaaf weyn, balse uu jiro is qabad laysku qabtay qodobada qaarkood iyo sida loo dhigayo, isla markaasna hada lugu jiro sidii wax loga qaban lahaa.
Jeneraal-ka ayaa ku sifeeyey qodobada laysku qabtay kuwa laga heshiisiin karo oo go’aan cad laga qaadan karo, isagoo sheegay in ay hada dhinacyada usocdaan wada xaajoodyo kala gedisan, isla markaasna ay Puntland ka tirsan tahay dawladda Faderaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, waligeedna ay ka tirsanaan doonto.
Maxamuud Muuse wuxuu ka hor yimid in ay Puntland saluugsan tahay hogaanka sare ee dawladda KMG ah, ayna si beel ahaana uga soo horjeedo Madaxweynaha hanaanka Faderaalka Shariif Sheekh Axmed, maadaama ay horay utaageeri jireen dawladii uu hogaamiye ka ahaa C/laahi Yuusuf Axmad, wuxuuna Cadde Muuse ku tilmaamay Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo C/laahi Yuusuf labo shaqsi oo Masuuliyiin ka soo noqday dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya, oo aysan si beelaysan uga heelineyn Shariif Sheekh Axmed.
Madaxweynihii hore wuxuu muujiyey mawqifkiisa ku aadan qodobka laysku qabtay qaarkood, oo ay ka mid yihiin magaca Puntland ay soo hordhigtay dawladda Faderaalka oo noqday dawladda Puntland ee Soomaaliya, wuxuu ku sifeeyey Cadde Muuse in ay og yihiin oo kaliya Magaca dawladda Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed, isagoo sheegay in uu kaas aaminsan yahay.
Cadde Muuse ayaa ka dayriyey amaanka Puntland 27- November, isagoo la hadlayay dadka magaalada Qardho, wuxuuna sheegay in ay dadku ka shaqeeyaan xaaladaha amaanka, ayagoo taageeraya dawladda Puntland, isla maalintaasna wuxuu ka digay wax ka badal lugu sameeyo ciidamada Birmadka Booliska oo uu asaaskoodii tiir dhexaad u ahaa iyo ciidamada P.I.S-ta Puntland, kuwaas oo ka sii horeeyey dhismahoodu, wuxuuna shaaciyey in ay baarlamaanka Puntland arrimahaasi ay ku howlan yihiin.
Jeneraal Maxamuud Muuse Boqor ayaa sannadyadii uu xukumayay Puntland lugu tirinayay sannadyo ay soo mareen xaalado kala gedisan, kuwaas oo ay ka mid yihiin falal burcad badeednimo oo waqtigaas ka bilowday Puntland, ilaa maantana socda, Afduubyo magaalooyinka dhexdooda ah oo ay waxba ka qaban weyday Xukuumadiisii, dagaalo lugu soo qaaday, deegaano si fudud loogala wareegay Maamulkiisa oo ay ka mid ahayd magaalada Laascaanood ee gobalka Sool oo laga qabsaday 15- October- 007 , Mushaar la’aan Shaqaale oo ay ka cabanayen Shaqaalaha dawladda ciidan iyo rayidba, Kala dirid ciidamadii dawladda Puntland oo dibu habeyntoodu waqti dheer ku qaadatay dawladda cusub ee Puntland, Sameynta Lacagihii faalsada ahaa ee suuqyada Puntland ugeystay sicir bararka xooga leh, oo lugu tirinayay in ay dawladdiisii qeyb wanaagsan ku lahayd lacagahaasi iyo qodobo kale oo dhamaantood hoos udhac ukeenay amaankii Puntland.
Dhamaan arrimahaasi ayaa dhaxalsiiyey Madaxweynihii hore ee Puntland Mudane Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi (Cadde Muuse) in uu codadkii doorashada Madaxweyne-nimada Puntland ka helo Mudanayaasha baarlamaanka codad aan isku dar ka badneyn 15 cod, waxaana soo laabashadii uu dhawaan ku soo laabtay Puntland ay dadku siyaabo kala gedisan uga hadlayeen, waxaana uu sheegay in lala shaqeynayo dawladda Puntland, isagoo markaasna sheegay in uu ka baxay Siyaasadii Soomaaliya 47 sanno oo uu ku soo jiray, balse uma muuqdo Madaxweyne Cadde Muuse mid ka dhabeeyey balan qaadkaas, maadaama uu wali ka hadlayay arrimo kala gedisan oo Siyaasadeed.
Madaxweynihii hore oo la hadlayay Laanta Af-ka Soomaaliga ee Idaacada Codka Mareykanka ayaa usheegay in Puntland nabad ahayd waligeed, balse bilihii ugu dambeeyey ay jireen falal amaan daro, kuwaas oo uu sheegay in ay salka ku hayeen aanooyin qabaa’il waa sida uu hadalka udhigaye.
Cadde Muuse ayaa tibaaxay in falkii lugu dilay Mudanihii ka tirsanaa baarlamaanka Puntland ee Ibraahim Cilmi Warsame (Gaab) uu ahaa mid ay ka dambaysay aanooyin qabaa’il, isagoo sheegay in uusan rumeysneyn in ay falkaasi lug ku leeyahay arrimaha Siyaasadeed ee ka jira dalka Soomaaliya.
Hadalka Cadde Muuse wuxuu ka lid ku noqonayaa hadal uu dhawaan jeediyey Madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland ee Soomaaliya Dr, C/rixmaan Sheekh Maxamed oo 27-kii November, usheegay Dadweynaha Puntland in falkii lugu dilay Garsoore Maxamed Cabdi Awaare iyo Xildhibaan Ibraahim Cilmi Warsame ay ahaayeen kuwa Siyaasadeed oo isku xiran, isla markaasna ladoonayay in caqabad looga dhigo horumarka iyo amaanka Puntland, isagoo sheegay in ay soo qaban doonaan dhagar qabayaasha arrimahaasi fuliyey.
Madaxweynihii hore wuxuu kaloo intaasi raaciyey in qaraxyada iyo waxyaabihii dhacayay November oo dhan oo ay ahaayeen kuwa aanooyin qabaa’il, isagoo aan tafaasiilad ka bixin cida ay yihiin dadka ka dambeeya arrimahaasi iyo qabaa’ilada ugaarsigu ka dhaxeeya waqtigan.
Mar la weydiiyey waxa uu ka aaminsan yahay khilaafka Puntland iyo dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya, ayuu sheegay in uusan jirin khilaaf weyn, balse uu jiro is qabad laysku qabtay qodobada qaarkood iyo sida loo dhigayo, isla markaasna hada lugu jiro sidii wax loga qaban lahaa.
Jeneraal-ka ayaa ku sifeeyey qodobada laysku qabtay kuwa laga heshiisiin karo oo go’aan cad laga qaadan karo, isagoo sheegay in ay hada dhinacyada usocdaan wada xaajoodyo kala gedisan, isla markaasna ay Puntland ka tirsan tahay dawladda Faderaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, waligeedna ay ka tirsanaan doonto.
Maxamuud Muuse wuxuu ka hor yimid in ay Puntland saluugsan tahay hogaanka sare ee dawladda KMG ah, ayna si beel ahaana uga soo horjeedo Madaxweynaha hanaanka Faderaalka Shariif Sheekh Axmed, maadaama ay horay utaageeri jireen dawladii uu hogaamiye ka ahaa C/laahi Yuusuf Axmad, wuxuuna Cadde Muuse ku tilmaamay Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo C/laahi Yuusuf labo shaqsi oo Masuuliyiin ka soo noqday dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya, oo aysan si beelaysan uga heelineyn Shariif Sheekh Axmed.
Madaxweynihii hore wuxuu muujiyey mawqifkiisa ku aadan qodobka laysku qabtay qaarkood, oo ay ka mid yihiin magaca Puntland ay soo hordhigtay dawladda Faderaalka oo noqday dawladda Puntland ee Soomaaliya, wuxuu ku sifeeyey Cadde Muuse in ay og yihiin oo kaliya Magaca dawladda Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed, isagoo sheegay in uu kaas aaminsan yahay.
Cadde Muuse ayaa ka dayriyey amaanka Puntland 27- November, isagoo la hadlayay dadka magaalada Qardho, wuxuuna sheegay in ay dadku ka shaqeeyaan xaaladaha amaanka, ayagoo taageeraya dawladda Puntland, isla maalintaasna wuxuu ka digay wax ka badal lugu sameeyo ciidamada Birmadka Booliska oo uu asaaskoodii tiir dhexaad u ahaa iyo ciidamada P.I.S-ta Puntland, kuwaas oo ka sii horeeyey dhismahoodu, wuxuuna shaaciyey in ay baarlamaanka Puntland arrimahaasi ay ku howlan yihiin.
Jeneraal Maxamuud Muuse Boqor ayaa sannadyadii uu xukumayay Puntland lugu tirinayay sannadyo ay soo mareen xaalado kala gedisan, kuwaas oo ay ka mid yihiin falal burcad badeednimo oo waqtigaas ka bilowday Puntland, ilaa maantana socda, Afduubyo magaalooyinka dhexdooda ah oo ay waxba ka qaban weyday Xukuumadiisii, dagaalo lugu soo qaaday, deegaano si fudud loogala wareegay Maamulkiisa oo ay ka mid ahayd magaalada Laascaanood ee gobalka Sool oo laga qabsaday 15- October- 007 , Mushaar la’aan Shaqaale oo ay ka cabanayen Shaqaalaha dawladda ciidan iyo rayidba, Kala dirid ciidamadii dawladda Puntland oo dibu habeyntoodu waqti dheer ku qaadatay dawladda cusub ee Puntland, Sameynta Lacagihii faalsada ahaa ee suuqyada Puntland ugeystay sicir bararka xooga leh, oo lugu tirinayay in ay dawladdiisii qeyb wanaagsan ku lahayd lacagahaasi iyo qodobo kale oo dhamaantood hoos udhac ukeenay amaankii Puntland.
Dhamaan arrimahaasi ayaa dhaxalsiiyey Madaxweynihii hore ee Puntland Mudane Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi (Cadde Muuse) in uu codadkii doorashada Madaxweyne-nimada Puntland ka helo Mudanayaasha baarlamaanka codad aan isku dar ka badneyn 15 cod, waxaana soo laabashadii uu dhawaan ku soo laabtay Puntland ay dadku siyaabo kala gedisan uga hadlayeen, waxaana uu sheegay in lala shaqeynayo dawladda Puntland, isagoo markaasna sheegay in uu ka baxay Siyaasadii Soomaaliya 47 sanno oo uu ku soo jiray, balse uma muuqdo Madaxweyne Cadde Muuse mid ka dhabeeyey balan qaadkaas, maadaama uu wali ka hadlayay arrimo kala gedisan oo Siyaasadeed.
Faroole oo wiilkiisa u Magcaabay la Taliye [Warbixin dheer]
Madaxwaynaha Maamulka Puntland C/raxmaan Faroole ayaa shalay ku dhawaaqay inuu Maxamed C/raxmaan Faroole yahay La Taliyaha dhanka Warfaafinta, Hadaba Arinkaasi markuu soo shaac baxay ayaa wariyaal badan oo Gudaha dalka iyo dibada Juugaa Magcaabistaasi ku Tilmaameen mid Gees marsan SHarciga Saxaafada.
Maxamed C/raxmaan Faroole oo Aabihii Loolan adag la soo galay wakhtigii Olalaha doorashada Puntland ayaa Faroole Abaal marin uga dhigay inuu Noqday La Taliye dhanka warfaafinta ah, Maxamed C/raxmaan Faroole oo Da"ahaan Lagu qiyaasay inuu jiray 42- Sano ayaa ah Shakhsi aad ay uga Cawdaan Suxufiyiinta Puntland.
Maxamed C/raxmaan Faroole ayaa ah Maamulaha Radi Garoowe, iyo waliba Barta Enternet ee Garowe-Online, Labadan Saldhig warbaahineed ayaa Aasaaskooda waxa ka danbeeyay Madaxwane Faroole oo doonayay inuu Gor Gortan ku Galo xiliga doorashada waxana uu Waraysiyo badan xiligii doorashooyinka ka sheegi Jiray Warbaahintiisa hadalo duraya Siyaasiyiinta markaasi xilka haysa iyo kuwa u hanqal taagayaba.
Waxa la Xasuustaa Maqaaladii iyo Buun Buunitii Maxamed C/raxmaan Faroole uu ka Faafiyay wakhtigii Xukuumada Gen Cade Muuse ee tan Aabihii ka Horaysay isaga oo Qori jiray warar lidi ku ah Hanaanka Maamulkaasi, Ujeedka ugu wayn ee uu wakhtigaasi ka lahaa ayaa hayad sidii Maamulkaasi dadka looga Horkeeni lahaa.
Hadaba La Taliyaha Cusubi ma Xuusandoonaan Hadaladii uu is Ticmaali Jiray wakhtii Maamuladii Kan Aabihii C/raxmaan ka horeeyay ee soo maray Puntland Mase Ogolaandoonaa in Xukuumada Aabihii uu isna ka mid Noqday Haatan ay wariyaashu sheegaan Daldalooladeeda oo ah Xaq in Warbaahintu shaaca ka qaado wax kasta oo ay Xukuumada Puntland gees martay. ???
Maxamed C/raxmaan Faroole ayaa dhawor jeer is hortaagay shaqooyinka Wariyaasha xili ay Gudanayeen waajibaadkooda shaqo, isaga oo markaasi isu arkayay inuu Saxanyahay....... Waxa hubaal ah in qaar ka mid ah Golaha Xukuumada Puntland aanay Warbaahinta toos ula hadli Karin ilaa Maxamed C/raxmaan ay Soo maraan Wariyaasha Golaha Xukuumada Warka ka doonayaa..
Waxa moodaa in Magcaabista Madaxwayne Faroole ee wiilkiisa ay tahay mid lala deg degay iyada oo ay jiraan rag badan oo uga xeel dheer arimaha Saxaafada isla markaana ay isku kalsoonaan lahaayeen Wariyaasha Gudahooda ay ku Haboonaan lahaayeen in Booskaasi loo Magcaabo.
Hadii aan in yar dib u Jaleecno Xukuumadii Cade Muuse Boqor waxa la Taliye dhanka Warfaafin ahaa Bile Maxamuud Qaboowsade oo ah nin Lagu tilmaami karo Aabihii Saxaafada Puntland marka loo eego Wakhitiga badan ee uu Qoobka kula Jiray Arimaha Saxaafada, sidoo kale wuxuu Bile ka mid Noqday Xukuumadii C/laahi Yuusuf... Wakhtigii Cade Muuse uu xilkaasi Bile Qabowsade u Magcaabayay mahayn mid ay xukuumadu is kala Maagtay Xilkaasi Hase yeeshee waxaan Oran karaa Magcaabista Bile waxay ku timi Talooyin ay soo Jeediyeen Wariyaasha markaasi Joogay Puntland kuwaasi oo u Arkayay inuu yahay Shakhsi ka Soo Bixi kara isku xidhka Maamulka iyo Wariyaasha.
Dadka qaar ayaa leh Puntland ma Boqortooyaa la kala dhaxlo....... marka loo eego inta Xayndaabka Maamulka Faroole ku weegaaran oo ah rag ay aad isugu dhawyihiin Qoys ahaan.. taasi waxay horseedaysaa in Kalsoonida Maamulka loo hayaa ay Gabi ahaanba lunto.
Waxa jiraa ku dhawaad 30-Wariye oo ah kuwa ugu Tunka wayn dhanka Warfaafinta Puntland ay dalka ka Haajireen kuwaasi oo qaarkood ay Magan Gelyo ka Heleen Caalmka, waxa iyana aan Meesha ka Maqnay Wariyaasha ka hor yimi Siyaasada Maamulka Puntland kuwaasi oo haba Yaraatee Go"aan saday inay dalka dibada uga baxaan ka gadaal markii ay arkeen Cabudhinta Saxaafada, iyo xadhiga loo Gaysanayo hadii ay Sheegi waayaan Hadafka ay Xukuumada Leedahay.
Dadka arimahan u dhuun daloola ayaa leh Magcaabista Faroole uu wiilkiisa magcaabay ma ah mid wax buuran soo Kordhinaysa iyada oo ayba suura Gal Noqon karto inay sii kala Fogaadaan Wariyaasha iyo Xukuumadu.
Maxamed C/raxmaan Faroole oo Aabihii Loolan adag la soo galay wakhtigii Olalaha doorashada Puntland ayaa Faroole Abaal marin uga dhigay inuu Noqday La Taliye dhanka warfaafinta ah, Maxamed C/raxmaan Faroole oo Da"ahaan Lagu qiyaasay inuu jiray 42- Sano ayaa ah Shakhsi aad ay uga Cawdaan Suxufiyiinta Puntland.
Maxamed C/raxmaan Faroole ayaa ah Maamulaha Radi Garoowe, iyo waliba Barta Enternet ee Garowe-Online, Labadan Saldhig warbaahineed ayaa Aasaaskooda waxa ka danbeeyay Madaxwane Faroole oo doonayay inuu Gor Gortan ku Galo xiliga doorashada waxana uu Waraysiyo badan xiligii doorashooyinka ka sheegi Jiray Warbaahintiisa hadalo duraya Siyaasiyiinta markaasi xilka haysa iyo kuwa u hanqal taagayaba.
Waxa la Xasuustaa Maqaaladii iyo Buun Buunitii Maxamed C/raxmaan Faroole uu ka Faafiyay wakhtigii Xukuumada Gen Cade Muuse ee tan Aabihii ka Horaysay isaga oo Qori jiray warar lidi ku ah Hanaanka Maamulkaasi, Ujeedka ugu wayn ee uu wakhtigaasi ka lahaa ayaa hayad sidii Maamulkaasi dadka looga Horkeeni lahaa.
Hadaba La Taliyaha Cusubi ma Xuusandoonaan Hadaladii uu is Ticmaali Jiray wakhtii Maamuladii Kan Aabihii C/raxmaan ka horeeyay ee soo maray Puntland Mase Ogolaandoonaa in Xukuumada Aabihii uu isna ka mid Noqday Haatan ay wariyaashu sheegaan Daldalooladeeda oo ah Xaq in Warbaahintu shaaca ka qaado wax kasta oo ay Xukuumada Puntland gees martay. ???
Maxamed C/raxmaan Faroole ayaa dhawor jeer is hortaagay shaqooyinka Wariyaasha xili ay Gudanayeen waajibaadkooda shaqo, isaga oo markaasi isu arkayay inuu Saxanyahay....... Waxa hubaal ah in qaar ka mid ah Golaha Xukuumada Puntland aanay Warbaahinta toos ula hadli Karin ilaa Maxamed C/raxmaan ay Soo maraan Wariyaasha Golaha Xukuumada Warka ka doonayaa..
Waxa moodaa in Magcaabista Madaxwayne Faroole ee wiilkiisa ay tahay mid lala deg degay iyada oo ay jiraan rag badan oo uga xeel dheer arimaha Saxaafada isla markaana ay isku kalsoonaan lahaayeen Wariyaasha Gudahooda ay ku Haboonaan lahaayeen in Booskaasi loo Magcaabo.
Hadii aan in yar dib u Jaleecno Xukuumadii Cade Muuse Boqor waxa la Taliye dhanka Warfaafin ahaa Bile Maxamuud Qaboowsade oo ah nin Lagu tilmaami karo Aabihii Saxaafada Puntland marka loo eego Wakhitiga badan ee uu Qoobka kula Jiray Arimaha Saxaafada, sidoo kale wuxuu Bile ka mid Noqday Xukuumadii C/laahi Yuusuf... Wakhtigii Cade Muuse uu xilkaasi Bile Qabowsade u Magcaabayay mahayn mid ay xukuumadu is kala Maagtay Xilkaasi Hase yeeshee waxaan Oran karaa Magcaabista Bile waxay ku timi Talooyin ay soo Jeediyeen Wariyaasha markaasi Joogay Puntland kuwaasi oo u Arkayay inuu yahay Shakhsi ka Soo Bixi kara isku xidhka Maamulka iyo Wariyaasha.
Dadka qaar ayaa leh Puntland ma Boqortooyaa la kala dhaxlo....... marka loo eego inta Xayndaabka Maamulka Faroole ku weegaaran oo ah rag ay aad isugu dhawyihiin Qoys ahaan.. taasi waxay horseedaysaa in Kalsoonida Maamulka loo hayaa ay Gabi ahaanba lunto.
Waxa jiraa ku dhawaad 30-Wariye oo ah kuwa ugu Tunka wayn dhanka Warfaafinta Puntland ay dalka ka Haajireen kuwaasi oo qaarkood ay Magan Gelyo ka Heleen Caalmka, waxa iyana aan Meesha ka Maqnay Wariyaasha ka hor yimi Siyaasada Maamulka Puntland kuwaasi oo haba Yaraatee Go"aan saday inay dalka dibada uga baxaan ka gadaal markii ay arkeen Cabudhinta Saxaafada, iyo xadhiga loo Gaysanayo hadii ay Sheegi waayaan Hadafka ay Xukuumada Leedahay.
Dadka arimahan u dhuun daloola ayaa leh Magcaabista Faroole uu wiilkiisa magcaabay ma ah mid wax buuran soo Kordhinaysa iyada oo ayba suura Gal Noqon karto inay sii kala Fogaadaan Wariyaasha iyo Xukuumadu.
Shirkii uga Socday Suxufiyiinta Soomaaliyeed Magaalaadda Nairobi Ee Caasimada Wadanka Kenya oo Maanta soo gaba gaboobay(Daawo Sawirada
Waxaa Maanta Magaaladda Nairobi Ee Caasimada Wadanka Kenya kusoo idlaaaday Shirar Sadexdii Casho Ee u dambeysay uga Socday Mulkiilayaasha iyo Agaasimayaasha Warbaahinta Gudaha Somalia iyo Dibada, Kulankan ayaa waxaa qabashadiisa iskaKaashaday Ururka Qaranka Saxafiyiinta Soomaaliyeed Ee Nusoj iyo Ururka Kale Ee press now.
Shirkan Maanta kusoo Ifa-fa beelay Magaalaadda Nairobi ayaa waxaa kasoo wada qeyb galay dhamaan qeybaha kala duwan Ee Warbaahinta Somalida ka kooban tahay Waxaana Shirkan lagaga aransanayay Sidii Ahmiyad gaara loo siin lahaa Horu-marinta Warbaahinta Afka Somaliga ku hadasha.
Shirkan ayaa waxaa Soo qaban qaabiyay oo isku soo duba riday Uruka Saxafiyiinta qaranka Soomaaliyed Ee Nusoj iyo Ururka kale Ee Caalamig ah Ee Press Now, Wuxuuna ahaa Ujeedkiisu sidii la isugu soo dhaweyn lahaa Warbaahinta Afka Somaliga ku hadasha meelay joogtaba.
Shirkan ayaa waxaa Kasoo dhex muuqday markii ugu horeysay Warbaahinta Afka Somaliga ku hadasha qaar keed oo aan hore loogu arki jirin Shirarka Saxafiyiinta Soomaaliyeed goobaha ay ka dhacayaan, Shirkan ayaa waxaa kasoo qeyb galay Gudoomiyaha Ururka Saxafiyiinta Somaliland Mustafe Cabdi Ciise (Mustafe Shiino)
iyo Gudoomiyaha Ururka Saxafiyiinta Jabuuti oo halkaas hadalo qiimo badan kasoo jeediyay.
Xidhitaankii shirka ayaa waxaa kasoo qeyb galay Madax Heer Caalamiya oo uu kamid yahay Safiirka Dowlada Talyaaniga u fadhiya Wadanka Kenya iyo dhowr qof oo ka socday Safaaradaha Midowga yurub.
Xidhitaankii Shirka ayaa waxaa ka hadlay Madax Sarre oo ka socotay Ururka Saxafiyiinta Ee Press Now waxayna Sheegeen inay marwalba garab taagan yihiin Warbaahinta Ku hadashada Afka Somaliga islamarkana ay kala shaqeyn doonaan sidii loo horu-marin lahaa.
Aagaasimaha TV-ga Universal Axmed Abuukar ayaa Beesha Caalamka Ku tilmaamay inay xooga saartay Budhcad Badeeda Waxaana kamid ahaa hadalkiisi"Beesha Caalamka Waxaad moodaa inay Awooda saartay Budhcad Badeeda Ka dhex Aloosan puntland Balse aysan Marnaba eegin dhinaca Warbaahinta Somalida oo runtii guulo waa weyn gaadhay intii burburka.
Mowliid Xaaji Cabdi oo Ah Agaasimaha Idaaacada iyo TV-ga SBC ayaa isna ka hadlay goobta waxaa isma ka mid ahaa hadaladiisi" Waa shirkii ugu horeeyay Ee ay qeybaha kala duwan Ee Warbaahinta Somalidu isugu timaado taasina waxay maragma doonta u tahay inay midaysan tahay Saxaafada Somalidu"
Wariye Siciid Cali Muuse oo ahaa Shir gudoonka Shirka ayaa isna halkaas ka hadlay Wuxuuna Sheegay inuu Aad ugu faraxsanyahay Isu Imaatinka Saxafiyiinta Soomaaliyeed isugu yimaadeen Shirka Ee ay kaga Tashanayaa Sidii loo Horu-marin laha Warbaahinta Somalida, wuxuuna intaas Siciid kusii daray inay farax gooniya isaga u tahay Saxibada Cusub Ee uu ku bartay Shirka.
Xoghaya Guud Ee Ururka Saxafiyiinta Qaranka Soomaaliyeed Cumar Faaruuq ayaa Shirku markii uu dhamaday Waraysi kooban Siiyay Warbaahinta Caalamagi Ee Laasqoray.Net.
SU. Ujeedka Guud Ee Shirku Muxuu ahaa Cumar adiga oo soo koobaya.
JA. Ujeedka guud ee shirku waxa uu ahaa in lagaga hadlo sidii loo horu-marin lahaa Saxaafada Somalida sidii loo gaadhsiin lahaa heer ay isku filaadaan Warbaahinta Somomaaliyeed oo ku gaadhi karaan meel ay wax ku qabsan karaan, markaa shirkii dhamaan waxaa kasoo qeyb galay Idaaacadihii Tv -yadii Wargeys- yadii runtii wuxuu kusoo dhamaaday shirku guul oo lagu gaadhay go'aamo midaysan
SU. Go, aanka kasoo baxay shirka muxuu ahaa
Go'aanka kasoo baxay Wuxuu ahaa Sidii looga go'aan gaaadhi lahaa Sidii loona Horu-marina lahaa Bahda Saxaafada Afka Soomaaliga ku hadasha.
Shirkan Maanta kusoo Ifa-fa beelay Magaalaadda Nairobi ayaa waxaa kasoo wada qeyb galay dhamaan qeybaha kala duwan Ee Warbaahinta Somalida ka kooban tahay Waxaana Shirkan lagaga aransanayay Sidii Ahmiyad gaara loo siin lahaa Horu-marinta Warbaahinta Afka Somaliga ku hadasha.
Shirkan ayaa waxaa Soo qaban qaabiyay oo isku soo duba riday Uruka Saxafiyiinta qaranka Soomaaliyed Ee Nusoj iyo Ururka kale Ee Caalamig ah Ee Press Now, Wuxuuna ahaa Ujeedkiisu sidii la isugu soo dhaweyn lahaa Warbaahinta Afka Somaliga ku hadasha meelay joogtaba.
Shirkan ayaa waxaa Kasoo dhex muuqday markii ugu horeysay Warbaahinta Afka Somaliga ku hadasha qaar keed oo aan hore loogu arki jirin Shirarka Saxafiyiinta Soomaaliyeed goobaha ay ka dhacayaan, Shirkan ayaa waxaa kasoo qeyb galay Gudoomiyaha Ururka Saxafiyiinta Somaliland Mustafe Cabdi Ciise (Mustafe Shiino)
iyo Gudoomiyaha Ururka Saxafiyiinta Jabuuti oo halkaas hadalo qiimo badan kasoo jeediyay.
Xidhitaankii shirka ayaa waxaa kasoo qeyb galay Madax Heer Caalamiya oo uu kamid yahay Safiirka Dowlada Talyaaniga u fadhiya Wadanka Kenya iyo dhowr qof oo ka socday Safaaradaha Midowga yurub.
Xidhitaankii Shirka ayaa waxaa ka hadlay Madax Sarre oo ka socotay Ururka Saxafiyiinta Ee Press Now waxayna Sheegeen inay marwalba garab taagan yihiin Warbaahinta Ku hadashada Afka Somaliga islamarkana ay kala shaqeyn doonaan sidii loo horu-marin lahaa.
Aagaasimaha TV-ga Universal Axmed Abuukar ayaa Beesha Caalamka Ku tilmaamay inay xooga saartay Budhcad Badeeda Waxaana kamid ahaa hadalkiisi"Beesha Caalamka Waxaad moodaa inay Awooda saartay Budhcad Badeeda Ka dhex Aloosan puntland Balse aysan Marnaba eegin dhinaca Warbaahinta Somalida oo runtii guulo waa weyn gaadhay intii burburka.
Mowliid Xaaji Cabdi oo Ah Agaasimaha Idaaacada iyo TV-ga SBC ayaa isna ka hadlay goobta waxaa isma ka mid ahaa hadaladiisi" Waa shirkii ugu horeeyay Ee ay qeybaha kala duwan Ee Warbaahinta Somalidu isugu timaado taasina waxay maragma doonta u tahay inay midaysan tahay Saxaafada Somalidu"
Wariye Siciid Cali Muuse oo ahaa Shir gudoonka Shirka ayaa isna halkaas ka hadlay Wuxuuna Sheegay inuu Aad ugu faraxsanyahay Isu Imaatinka Saxafiyiinta Soomaaliyeed isugu yimaadeen Shirka Ee ay kaga Tashanayaa Sidii loo Horu-marin laha Warbaahinta Somalida, wuxuuna intaas Siciid kusii daray inay farax gooniya isaga u tahay Saxibada Cusub Ee uu ku bartay Shirka.
Xoghaya Guud Ee Ururka Saxafiyiinta Qaranka Soomaaliyeed Cumar Faaruuq ayaa Shirku markii uu dhamaday Waraysi kooban Siiyay Warbaahinta Caalamagi Ee Laasqoray.Net.
SU. Ujeedka Guud Ee Shirku Muxuu ahaa Cumar adiga oo soo koobaya.
JA. Ujeedka guud ee shirku waxa uu ahaa in lagaga hadlo sidii loo horu-marin lahaa Saxaafada Somalida sidii loo gaadhsiin lahaa heer ay isku filaadaan Warbaahinta Somomaaliyeed oo ku gaadhi karaan meel ay wax ku qabsan karaan, markaa shirkii dhamaan waxaa kasoo qeyb galay Idaaacadihii Tv -yadii Wargeys- yadii runtii wuxuu kusoo dhamaaday shirku guul oo lagu gaadhay go'aamo midaysan
SU. Go, aanka kasoo baxay shirka muxuu ahaa
Go'aanka kasoo baxay Wuxuu ahaa Sidii looga go'aan gaaadhi lahaa Sidii loona Horu-marina lahaa Bahda Saxaafada Afka Soomaaliga ku hadasha.
CPJ embroiled in clan politics
Press Releases
Jul 18, 2009 - 10:51:40 PM
July 18, 2009
PRESS RELEASE | To CPJ, welcome to Somalia's dirty clan politics. You have lost neutrality and therefore our respect.
It is neither surprising nor shocking to see Somali websites engaged in dirty media campaigns motivated by clan politics or pure greed. However, it is quite disappointing to see a well-known international organization that claims to "protect" the rights of journalists worldwide take part of clan politics in Somalia.
This press release is in reference to a press release dated July 17, 2009, and issued by the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) under the title, " Journalist beaten in Puntland courtroom."
It seems CPJ published the press release with utter disregard to the truth or the facts on the ground. However, monitors in New York City found it easy to pen a few words to gain international attention as "defenders" of press freedom in a poor African country.
Seeking the truth is part of defending the press. CPJ should have researched the facts on the ground before publishing such a disreputable piece of work simply based on the writings and comments of a single news organization with a hidden agenda desiring the return of petty cash it used to receive in the past. For starters, the sourced website is used by the sore losers who thrived in the corruption of yesteryear and are unsatisfied by genuine changes on the ground or the outcome of the 2009 democratic election in Puntland.
CPJ wrote: "In late June, Deputy Information Minister Abdishakur Mire Adan and the son of Puntland’s president, Mohamed Abdirahman Farole, told Horseed Media to remove a May 11 article posted on their Web site, according to the editor-in-chief of Horseed Media, Mahad Mussa."
It is very unfortunate that CPJ was misled or is intentionally misleading the world when it simply describes Mr. Mohamed Abdirahman, an Australian citizen, only as "the son of Puntland's president." This is a fact and only God can change it. But what about the other fact: that Mr. Mohamed is the founder and executive director of Radio Garowe, an independent radio station in Puntland? Further, Mr. Mohamed remains the editor-in-chief of, one of Somalia's most well-known news portals. As such, Mr. Mohamed has been a well-known name on the Somali media scene years before his father, Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed "Farole," was elected the president of Puntland only six months ago.
It is worth mentioning that, as an independent journalist, Mr. Mohamed can interview anyone he deems newsworthy, including pirates. Garowe Online editors have welcomed international journalists to Puntland, including the New York Times' Jeffrey Gettleman and the BBC's Andrew Harding, both of whom published investigative reporting on piracy in Puntland. It seems unbelievable that Mr. Mohamed would ask a small-time and relatively unknown website to "remove" an article when he is too busy with his professional career and family life.
To CPJ, welcome to Somalia's dirty clan politics. You have lost neutrality and therefore our respect. To the sore losers in Puntland politics, lies and filthy propaganda will not bring back the years of mismanagement that nearly destroyed Puntland. To Somali public, and particularly the people of Puntland, please search the facts, educate yourselves and know the truth.
The independent news website is the online sister publication of Radio Garowe, a community radio station based in Garowe, the State capital of Puntland, a self-governing region in northern Somalia.
Press Releases
Jul 18, 2009 - 10:51:40 PM
July 18, 2009
PRESS RELEASE | To CPJ, welcome to Somalia's dirty clan politics. You have lost neutrality and therefore our respect.
It is neither surprising nor shocking to see Somali websites engaged in dirty media campaigns motivated by clan politics or pure greed. However, it is quite disappointing to see a well-known international organization that claims to "protect" the rights of journalists worldwide take part of clan politics in Somalia.
This press release is in reference to a press release dated July 17, 2009, and issued by the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) under the title, " Journalist beaten in Puntland courtroom."
It seems CPJ published the press release with utter disregard to the truth or the facts on the ground. However, monitors in New York City found it easy to pen a few words to gain international attention as "defenders" of press freedom in a poor African country.
Seeking the truth is part of defending the press. CPJ should have researched the facts on the ground before publishing such a disreputable piece of work simply based on the writings and comments of a single news organization with a hidden agenda desiring the return of petty cash it used to receive in the past. For starters, the sourced website is used by the sore losers who thrived in the corruption of yesteryear and are unsatisfied by genuine changes on the ground or the outcome of the 2009 democratic election in Puntland.
CPJ wrote: "In late June, Deputy Information Minister Abdishakur Mire Adan and the son of Puntland’s president, Mohamed Abdirahman Farole, told Horseed Media to remove a May 11 article posted on their Web site, according to the editor-in-chief of Horseed Media, Mahad Mussa."
It is very unfortunate that CPJ was misled or is intentionally misleading the world when it simply describes Mr. Mohamed Abdirahman, an Australian citizen, only as "the son of Puntland's president." This is a fact and only God can change it. But what about the other fact: that Mr. Mohamed is the founder and executive director of Radio Garowe, an independent radio station in Puntland? Further, Mr. Mohamed remains the editor-in-chief of, one of Somalia's most well-known news portals. As such, Mr. Mohamed has been a well-known name on the Somali media scene years before his father, Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed "Farole," was elected the president of Puntland only six months ago.
It is worth mentioning that, as an independent journalist, Mr. Mohamed can interview anyone he deems newsworthy, including pirates. Garowe Online editors have welcomed international journalists to Puntland, including the New York Times' Jeffrey Gettleman and the BBC's Andrew Harding, both of whom published investigative reporting on piracy in Puntland. It seems unbelievable that Mr. Mohamed would ask a small-time and relatively unknown website to "remove" an article when he is too busy with his professional career and family life.
To CPJ, welcome to Somalia's dirty clan politics. You have lost neutrality and therefore our respect. To the sore losers in Puntland politics, lies and filthy propaganda will not bring back the years of mismanagement that nearly destroyed Puntland. To Somali public, and particularly the people of Puntland, please search the facts, educate yourselves and know the truth.
The independent news website is the online sister publication of Radio Garowe, a community radio station based in Garowe, the State capital of Puntland, a self-governing region in northern Somalia.
Madaxweyne Faroole oo Wiilkiisa u Magacaabay Lataliyaha Dhinaca Saxaafada
Wareegto Lanbarkeedu ahaa 99 ayaa waxa lagu Magacaabay lataliyaha Madaxweynaha Puntland dhinaca Saxaafa Maxamed Cabdiraxmaan Faroole.
Maxamed C/raxmaan Faroole ayaa iskaleh idaacada iyo Websaydka
Wareegtadan oo uu ku saxiixanyahay Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa maanta ladhaqankaliyey.
Wareegto Lanbarkeedu ahaa 99 ayaa waxa lagu Magacaabay lataliyaha Madaxweynaha Puntland dhinaca Saxaafa Maxamed Cabdiraxmaan Faroole.
Maxamed C/raxmaan Faroole ayaa iskaleh idaacada iyo Websaydka
Wareegtadan oo uu ku saxiixanyahay Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa maanta ladhaqankaliyey.
Somali rebels order WFP to halt relief food imports
* Insurgents control most of south
* Some 3.76 million Somalis need aid
* Fresh fighting near Kismayu port
By Ibrahim Mohamed
MOGADISHU, Nov 25 (Reuters) - The U.N.'s World Food Programme must immediately stop importing relief rations to Somalia, hardline rebels said on Wednesday, accusing the aid agency of devastating local agriculture.
Al Shabaab insurgents control most of the south of the drought-ravaged country, where fighting has worsened one of the world's most acute humanitarian crises. Washington says the group is al Qaeda's proxy in the Horn of Africa nation.
WFP is a major player in the international response to the emergency. Experts say 3.76 million people -- or half the Somali population -- now need aid, and that three-quarters of those are concentrated in central and southern regions.
But in a statement, al Shabaab's Office for the Supervision of the Affairs of Foreign Agencies said imports by the U.N. organisation had become a barrier to Somalia's self-sufficiency.
"It has been decided that WFP must immediately refrain from bringing food rations from outside Somalia and rather purchase food from Somali farmers and then that food will be distributed to the needy," the statement said.
"The bringing of immense quantities of free food rations, specifically during the harvest season, has been devastating to the agriculture industry in Somalia and has greatly discouraged the Somali people from the agricultural trade."
The rebels said all local businesspeople contracted by WFP must terminate those contracts before Jan. 1, 2010, and that WFP must empty its warehouses and food stocks by the same date.
A WFP spokesman in neighbouring Kenya had no immediate comment. Experts say al Shabaab leaders have made tough statements before, then subsequently softened their stance.
Somalia has lacked an effective central government for 18 years. The Western-backed administration of President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed is battling al Shabaab and other rebel groups, and controls little more than a few part of the capital Mogadishu.
Rival rebels also routinely fight for territory.
Residents said gunmen from another guerrilla group, Hizbul Islam, attacked al Shabaab forces near the southern port of Kismayu late on Tuesday and clashes were nearing its airport.
The two groups had run Kismayu in an uneasy alliance until the end of September, when al Shabaab drove Hizbul out of town. The insurgent groups still launch joint attacks, however, on government troops and African Union peacekeepers in Mogadishu.
Also on Tuesday, al Shabaab seized the village of Qoqani, near the Kenyan border, after Hizbul gunmen left it without firing a shot. Witnesses said the Hizbul Islam fighters regrouped at another village about 30 km (19 miles) from Qoqani. (Additional reporting by Abdi Sheikh; Writing by Daniel Wallis; Editing by Myra MacDonald) ((Email:; tel: +254 20 222 4717)) ((For Interactive factbox on Somalia please click on
* Some 3.76 million Somalis need aid
* Fresh fighting near Kismayu port
By Ibrahim Mohamed
MOGADISHU, Nov 25 (Reuters) - The U.N.'s World Food Programme must immediately stop importing relief rations to Somalia, hardline rebels said on Wednesday, accusing the aid agency of devastating local agriculture.
Al Shabaab insurgents control most of the south of the drought-ravaged country, where fighting has worsened one of the world's most acute humanitarian crises. Washington says the group is al Qaeda's proxy in the Horn of Africa nation.
WFP is a major player in the international response to the emergency. Experts say 3.76 million people -- or half the Somali population -- now need aid, and that three-quarters of those are concentrated in central and southern regions.
But in a statement, al Shabaab's Office for the Supervision of the Affairs of Foreign Agencies said imports by the U.N. organisation had become a barrier to Somalia's self-sufficiency.
"It has been decided that WFP must immediately refrain from bringing food rations from outside Somalia and rather purchase food from Somali farmers and then that food will be distributed to the needy," the statement said.
"The bringing of immense quantities of free food rations, specifically during the harvest season, has been devastating to the agriculture industry in Somalia and has greatly discouraged the Somali people from the agricultural trade."
The rebels said all local businesspeople contracted by WFP must terminate those contracts before Jan. 1, 2010, and that WFP must empty its warehouses and food stocks by the same date.
A WFP spokesman in neighbouring Kenya had no immediate comment. Experts say al Shabaab leaders have made tough statements before, then subsequently softened their stance.
Somalia has lacked an effective central government for 18 years. The Western-backed administration of President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed is battling al Shabaab and other rebel groups, and controls little more than a few part of the capital Mogadishu.
Rival rebels also routinely fight for territory.
Residents said gunmen from another guerrilla group, Hizbul Islam, attacked al Shabaab forces near the southern port of Kismayu late on Tuesday and clashes were nearing its airport.
The two groups had run Kismayu in an uneasy alliance until the end of September, when al Shabaab drove Hizbul out of town. The insurgent groups still launch joint attacks, however, on government troops and African Union peacekeepers in Mogadishu.
Also on Tuesday, al Shabaab seized the village of Qoqani, near the Kenyan border, after Hizbul gunmen left it without firing a shot. Witnesses said the Hizbul Islam fighters regrouped at another village about 30 km (19 miles) from Qoqani. (Additional reporting by Abdi Sheikh; Writing by Daniel Wallis; Editing by Myra MacDonald) ((Email:; tel: +254 20 222 4717)) ((For Interactive factbox on Somalia please click on
Madaxweyne Siyaad Bare oo kaalinta Sedexaad ka galay 20 dal ugu Nationalist
Madaxweyne Siyaad Bare Allaha u naxariistee ayaa ahaa halyeey dalka Soomaaliya soo maray oo Taariikhdiisa marnaba mugdi galin doonin waxaana la dhihi karaa waa shaqsigii dalka Soomaaliya gaarsiiyey inta yar ee horomarka
Waxaana la dhihi karaa waa ninkii keenay in Afka Soomaaliga la qoro Rag iyo habeen.
Siyaad Bare Allaha u naxariistee ayaa la dhihi karaa dalka iyo Diinta waxuu ka galay dhow danbi oo kala ah markoow ka horyimd aayadaha Ilahay ee ka hadlaayey Raga iyo haweenka iyo dhaxalkaba iyadoona qalidkii labaad uu galay ay aheyd Weerarkii cirka iyo dhulka uu ku qaaday Soomaaliland
Madaxweyen Siyaad Bare ayaa lagu xasuusan karaa dhismihii Jamacadaha iyo Isbitaalada iyo xarumaha dalka
Waxaana la dhihi karaa in Siyaad Bare uu kaalinta Sedaax ka galay madaxweynaha yaasha 20ka dalka ugu wadanisanaa waxaase lahubaa Yuq isii horteed dalka in uu ahaa dalka hormar ku tilaabsanaayey
Halkaan ka daalaco Joornaalka soo qoray war bixinta
Waakan liiiska 20 dalka uu Allaha u naxariistee Siyaad Bare ka galay kaalinta Sedexaad
Nationalist leaders of 20th century nation states
" Michel Aflaq (Arabs)
" Kemal Atatürk (Turkey)
" Mohamed Siad Barre ( Greater Somalia)
" Todor Alexandrov (Bulgaria and Macedonia)
" Ivan Mihailov (Bulgaria and Macedonia)
" Nnamdi Azikiwe (Nigeria)
" Hastings Kamuzu Banda (Malawi)
" Ahmed Ben Bella (Algeria)
" David Ben-Gurion (Israel)
" Habib Bourguiba (Tunisia)
" J?nis ?akste (Latvia)
" Winston Churchill (United Kingdom)
" Michael Collins (Ireland)
" Eamon de Valera (Ireland)
" Gnassingbé Eyadema (Togo)
" King Faisal I (Iraq)
" King Ghazi (Iraq)
" Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam)
" Mykhailo Hrushevsky (Ukraine)
" Alija Izetbegovi? (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
" Mohammad Ali Jinnah (Pakistan)
" Modibo Keita (Mali)
" Jomo Kenyatta (Kenya)
" Kim Il-sung (Korea)
" Patrice Lumumba (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
" Nelson Mandela (South Africa)
" Norman Manley (Jamaica)
" King Muhammad V (Morocco)
" Mujibur Rahman (Bangladesh)
" Gamal Abdel Nasser (Egypt/Arabs)
" Jawaharlal Nehru (India)
" Kwame Nkrumah (Ghana)
" Sam Nujoma (Namibia)
" Milton Obote (Uganda)
" Sylvanus Olympio (Togo)
" Sir Lynden Pindling (The Bahamas)
" Louis Rwagasore (Burundi)
" Thomas Sankara (Burkina Faso)
" Antanas Smetona (Lithuania)
" Sukarno (Indonesia)
" Ahmed Sékou Touré (Guinea)
" Franjo Tu?man (Croatia)
" Eric Williams (Trinidad and Tobago)
" Ziaur Rahman (Bangladesh)
Waxaana la dhihi karaa waa ninkii keenay in Afka Soomaaliga la qoro Rag iyo habeen.
Siyaad Bare Allaha u naxariistee ayaa la dhihi karaa dalka iyo Diinta waxuu ka galay dhow danbi oo kala ah markoow ka horyimd aayadaha Ilahay ee ka hadlaayey Raga iyo haweenka iyo dhaxalkaba iyadoona qalidkii labaad uu galay ay aheyd Weerarkii cirka iyo dhulka uu ku qaaday Soomaaliland
Madaxweyen Siyaad Bare ayaa lagu xasuusan karaa dhismihii Jamacadaha iyo Isbitaalada iyo xarumaha dalka
Waxaana la dhihi karaa in Siyaad Bare uu kaalinta Sedaax ka galay madaxweynaha yaasha 20ka dalka ugu wadanisanaa waxaase lahubaa Yuq isii horteed dalka in uu ahaa dalka hormar ku tilaabsanaayey
Halkaan ka daalaco Joornaalka soo qoray war bixinta
Waakan liiiska 20 dalka uu Allaha u naxariistee Siyaad Bare ka galay kaalinta Sedexaad
Nationalist leaders of 20th century nation states
" Michel Aflaq (Arabs)
" Kemal Atatürk (Turkey)
" Mohamed Siad Barre ( Greater Somalia)
" Todor Alexandrov (Bulgaria and Macedonia)
" Ivan Mihailov (Bulgaria and Macedonia)
" Nnamdi Azikiwe (Nigeria)
" Hastings Kamuzu Banda (Malawi)
" Ahmed Ben Bella (Algeria)
" David Ben-Gurion (Israel)
" Habib Bourguiba (Tunisia)
" J?nis ?akste (Latvia)
" Winston Churchill (United Kingdom)
" Michael Collins (Ireland)
" Eamon de Valera (Ireland)
" Gnassingbé Eyadema (Togo)
" King Faisal I (Iraq)
" King Ghazi (Iraq)
" Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam)
" Mykhailo Hrushevsky (Ukraine)
" Alija Izetbegovi? (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
" Mohammad Ali Jinnah (Pakistan)
" Modibo Keita (Mali)
" Jomo Kenyatta (Kenya)
" Kim Il-sung (Korea)
" Patrice Lumumba (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
" Nelson Mandela (South Africa)
" Norman Manley (Jamaica)
" King Muhammad V (Morocco)
" Mujibur Rahman (Bangladesh)
" Gamal Abdel Nasser (Egypt/Arabs)
" Jawaharlal Nehru (India)
" Kwame Nkrumah (Ghana)
" Sam Nujoma (Namibia)
" Milton Obote (Uganda)
" Sylvanus Olympio (Togo)
" Sir Lynden Pindling (The Bahamas)
" Louis Rwagasore (Burundi)
" Thomas Sankara (Burkina Faso)
" Antanas Smetona (Lithuania)
" Sukarno (Indonesia)
" Ahmed Sékou Touré (Guinea)
" Franjo Tu?man (Croatia)
" Eric Williams (Trinidad and Tobago)
" Ziaur Rahman (Bangladesh)
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Barakac ka Bilaawday Degmada Dayniile kadib Markii Ciidamada Dowlada ay halkaasi dageen kana bilaabeen dhac, Kufsi iyo arimo kale…
Wararka ka imaanaya Caawa Degmada Dayniile ayaa sheegaya in uu halkaasi ka bilaawday Barakac halkaasoo qeybo ka mid ah ay fariisimo ka sameysteen Ciidamo ka tirsan Milateriga Dowladda oo dhowaan dib u habeyn iyo tababar dibada ku soo qaatay.
Sida ay wararku sheegayaan Ciidamada Milateriga ayaa shalay gelinkii danbe gaaray Warshada Kabka, iyagoo aan wax iska caabin la kulmin Xoogaga ka soo horjeedo, waxaana halkaas ku soo dhoweeyay Odayaal ku dhaqan Degmada Dayniile.
Dadka ku dhaqan Xaafada Raadeerka iyo xaafadaha kale ayaa walaac ka muujinaya Ciidamada soo dul degay, iyagoo qaarkood durba bilaabaya in ay isaga.barakacaan.
Wararka aan caawa ka helayno Halkaasi ayaa sheegaya in ay Ciidamada Dowlada bilaabeen dhac ay ka gaysanayaan Goobahaasi, kuwaasi oo dadka ka Qaadanaya Mobilada halka warar aan la xaqiijina ay sheegayaan in uu jiro fara Xumayn la sheegay in ay kual kaceen hablo soomaaliyeed, balse arintaasi wax cadayn ah looma hayo.
Ma ahan markii ugu horeyasy oo Ciidamo ka Tirsan Dowlada ay dagaan Goobo balse waxaa maalmihii ugu danbeeyay soo baxayay eedaymo loo Jeedinayo Ciidamadaasi.
Sida ay wararku sheegayaan Ciidamada Milateriga ayaa shalay gelinkii danbe gaaray Warshada Kabka, iyagoo aan wax iska caabin la kulmin Xoogaga ka soo horjeedo, waxaana halkaas ku soo dhoweeyay Odayaal ku dhaqan Degmada Dayniile.
Dadka ku dhaqan Xaafada Raadeerka iyo xaafadaha kale ayaa walaac ka muujinaya Ciidamada soo dul degay, iyagoo qaarkood durba bilaabaya in ay isaga.barakacaan.
Wararka aan caawa ka helayno Halkaasi ayaa sheegaya in ay Ciidamada Dowlada bilaabeen dhac ay ka gaysanayaan Goobahaasi, kuwaasi oo dadka ka Qaadanaya Mobilada halka warar aan la xaqiijina ay sheegayaan in uu jiro fara Xumayn la sheegay in ay kual kaceen hablo soomaaliyeed, balse arintaasi wax cadayn ah looma hayo.
Ma ahan markii ugu horeyasy oo Ciidamo ka Tirsan Dowlada ay dagaan Goobo balse waxaa maalmihii ugu danbeeyay soo baxayay eedaymo loo Jeedinayo Ciidamadaasi.
India commits $4.2 billion to buy farm land from Ethiopia
November 28th, 2009 | | 3 Comments
Didn't the dumb regime in Ethiopia say that 6 million people are currently facing starvation because of rain shortage? If so, how are the Indians and Saudis going to grow crops on the land they are buying from the regime — the same land that we are told cannot produce food for Ethiopians?
How about the question of sovereignty? These land leases and international agreements that are signed by the illegitimate regime inEthiopia that has no mandate to govern are serious threats to Ethiopia's long term interest. In early last century, the British signed away the Nile River to Egypt without Ethiopia's knowledge and now if Ethiopia tries to adjust or cancel the treaty, it will face war, as the government of Egypt warned recently. When the Woyanne regime goes away, if a new regime tries to adjust or terminate all these ill-advised land lease treaties,Ethiopia may face war from the 1-billion-strong India, not to mention Saudi Arabia, Korea and the other countries that are taking over Ethiopia's land at "bargain-basement prices." Woyanne's land giveaway in such a manner is the worst kind of treason.
Washington Post reports the following on the scramble for Ethiopia's land.
Ethiopia — In recent months, the Ethiopian regime began marketing abroad one of the hottest commodities in an increasingly crowded and hungry world: farmland.
"Why attractive?" reads one glossy poster with photos of green fields and a map outlining swathes of the country available at bargain-basement prices. "Vast, fertile, irrigable land at low rent. Abundant water resources. Cheap labour. Warmest hospitality."
This impoverished and chronically food-insecure nation is fast becoming one of the world's leading destinations for the booming business of land leasing, by which relatively rich countries and investment firms are securing 40-to-99-year contracts to farm vast tracts of land.
Governments across South-East Asia, Latin America and especially Africa are trying to attract this new breed of investors, creating land-leasing agencies and land catalogues to display their offerings of earth.
In Africa alone, experts estimate more than 20 million hectares have been leased in the past two years.
The trend is driven in part by last year's global food crisis. Wealthy countries are shoring up their food supplies by growing staple crops abroad. The desert kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for instance, is shifting wheat production to Africa. The government of India, where land is crowded and overfarmed, is offering incentives to companies to carve out mega-farms across the continent.
Increasingly, though, purely profit-seeking companies are snatching up land, making a simple, grim, calculation. As one Saudi-backed businessman here put it: "The population of the world is increasing dramatically, so land and food supplies will be short, demand will be higher and prices will rise."
The scale and pace of the land scramble have alarmed policymakers and others concerned about the implications for food security in countries such asEthiopia, where officials recently appealed for food aid for about 6 million people as drought devastates East Africa.
A code of conduct to govern land deals was discussed on the sidelines of last week's UN Food and Agriculture Organisation food security summit in Rome. "These contracts are pretty thin; no safeguards are being introduced," David Hallam, a deputy director at the FAO, said. "You see statements from ministers where they're basically promising everything with no controls, no conditions."
The harshest critics conjure images of poor Africans starving as food is hauled off to rich countries. Some express concern that decades of industrial farming will leave good land spoiled even as local populations surge. And sceptics also say the political contexts cannot be ignored.
"We don't trust this government," said Merera Gudina, a leading opposition figure who accuses the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi, of using the land policy to hold on to power. "We are afraid this government is buying diplomatic support by giving away land."
But many experts are hopeful, saying that big agribusiness could feed millions by industrialising agriculture in countries such asEthiopia, where about 80 per cent of its 75 million people are farmers who plow their fields with oxen.
"If these deals are negotiated well, I tell you, it will change the dynamics of the food economy in this country," said Mafa Chipeta, the FAO's representative inEthiopia, dismissing the worst-case scenarios. "I can't believe Ethiopia or any other government would allow their country to be used like an empty womb. The human spirit would not allow it."
Few countries have embraced the trend as zealously as Ethiopia, where hard-baked eastern deserts fade into spectacularly lush and green western valleys fed by the Blue Nile. Only a quarter of the country's estimated 70 million fertile hectares is being farmed.
Desperate for foreign currency, the government of former Marxist rebels who once proclaimed "land to the tiller!" has set aside more than 2.5 million hectares for agribusiness. Lured with 40-year leases and tax holidays, investors are going on farm shopping sprees, crisscrossing the country to pick out swathes of Ethiopian soil.
"There's no crop that doesn't grow in Ethiopia," said Esayas Kebede, who works for a government agribusiness agency, adding that too many requirements on investors might scare them off. "Everybody is coming."
Especially Indian companies, which have committed $US4.2 billion ($4.6 billion).
Anand Seth, director general of the Federation of Indian Export Organisations, described Africa as "the next big thing" in investment opportunities and markets.
As he stood on a hill overlooking 12,000 hectares of rich, black soil, Hanumantha Rao, chief general manager of the Indian company Karuturi Agro Products, agreed. So far, he said, the Ethiopian Government has imposed few requirements on his company. "From here, you can see the past and the future of Ethiopian agriculture."
From there – a farm just west of Addis Ababa – it was possible to see a river designated for irrigating cornfields and rice paddies; it is no longer open for locals to water their cows.
Several shiny green tractors bounced across the field where teff, the local grain, once grew. Hundreds of Ethiopian workers, overseen by Indian supervisors, were bent over rows of corn stalks, cutting weeds tangled around them with small blades. Many of the workers were children.
The day rate: 8 birr – about 70 cents.
"The people are very happy," Rao said. "We have no problems with them."
As a worker spoke to one of his supervisors, he whispered that the company had refused to sign a wage contract and had failed to deliver promised water and power to nearby villages.
Supervisors treat them cruelly, he said, and most workers were just biding time until they could go work for a Chinese construction company rumoured to pay $2 to $4 a day.
"We are not happy," said the man, a farmer-turned-tractor driver who did not give his name because he feared being fired.
"I'm a machine operator and I make 800 birr [about $65] a month. This is the most terrible pay."
Rao said he had trained about 60 Ethiopians to drive tractors; others would learn to run shellers and how to fertilise and irrigate land. If things work as they should, he said, Ethiopians will adopt the modern techniques in their own farms.
Along a muddy road leading to Karuturi farm, people said they were hopeful that might happen. But they were not sure how. Ethiopians cannot own land, instead holding "use certificates" for their tiny plots, making it difficult to get loans, or to sell or increase holdings.
"We think they might be beneficial to us in the future," said Yadeta Fininsa, referring to the new companies coming to town. "But so far we have not benefited anything."
(Souce: The Washington Post)
Didn't the dumb regime in Ethiopia say that 6 million people are currently facing starvation because of rain shortage? If so, how are the Indians and Saudis going to grow crops on the land they are buying from the regime — the same land that we are told cannot produce food for Ethiopians?
How about the question of sovereignty? These land leases and international agreements that are signed by the illegitimate regime inEthiopia that has no mandate to govern are serious threats to Ethiopia's long term interest. In early last century, the British signed away the Nile River to Egypt without Ethiopia's knowledge and now if Ethiopia tries to adjust or cancel the treaty, it will face war, as the government of Egypt warned recently. When the Woyanne regime goes away, if a new regime tries to adjust or terminate all these ill-advised land lease treaties,Ethiopia may face war from the 1-billion-strong India, not to mention Saudi Arabia, Korea and the other countries that are taking over Ethiopia's land at "bargain-basement prices." Woyanne's land giveaway in such a manner is the worst kind of treason.
Washington Post reports the following on the scramble for Ethiopia's land.
Ethiopia — In recent months, the Ethiopian regime began marketing abroad one of the hottest commodities in an increasingly crowded and hungry world: farmland.
"Why attractive?" reads one glossy poster with photos of green fields and a map outlining swathes of the country available at bargain-basement prices. "Vast, fertile, irrigable land at low rent. Abundant water resources. Cheap labour. Warmest hospitality."
This impoverished and chronically food-insecure nation is fast becoming one of the world's leading destinations for the booming business of land leasing, by which relatively rich countries and investment firms are securing 40-to-99-year contracts to farm vast tracts of land.
Governments across South-East Asia, Latin America and especially Africa are trying to attract this new breed of investors, creating land-leasing agencies and land catalogues to display their offerings of earth.
In Africa alone, experts estimate more than 20 million hectares have been leased in the past two years.
The trend is driven in part by last year's global food crisis. Wealthy countries are shoring up their food supplies by growing staple crops abroad. The desert kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for instance, is shifting wheat production to Africa. The government of India, where land is crowded and overfarmed, is offering incentives to companies to carve out mega-farms across the continent.
Increasingly, though, purely profit-seeking companies are snatching up land, making a simple, grim, calculation. As one Saudi-backed businessman here put it: "The population of the world is increasing dramatically, so land and food supplies will be short, demand will be higher and prices will rise."
The scale and pace of the land scramble have alarmed policymakers and others concerned about the implications for food security in countries such asEthiopia, where officials recently appealed for food aid for about 6 million people as drought devastates East Africa.
A code of conduct to govern land deals was discussed on the sidelines of last week's UN Food and Agriculture Organisation food security summit in Rome. "These contracts are pretty thin; no safeguards are being introduced," David Hallam, a deputy director at the FAO, said. "You see statements from ministers where they're basically promising everything with no controls, no conditions."
The harshest critics conjure images of poor Africans starving as food is hauled off to rich countries. Some express concern that decades of industrial farming will leave good land spoiled even as local populations surge. And sceptics also say the political contexts cannot be ignored.
"We don't trust this government," said Merera Gudina, a leading opposition figure who accuses the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi, of using the land policy to hold on to power. "We are afraid this government is buying diplomatic support by giving away land."
But many experts are hopeful, saying that big agribusiness could feed millions by industrialising agriculture in countries such asEthiopia, where about 80 per cent of its 75 million people are farmers who plow their fields with oxen.
"If these deals are negotiated well, I tell you, it will change the dynamics of the food economy in this country," said Mafa Chipeta, the FAO's representative inEthiopia, dismissing the worst-case scenarios. "I can't believe Ethiopia or any other government would allow their country to be used like an empty womb. The human spirit would not allow it."
Few countries have embraced the trend as zealously as Ethiopia, where hard-baked eastern deserts fade into spectacularly lush and green western valleys fed by the Blue Nile. Only a quarter of the country's estimated 70 million fertile hectares is being farmed.
Desperate for foreign currency, the government of former Marxist rebels who once proclaimed "land to the tiller!" has set aside more than 2.5 million hectares for agribusiness. Lured with 40-year leases and tax holidays, investors are going on farm shopping sprees, crisscrossing the country to pick out swathes of Ethiopian soil.
"There's no crop that doesn't grow in Ethiopia," said Esayas Kebede, who works for a government agribusiness agency, adding that too many requirements on investors might scare them off. "Everybody is coming."
Especially Indian companies, which have committed $US4.2 billion ($4.6 billion).
Anand Seth, director general of the Federation of Indian Export Organisations, described Africa as "the next big thing" in investment opportunities and markets.
As he stood on a hill overlooking 12,000 hectares of rich, black soil, Hanumantha Rao, chief general manager of the Indian company Karuturi Agro Products, agreed. So far, he said, the Ethiopian Government has imposed few requirements on his company. "From here, you can see the past and the future of Ethiopian agriculture."
From there – a farm just west of Addis Ababa – it was possible to see a river designated for irrigating cornfields and rice paddies; it is no longer open for locals to water their cows.
Several shiny green tractors bounced across the field where teff, the local grain, once grew. Hundreds of Ethiopian workers, overseen by Indian supervisors, were bent over rows of corn stalks, cutting weeds tangled around them with small blades. Many of the workers were children.
The day rate: 8 birr – about 70 cents.
"The people are very happy," Rao said. "We have no problems with them."
As a worker spoke to one of his supervisors, he whispered that the company had refused to sign a wage contract and had failed to deliver promised water and power to nearby villages.
Supervisors treat them cruelly, he said, and most workers were just biding time until they could go work for a Chinese construction company rumoured to pay $2 to $4 a day.
"We are not happy," said the man, a farmer-turned-tractor driver who did not give his name because he feared being fired.
"I'm a machine operator and I make 800 birr [about $65] a month. This is the most terrible pay."
Rao said he had trained about 60 Ethiopians to drive tractors; others would learn to run shellers and how to fertilise and irrigate land. If things work as they should, he said, Ethiopians will adopt the modern techniques in their own farms.
Along a muddy road leading to Karuturi farm, people said they were hopeful that might happen. But they were not sure how. Ethiopians cannot own land, instead holding "use certificates" for their tiny plots, making it difficult to get loans, or to sell or increase holdings.
"We think they might be beneficial to us in the future," said Yadeta Fininsa, referring to the new companies coming to town. "But so far we have not benefited anything."
(Souce: The Washington Post)
The housing of the family has caused anger
Monday November 30,2009
By Kevin O'Sullivan
HOUSING a family of former asylum seekers in a £1.8million apartment at a cost of £1,600 a week was branded “an outrage” last night.
The TaxPayers’ Alliance said it was “disgraceful” that the Somalian mother and seven children had been moved into the new central London flat, which has leather sofas and a flat-screen TV.
Nasra Warsame, 40, and the children moved in after Tory-run Westminster Council bosses decided their five-bed home in Maida Vale, costing £800 a week, was “too small”.
Mrs Warsame, who quit Somalia in 1991 because of unrest, is living on housing benefits worth £83,000 a year.
TaxPayers’ Alliance spokeswoman Susie Squire said: “This will outrage taxpayers. It is disgraceful that more cost-effective accommodation cannot be found for them.
“This shows local and central government have not reformed the housing benefits system, even though cases like these always seem to be springing up. It is staggering that there seems to be no political appetite to overhaul a system which is clearly not value for money.”
The council moved the family into the five-storey block, a short walk from the West End, in early October. The apartment has three lounges, four bathrooms and six bedrooms, some with balconies. Mrs Warsame said: “It is nice and in a nice area. It is quiet and convenient. We do not want to leave.
“The house we were living in Maida Vale was quite small. We were getting complaints from neighbours that we were being too noisy.”
Her husband Bashir Aden, 50, is unemployed and living with the couple’s eighth child in a two-bedroom council flat in nearby Camden.
Yesterday he visited his wife and children but refused to comment on the move. They are living apart because the council “cannot find a house big enough for the entire family”.
Monday November 30,2009
By Kevin O'Sullivan
HOUSING a family of former asylum seekers in a £1.8million apartment at a cost of £1,600 a week was branded “an outrage” last night.
The TaxPayers’ Alliance said it was “disgraceful” that the Somalian mother and seven children had been moved into the new central London flat, which has leather sofas and a flat-screen TV.
Nasra Warsame, 40, and the children moved in after Tory-run Westminster Council bosses decided their five-bed home in Maida Vale, costing £800 a week, was “too small”.
Mrs Warsame, who quit Somalia in 1991 because of unrest, is living on housing benefits worth £83,000 a year.
TaxPayers’ Alliance spokeswoman Susie Squire said: “This will outrage taxpayers. It is disgraceful that more cost-effective accommodation cannot be found for them.
“This shows local and central government have not reformed the housing benefits system, even though cases like these always seem to be springing up. It is staggering that there seems to be no political appetite to overhaul a system which is clearly not value for money.”
The council moved the family into the five-storey block, a short walk from the West End, in early October. The apartment has three lounges, four bathrooms and six bedrooms, some with balconies. Mrs Warsame said: “It is nice and in a nice area. It is quiet and convenient. We do not want to leave.
“The house we were living in Maida Vale was quite small. We were getting complaints from neighbours that we were being too noisy.”
Her husband Bashir Aden, 50, is unemployed and living with the couple’s eighth child in a two-bedroom council flat in nearby Camden.
Yesterday he visited his wife and children but refused to comment on the move. They are living apart because the council “cannot find a house big enough for the entire family”.
Somali training camps fuel threat of attacks on US
MOGADISHU, Somalia — The recruits gather in scorching desert hideouts in Somalia, use portraits of President Barack Obama for target practice, learn how to make and detonate bombs, and vow allegiance to Osama bin Laden.
Training camps in the lawless nation of Somalia are attracting hundreds of foreigners, including Americans, and Somalis recruited by a local insurgent group linked to al-Qaida, according to local and U.S. officials. American officials and private analysts say the camps pose a security threat far beyond the borders of Somalia, including to the U.S. homeland.
In interviews with The Associated Press, former trainees gave rare details on the camps, which are scattered along desert footpaths, rutted roads and steamy coastal dens. They say the recruits are told the United States is the enemy of Islam.
U.S. and Somali officials say Somalia's al-Shabab jihadist, or holy war, movement is growing, and uses foreign trainers with battlefield experience from other conflicts.
The threat posed by the training camps was underscored in federal court documents unsealed Nov. 23 in Minneapolis, home to a large Somali-American community. An indictment against several Somali-Americans who allegedly fought in Somalia said trainees at one camp included dozens of ethnic Somalis from Somalia and other African countries, Europe and the United States.
"The trainees were trained by, among others, Somali, Arab, and Western instructors in ... small arms, machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, and military-style tactics," said an affidavit from FBI Special Agent Michael N. Cannizzaro Jr. that was unsealed with the indictment.
Former al-Shabab fighter Hassan Yare, who works in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, said life in the camps is austere. Recruits sleep on plastic sheets and sometimes eat only one meal a day — often maize cooked with water. Phones are confiscated. Recruits are only allowed to speak to their parents once every other Friday — Islam's holy day.
"The message is simple," Dahir Muhiyadiin, 18, said three months after finishing his training at a camp run by Somalia's main insurgent group. "We are taught how the Western infidels want to eradicate pure Muslims, about how the U.S. government does nothing as Israel harasses our Muslim Palestinians."
Al-Shabab — "the youth" in Arabic — controls much of the desert nation's southern region and holds large parts of Mogadishu. It wants to overthrow the government and install a strict form of Islam. Analysts say the group has between 2,000 and 3,000 fighters.
Among al-Shabab's ranks are an estimated 200 to 400 foreigners from Pakistan, Chechnya, Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania and other countries — many of them veterans of fighting in Afghanistan and Pakistan, said Mark Schroeder, an Africa analyst at the global intelligence firm Stratfor.
The proliferation of jihadist training camps raises concerns that Somalia will become the next Afghanistan — a sanctuary for al-Qaida-linked groups to train and plan attacks. The Somali government seems powerless to do anything about it.
"The threat posed by al-Shabab is something that we pay very, very close attention to," Vice Adm. Robert T. Moeller, the deputy commander for the U.S. military's Africa Command, told AP at the command's headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany.
The government is backed by 5,000 African Union peacekeepers but controls only a few blocks in Mogadishu. The insurgents are so confident that they stage executions of suspected spies there.
Jihadists linked to al-Shabab can also roam through neighboring countries without attracting much attention and already cross boldly into northern Kenya.
U.S. officials are concerned Somali-Americans who fought with al-Shabab will return to the United States and carry out attacks. As many as 20 from Minnesota have been lured to their ancestral homeland to join the jihad. At least one blew himself up in a suicide attack in Somalia.
One of the documents unsealed in Minneapolis gave details on that attack. It said Shirwa Ahmed, a naturalized U.S. citizen and Minneapolis resident, took part in a truck-bombing in Bossaso, Somalia, on Oct. 29, 2008, against offices of a regional intelligence service. Ahmed, who was alone in the truck, was identified through a fingerprint obtained from a finger found at the bomb site.
A Somali-American from Seattle is suspected of also having taken part in a suicide attack against an AU peacekeeper base on Sept. 17. U.S. authorities said they are awaiting DNA test results to confirm it.
Michael Leiter, the director of the U.S. National Counterterrorism Center, told Congress in September there is "significant concern" that al-Qaida operatives in Somalia may commission Americans to return to the U.S. and launch attacks. In recent weeks, al-Shabab has threatened to attack Uganda, Kenya, Israel and other countries, although it has not made a direct public threat against the United States.
About a dozen al-Qaida operatives are in Somalia with ties to al-Shabab, Schroeder said. One of them, Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, is wanted for al-Qaida's 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 224 people, including 12 Americans.
Somalia is among a handful of places where terrorists can train openly. The U.S. State Department says terrorist training also takes place in Afghanistan, Pakistan, parts of North Africa, the Philippines, Lebanon, Yemen and Colombia.
The United States withdrew most of its troops from Somalia in 1994, months after 18 U.S. soldiers were killed in the battle described in the book "Black Hawk Down." The soldiers had been deployed to help amid a famine but became embroiled in clan warfare. The U.S. is leery of making such a large commitment again but is still engaged.
On Sept. 14, U.S. commandos on helicopters strafed a convoy carrying top al-Qaida fugitive Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan in rural southern Somalia, rappelled to the ground, collected his body and another corpse and took off. Nabhan was wanted for the 2002 car bombing of a beach resort in Kenya and an attempt to shoot down an Israeli airliner.
In October, the U.S. began using sophisticated Reaper surveillance drones in the region, initially to hunt for pirates. Analysts expect they will also be used to search for militants in Somalia.
Al-Shabab recently released a video showing its members vowing allegiance to bin Laden, training in dusty camps and calling Somalia's U.S.-backed President Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed a traitor. The militants leaped over sandbags, crawled on the ground and fired at targets under the gaze of light-skinned, bearded trainers.
Recruits are trained in intelligence matters and explosives, said an al-Shabab official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the press.
Suleyman Hussein, a former al-Shabab fighter who defected to a government-allied militia, told AP that camp leaders affixed photos of Obama and Ahmed to wooden boards.
"They were our targets," he said.
Somali Police Chief Abdi Hassan Awale said the camps are mostly near the Kenyan border and are drawing more recruits. He said one camp is near Raaskambooni, a town along the Indian Ocean less than two miles (3 kilometers) from the Kenyan border.
"Most of the trainers are foreigners, including people from Western countries," he said. "We do not know exactly how many there are, but we estimate hundreds."
Awale said al-Shabab tries to recruit the poorest, the mentally ill and teenagers who have lost their parents in Somalia's violence. He accused the group of brainwashing recruits "with false, un-Islamic ideas imported from Afghanistan and Pakistan."
Somalia has many orphans that al-Shabab can try to recruit. As many as 22,000 civilians have been killed and 1.1 million displaced in the past two years, according to Ted Dagne, an African affairs specialist with the Congressional Research Service.
Straziuso reported from Stuttgart, Germany, and Nairobi, Kenya. Associated Press writer Andrew O. Selsky contributed from Johannesburg.
MOGADISHU, Somalia — The recruits gather in scorching desert hideouts in Somalia, use portraits of President Barack Obama for target practice, learn how to make and detonate bombs, and vow allegiance to Osama bin Laden.
Training camps in the lawless nation of Somalia are attracting hundreds of foreigners, including Americans, and Somalis recruited by a local insurgent group linked to al-Qaida, according to local and U.S. officials. American officials and private analysts say the camps pose a security threat far beyond the borders of Somalia, including to the U.S. homeland.
In interviews with The Associated Press, former trainees gave rare details on the camps, which are scattered along desert footpaths, rutted roads and steamy coastal dens. They say the recruits are told the United States is the enemy of Islam.
U.S. and Somali officials say Somalia's al-Shabab jihadist, or holy war, movement is growing, and uses foreign trainers with battlefield experience from other conflicts.
The threat posed by the training camps was underscored in federal court documents unsealed Nov. 23 in Minneapolis, home to a large Somali-American community. An indictment against several Somali-Americans who allegedly fought in Somalia said trainees at one camp included dozens of ethnic Somalis from Somalia and other African countries, Europe and the United States.
"The trainees were trained by, among others, Somali, Arab, and Western instructors in ... small arms, machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, and military-style tactics," said an affidavit from FBI Special Agent Michael N. Cannizzaro Jr. that was unsealed with the indictment.
Former al-Shabab fighter Hassan Yare, who works in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, said life in the camps is austere. Recruits sleep on plastic sheets and sometimes eat only one meal a day — often maize cooked with water. Phones are confiscated. Recruits are only allowed to speak to their parents once every other Friday — Islam's holy day.
"The message is simple," Dahir Muhiyadiin, 18, said three months after finishing his training at a camp run by Somalia's main insurgent group. "We are taught how the Western infidels want to eradicate pure Muslims, about how the U.S. government does nothing as Israel harasses our Muslim Palestinians."
Al-Shabab — "the youth" in Arabic — controls much of the desert nation's southern region and holds large parts of Mogadishu. It wants to overthrow the government and install a strict form of Islam. Analysts say the group has between 2,000 and 3,000 fighters.
Among al-Shabab's ranks are an estimated 200 to 400 foreigners from Pakistan, Chechnya, Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania and other countries — many of them veterans of fighting in Afghanistan and Pakistan, said Mark Schroeder, an Africa analyst at the global intelligence firm Stratfor.
The proliferation of jihadist training camps raises concerns that Somalia will become the next Afghanistan — a sanctuary for al-Qaida-linked groups to train and plan attacks. The Somali government seems powerless to do anything about it.
"The threat posed by al-Shabab is something that we pay very, very close attention to," Vice Adm. Robert T. Moeller, the deputy commander for the U.S. military's Africa Command, told AP at the command's headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany.
The government is backed by 5,000 African Union peacekeepers but controls only a few blocks in Mogadishu. The insurgents are so confident that they stage executions of suspected spies there.
Jihadists linked to al-Shabab can also roam through neighboring countries without attracting much attention and already cross boldly into northern Kenya.
U.S. officials are concerned Somali-Americans who fought with al-Shabab will return to the United States and carry out attacks. As many as 20 from Minnesota have been lured to their ancestral homeland to join the jihad. At least one blew himself up in a suicide attack in Somalia.
One of the documents unsealed in Minneapolis gave details on that attack. It said Shirwa Ahmed, a naturalized U.S. citizen and Minneapolis resident, took part in a truck-bombing in Bossaso, Somalia, on Oct. 29, 2008, against offices of a regional intelligence service. Ahmed, who was alone in the truck, was identified through a fingerprint obtained from a finger found at the bomb site.
A Somali-American from Seattle is suspected of also having taken part in a suicide attack against an AU peacekeeper base on Sept. 17. U.S. authorities said they are awaiting DNA test results to confirm it.
Michael Leiter, the director of the U.S. National Counterterrorism Center, told Congress in September there is "significant concern" that al-Qaida operatives in Somalia may commission Americans to return to the U.S. and launch attacks. In recent weeks, al-Shabab has threatened to attack Uganda, Kenya, Israel and other countries, although it has not made a direct public threat against the United States.
About a dozen al-Qaida operatives are in Somalia with ties to al-Shabab, Schroeder said. One of them, Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, is wanted for al-Qaida's 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 224 people, including 12 Americans.
Somalia is among a handful of places where terrorists can train openly. The U.S. State Department says terrorist training also takes place in Afghanistan, Pakistan, parts of North Africa, the Philippines, Lebanon, Yemen and Colombia.
The United States withdrew most of its troops from Somalia in 1994, months after 18 U.S. soldiers were killed in the battle described in the book "Black Hawk Down." The soldiers had been deployed to help amid a famine but became embroiled in clan warfare. The U.S. is leery of making such a large commitment again but is still engaged.
On Sept. 14, U.S. commandos on helicopters strafed a convoy carrying top al-Qaida fugitive Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan in rural southern Somalia, rappelled to the ground, collected his body and another corpse and took off. Nabhan was wanted for the 2002 car bombing of a beach resort in Kenya and an attempt to shoot down an Israeli airliner.
In October, the U.S. began using sophisticated Reaper surveillance drones in the region, initially to hunt for pirates. Analysts expect they will also be used to search for militants in Somalia.
Al-Shabab recently released a video showing its members vowing allegiance to bin Laden, training in dusty camps and calling Somalia's U.S.-backed President Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed a traitor. The militants leaped over sandbags, crawled on the ground and fired at targets under the gaze of light-skinned, bearded trainers.
Recruits are trained in intelligence matters and explosives, said an al-Shabab official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the press.
Suleyman Hussein, a former al-Shabab fighter who defected to a government-allied militia, told AP that camp leaders affixed photos of Obama and Ahmed to wooden boards.
"They were our targets," he said.
Somali Police Chief Abdi Hassan Awale said the camps are mostly near the Kenyan border and are drawing more recruits. He said one camp is near Raaskambooni, a town along the Indian Ocean less than two miles (3 kilometers) from the Kenyan border.
"Most of the trainers are foreigners, including people from Western countries," he said. "We do not know exactly how many there are, but we estimate hundreds."
Awale said al-Shabab tries to recruit the poorest, the mentally ill and teenagers who have lost their parents in Somalia's violence. He accused the group of brainwashing recruits "with false, un-Islamic ideas imported from Afghanistan and Pakistan."
Somalia has many orphans that al-Shabab can try to recruit. As many as 22,000 civilians have been killed and 1.1 million displaced in the past two years, according to Ted Dagne, an African affairs specialist with the Congressional Research Service.
Straziuso reported from Stuttgart, Germany, and Nairobi, Kenya. Associated Press writer Andrew O. Selsky contributed from Johannesburg.
Friday, 27 November 2009
Gaalkacyo: " Meeshii Nabad ah ayaa ka dhaxaysa Soomaalida" Gudoomiyaha gobalka Mudug. 27. november 2009
Gaalkacyo(AllPuntland)- Gudoomiyaha gobalka Mudug Col. Axmed Cali Salaad oo maanta ka hadlayay Salaadii Ciida ee magaalada Gaalkacyo, ayaa sheegay in ay Soomaalida ka dhaxayso Meeshii ay nabadgalyo ka jirto, isagoo umuuqday in uu sar-bebayo hadal uu dhawaan sheegay.
Col. Axmed Cali Salaad ayaa sheegay in ay Maamulkiisu ku mashquulsan yihiin sidii ay wax uga qaban lahaayeen xaaladaha amaanka ee magaalada Gaalkacyo, wuxuuna ugu baaqay guud ahaan Shacabku in ay qeyb wanaagsan ka qaataan sidii wax looga qaban lahaa xaaladaha amaanka.
Gudoomiyaha gobalku wuxuu sheegay in ay jiraan dad badan oo nabad la'aan ka shaqeeya, isagoo sheegay in ay dadkaasi soo qaban doonaan ciidamada amaanku, wuxuuna ka digay in lataageero dambiilayaasha dadka uu ku sheegay, oo uu sheegay in ay ka shaqeynayaan Nabad la'aan, Horumar la'aan iyo horumarka shacabka oo ay diidayaan.
" Soomaalida oo ah dad walaalo ah, waxaa loo baahan yahay in ay guud ahaantood ka shaqeeyaan Amaanka, waxaa lagama maarmaan ah in aad taageertaan ciidamada amaanka, si ay ugaaraan guul wanaagsan, Soomaalida oo dhana waxaa ka dhaxeeya dhul kasta oo nabdeed" Ayuu yiri Gudoomiyaha gobalka Mudug.
Axmed Cali Salaad wuxuu dhawaan kaga dhawaaqay magaalada Gaalkacyo hadal kiciyay laabta dad badan, kaasoo ahaa in ay ka baxaan gobalka Mudug dadka ay deegaanadooda ka jiraan nabadgalyo ee ay ka mid yihiin Gedo, Baay, Bakool, Jubooyinka, Ismaaamulka Soomaalida Itoobiya iyo Shabeelooyinka, hadalkaas oo keenay in ay jawaab ka bixiyaan Waxgarad iyo Masuuliyiin kala duwan.
Hadalka waqtigan ka soo baxay gudoomiyaha gobalka Mudug Col. Axmed Cali Salaad ayaa umuuqda mid uu kaga laabanayo go'aankii uu sheegay in ay horay ugaareen, markii ay cabasho ka muujiyen arrintaasi dadkii usoo jeediyey Gudoomiyuhu in ay guryahoodii ku laabtaan, waxaana jiray dad ka hadlay arrimahaasi markii ay soo shaac-baxeen ama uu sheegay Gudoomiyaha gobalka Mudug.
Col. Axmed Cali Salaad ayaa sheegay in ay Maamulkiisu ku mashquulsan yihiin sidii ay wax uga qaban lahaayeen xaaladaha amaanka ee magaalada Gaalkacyo, wuxuuna ugu baaqay guud ahaan Shacabku in ay qeyb wanaagsan ka qaataan sidii wax looga qaban lahaa xaaladaha amaanka.
Gudoomiyaha gobalku wuxuu sheegay in ay jiraan dad badan oo nabad la'aan ka shaqeeya, isagoo sheegay in ay dadkaasi soo qaban doonaan ciidamada amaanku, wuxuuna ka digay in lataageero dambiilayaasha dadka uu ku sheegay, oo uu sheegay in ay ka shaqeynayaan Nabad la'aan, Horumar la'aan iyo horumarka shacabka oo ay diidayaan.
" Soomaalida oo ah dad walaalo ah, waxaa loo baahan yahay in ay guud ahaantood ka shaqeeyaan Amaanka, waxaa lagama maarmaan ah in aad taageertaan ciidamada amaanka, si ay ugaaraan guul wanaagsan, Soomaalida oo dhana waxaa ka dhaxeeya dhul kasta oo nabdeed" Ayuu yiri Gudoomiyaha gobalka Mudug.
Axmed Cali Salaad wuxuu dhawaan kaga dhawaaqay magaalada Gaalkacyo hadal kiciyay laabta dad badan, kaasoo ahaa in ay ka baxaan gobalka Mudug dadka ay deegaanadooda ka jiraan nabadgalyo ee ay ka mid yihiin Gedo, Baay, Bakool, Jubooyinka, Ismaaamulka Soomaalida Itoobiya iyo Shabeelooyinka, hadalkaas oo keenay in ay jawaab ka bixiyaan Waxgarad iyo Masuuliyiin kala duwan.
Hadalka waqtigan ka soo baxay gudoomiyaha gobalka Mudug Col. Axmed Cali Salaad ayaa umuuqda mid uu kaga laabanayo go'aankii uu sheegay in ay horay ugaareen, markii ay cabasho ka muujiyen arrintaasi dadkii usoo jeediyey Gudoomiyuhu in ay guryahoodii ku laabtaan, waxaana jiray dad ka hadlay arrimahaasi markii ay soo shaac-baxeen ama uu sheegay Gudoomiyaha gobalka Mudug.
Afhayeenka Xisbul Islaam oo wax aan la eegan karin ku sifeeyey tacadiyo uu sheegay ciidamada dowladda Somalia ay ku hayaan Naafadii XDS ee Martiini
Max’ed Cusmaan Caruus Afhayeenka howlgalada Ururka Xisbul Islaam oo la hadlayay saxaafadda ayaa waxaa uu ka hadlay cabasho maalmihii ugu dambeeysay ka soo yeeraysay Naafadii hore ee xoogga dalka Soomaaliya oo cabasho ka muujinayay ciidamada dawladda federalk oo soo degay Isbitaalkii Martiini oo ay ku noolaayeen.
“Tacaddiyada loo gaysanayo ciidamada Naafada xoogga dalka Soomaaliya Aad ayaan uga xunahay, waxay ka mid tahay tacadiyada baahsan oo ay qolooyinka Jabuuti ku hayaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed” ayuu yiri afhayeenka Hawl gallada ciidamada Xisbul Islaam oo intaasi ku daray in isbitaalka Martiini ay xaq u leeyihiin inay degganaadaan ciidamadii ku soo naafoobay dagaalkii Xooganaa ee Ethiopia iyo Soomaaliya sanadkii 1977-kii dhexmaray ciidamada labada dal.
Maxamed Cismaan Caruus wuxuu ugu baaqay dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya inay ka dul qaadan Naafadii xoogga dalka Soomaaliya ciidamada la soo dul dajiyay, wuxuuna intaasi ku daray in haddii ay taasi ka dhago adaygaan ay qaadi doonaan tallaabo cad oo ay xaqooda ugu soo dhicinayaan Naafadda Xoogga dalka Soomaaliya.
Shalay ayey aheyd markii ciidamada Naafada Xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed ay gudaha Isbitaalka Martini ka dhigeen Banaanbax ay kaga cabanayaan dhibaato ay sheegeen in ay ku hayaan ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda Somalia oo soo dul dagay qeybo ka mid ah isbitaalka oo ay ku noolaayeen 20-kii sano ee ugu dambeysay
“Tacaddiyada loo gaysanayo ciidamada Naafada xoogga dalka Soomaaliya Aad ayaan uga xunahay, waxay ka mid tahay tacadiyada baahsan oo ay qolooyinka Jabuuti ku hayaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed” ayuu yiri afhayeenka Hawl gallada ciidamada Xisbul Islaam oo intaasi ku daray in isbitaalka Martiini ay xaq u leeyihiin inay degganaadaan ciidamadii ku soo naafoobay dagaalkii Xooganaa ee Ethiopia iyo Soomaaliya sanadkii 1977-kii dhexmaray ciidamada labada dal.
Maxamed Cismaan Caruus wuxuu ugu baaqay dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya inay ka dul qaadan Naafadii xoogga dalka Soomaaliya ciidamada la soo dul dajiyay, wuxuuna intaasi ku daray in haddii ay taasi ka dhago adaygaan ay qaadi doonaan tallaabo cad oo ay xaqooda ugu soo dhicinayaan Naafadda Xoogga dalka Soomaaliya.
Shalay ayey aheyd markii ciidamada Naafada Xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed ay gudaha Isbitaalka Martini ka dhigeen Banaanbax ay kaga cabanayaan dhibaato ay sheegeen in ay ku hayaan ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda Somalia oo soo dul dagay qeybo ka mid ah isbitaalka oo ay ku noolaayeen 20-kii sano ee ugu dambeysay
Maamulka Puntland oo lagu eedeeyey iney takooraan dadka ka soo jeeda gobolada Bay iyo Bakool ee ku sugan deegaanada ay gacanta ku hayaan
Magaalada Muqdisho kulan ay ku yeesheen mudanayaasha Baarlamaanka Somalia ee ka soo jeeda beelaha Digil & Mirifle ayaa waxay eedeyn kulul dusha uga tuureen Maamul goboleedka Puntland oo ay ku eedeeyeen inay faquuq gaar ah ku hayo dadka ka soo jeeda beelahaasi oo ku nool ama ka ganacsatada magaalooyinka Puntland.
Xildhibaan Maxamed Sheekh Cali Woosh oo kulanka kaddib saxaafadda la hadlay ayaa waxa uu sheegay in kulanka ay qabteen ay ujeedadiisu ahayd labo qodob oo kala ah: cambaarayn ay u jeediyanaan mamaul goboleedka Puntland iyo Mahadnaq ay u jeedinayaan madaxweynaha garab ka mid ah Maamulka Galmudug State Maxamed Axmed Caalim.
“Haddaan nahay xildhibaanada beelaha Digil & Mirifle ma aaminsanin inuu jiro maamul goboleed ka dhisan Puntland , waxa aan aqoonsanahay inay yihiin hal qabiil oo doonaya inuu gumaad u gaysto qabaa’illada kale” ayuu si kulul u yiri Xildhibaanka oo intaasi ku daray inay aad uga mahad celinayan Maamulka GAlmudug State soo dhoweyntii ay u sameyeen dadka laga soo barakiciyay deegaanada Puntland.
Xildhibaankaasi wuxuu sheegay in marka hal qarax uu dhaco ay ciidamada Puntland gacanta ku dhigaan 20 qofood oo ka soo jeeda beelaha Digil & Mirifle oo ay tacaddi u gaystaan, wuxuuna intaasi ku daray inay amar ku siiyeen ciidamada Puntland inay dadkaasi ay isaga tagaan meheradahooda ganacsi ayna aadaan meelihii ay ka yimaadeen.
Xildhibaan Maxamed Sheekh Cali Woosh oo kulanka kaddib saxaafadda la hadlay ayaa waxa uu sheegay in kulanka ay qabteen ay ujeedadiisu ahayd labo qodob oo kala ah: cambaarayn ay u jeediyanaan mamaul goboleedka Puntland iyo Mahadnaq ay u jeedinayaan madaxweynaha garab ka mid ah Maamulka Galmudug State Maxamed Axmed Caalim.
“Haddaan nahay xildhibaanada beelaha Digil & Mirifle ma aaminsanin inuu jiro maamul goboleed ka dhisan Puntland , waxa aan aqoonsanahay inay yihiin hal qabiil oo doonaya inuu gumaad u gaysto qabaa’illada kale” ayuu si kulul u yiri Xildhibaanka oo intaasi ku daray inay aad uga mahad celinayan Maamulka GAlmudug State soo dhoweyntii ay u sameyeen dadka laga soo barakiciyay deegaanada Puntland.
Xildhibaankaasi wuxuu sheegay in marka hal qarax uu dhaco ay ciidamada Puntland gacanta ku dhigaan 20 qofood oo ka soo jeeda beelaha Digil & Mirifle oo ay tacaddi u gaystaan, wuxuuna intaasi ku daray inay amar ku siiyeen ciidamada Puntland inay dadkaasi ay isaga tagaan meheradahooda ganacsi ayna aadaan meelihii ay ka yimaadeen.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Ex-Somali fighters tell why they abandonned jihad
MOGADISHU, November 24, 2009 (AFP) - The gunfire outside does not disturb them as they speak, explaining what led them to leave behind their lives as Islamist fighters and defect to the side of Somalia's weak transitional government.
One of them tells the AFP journalist interviewing him he would have killed him if they had met a month earlier.
"If I'd met you in the street, I wouldn't have spared you," Mohamed Sheikh Abdullahi said, only half smiling, his face distinct with finely chiselled features and penetrating dark eyes.
Their accounts provide a window into the world of the Shebab and Hezb al-Islam, the two Islamist groups fighting the government, and it's clear why the Somali presidency has arranged the interviews with them.
Officials want to show the Islamist groups have weakened and lost the support of the population.
But the only thing it may demonstrate is just how ephemeral and complex allegiances are in this Horn of Africa country, embroiled in a virtually non-stop civil war since 1991.
The interview is conducted in a shady spot in the rocky gardens of Villa Somalia, the headquarters of the transitional government and where President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed spends his time holed up.
He is protected by Ugandan troops from AMISOM, the African peacekeeping force largely responsible for propping up his government.
As the interview is underway, automatic weapons fire can be heard in the distance. No one pays much attention as the sound is just normal background noise here.
Mohamed says he began fighting in 2006 "to kick out the Ethiopian invaders," but defected a month ago, "disgusted by the false interpretations the Shebab give of Islam".
"First I fought in the ranks of the Islamic Courts and that's where I met the Shebab," he said, referring to the Islamic Courts Union, which took charge of much of the country in 2006. "They were very good fighters."
Based in the south of the country, he said he took part in all the major battles against pro-government forces in Mogadishu.
He says he met on several occasions the group's presumed chief, the "Emir" Ahmed Abdi Godane. He also met numerous foreign volunteers who came to fight alongside the Shebab.
He remembers in particular two Americans, Abu Mansur al-Ameriki, made famous in Islamist propaganda videos on the Internet, and Farouk al-Assadi, whom he described as a "younger but better trained" fighter.
He estimated the number of these jihad fighters at around 400 and said the majority "come from sub-Saharan Africa if you exclude Somalis from the diaspora."
The Shebab "have special units, who are trained separately in the greatest secrecy to commit assassinations and suicide attacks".
According to Mohamed, such tactics were acceptable against the Ethiopians, but can no longer be justified. Ethiopia invaded the country for two years beginning in 2006 to end the advance by the Islamic Courts Union.
Everything Mohamed says is punctuated by quotes from the Koran and the fact that he wears his trousers rolled up above the ankle -- Wahhabi style -- is proof of his religious fervour.
Abderahman Shuke Abdi Adowe, the other ex-fighter, said he commanded 19 Hezb al-Islam fighters and a pick-up truck mounted with an anti-aircraft gun.
His eyes hidden behind dark glasses, Abderahman explains that two of his men were killed by Shebab.
"Our commanders said we couldn't take revenge so we decided to join the government forces," he said.
Before that, one of his family members, a Hezb al-Islam commander, was killed by the Shebab as punishment for having escorted a UN convoy.
"If you don't want to fight anymore, there's no point. That's why I quit," he said.
Neither man wants to mention which clan he belongs to, a crucial factor in Somalia.
Both claim that despite the risk of reprisals from the groups to which they used to belong, they want to fight the enemies of the government.
Source: AFP
One of them tells the AFP journalist interviewing him he would have killed him if they had met a month earlier.
"If I'd met you in the street, I wouldn't have spared you," Mohamed Sheikh Abdullahi said, only half smiling, his face distinct with finely chiselled features and penetrating dark eyes.
Their accounts provide a window into the world of the Shebab and Hezb al-Islam, the two Islamist groups fighting the government, and it's clear why the Somali presidency has arranged the interviews with them.
Officials want to show the Islamist groups have weakened and lost the support of the population.
But the only thing it may demonstrate is just how ephemeral and complex allegiances are in this Horn of Africa country, embroiled in a virtually non-stop civil war since 1991.
The interview is conducted in a shady spot in the rocky gardens of Villa Somalia, the headquarters of the transitional government and where President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed spends his time holed up.
He is protected by Ugandan troops from AMISOM, the African peacekeeping force largely responsible for propping up his government.
As the interview is underway, automatic weapons fire can be heard in the distance. No one pays much attention as the sound is just normal background noise here.
Mohamed says he began fighting in 2006 "to kick out the Ethiopian invaders," but defected a month ago, "disgusted by the false interpretations the Shebab give of Islam".
"First I fought in the ranks of the Islamic Courts and that's where I met the Shebab," he said, referring to the Islamic Courts Union, which took charge of much of the country in 2006. "They were very good fighters."
Based in the south of the country, he said he took part in all the major battles against pro-government forces in Mogadishu.
He says he met on several occasions the group's presumed chief, the "Emir" Ahmed Abdi Godane. He also met numerous foreign volunteers who came to fight alongside the Shebab.
He remembers in particular two Americans, Abu Mansur al-Ameriki, made famous in Islamist propaganda videos on the Internet, and Farouk al-Assadi, whom he described as a "younger but better trained" fighter.
He estimated the number of these jihad fighters at around 400 and said the majority "come from sub-Saharan Africa if you exclude Somalis from the diaspora."
The Shebab "have special units, who are trained separately in the greatest secrecy to commit assassinations and suicide attacks".
According to Mohamed, such tactics were acceptable against the Ethiopians, but can no longer be justified. Ethiopia invaded the country for two years beginning in 2006 to end the advance by the Islamic Courts Union.
Everything Mohamed says is punctuated by quotes from the Koran and the fact that he wears his trousers rolled up above the ankle -- Wahhabi style -- is proof of his religious fervour.
Abderahman Shuke Abdi Adowe, the other ex-fighter, said he commanded 19 Hezb al-Islam fighters and a pick-up truck mounted with an anti-aircraft gun.
His eyes hidden behind dark glasses, Abderahman explains that two of his men were killed by Shebab.
"Our commanders said we couldn't take revenge so we decided to join the government forces," he said.
Before that, one of his family members, a Hezb al-Islam commander, was killed by the Shebab as punishment for having escorted a UN convoy.
"If you don't want to fight anymore, there's no point. That's why I quit," he said.
Neither man wants to mention which clan he belongs to, a crucial factor in Somalia.
Both claim that despite the risk of reprisals from the groups to which they used to belong, they want to fight the enemies of the government.
Source: AFP
Somalia: The Political Structure of the T.F.G.'s and the Puntland State's Disaccord
24 Nov 24, 2009 - 1:48:32 PM
By: Dr. Michael A. Weinstein
On November 21, Garowe Online posted Omar Farah's insightful analysis: "Somalia: Why Somali Government and Puntland State of Somalia fail to agree?" Farah's answers provide the foundation for a structural analysis of the state of present relations between Somalia's internationally recognized Transitional Federal Government (T.F.G.) and Puntland. The following analysis builds on and shifts the emaphasis of Farah's, while remaining within the parameters defined by his fundamentals.
Farah's analysis addresses the results of the November 12 meeting in Nairobi between Puntland's president, Abdirahman Mohamed Farole, and the T.F.G.'s president, Sh. Sharif Sh. Ahmad, at which the latter refused to sign the August 23 Galkayo agreement between Farole and the T.F.G.'s prime minister, Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke.
The Galkayo agreement marked the high point for Puntland in its relations with Sh. Sharif's administration; it affirmed Puntland's federal vision of Somalia, provided for the T.F.G. to share international aid with Puntland equitably, allowed Puntland to control foreign investment within its territory, and awarded Puntland with the sites for a proposed anti-piracy center and the convention that would draft a permanent constitution for Somalia. The T.F.G. seemed to have paid Farole's price for his support of the T.F.G.
Since the Galkayo agreement was signed by Farole and Sharmarke, relations between Puntland and the T.F.G. have been strained to the point of the November 12 rupture. In the interim, dissent to the agreement gained momentum within the T.F.G. Somali media reported that a clique led by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Sharif Hassan Sh. Adan had become dominant over Sh. Sharif and had turned him against the agreement. Members of the transitional parliament echoed those reports. The failure of Sh. Sharif to endorse the agreement led to a reported split between the president and the prime minister, awakening calls for one or the other to resign or be removed. Early on the T.F.G.'s deputy prime minister and fisheries minister, Abdirahim Ibbi, enginereed an agreement with Djibouti for the establishment of an anti-piracy training base there, throwing into question Puntland's claim to the anti-piracy center, which would be funded by donor powers. Sharmarke insisted that the agreement was still in force and would be implemented shortly.
Somali media reported that the split within the T.F.G. was occasioned by resistance to the agreement from political leaders from the Hawiye clan family who perceived that Puntland's strengthened position would benefit the Darod clan family at their expense. Whether or not that is true, it is clear that the Galkayo agreement gave Puntland a bigger share of the political and financial pie, which would impact established interests in the T.F.G., whether political, business or clan, negatively, and would move those interests to try to block the agreement.
As the T.F.G. fell into disarray over the Galkayo agreement, Farole bided his time impatiently, progressively losing confidence in the T.F.G. as a negotiating partner and becoming disillusioned with the process. At the November 12 meeting, Farole, who had decided not to compromise on the Galkayo agreement as signed, confronted Sh. Sharif, who refused to initial the document. The promise of the Galkayo agreement for Puntland had vanished.
Farah's Explanation
Farah's explanation of the rupture in Nairobi is presented in three interconnected points: Sh. Sharif's "mentors" argued that any recognition of regional authorities, such as Puntland, would degrade the legitimacy of the T.F.G. in the eyes of the international community; the mentors favor a centralized state that would preserve their positions and forestall the threat to their power from self-determination in the regions; and the imbalance of power between Puntland and the T.F.G. is so great that the latter is too weak to negotiate credibly. As Farah puts it, Puntland's interest in economic and social development contrasts starkly with the T.F.G.'s daily fight to survive in a restricted area of Mogadishu.
Farah hits the mark in identifying the structural cause of the rupture in Nairobi as an imbalance of power in favor of Puntland that causes it to be unwilling to compromise on its conceptions of its vital interests when it is engaged with a weak partner that has nothing to offer but access to the coffers of donor powers, which the weaker partner is all the more jealous to guard, because that is its only asset. For the T.F.G. factions, the alternatives were to keep what they had or to bring Puntland onboard a political process - at Puntland's price. For Puntland, the alternatives were to insist on the favorable Galkayo agreement or to surrender their perceived vital interests.
Where Farah's explanation needs a change of emphasis is in its focus on Puntland's interest in equitable sharing of donor funds and programs. If the gap between Puntland's interest in econnomic and social development, and the T.F.G.'s interest in sheer survival was actually the structural divide, then Farole might have made concessions to get his place at the trough. That he refused to do so indicates a more paramount interest in maintaining Puntland's status as a "state in Somalia," with a generous degree of self-determination; it is self-governance that Farole would not sacrifice.
With a shift from economic to political emphasis, the structural imbalance is between Puntland's functioning government (although it is currently under domestic and foreign pressures) and the T.F.G.'s notional government, which is a figment of international recognition guarded by African Union tanks. Farole is a president; Sh. Sharif is a captive. Farole feels that receiving aid vouchers from the T.F.G. is not worth sacrificing self-determination; Sh. Sharif does not want to share power in a federation of regional states, which is Farole's demand. Farah recognizes this scenario in the first point of his explanation, when he says that Sh. Sharif's "mentors" were concerned that recognition of regional authorities would degrade the legitimacy of the T.F.G. in the eyes of the international community. The mentors, indeed, were correct; it was a power struggle and the T.F.G. was fighting above its weight. If the T.F.G. has only external powers to thank for its existence, Puntland has only its political organization to count on, and that is currently under stress as external pressures and threats trigger reactions against Farole's administration domestically. Protecting the status of the Puntland state trumps economic and social development.
The Rupture in Nairobi
Evidence that the structural gap is political is provided by Somali media sources reporting on the Nairobi talks.
On November 11, the two sides agreed to form a committee to "harmonize" the Galkayo agreement, but, on November 12, the talks collapsed when Farole demanded that Puntland be recognized as a state, not a semi-autonomous region, and accused the T.F.G. of failing to abide by the Transitional Federal Constitution on the matter of federalism.
According to a November 15 report on the AllPuntland webite, which provides a dramatic narrative, Sh. Sharif was accompanied at the November 12 meeting by Hassan who was supposed to have worked on implementing the agreement, but had not done so, and who said that certain issues pertaining to the agreement were not up for discussion, notably the sovereignty of the T.F.G. over all post-independence Somalia. Hassan was reported to have said that Puntland is a regional administration that cannot negotiate with the T.F.G. as an equal, and that the T.F.G. does not need Puntland's help in implementing a federal system. Sh. Sharif is reported to have said that the T.F.G. is a legitimate government and would not negotiate with anyone on the restoration of security in Somalia. Farole reportedly responded that Puntland would not negotiate on the development of the state's administration. The meeting ended when the Puntland delegation walked out. It is worth noting that the two sides reportedly agreed on Puntland's access to donor powers and Puntland's right to enter development and security agreements with external powers and companies independent of the T.F.G.
The deeper structural explanation for the failure of the Puntland State and the T.F.G. to agree is the power struggle over the nature of the state, the most fundamental political conflict that carries along with it all the interests that would be advantaged or disadvantaged according to its results.
On November 19, having returned to Puntland's capital, Garowe, Farole held a press conference in which he said that his meeting with Sh. Sharif had been "very nice indeed," but that they had "misunderstandings" about the Galkayo agreement, which Farole said, had not been implemented by the T.F.G. and was not a good agreement anyway. On November 20, Sh. Sharif held a press conference in Nairobi, at which he expressed regret at "misunderstandings" and confirmed that his meeting with Farole had yielded "no results."
On November 20, the effects of the Nairobi rupture on Puntland's grand strategy began to surface when Farole gave an interview to the BBC in which he announced that Puntland intended to host leaders from the southern and central regions of Somalia who wanted to form regional authorities, faulting Sh. Sharif for failing to initiate that process. Farole made it clear that his disagreement with Sh. Sharif centered on the formation of regional governments, leaving "the door open for consultation" in the future. Farole's plan for regional authorities that would be formed independently of the T.F.G. has, for the moment, made the rupture in Nairobi complete.
The rupture in Nairobi leaves the T.F.G. weaker than ever, having lost potential support, and Puntland more isolated internationally. Farole, who had placed hope in the West and had thought that he could win a favorable deal from the T.F.G., now knows that he is on his own, which is why he has proposed by-passing the T.F.G. in the creation of a federal state that would change the present T.F.G. beyond recognition and short-circuit the donor powers' strategy of backing the T.F.G.
It is too early to tell how serious Farole is about his plan - whether it is a warning or a commitment - and whether he will have any takers for it in the southern and central regions. What it does indicate is that Farole reached the end of the rope tying him to the T.F.G. and that he has undone the knot. He has decided that the T.F.G. is not for the time being a negotiating partner and that the preservation of the state structure of Puntland is the vital interst above all others. Whether Farole is sacrificing other interests to the degree that he will subvert the vital interest through relative international isolation remains to be seen.
By: Dr. Michael A. Weinstein
On November 21, Garowe Online posted Omar Farah's insightful analysis: "Somalia: Why Somali Government and Puntland State of Somalia fail to agree?" Farah's answers provide the foundation for a structural analysis of the state of present relations between Somalia's internationally recognized Transitional Federal Government (T.F.G.) and Puntland. The following analysis builds on and shifts the emaphasis of Farah's, while remaining within the parameters defined by his fundamentals.
Farah's analysis addresses the results of the November 12 meeting in Nairobi between Puntland's president, Abdirahman Mohamed Farole, and the T.F.G.'s president, Sh. Sharif Sh. Ahmad, at which the latter refused to sign the August 23 Galkayo agreement between Farole and the T.F.G.'s prime minister, Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke.
The Galkayo agreement marked the high point for Puntland in its relations with Sh. Sharif's administration; it affirmed Puntland's federal vision of Somalia, provided for the T.F.G. to share international aid with Puntland equitably, allowed Puntland to control foreign investment within its territory, and awarded Puntland with the sites for a proposed anti-piracy center and the convention that would draft a permanent constitution for Somalia. The T.F.G. seemed to have paid Farole's price for his support of the T.F.G.
Since the Galkayo agreement was signed by Farole and Sharmarke, relations between Puntland and the T.F.G. have been strained to the point of the November 12 rupture. In the interim, dissent to the agreement gained momentum within the T.F.G. Somali media reported that a clique led by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Sharif Hassan Sh. Adan had become dominant over Sh. Sharif and had turned him against the agreement. Members of the transitional parliament echoed those reports. The failure of Sh. Sharif to endorse the agreement led to a reported split between the president and the prime minister, awakening calls for one or the other to resign or be removed. Early on the T.F.G.'s deputy prime minister and fisheries minister, Abdirahim Ibbi, enginereed an agreement with Djibouti for the establishment of an anti-piracy training base there, throwing into question Puntland's claim to the anti-piracy center, which would be funded by donor powers. Sharmarke insisted that the agreement was still in force and would be implemented shortly.
Somali media reported that the split within the T.F.G. was occasioned by resistance to the agreement from political leaders from the Hawiye clan family who perceived that Puntland's strengthened position would benefit the Darod clan family at their expense. Whether or not that is true, it is clear that the Galkayo agreement gave Puntland a bigger share of the political and financial pie, which would impact established interests in the T.F.G., whether political, business or clan, negatively, and would move those interests to try to block the agreement.
As the T.F.G. fell into disarray over the Galkayo agreement, Farole bided his time impatiently, progressively losing confidence in the T.F.G. as a negotiating partner and becoming disillusioned with the process. At the November 12 meeting, Farole, who had decided not to compromise on the Galkayo agreement as signed, confronted Sh. Sharif, who refused to initial the document. The promise of the Galkayo agreement for Puntland had vanished.
Farah's Explanation
Farah's explanation of the rupture in Nairobi is presented in three interconnected points: Sh. Sharif's "mentors" argued that any recognition of regional authorities, such as Puntland, would degrade the legitimacy of the T.F.G. in the eyes of the international community; the mentors favor a centralized state that would preserve their positions and forestall the threat to their power from self-determination in the regions; and the imbalance of power between Puntland and the T.F.G. is so great that the latter is too weak to negotiate credibly. As Farah puts it, Puntland's interest in economic and social development contrasts starkly with the T.F.G.'s daily fight to survive in a restricted area of Mogadishu.
Farah hits the mark in identifying the structural cause of the rupture in Nairobi as an imbalance of power in favor of Puntland that causes it to be unwilling to compromise on its conceptions of its vital interests when it is engaged with a weak partner that has nothing to offer but access to the coffers of donor powers, which the weaker partner is all the more jealous to guard, because that is its only asset. For the T.F.G. factions, the alternatives were to keep what they had or to bring Puntland onboard a political process - at Puntland's price. For Puntland, the alternatives were to insist on the favorable Galkayo agreement or to surrender their perceived vital interests.
Where Farah's explanation needs a change of emphasis is in its focus on Puntland's interest in equitable sharing of donor funds and programs. If the gap between Puntland's interest in econnomic and social development, and the T.F.G.'s interest in sheer survival was actually the structural divide, then Farole might have made concessions to get his place at the trough. That he refused to do so indicates a more paramount interest in maintaining Puntland's status as a "state in Somalia," with a generous degree of self-determination; it is self-governance that Farole would not sacrifice.
With a shift from economic to political emphasis, the structural imbalance is between Puntland's functioning government (although it is currently under domestic and foreign pressures) and the T.F.G.'s notional government, which is a figment of international recognition guarded by African Union tanks. Farole is a president; Sh. Sharif is a captive. Farole feels that receiving aid vouchers from the T.F.G. is not worth sacrificing self-determination; Sh. Sharif does not want to share power in a federation of regional states, which is Farole's demand. Farah recognizes this scenario in the first point of his explanation, when he says that Sh. Sharif's "mentors" were concerned that recognition of regional authorities would degrade the legitimacy of the T.F.G. in the eyes of the international community. The mentors, indeed, were correct; it was a power struggle and the T.F.G. was fighting above its weight. If the T.F.G. has only external powers to thank for its existence, Puntland has only its political organization to count on, and that is currently under stress as external pressures and threats trigger reactions against Farole's administration domestically. Protecting the status of the Puntland state trumps economic and social development.
The Rupture in Nairobi
Evidence that the structural gap is political is provided by Somali media sources reporting on the Nairobi talks.
On November 11, the two sides agreed to form a committee to "harmonize" the Galkayo agreement, but, on November 12, the talks collapsed when Farole demanded that Puntland be recognized as a state, not a semi-autonomous region, and accused the T.F.G. of failing to abide by the Transitional Federal Constitution on the matter of federalism.
According to a November 15 report on the AllPuntland webite, which provides a dramatic narrative, Sh. Sharif was accompanied at the November 12 meeting by Hassan who was supposed to have worked on implementing the agreement, but had not done so, and who said that certain issues pertaining to the agreement were not up for discussion, notably the sovereignty of the T.F.G. over all post-independence Somalia. Hassan was reported to have said that Puntland is a regional administration that cannot negotiate with the T.F.G. as an equal, and that the T.F.G. does not need Puntland's help in implementing a federal system. Sh. Sharif is reported to have said that the T.F.G. is a legitimate government and would not negotiate with anyone on the restoration of security in Somalia. Farole reportedly responded that Puntland would not negotiate on the development of the state's administration. The meeting ended when the Puntland delegation walked out. It is worth noting that the two sides reportedly agreed on Puntland's access to donor powers and Puntland's right to enter development and security agreements with external powers and companies independent of the T.F.G.
The deeper structural explanation for the failure of the Puntland State and the T.F.G. to agree is the power struggle over the nature of the state, the most fundamental political conflict that carries along with it all the interests that would be advantaged or disadvantaged according to its results.
On November 19, having returned to Puntland's capital, Garowe, Farole held a press conference in which he said that his meeting with Sh. Sharif had been "very nice indeed," but that they had "misunderstandings" about the Galkayo agreement, which Farole said, had not been implemented by the T.F.G. and was not a good agreement anyway. On November 20, Sh. Sharif held a press conference in Nairobi, at which he expressed regret at "misunderstandings" and confirmed that his meeting with Farole had yielded "no results."
On November 20, the effects of the Nairobi rupture on Puntland's grand strategy began to surface when Farole gave an interview to the BBC in which he announced that Puntland intended to host leaders from the southern and central regions of Somalia who wanted to form regional authorities, faulting Sh. Sharif for failing to initiate that process. Farole made it clear that his disagreement with Sh. Sharif centered on the formation of regional governments, leaving "the door open for consultation" in the future. Farole's plan for regional authorities that would be formed independently of the T.F.G. has, for the moment, made the rupture in Nairobi complete.
The rupture in Nairobi leaves the T.F.G. weaker than ever, having lost potential support, and Puntland more isolated internationally. Farole, who had placed hope in the West and had thought that he could win a favorable deal from the T.F.G., now knows that he is on his own, which is why he has proposed by-passing the T.F.G. in the creation of a federal state that would change the present T.F.G. beyond recognition and short-circuit the donor powers' strategy of backing the T.F.G.
It is too early to tell how serious Farole is about his plan - whether it is a warning or a commitment - and whether he will have any takers for it in the southern and central regions. What it does indicate is that Farole reached the end of the rope tying him to the T.F.G. and that he has undone the knot. He has decided that the T.F.G. is not for the time being a negotiating partner and that the preservation of the state structure of Puntland is the vital interst above all others. Whether Farole is sacrificing other interests to the degree that he will subvert the vital interest through relative international isolation remains to be seen.
Somalia policy needs time to work: US military
ALGIERS (Reuters) - The United States will persevere with its policy of supporting Somalia's fragile government because restoring security there will take time, the top U.S. military commander for Africa said on Wednesday.
The U.S. military has been providing weapons and training to forces loyal to Somalia's President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, but the government still only controls a few blocks of the capital with the rest of the country in the hands of Islamist rebels.
"What's going on in Somalia did not just get that way. It won't correct itself overnight either," General William E. Ward, commander of the U.S. military's Africa Command, told reporters during a visit to Algeria.
"And so the current policy, that has international support, not just from the United States, to reinforce, to help the transitional federal government, and be supportive of the African Union mission to Somalia is where we ... also see our big contribution," he said.
The al Shabaab militant group, who Washington says is al Qaeda's proxy in Somalia, has been waging a two-and-a-half year insurgency against the central government to impose its harsh version of Sharia law throughout the country.
Troops from the African Union are protecting government sites in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu.
Western security agencies say Somalia has become a safe haven for militants who use it to plot attacks on Western targets, and also a bolt-hole for pirates who have been hijacking ships in the Indian Ocean.
Ward was in the Algerian capital for meetings with officials that focused on the threat from violent extremism in another part of Africa, around the Sahara desert.
He said the U.S. military would continue to provide counter-terrorism training to Sahara region governments but that there were no plans for U.S. forces to take part directly in operations against insurgents. Continued...
The U.S. military has been providing weapons and training to forces loyal to Somalia's President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, but the government still only controls a few blocks of the capital with the rest of the country in the hands of Islamist rebels.
"What's going on in Somalia did not just get that way. It won't correct itself overnight either," General William E. Ward, commander of the U.S. military's Africa Command, told reporters during a visit to Algeria.
"And so the current policy, that has international support, not just from the United States, to reinforce, to help the transitional federal government, and be supportive of the African Union mission to Somalia is where we ... also see our big contribution," he said.
The al Shabaab militant group, who Washington says is al Qaeda's proxy in Somalia, has been waging a two-and-a-half year insurgency against the central government to impose its harsh version of Sharia law throughout the country.
Troops from the African Union are protecting government sites in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu.
Western security agencies say Somalia has become a safe haven for militants who use it to plot attacks on Western targets, and also a bolt-hole for pirates who have been hijacking ships in the Indian Ocean.
Ward was in the Algerian capital for meetings with officials that focused on the threat from violent extremism in another part of Africa, around the Sahara desert.
He said the U.S. military would continue to provide counter-terrorism training to Sahara region governments but that there were no plans for U.S. forces to take part directly in operations against insurgents. Continued...
AU: Donors slow in paying up for Somalia security By TOM MALITI (AP) – 5 hours ago
NAIROBI, Kenya — The African Union's Somalia envoy said Wednesday donors have released only 30 percent of funds they pledged months ago toward bolstering Somalia's security, frustrating efforts to turnaround the lawless country.
The AU envoy's statement echoes similar comments made by aid workers this week about how donors have been slow to release money for health programs aimed at helping Somalis.
AU peacekeepers have not been paid for months, with the Burundian contingent not receiving their pay since April and those from Uganda going unpaid since May, AU envoy Nicolas Bwakira told journalists. Burundi and Uganda are the only countries that have contributed troops to the 5,100-strong AU peacekeeping force.
"No country would keep its forces without payment ... No democracy would do that," said Bwakira. "We are very disappointed and frustrated by the lack of delivery, or slow delivery on commitments."
In April, donors pledged more than $250 million to run an expanded AU force for a year and to strengthen Somalia's security forces. The pledges came after a peace deal saw moderate Islamists join the Somali government, with one of them being elected president in January.
Islamic insurgents have tried to topple the country's fragile U.N.-backed government for close to three years. It was hoped Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed's election as president would help undercut the insurgents. He has, however, failed in ending the insurgency and his government only controls a few blocks of the Somali capital, Mogadishu, with the help of AU troops.
Different Islamic insurgent groups control southern Somalia, where Mogadishu is located. Al-Shabab, an extremist group that the U.S. State Department has designated a terrorist organization, holds the largest chunk.
Bwakira, who is ending his term as AU envoy later this month, said that during his time as envoy the number of people displaced by the near daily violence in Mogadishu has doubled, exacerbating an already bad humanitarian situation where one in five children under the age of five is malnourished.
He said currently the number of people displaced from their homes is 3.6 million people, almost half the country's population, compared to 1.8 million in January 2008.
"It is a disastrous situation," said Bwakira. He added that the situation is made worse by the lawlessness in southern and central Somalia where many of the displaced people are located, making it difficult to deliver any aid to them.
Eric Laroche, the World Health Organization's emergencies chief, described Somalia's humanitarian crisis as the worst it has been since the fall of the country's last effective government in 1991.
"Never has the humanitarian situation been as worse as it is now. In terms of access, in humanitarian space, in terms social indicators," Laroche told The Associated Press.
Laroche said that because of insecurity and other problems in Somalia, humanitarian work has become more expensive but donors are not providing the necessary funds. He said that WHO programs in Somalia will only to get 24 percent of what is needed by the year's end.
"So I am asked to do more and much better but at the same time I am given less and less assistance or financial resources. So what is this game? Where do I stand? Are the rules of that game honest and proper?" Laroche said. "How can I work if I don't have any money?"
Somalia is a dangerous place for both Somalis and foreigners, with kidnappings and killings as near-daily occurrences. On Wednesday, two foreign journalists kidnapped last year were freed in the capital.
The AU envoy's statement echoes similar comments made by aid workers this week about how donors have been slow to release money for health programs aimed at helping Somalis.
AU peacekeepers have not been paid for months, with the Burundian contingent not receiving their pay since April and those from Uganda going unpaid since May, AU envoy Nicolas Bwakira told journalists. Burundi and Uganda are the only countries that have contributed troops to the 5,100-strong AU peacekeeping force.
"No country would keep its forces without payment ... No democracy would do that," said Bwakira. "We are very disappointed and frustrated by the lack of delivery, or slow delivery on commitments."
In April, donors pledged more than $250 million to run an expanded AU force for a year and to strengthen Somalia's security forces. The pledges came after a peace deal saw moderate Islamists join the Somali government, with one of them being elected president in January.
Islamic insurgents have tried to topple the country's fragile U.N.-backed government for close to three years. It was hoped Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed's election as president would help undercut the insurgents. He has, however, failed in ending the insurgency and his government only controls a few blocks of the Somali capital, Mogadishu, with the help of AU troops.
Different Islamic insurgent groups control southern Somalia, where Mogadishu is located. Al-Shabab, an extremist group that the U.S. State Department has designated a terrorist organization, holds the largest chunk.
Bwakira, who is ending his term as AU envoy later this month, said that during his time as envoy the number of people displaced by the near daily violence in Mogadishu has doubled, exacerbating an already bad humanitarian situation where one in five children under the age of five is malnourished.
He said currently the number of people displaced from their homes is 3.6 million people, almost half the country's population, compared to 1.8 million in January 2008.
"It is a disastrous situation," said Bwakira. He added that the situation is made worse by the lawlessness in southern and central Somalia where many of the displaced people are located, making it difficult to deliver any aid to them.
Eric Laroche, the World Health Organization's emergencies chief, described Somalia's humanitarian crisis as the worst it has been since the fall of the country's last effective government in 1991.
"Never has the humanitarian situation been as worse as it is now. In terms of access, in humanitarian space, in terms social indicators," Laroche told The Associated Press.
Laroche said that because of insecurity and other problems in Somalia, humanitarian work has become more expensive but donors are not providing the necessary funds. He said that WHO programs in Somalia will only to get 24 percent of what is needed by the year's end.
"So I am asked to do more and much better but at the same time I am given less and less assistance or financial resources. So what is this game? Where do I stand? Are the rules of that game honest and proper?" Laroche said. "How can I work if I don't have any money?"
Somalia is a dangerous place for both Somalis and foreigners, with kidnappings and killings as near-daily occurrences. On Wednesday, two foreign journalists kidnapped last year were freed in the capital.
DAILY NATIONNews News Kenya ‘neglected Somalia’s assets’
By SAM KIPLAGAT Posted Wednesday, November 25 2009 at 21:40
Somalia’s Foreign Affairs minister Ali Ahmed Jama on Wednesday accused Kenya of failing to safeguard Somali property on its soil.
Citing the sale of the Somali ambassador’s residence, Mr Jama said Kenya had an obligation to protect its assets following that country’s collapse.
A former Somali ambassador sold the Spring Valley, Nairobi property to Suleman Rahemtulla Omar and Zarina Suleman Omar for Sh28.5 million. Mr Jama said Somalia bought the property in 1972 and renovated it into an “executive building” for its envoy.
Mohamed Siad Barre’s government was toppled on January 25, 1991 and besides numerous lives, Somalia also lost properties in and out of the country, Mr Jama said.
After the collapse, the embassy in Nairobi moved from its city centre offices to the Spring Valley property. Mr Musa Hersi Fahiye and Mr Mohamed Omar were the first counsellor and attaché, respectively.
In 1995, Mr Jama said, the two officials were evicted by people claiming to have bought the residence. He said the sale was illegal and the Somali government has gone to court to evict the buyers. The suit also wants all movable and immovable assets to be accounted for and payment to be made for damages as a result of trespass.
Mr Jama denied that the sale proceeds were handed over to the government of Somalia as claimed. Asked why the ambassador who allegedly sold the property was not being pursued, Mr Jama said he had sought asylum in the UK. “He is enjoying asylum wherever he is but he will be arrested and charged if he steps on Somali soil,” he said.
The Somalis have also sued Kenya’s Attorney General, the Commissioner of Lands and Registrar of Titles. The hearing continues on Thursday.
Somalia’s Foreign Affairs minister Ali Ahmed Jama on Wednesday accused Kenya of failing to safeguard Somali property on its soil.
Citing the sale of the Somali ambassador’s residence, Mr Jama said Kenya had an obligation to protect its assets following that country’s collapse.
A former Somali ambassador sold the Spring Valley, Nairobi property to Suleman Rahemtulla Omar and Zarina Suleman Omar for Sh28.5 million. Mr Jama said Somalia bought the property in 1972 and renovated it into an “executive building” for its envoy.
Mohamed Siad Barre’s government was toppled on January 25, 1991 and besides numerous lives, Somalia also lost properties in and out of the country, Mr Jama said.
After the collapse, the embassy in Nairobi moved from its city centre offices to the Spring Valley property. Mr Musa Hersi Fahiye and Mr Mohamed Omar were the first counsellor and attaché, respectively.
In 1995, Mr Jama said, the two officials were evicted by people claiming to have bought the residence. He said the sale was illegal and the Somali government has gone to court to evict the buyers. The suit also wants all movable and immovable assets to be accounted for and payment to be made for damages as a result of trespass.
Mr Jama denied that the sale proceeds were handed over to the government of Somalia as claimed. Asked why the ambassador who allegedly sold the property was not being pursued, Mr Jama said he had sought asylum in the UK. “He is enjoying asylum wherever he is but he will be arrested and charged if he steps on Somali soil,” he said.
The Somalis have also sued Kenya’s Attorney General, the Commissioner of Lands and Registrar of Titles. The hearing continues on Thursday.
By Chris Hughes on Nov 25, 09 10:30 AM in
WESTERN intelligence chiefs fear young radicalised muslims will head to Yemen and Somalia to newly-established al-Qaeda terror camps.
A leaked US military intelligence reports reveals the two states are being targeted by al-Qaeda leaders looking for alternatives to Afghanistan.
Fleeing Pakistani terrorists who have been fighting in Afghanistan are already flocking to poverty-stricken Yemen to set up training camps, already according to the report.
The American CIA and British MI6 spy agencies fear Osama bin-Laden's henchmen hope to set up a network of terror-academies there.
This is a direct consequence of the succeses of NATO soldiers - including 9,000 Brits in Helmand who have made it too difficult for Islamic fighters to move around in any great number in Afghanistan.
The Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - or Drones - used by the CIA and US military on the Pakistan border have made it even more hazardous.
US spies in Yemen- the poorest of the Arab countries - believe Al Qaeda's inner-circle hopes to relocate its main bases there.
British MI5 has in the past been aware of several thousand UK radical Muslims travelling to Pakistan and Afghanistan to train with al-Qaeda.
But now US intelligence agencies fear a switch to Somalia and Yemen - areas where it is far less easy to monitor what radicals do there.
A senior western intelligence source said: "Recent assaults on the tribal areas of southern Afghanistan and northern Pakistan have severely curtailed movement of al-Qaeda forces.
"The organisation's senior leaders have long held the belief that they must branch out, that they must think ahead and keep a steady through-flow of trainees and trained fighters.
"As a failed state Somalia is ideal, except it can be a difficult terrain to move freely in given the anarchic nature of the clan system.
"Al Qaeda and bin Laden hold a lot of sway there and any outsider would find it very hard to move freely, to spy on the group.
"Equally bin Laden has close and historical ties to Yemen. It is where his family originally come from and it is where he has fought before."
In recent weeks President Obama's senior counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan - a former CIA spook for 25 years has been to Yemen.
He carried a personal message from Obama to Yemeni President Ali Abdallah Saleh, promising him US help in tackling terrorism.
Several senior American military officers have also secretly travelled to Yemen's capital Saana to advise local security forces.And even British special forces counter terrorism experts from the SAS have been to Yemen to help train local security men.
Yemen is stuck in a major localised counter-terror offensive against anti-government forces and is therefore vulnerable to Al-Qaeda.
The report - leaked to the Daily Mirror- says: "Al Qaeda has come to view Yemen which is a fragile state inching towards failure as a potential base of operations.
"This could have significant security implications for the United States and the greater Middle East.
"The Yemeni government is bogged down in a full-scale military operation against an imminent domestic security threat, the al-Houthi rebels, who are Shia Muslim."
Al Qaeda is a Sunni Muslim organisation, representing the majority of Islamic worshippers in the Middle East.
But intelligence organisations believe that if the Houthi rebels were successful they would still allow al-Qaeda to get a foothold in the country.
They mainly object to the Yemeni government's accord with US demands that they help in the war against terror.
That means allowing western special forces soldiers into the country to train up their home security forces.
WESTERN intelligence chiefs fear young radicalised muslims will head to Yemen and Somalia to newly-established al-Qaeda terror camps.
A leaked US military intelligence reports reveals the two states are being targeted by al-Qaeda leaders looking for alternatives to Afghanistan.
Fleeing Pakistani terrorists who have been fighting in Afghanistan are already flocking to poverty-stricken Yemen to set up training camps, already according to the report.
The American CIA and British MI6 spy agencies fear Osama bin-Laden's henchmen hope to set up a network of terror-academies there.
This is a direct consequence of the succeses of NATO soldiers - including 9,000 Brits in Helmand who have made it too difficult for Islamic fighters to move around in any great number in Afghanistan.
The Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - or Drones - used by the CIA and US military on the Pakistan border have made it even more hazardous.
US spies in Yemen- the poorest of the Arab countries - believe Al Qaeda's inner-circle hopes to relocate its main bases there.
British MI5 has in the past been aware of several thousand UK radical Muslims travelling to Pakistan and Afghanistan to train with al-Qaeda.
But now US intelligence agencies fear a switch to Somalia and Yemen - areas where it is far less easy to monitor what radicals do there.
A senior western intelligence source said: "Recent assaults on the tribal areas of southern Afghanistan and northern Pakistan have severely curtailed movement of al-Qaeda forces.
"The organisation's senior leaders have long held the belief that they must branch out, that they must think ahead and keep a steady through-flow of trainees and trained fighters.
"As a failed state Somalia is ideal, except it can be a difficult terrain to move freely in given the anarchic nature of the clan system.
"Al Qaeda and bin Laden hold a lot of sway there and any outsider would find it very hard to move freely, to spy on the group.
"Equally bin Laden has close and historical ties to Yemen. It is where his family originally come from and it is where he has fought before."
In recent weeks President Obama's senior counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan - a former CIA spook for 25 years has been to Yemen.
He carried a personal message from Obama to Yemeni President Ali Abdallah Saleh, promising him US help in tackling terrorism.
Several senior American military officers have also secretly travelled to Yemen's capital Saana to advise local security forces.And even British special forces counter terrorism experts from the SAS have been to Yemen to help train local security men.
Yemen is stuck in a major localised counter-terror offensive against anti-government forces and is therefore vulnerable to Al-Qaeda.
The report - leaked to the Daily Mirror- says: "Al Qaeda has come to view Yemen which is a fragile state inching towards failure as a potential base of operations.
"This could have significant security implications for the United States and the greater Middle East.
"The Yemeni government is bogged down in a full-scale military operation against an imminent domestic security threat, the al-Houthi rebels, who are Shia Muslim."
Al Qaeda is a Sunni Muslim organisation, representing the majority of Islamic worshippers in the Middle East.
But intelligence organisations believe that if the Houthi rebels were successful they would still allow al-Qaeda to get a foothold in the country.
They mainly object to the Yemeni government's accord with US demands that they help in the war against terror.
That means allowing western special forces soldiers into the country to train up their home security forces.
Moral bankruptcy in Ethiopia's opposition leadership
Currently there exists a moral bankruptcy of opposition political leadership in Ethiopia. Hailu Shawel is the embodiment of such bankruptcy.
By Neamin Zeleke
“In our time, political speech and writings are largely the defense of the indefensible.” So wrote George Orwell, one of the great public intellectuals of the 20th century who spoke truth to both left and rights powers. No matter all the posturing and attempts to justify it with so much and contradictory statements and interviews by the actors and supporters alike, the recent act of singing the so-called “code of conduct” remains nothing but a grand betrayal. A betrayal is the name that could aptly characterize the document that does not meet the criteria to hold free, fair and credible elections in Ethiopia.
Chairman of All Ethiopian Unity Party (AEUP) Ato Hailu Shawl’s recent action is nothing less than reneging on the loftiest goals of the democratic movement, under whose banner thousands paid the ultimate price, including those who followed him and believed in him during the 2005 national elections that was rigged by the ruling party and the bloody aftermath. As a result of such betrayal, the movement to liberate Ethiopia from Woyanne has been forced to take a step backwards as the ruling party is using him — and that of the so-called “third way” “critical supporters” like Ato Lidetu and Ato Ayele Chamiso, the very men who betrayed Ato Hailuand the rest of Knijit leaders when they were thrown in prison — to tell the international community that now it has made an agreement with opposition forces.
By signing on this lame “code of conduct,” Ato Hailu has compromised the strategic objective of even those who struggle via peaceful means, i.e., the widening of the political space in order to hold free and fair elections by forcing the ruling party to compromise and given in to serious concessions. If Hailu Shawel can make an agreement with the Woyanne with whom he has an ocean of differences, as he made it clear in the public declarations of AEUP objectives, why can’t he agree with other opposition groups in order to increase their bargaining power? Doing so would enable himand the other groups to attain the bargaining muscle and political clout. At the end of the day, the more the political space and real democratic political order materialize, the more all players benefit to compete freely once the playing field is leveled.
What is also sad, as others have pointed out, is the fact that he did not put on the table even half of the 8 point preconditions that the Kinjit presented to the Woyane during the massive fraud committed by the ruling party following election 2005. The damage goes even further: The agreement he entered into with the regime and the two parties has blunted the attempt by Medrek to get at least better concessions as they have made known that a free and fair election cannot be held while the ruling TPLF/EPRDF controls the Election Board and appoints the 200,000 election workers at nearly 40,000 polling stations. They have also demanded the release of all political prisoners.
In addition, the absences of these demands, the lack of even the gesture to negotiate about the release of all political prisoners is a tragic, callous and immoral act. One cannot talk of struggling against dictatorship when he or she clearly knows that political prisoners, irrespective of their affiliation, are political prisoners including his former colleague, Judge Birtukan Midekesa, who is currently languishing in Meles Zenawi's prison.
Ato Hailu Shawel has found it better to come to an agreement with the ruling party in the hope of carving his own little political space and concerned only about his political future — a breathing space for his organization at the expense of the overwhelming majority of Ethiopians hungry for rule of law, democracy, respect for human rights, their empowerment in the political and economic affairs of their country.
Let us recall that Ethiopians supported Kinjit and its leaders during the 2005 elections due to its forceful demands and clear alternatives to Woyanne and its promise to deliver democracy and rule of law for the people of Ethiopia. It was not the persona of Hailu, Lidetu, Berhanu… that did the magic of what was then called “Sunami”. It was their unified and unifying messageand the vision that did the magic. It was not even the details of the program that people rallied behind. I doubt if the majority of Ethiopians even read much of it. Instead, it was Kinjit’s clear and simple message of change and alternative to the ruling party that won it a widespread support throughout Ethiopia. As observers aptly said, it was a “protest” support and vote by an electorate that wanted real change and saw Kinjit at its rightful agent.
Where then is the moral leadership that is expected of opposition leaders under conditions of dictatorship? Is opposition political leadership, under the context of a dictatorship, simply about making calculated moves to benefit single organizations or few organizations? Ato Hailu discussed only about AEUP’spolitical prisoners . Even then, I am not sure how many of them are released, if ever the harassment has stopped. But we would not even know as he said that the “EPRDF does not like it when we make too much noise; we find it better to write letters and follow up their case” (his interview on the Reporter).
Tomorrow the TPLF/EPRDF will tell him to stop writing the letters and then he would do so, if we take his logic. Where does it stop? What then can we call such an organization that abandons its own methods of exposing human rights abuses, even those enshrined in the so-called constitution under whose ambit it claims to operate?
This last point brings us to the heart of the matter. The constitution is said to be the supreme law of the land. But the TPLF/EPRDF has trampled on it time and again, violating each and every article for the past 16 years since its adoption. There is no reason to expect that, the agreement, a mini version along with few purported benefit to a "privileged" opposition groups, could not be violated by the TPLF.
Nothing better should have been expected from Hailu Shawel, considering his track record of throwing a monkey wrench amidst the democratic movement since 2003. This was the time when he decided to leave UEDF (coalition of 15 political parties formed in 2003) without solid reasons. He left just ten days after his delegates Major Getachew Mengistie,and the late Dr. Mekonnen Bishaw made a public statement that they would play a great role in strengthening UEDF. Hailu Shawel lied in a statement made public while the real issue was that he was unhappy due to the fact that the conference held for seven days did not elect him as the chairman in his absence. Had he been at the all party conference he would have been elected. But he gave the lame excuse that he was sick, to show up in DC in just about a week to start dismantling UEDF and pull AEUP out. The other causality in that incident was Ato Wondayehu Kassa, AEUP North America representative who was found to be an obstacle to the devious act of Ato Hailu’s decision of withdrawing AEUP from UEDF.
For anyone involved in the details of what was going on then, one can safely reach to a conclusion that the man is not amenable to political compromise among opposition forces and one who is incapable of handling contradictions in a farsighted and statesmanlike manner as our struggle demands from those who claim to be leaders of the struggle of our people for democracy and freedom.
The root of Kiniji’s split and its collapse has much to do with such a character, if not the only reason. When the problem of Kinjit surfaced, several elder groups genuinely tired to reconcile the minor differences between himand the rest of the Knijit leadership. It is a very well known fact that he was the one who obdurately refused to make peace. He even refused to respond to messages and phone calls from those who tried to reach and talk to him about reconciliation to save Kinjit from the impending collapse. As well known, the split of Kinjit took a heavy toll on the hope and aspiration of several millions of Ethiopians for change and freedom.
Tragic, indeed, that he has the heart sit, negotiate, and agree on a non-essential document that cannot add an iota to bring about a positive change in Ethiopia. Indeed, he had the stomach to shake hands with a dictator whose hands are drenched with the blood of thousands without getting substantial concessions to hold free and fair elections in Ethiopia.
If our struggle is for raw political power and under a condition where there is a democratic system, I can understand and go along with the view that some have argued in recent days that each party acts and calculates its steps to maximize its position in relative to other players on the political landscape. But when it is done under a dictatorship such as our ever miserable people are, and when our central quest is to win our freedom denied to us Ethiopians by successive dictatorships including the TPLF/EPRDF, it becomes a cynical pursuit at the expense of the broader struggle of the Ethiopian people for genuinely democratic and free Ethiopia.
Let us leave all the past evil and wrongs that the TPLF has wrought on Ethiopia and our people. Just think for a single moment of all those teenagers, mothers, elders, and men and women, who were savagely gunned down after the May 2005 elections by Agazi forces under Meles Zenawi’s direct command. Why did they die? Why did mothers lose their loved ones? Sons and daughters, children and the new born lost their loved ones. Why and why indeed? All the bloody massacre against unarmed protesters and non-protesters alike and whose innocence was proved by the report made public thanks to the courageous move of the Inquiry Commission Meles himself appointed.
Think of all those tens of thousands who were tortured and subjected to inhumane treatment following the May 2005 elections. Recall all the brutalities, humiliation, and debasement tens of thousands of Ethiopians had to endure. Was it for individuals and political organizations to calculate as to how to maximize their individual and organizational power, increase their sits in an impotent rubber stamp parliament? Was it for a being “privileged” than other opposition groups?
The brutal reality remains that one should not have any illusion that a minority dictatorship like the TPLF will ever give up political power through peaceful means only. Even if defeated at the polls, it will not give up all its economic, political, and military domination of Ethiopia that it has amassed during the past 18 years. There are too much at stake for the TPLF, its ethnic supporters and their cronies from other ethnic groups.
Having said that, I do not have any objections towards those organizations waging their struggle through peaceful method of struggle so long as they genuinely promote the establishment of real multi-party democracy and the rule of law, and equality of all citizens and ethnic groups in our country by replacing the dictatorship of the TPLF/ERPDF and the hegemony and domination of an elite of a minority ethnic group and their surrogates from other ethnic groups in all realms of Ethiopia’s national life at the expense of the rest of the Ethiopian people. In other words, as long as these opposition forces struggle peacefully and legally with a view of democratizing Ethiopia, as opposed to having a limited end to shilly-shally in order just to get crumbs and increase their seats in the lame duck parliament by the “good will” of the ruling party and serve it as junior partners of the status quo.
In view of what has transpired in recent weeks, it is safe to argue that there exists a moral bankruptcy of opposition political leadership under the current Ethiopian condition. Ato Hailu is the embodiment of such moral bankruptcy. In the meantime, our people are under the yoke of a corrupt ethnic dictatorship that will leave no stone unturned, no tactic unused, no cleaver games from being played out to perpetuate its hold on to state power by all and any means.
(The writer can be reached at
9 Responses to “Moral bankruptcy in Ethiopia's opposition leadership”
1. Ray says:
Thank you very much for very nice article, very logical and rational , keep on writing
November 25th, 2009 at 11:44 am
2. koster says:
Dr Berhanu tried to erode the leadership of engineer Hailu by his "collective leadership" wrongly copied from the Soviet Union because they used it only as a temporary measure until the General Secretary is elected.
Now the writer and his colleagues are trying to defame engineer Hailu and if they succeeded try that AEUP loose in the coming election with the hope that will boost their armed struggle monitored and led from DC.
It is very unfortunate when the oppositions in Andinet prefer to join Medrek composed of people like Seye and Gebru whose right place is the Hague (ICC) not competing again for political power to loot and kill as usual – what can engineer Hailu do except to move ahead with his supporters.
November 25th, 2009 at 11:59 am
3. munir says:
hey come on,
መደራደር ማለት አብሮ መሥራት ማለት አይደለም
you just simply put all the blames on a consistent straightforward leader who is fighting head on in the ground for you. just let us wait and see what will happen .
bravo hailu shawel.
November 25th, 2009 at 12:08 pm
4. ephrem says:
What a genuine article.I would like to go further and examine the motive of those who were supporters of Mr.Hailu.Since he came to the the political theater one can see that he is not fit or qualified to represent a major opposition party let alone stand up against woyane propaganda machine.We Ethiopians should stop idolizing personality rather than ideas.My child would not support MR.Shawl for class president!!!
November 25th, 2009 at 12:56 pm
5. Assayegn Melkamun says:
I still believe(strongly so) that Mr. Shawel has the right to do what ever he wants to do in regards to the coming election. We should wait and see what is going to happen during the election. Enough with wars, enough with bloodsheds! Enough!!!!
November 25th, 2009 at 1:24 pm
6. Kolegnaw... says:
unless you are not woyane foot licker,you must be one who worship stupid religion (Hailu Shawel)."mafer dehena senebech" alu Proff.. must be fibel minded,if she or he could not figurout what Hailu Shawel is doing to our people,in short that shameless oportunist is disgrace.Hailu Shawel's love afair will not last long.I can not wait to see his death with humulity.
November 25th, 2009 at 3:28 pm
7. Elsa says:
AEUP does not care about democracy. hailu shawel and lidetu are our enemies. it is important MEDREK united all opposition against woyane
even if siye abraha is medrek member, andinet cares about only ideology not people. viva medrek
viva UDJ
November 25th, 2009 at 4:09 pm
8. ElsaNesh says:
Knowingly or unknowingly the writer of this text/article does in favour of the ruling class.
These days the socalled opposition groups are fighting against another oppostion, not struggling against the ruling party democratically.
People who are not member of AEUP have no moral authority to condemn the internal affair of the party.
The party has decided in its own way, almost all in the motherland support the move, because they want to see the change from within.
Those groups who want to launch armed struggle(Fanoists) can go further and victimize the civilians as well as the military. Now about 46 people are tried for inciting armed violence.
In the contemporary Ethiopia Fanoism has no place. Eprdf would be the last FANO-organisation to take power in our country.
Read what Mr. Hailu, the great leader of AEUP said: "In our past history Power was transferring from one regime to another either by military coup or by inheritance, now we want to change the situation in such a way that we vote for our leaders democratically".
This is a modern viewpoint that should be encouraged.
Killing one another is not patriotism.
Tolerance and copromise is the best way that paves the way to democracy.
November 25th, 2009 at 5:11 pm
9. why says:
I sometimes think if the opposition spent more time fighting TPLF instead of fighting eachother, there would be some sort of progress.
I do not understand this drive to spend all your attention and energy on eachother. Is it because it is easier to attack someone who has not the Klashinkov?
Guys, stop the bickering and focus on TPLF. Otherwise you all are going to be irrelevant. If you have really like to fight TPLF on the battlefield, join EPPF, and G-7. Stop wasting your time on something that has ABSOLUTELY NO practical benefit to anybody.
By Neamin Zeleke
“In our time, political speech and writings are largely the defense of the indefensible.” So wrote George Orwell, one of the great public intellectuals of the 20th century who spoke truth to both left and rights powers. No matter all the posturing and attempts to justify it with so much and contradictory statements and interviews by the actors and supporters alike, the recent act of singing the so-called “code of conduct” remains nothing but a grand betrayal. A betrayal is the name that could aptly characterize the document that does not meet the criteria to hold free, fair and credible elections in Ethiopia.
Chairman of All Ethiopian Unity Party (AEUP) Ato Hailu Shawl’s recent action is nothing less than reneging on the loftiest goals of the democratic movement, under whose banner thousands paid the ultimate price, including those who followed him and believed in him during the 2005 national elections that was rigged by the ruling party and the bloody aftermath. As a result of such betrayal, the movement to liberate Ethiopia from Woyanne has been forced to take a step backwards as the ruling party is using him — and that of the so-called “third way” “critical supporters” like Ato Lidetu and Ato Ayele Chamiso, the very men who betrayed Ato Hailuand the rest of Knijit leaders when they were thrown in prison — to tell the international community that now it has made an agreement with opposition forces.
By signing on this lame “code of conduct,” Ato Hailu has compromised the strategic objective of even those who struggle via peaceful means, i.e., the widening of the political space in order to hold free and fair elections by forcing the ruling party to compromise and given in to serious concessions. If Hailu Shawel can make an agreement with the Woyanne with whom he has an ocean of differences, as he made it clear in the public declarations of AEUP objectives, why can’t he agree with other opposition groups in order to increase their bargaining power? Doing so would enable himand the other groups to attain the bargaining muscle and political clout. At the end of the day, the more the political space and real democratic political order materialize, the more all players benefit to compete freely once the playing field is leveled.
What is also sad, as others have pointed out, is the fact that he did not put on the table even half of the 8 point preconditions that the Kinjit presented to the Woyane during the massive fraud committed by the ruling party following election 2005. The damage goes even further: The agreement he entered into with the regime and the two parties has blunted the attempt by Medrek to get at least better concessions as they have made known that a free and fair election cannot be held while the ruling TPLF/EPRDF controls the Election Board and appoints the 200,000 election workers at nearly 40,000 polling stations. They have also demanded the release of all political prisoners.
In addition, the absences of these demands, the lack of even the gesture to negotiate about the release of all political prisoners is a tragic, callous and immoral act. One cannot talk of struggling against dictatorship when he or she clearly knows that political prisoners, irrespective of their affiliation, are political prisoners including his former colleague, Judge Birtukan Midekesa, who is currently languishing in Meles Zenawi's prison.
Ato Hailu Shawel has found it better to come to an agreement with the ruling party in the hope of carving his own little political space and concerned only about his political future — a breathing space for his organization at the expense of the overwhelming majority of Ethiopians hungry for rule of law, democracy, respect for human rights, their empowerment in the political and economic affairs of their country.
Let us recall that Ethiopians supported Kinjit and its leaders during the 2005 elections due to its forceful demands and clear alternatives to Woyanne and its promise to deliver democracy and rule of law for the people of Ethiopia. It was not the persona of Hailu, Lidetu, Berhanu… that did the magic of what was then called “Sunami”. It was their unified and unifying messageand the vision that did the magic. It was not even the details of the program that people rallied behind. I doubt if the majority of Ethiopians even read much of it. Instead, it was Kinjit’s clear and simple message of change and alternative to the ruling party that won it a widespread support throughout Ethiopia. As observers aptly said, it was a “protest” support and vote by an electorate that wanted real change and saw Kinjit at its rightful agent.
Where then is the moral leadership that is expected of opposition leaders under conditions of dictatorship? Is opposition political leadership, under the context of a dictatorship, simply about making calculated moves to benefit single organizations or few organizations? Ato Hailu discussed only about AEUP’spolitical prisoners . Even then, I am not sure how many of them are released, if ever the harassment has stopped. But we would not even know as he said that the “EPRDF does not like it when we make too much noise; we find it better to write letters and follow up their case” (his interview on the Reporter).
Tomorrow the TPLF/EPRDF will tell him to stop writing the letters and then he would do so, if we take his logic. Where does it stop? What then can we call such an organization that abandons its own methods of exposing human rights abuses, even those enshrined in the so-called constitution under whose ambit it claims to operate?
This last point brings us to the heart of the matter. The constitution is said to be the supreme law of the land. But the TPLF/EPRDF has trampled on it time and again, violating each and every article for the past 16 years since its adoption. There is no reason to expect that, the agreement, a mini version along with few purported benefit to a "privileged" opposition groups, could not be violated by the TPLF.
Nothing better should have been expected from Hailu Shawel, considering his track record of throwing a monkey wrench amidst the democratic movement since 2003. This was the time when he decided to leave UEDF (coalition of 15 political parties formed in 2003) without solid reasons. He left just ten days after his delegates Major Getachew Mengistie,and the late Dr. Mekonnen Bishaw made a public statement that they would play a great role in strengthening UEDF. Hailu Shawel lied in a statement made public while the real issue was that he was unhappy due to the fact that the conference held for seven days did not elect him as the chairman in his absence. Had he been at the all party conference he would have been elected. But he gave the lame excuse that he was sick, to show up in DC in just about a week to start dismantling UEDF and pull AEUP out. The other causality in that incident was Ato Wondayehu Kassa, AEUP North America representative who was found to be an obstacle to the devious act of Ato Hailu’s decision of withdrawing AEUP from UEDF.
For anyone involved in the details of what was going on then, one can safely reach to a conclusion that the man is not amenable to political compromise among opposition forces and one who is incapable of handling contradictions in a farsighted and statesmanlike manner as our struggle demands from those who claim to be leaders of the struggle of our people for democracy and freedom.
The root of Kiniji’s split and its collapse has much to do with such a character, if not the only reason. When the problem of Kinjit surfaced, several elder groups genuinely tired to reconcile the minor differences between himand the rest of the Knijit leadership. It is a very well known fact that he was the one who obdurately refused to make peace. He even refused to respond to messages and phone calls from those who tried to reach and talk to him about reconciliation to save Kinjit from the impending collapse. As well known, the split of Kinjit took a heavy toll on the hope and aspiration of several millions of Ethiopians for change and freedom.
Tragic, indeed, that he has the heart sit, negotiate, and agree on a non-essential document that cannot add an iota to bring about a positive change in Ethiopia. Indeed, he had the stomach to shake hands with a dictator whose hands are drenched with the blood of thousands without getting substantial concessions to hold free and fair elections in Ethiopia.
If our struggle is for raw political power and under a condition where there is a democratic system, I can understand and go along with the view that some have argued in recent days that each party acts and calculates its steps to maximize its position in relative to other players on the political landscape. But when it is done under a dictatorship such as our ever miserable people are, and when our central quest is to win our freedom denied to us Ethiopians by successive dictatorships including the TPLF/EPRDF, it becomes a cynical pursuit at the expense of the broader struggle of the Ethiopian people for genuinely democratic and free Ethiopia.
Let us leave all the past evil and wrongs that the TPLF has wrought on Ethiopia and our people. Just think for a single moment of all those teenagers, mothers, elders, and men and women, who were savagely gunned down after the May 2005 elections by Agazi forces under Meles Zenawi’s direct command. Why did they die? Why did mothers lose their loved ones? Sons and daughters, children and the new born lost their loved ones. Why and why indeed? All the bloody massacre against unarmed protesters and non-protesters alike and whose innocence was proved by the report made public thanks to the courageous move of the Inquiry Commission Meles himself appointed.
Think of all those tens of thousands who were tortured and subjected to inhumane treatment following the May 2005 elections. Recall all the brutalities, humiliation, and debasement tens of thousands of Ethiopians had to endure. Was it for individuals and political organizations to calculate as to how to maximize their individual and organizational power, increase their sits in an impotent rubber stamp parliament? Was it for a being “privileged” than other opposition groups?
The brutal reality remains that one should not have any illusion that a minority dictatorship like the TPLF will ever give up political power through peaceful means only. Even if defeated at the polls, it will not give up all its economic, political, and military domination of Ethiopia that it has amassed during the past 18 years. There are too much at stake for the TPLF, its ethnic supporters and their cronies from other ethnic groups.
Having said that, I do not have any objections towards those organizations waging their struggle through peaceful method of struggle so long as they genuinely promote the establishment of real multi-party democracy and the rule of law, and equality of all citizens and ethnic groups in our country by replacing the dictatorship of the TPLF/ERPDF and the hegemony and domination of an elite of a minority ethnic group and their surrogates from other ethnic groups in all realms of Ethiopia’s national life at the expense of the rest of the Ethiopian people. In other words, as long as these opposition forces struggle peacefully and legally with a view of democratizing Ethiopia, as opposed to having a limited end to shilly-shally in order just to get crumbs and increase their seats in the lame duck parliament by the “good will” of the ruling party and serve it as junior partners of the status quo.
In view of what has transpired in recent weeks, it is safe to argue that there exists a moral bankruptcy of opposition political leadership under the current Ethiopian condition. Ato Hailu is the embodiment of such moral bankruptcy. In the meantime, our people are under the yoke of a corrupt ethnic dictatorship that will leave no stone unturned, no tactic unused, no cleaver games from being played out to perpetuate its hold on to state power by all and any means.
(The writer can be reached at
9 Responses to “Moral bankruptcy in Ethiopia's opposition leadership”
1. Ray says:
Thank you very much for very nice article, very logical and rational , keep on writing
November 25th, 2009 at 11:44 am
2. koster says:
Dr Berhanu tried to erode the leadership of engineer Hailu by his "collective leadership" wrongly copied from the Soviet Union because they used it only as a temporary measure until the General Secretary is elected.
Now the writer and his colleagues are trying to defame engineer Hailu and if they succeeded try that AEUP loose in the coming election with the hope that will boost their armed struggle monitored and led from DC.
It is very unfortunate when the oppositions in Andinet prefer to join Medrek composed of people like Seye and Gebru whose right place is the Hague (ICC) not competing again for political power to loot and kill as usual – what can engineer Hailu do except to move ahead with his supporters.
November 25th, 2009 at 11:59 am
3. munir says:
hey come on,
መደራደር ማለት አብሮ መሥራት ማለት አይደለም
you just simply put all the blames on a consistent straightforward leader who is fighting head on in the ground for you. just let us wait and see what will happen .
bravo hailu shawel.
November 25th, 2009 at 12:08 pm
4. ephrem says:
What a genuine article.I would like to go further and examine the motive of those who were supporters of Mr.Hailu.Since he came to the the political theater one can see that he is not fit or qualified to represent a major opposition party let alone stand up against woyane propaganda machine.We Ethiopians should stop idolizing personality rather than ideas.My child would not support MR.Shawl for class president!!!
November 25th, 2009 at 12:56 pm
5. Assayegn Melkamun says:
I still believe(strongly so) that Mr. Shawel has the right to do what ever he wants to do in regards to the coming election. We should wait and see what is going to happen during the election. Enough with wars, enough with bloodsheds! Enough!!!!
November 25th, 2009 at 1:24 pm
6. Kolegnaw... says:
unless you are not woyane foot licker,you must be one who worship stupid religion (Hailu Shawel)."mafer dehena senebech" alu Proff.. must be fibel minded,if she or he could not figurout what Hailu Shawel is doing to our people,in short that shameless oportunist is disgrace.Hailu Shawel's love afair will not last long.I can not wait to see his death with humulity.
November 25th, 2009 at 3:28 pm
7. Elsa says:
AEUP does not care about democracy. hailu shawel and lidetu are our enemies. it is important MEDREK united all opposition against woyane
even if siye abraha is medrek member, andinet cares about only ideology not people. viva medrek
viva UDJ
November 25th, 2009 at 4:09 pm
8. ElsaNesh says:
Knowingly or unknowingly the writer of this text/article does in favour of the ruling class.
These days the socalled opposition groups are fighting against another oppostion, not struggling against the ruling party democratically.
People who are not member of AEUP have no moral authority to condemn the internal affair of the party.
The party has decided in its own way, almost all in the motherland support the move, because they want to see the change from within.
Those groups who want to launch armed struggle(Fanoists) can go further and victimize the civilians as well as the military. Now about 46 people are tried for inciting armed violence.
In the contemporary Ethiopia Fanoism has no place. Eprdf would be the last FANO-organisation to take power in our country.
Read what Mr. Hailu, the great leader of AEUP said: "In our past history Power was transferring from one regime to another either by military coup or by inheritance, now we want to change the situation in such a way that we vote for our leaders democratically".
This is a modern viewpoint that should be encouraged.
Killing one another is not patriotism.
Tolerance and copromise is the best way that paves the way to democracy.
November 25th, 2009 at 5:11 pm
9. why says:
I sometimes think if the opposition spent more time fighting TPLF instead of fighting eachother, there would be some sort of progress.
I do not understand this drive to spend all your attention and energy on eachother. Is it because it is easier to attack someone who has not the Klashinkov?
Guys, stop the bickering and focus on TPLF. Otherwise you all are going to be irrelevant. If you have really like to fight TPLF on the battlefield, join EPPF, and G-7. Stop wasting your time on something that has ABSOLUTELY NO practical benefit to anybody.
Article urges Somali Fighters to Avoid Infighting and Respect Advice of Scholars Jihadist Websites Monday, November 23, 2009
The first phase of the Somali war has probably ended with the great victory by Muslims over the Christians and their apostate followers. The coming war might be between the skilled and the brothers. This war will be greater and more intense.
Article urges Somali Fighters to Avoid Infighting and Respect Advice of Scholars On 21 July, a forum participant posted to a jihadist forum an article entitled “The advice of the honest Scholars to the Somali Mujahidin to complete the preparations for victory and empowerment. Let them beware”. The article states that the war in Somalia ended in a” great victory” by Muslims over the “Christians and their apostate followers”, referring to the Ethiopian military in Somalia. Using previous statements and words by leading jihadist figures, the author warns the mujahidin against the infighting and internal divisions that might occur among them. He strongly “urges” the mujahidin to follow the advice of “honest scholars” and to treat each other with “kindness” and respect. The article also urges them to try and win over the Somali people.
A translation of the article follows:
“God`s prayers and peace on you.
“We are here reminding them all, the leaders and their soldiers and people, about the commandments of the honest scholars, with what God granted them of advice. God made it obligatory for the mujahidin to listen to them and seek their advice.
“We are advising them after we heard the first signs of a disagreement over some important issues, not over fundamentals, and the recent issue of the two French hostages. We pray to God, the Merciful, the Compassionate, that this is not true.
“Almighty God said: ` Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger`, (Partial Koranic verse, Al-Nisa, 4:59).
“Imam Al-Shafi`i and Al-Nawawi said: `Those charged with authority are the scholars and the emirs.`
“The scholars are knowledgeable about the propagation (of virtue) and prevention (of vice) and the emirs are the ones who implement.
“Abu-Musa, may God be pleased with him, narrated that the messenger of God, peace and prayers be upon him, said: `A believer to another believer is like a building whose different parts support each other. The Prophet then clasped his hands with the fingers interlaced (while saying that)`. Agreed upon.
“He compared the believers to a building in its structure, strength and interconnectedness. He stressed on this description when he clasped his hands with his fingers interlaced.
“A poet said: `If we are united the spears will not break us, but if we are divided, we will break` (poetic verse).
“Thanks be to God for the unity of the Somali jihadist factions, in their cooperation and fighting in the capital Mogadishu, in all its factions and youth. We saw their leaders sitting at the same table to assess the situation. They doubtless did well with this step.
“The most important matter for the coming phase is to beware of the disputes that might occur among them, and they should beware of the hypocrites who aim to divide their ranks, and raise demands to delay the process; similar to what happened in different places where they attracted enemies to come and opened fronts.
“It is essential that they follow what the scholars requested that they be discrete and conceal their goals in order to attain victory:
“The advice of the knowledgeable shaykh Hamid al-Ali`s that was given to them at the beginning of their victories and before the arrival of the government of (Somali President Shaykh) Sharif to the capital from Djibouti. The shaykh was the first to write about the Somali issue. He even appeared on Al-Jazeera TV a year ago in a special interview to expose the Ethiopian-Crusader project in Somalia. Here are excerpts from his article:
“`The advice is for the Somali people to remain gathered around the faithful ones who expelled the Ethiopian occupation and for the mujahidin to win the people over to their side. In addition to keeping the weapon aimed at whoever tries to meddle with the victories of the Somali jihad, they must politically abort the US project by enlightening the Somali people about its aim. They must assure them they are merely the Islamic courts that ruled them with reason, wisdom, and righteousness until they were able to solve all the problems in Somalia within a short period of time.`
“I advise them (the mujahidin) to rely on Almighty God, be steadfast on their principles like mountains, be patient with the jihad for the sake of God and be wary of internal disputes and the traitors who seek to cause division in the ranks.
“They should remember that they are carrying the nation`s future, like the people of Palestine, Afghanistan, the mujahidin in Iraq and everywhere. Let them fear God in the Muslim nation, ask for the guidance of the people of wisdom, and beware of rushing and being hasty in trying to reach the next stage. They should be cautions of political games and tackle them with care, step by step.
“Power is used when it is needed and wise political action also has its place.
“The wisdom of the scholars is with the persistence of the pious. He who relies on God almighty will be satisfied. God will save every person who seeks his guidance from any kind of difficulty and will grant him a happy ending.
“There is no doubt that the ongoing US deception, which is disguised under false terms such as `moderate Islam`, `establishing the new Somalia` and `international cooperation`, etc, is nothing more than words of decorations that hide behind it plans to achieve the US political goals in the Horn of Africa.
“It is the same trap that was used, and is still being used, against the Iraqi resistance, the Taliban and all liberation movements, Islamic movements and others, when military action fails.
“This ploy is not new. These same tricks were used against the mujahidin by the Europeans during their colonization of our countries, during the past century and the one before it. Among those who were offered this trickery was the mujahid leader Umar Al-Mukhtar himself. He mocked their offer and said: `All we went from you is to withdraw from our country and leave it to us. We do not want your democracy or your sympathy`.
“It must raise its voice with these no`s, as they were raised by the honorable resistance. It must scream that the mujahidin who fought the Ethiopian occupation are the heroes of Somalia. They deserve a reward. They are the most deserving people for Somalia.
“However, time has shown us that those who are embraced by the United States always end up losing. The only gain from following behind the US scheme is the disgrace of time and the insults of history. As for the Hereafter, that is the judgment of God, the Compeller, and the One who knows everything. He has prepared punishment for the collaborating agents and a miserable fate for the traitors.
“This is our opinion, but God knows best and He suffices us for everything. On him let the believers rely.
“Here is the very important advice by Shaykh Bin-Mahmud; the wisdom of the scholars with no screaming, excommunication or apostasy, (or the chants of) killing, killing, destruction, destruction. Guiding them, with the least amount of losses, is better to them.
“He (shaykh Bin-Mahmud) says: `The first phase of the Somali war has probably ended with the great victory by Muslims over the Christians and their apostate followers. The coming war might be between the skilled and the brothers. This war will be greater and more intense. The mujahidin in Somalia will face difficult decisions in the upcoming stage; hence, they should be more careful in their decisions. The banners will be confused and not as clear as they were with the Abyssinians (Ethiopians)`.
“Our advice to the brothers is known to them; however, we urge them to stay stationed and keep their weapons ready, realize the enemy`s treachery and deceit, be wise and patient while dealing with Muslims, abort as many opportunities as possible for the enemy and to march forward to liberate the country from every corrupt infidel infiltrator.
“We advise them to study recent history and learn from it. What happened in Afghanistan is similar to what happened in Iraq and Palestine before it; the enemy is the same and the target was the same. The believer should not commit the same mistake twice.
“Somalia has become another Gaza. (In Gaza,) the Jews were defeated in the military battle and what remains is the political battle that includes the enemy and their followers around Gaza; people who are believed to be friends and brothers. The situation today is more dangerous than the military process. Those people want sedition and only the wise scholars can face this sedition.
“We call on the scholars to carry out their religious duty toward their brothers in Somalia, by enlightening people and warning them about the enemy`s plans, trickery and deception. We call on the brothers in Somalia to be extremely careful and not be carried away by this sedition. We also call on those with good deeds in their past to maintain their self-respect, to fear God when dealing with Muslims and to not be a tool of the treachery of the infidels, knowingly or unknowingly.
“The news from Somalia indicates that several resistance factions entered the capital Mogadishu and started to impose their control over the city, and deploy themselves in the main bases from which the Ethiopian troops withdrew.
“The people are extremely happy about the entry of the resistance and withdrawal of occupation forces from the city. The interim government however is not easily surrendering to reality, especially with the presence of the African forces in the country and their protection of the presidential palace, and the presence of US warships close to the Somali coast that are authorized by the United Nations to invade Somalia under the pretext of combating the pirates.
“Some of the armed tribal men have started to move to achieve some personal gains. They were able to seize some governmental buildings in the capital. This issue necessitates that the resistance factions be more careful, and learn from previous similar mistakes committed by some resistance factions in other places, as well as be patient with one another, be strict with the saboteurs and make use of the people`s gathering around them in the hope that they will restore security before anything else.
“Oh God, unite them and their ranks and spread love between them. In unity and agreement there is power, blessings, and victory; in division and disagreement there is failure, loss, punishment, etc...
“So know this very well, the religious political battle is in dealing with the tribal chiefs, who are today`s opponents but were yesterday`s friends, as the spoils of war and power become within the reach. Try to capture the capital with minimal losses. The current matter is more dangerous than the military operation, as some people are working to spread division, sedition, and conflict, and no one can confront these things other than the wise, honest scholars.
“And this was also at core of the golden advice by Shaykh Abu-Yahyia al-Libi in his recent audio statement.
“`While we are congratulating the heroic mujahidin in Somalia for this victory in one of the epics of the age, they should know that the battle is not over yet, and there is still a lot ahead of them. We would not be exaggerating if we say that the coming phase is the most dangerous, difficult and critical phase of jihad in this land that has always been difficult for the tyrants.`
“`Nothing is more harmful to jihad than division and conflict. `Be not like those who are divided amongst themselves and fall into disputations after receiving Clear Signs (Partial Koranic verse, Al-Imran, 3:105)`. Take the advice of our predecessors, may God be pleased with them, when they said: `division is evil` and: `the issue which you hate when you are as a group is better for you than the issue you like when you are divided`.`
“You should know that uniting your ranks, words, and groups is more effective against the enemies of God almighty than dozens of operations against them. For this reason, the enemies of God`s religion have spared no efforts in the past and present to spread rumors and seditions in order to divide the groups, split the ranks, cause disagreement and spread hatred between the hearts. God almighty says: `If they had come out with you, they would not have added to your (strength) but only (made for) disorder, hurrying to and fro in your midst and sowing sedition among you, and there would have been some among you who would have listened to them. But Allah knoweth well those who do wrong (Partial Koranic verse, Al-Tawbah, 9:47)`.
“My beloved brothers, be keen on being sympathetic, merciful and humble towards each other. Be truly harsh on the infidels, and merciful among you.`
“He advises our mujahidin brethren in Somalia: `Beware of being lured into side battles that will exhaust you, weaken your power, disperse your efforts, and distract you from what is greater and more important and allow your enemies to rampage and plot in safety`.
“Aim your arrows at their chests, direct your battles against them, enforce your campaign against them, and disperse them. You should deal with people according to their status; know their statures, be kind to those among them who are kind and respect their dignity. Raise the stature of their notables, the chiefs of the tribes of glory and courage and be close to the good people, especially the knowledgeable scholars.`
“`Be kind to the weak among the widows, orphans, and grieved people. Be generous to the poor and weakened people and comfort the injured and stricken. It is through them that victory comes and the doors to blessings are opened. The prophet, God`s prayers and peace on him, said: `We are only made victorious and blessed except through your weak.` He also said: `this nation is granted victory through the prayers and faithfulness of its weakened people`.`
“`Oh God, from the mujahidin brethren in Somalia, in all their jihadist and popular groups, and the weakened Muslims, drive away the treachery and cunning of the Crusader enemies and their accursed tyrant agents in all their forms and positions.` End.
“The Shaykh of jihad and the mujahidin Usamah Bin Ladin, while advising the mujahidin to listen to the faithful scholars, said: `One of the reasons for the failure to unite the Afghan leaders in the past was that the decision for unity was in their hands and it is difficult for many people to evaluate the interests of jihad and the nation when they are part of this equation. The commander or the emir will be confused between public and personal issues, and will consider himself and his party to be the best ones to lead the mujahidin in general in supporting religion. From this, he will become more attached to leadership and will exaggerate the mistakes of other commanders and parties and not see his and his own party`s mistakes. In such a case, he will be both the accused and the judge at the same time, and will not be able to rule against himself to resign the leadership for another emir that most Muslim might agree on, etc...` End.
“Let our mujahidin brethren know, and we are beneath advising them when they have their scholars on the front, that they are enthusiastic powerful steadfast youth, and esteemed in their wisdom, dreams, and high status with their tribes. They are indispensable to each other. Another problem is that if the mujahidin are victorious, and this is inevitable, and they are able to topple the government, and do not suffer any disputes or divisions between them, God willing, then they will definitely face an international campaign against them. Their capabilities do not allow them to face all of the greedy regional powers, so what will the case be with regards to the international superpowers that will be waiting to ambush them?
“The Prophet, God`s prayers and peace on him, and his companions relied greatly on the tricks of war and on secrecy. This is not weakness or defeat in any way, but it is one of the arts of war, combat and religious politics, which at their highest form aim for victory.
“The mujahidin keep silent about the statements that do more harm to them, internally and externally, just like they were advised to do by the scholars as we mentioned. This is until they complete their preparations, prepare themselves and are in complete control. This is a perfect policy and can not be considered as defeat, weakness, or even moral defeat.
“In conclusion, beware, beware, division and conflict. If this might occur over ruins imagine what will happen if you start fighting over money, leadership, and power and all the things that people secretly desire?
“Nothing is more harmful to jihad than division and conflict. `Be not like those who are divided amongst themselves and fall into disputations after receiving Clear Signs (Partial Koranic verse, Al-Imran, 3:105)`. Take the advice of our predecessors, may God be pleased with them, when they said: `division is evil`. They also said: `the issue which you hate when you are as a group is better for you than the issue you like when you are divided`.
Article urges Somali Fighters to Avoid Infighting and Respect Advice of Scholars On 21 July, a forum participant posted to a jihadist forum an article entitled “The advice of the honest Scholars to the Somali Mujahidin to complete the preparations for victory and empowerment. Let them beware”. The article states that the war in Somalia ended in a” great victory” by Muslims over the “Christians and their apostate followers”, referring to the Ethiopian military in Somalia. Using previous statements and words by leading jihadist figures, the author warns the mujahidin against the infighting and internal divisions that might occur among them. He strongly “urges” the mujahidin to follow the advice of “honest scholars” and to treat each other with “kindness” and respect. The article also urges them to try and win over the Somali people.
A translation of the article follows:
“God`s prayers and peace on you.
“We are here reminding them all, the leaders and their soldiers and people, about the commandments of the honest scholars, with what God granted them of advice. God made it obligatory for the mujahidin to listen to them and seek their advice.
“We are advising them after we heard the first signs of a disagreement over some important issues, not over fundamentals, and the recent issue of the two French hostages. We pray to God, the Merciful, the Compassionate, that this is not true.
“Almighty God said: ` Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger`, (Partial Koranic verse, Al-Nisa, 4:59).
“Imam Al-Shafi`i and Al-Nawawi said: `Those charged with authority are the scholars and the emirs.`
“The scholars are knowledgeable about the propagation (of virtue) and prevention (of vice) and the emirs are the ones who implement.
“Abu-Musa, may God be pleased with him, narrated that the messenger of God, peace and prayers be upon him, said: `A believer to another believer is like a building whose different parts support each other. The Prophet then clasped his hands with the fingers interlaced (while saying that)`. Agreed upon.
“He compared the believers to a building in its structure, strength and interconnectedness. He stressed on this description when he clasped his hands with his fingers interlaced.
“A poet said: `If we are united the spears will not break us, but if we are divided, we will break` (poetic verse).
“Thanks be to God for the unity of the Somali jihadist factions, in their cooperation and fighting in the capital Mogadishu, in all its factions and youth. We saw their leaders sitting at the same table to assess the situation. They doubtless did well with this step.
“The most important matter for the coming phase is to beware of the disputes that might occur among them, and they should beware of the hypocrites who aim to divide their ranks, and raise demands to delay the process; similar to what happened in different places where they attracted enemies to come and opened fronts.
“It is essential that they follow what the scholars requested that they be discrete and conceal their goals in order to attain victory:
“The advice of the knowledgeable shaykh Hamid al-Ali`s that was given to them at the beginning of their victories and before the arrival of the government of (Somali President Shaykh) Sharif to the capital from Djibouti. The shaykh was the first to write about the Somali issue. He even appeared on Al-Jazeera TV a year ago in a special interview to expose the Ethiopian-Crusader project in Somalia. Here are excerpts from his article:
“`The advice is for the Somali people to remain gathered around the faithful ones who expelled the Ethiopian occupation and for the mujahidin to win the people over to their side. In addition to keeping the weapon aimed at whoever tries to meddle with the victories of the Somali jihad, they must politically abort the US project by enlightening the Somali people about its aim. They must assure them they are merely the Islamic courts that ruled them with reason, wisdom, and righteousness until they were able to solve all the problems in Somalia within a short period of time.`
“I advise them (the mujahidin) to rely on Almighty God, be steadfast on their principles like mountains, be patient with the jihad for the sake of God and be wary of internal disputes and the traitors who seek to cause division in the ranks.
“They should remember that they are carrying the nation`s future, like the people of Palestine, Afghanistan, the mujahidin in Iraq and everywhere. Let them fear God in the Muslim nation, ask for the guidance of the people of wisdom, and beware of rushing and being hasty in trying to reach the next stage. They should be cautions of political games and tackle them with care, step by step.
“Power is used when it is needed and wise political action also has its place.
“The wisdom of the scholars is with the persistence of the pious. He who relies on God almighty will be satisfied. God will save every person who seeks his guidance from any kind of difficulty and will grant him a happy ending.
“There is no doubt that the ongoing US deception, which is disguised under false terms such as `moderate Islam`, `establishing the new Somalia` and `international cooperation`, etc, is nothing more than words of decorations that hide behind it plans to achieve the US political goals in the Horn of Africa.
“It is the same trap that was used, and is still being used, against the Iraqi resistance, the Taliban and all liberation movements, Islamic movements and others, when military action fails.
“This ploy is not new. These same tricks were used against the mujahidin by the Europeans during their colonization of our countries, during the past century and the one before it. Among those who were offered this trickery was the mujahid leader Umar Al-Mukhtar himself. He mocked their offer and said: `All we went from you is to withdraw from our country and leave it to us. We do not want your democracy or your sympathy`.
“It must raise its voice with these no`s, as they were raised by the honorable resistance. It must scream that the mujahidin who fought the Ethiopian occupation are the heroes of Somalia. They deserve a reward. They are the most deserving people for Somalia.
“However, time has shown us that those who are embraced by the United States always end up losing. The only gain from following behind the US scheme is the disgrace of time and the insults of history. As for the Hereafter, that is the judgment of God, the Compeller, and the One who knows everything. He has prepared punishment for the collaborating agents and a miserable fate for the traitors.
“This is our opinion, but God knows best and He suffices us for everything. On him let the believers rely.
“Here is the very important advice by Shaykh Bin-Mahmud; the wisdom of the scholars with no screaming, excommunication or apostasy, (or the chants of) killing, killing, destruction, destruction. Guiding them, with the least amount of losses, is better to them.
“He (shaykh Bin-Mahmud) says: `The first phase of the Somali war has probably ended with the great victory by Muslims over the Christians and their apostate followers. The coming war might be between the skilled and the brothers. This war will be greater and more intense. The mujahidin in Somalia will face difficult decisions in the upcoming stage; hence, they should be more careful in their decisions. The banners will be confused and not as clear as they were with the Abyssinians (Ethiopians)`.
“Our advice to the brothers is known to them; however, we urge them to stay stationed and keep their weapons ready, realize the enemy`s treachery and deceit, be wise and patient while dealing with Muslims, abort as many opportunities as possible for the enemy and to march forward to liberate the country from every corrupt infidel infiltrator.
“We advise them to study recent history and learn from it. What happened in Afghanistan is similar to what happened in Iraq and Palestine before it; the enemy is the same and the target was the same. The believer should not commit the same mistake twice.
“Somalia has become another Gaza. (In Gaza,) the Jews were defeated in the military battle and what remains is the political battle that includes the enemy and their followers around Gaza; people who are believed to be friends and brothers. The situation today is more dangerous than the military process. Those people want sedition and only the wise scholars can face this sedition.
“We call on the scholars to carry out their religious duty toward their brothers in Somalia, by enlightening people and warning them about the enemy`s plans, trickery and deception. We call on the brothers in Somalia to be extremely careful and not be carried away by this sedition. We also call on those with good deeds in their past to maintain their self-respect, to fear God when dealing with Muslims and to not be a tool of the treachery of the infidels, knowingly or unknowingly.
“The news from Somalia indicates that several resistance factions entered the capital Mogadishu and started to impose their control over the city, and deploy themselves in the main bases from which the Ethiopian troops withdrew.
“The people are extremely happy about the entry of the resistance and withdrawal of occupation forces from the city. The interim government however is not easily surrendering to reality, especially with the presence of the African forces in the country and their protection of the presidential palace, and the presence of US warships close to the Somali coast that are authorized by the United Nations to invade Somalia under the pretext of combating the pirates.
“Some of the armed tribal men have started to move to achieve some personal gains. They were able to seize some governmental buildings in the capital. This issue necessitates that the resistance factions be more careful, and learn from previous similar mistakes committed by some resistance factions in other places, as well as be patient with one another, be strict with the saboteurs and make use of the people`s gathering around them in the hope that they will restore security before anything else.
“Oh God, unite them and their ranks and spread love between them. In unity and agreement there is power, blessings, and victory; in division and disagreement there is failure, loss, punishment, etc...
“So know this very well, the religious political battle is in dealing with the tribal chiefs, who are today`s opponents but were yesterday`s friends, as the spoils of war and power become within the reach. Try to capture the capital with minimal losses. The current matter is more dangerous than the military operation, as some people are working to spread division, sedition, and conflict, and no one can confront these things other than the wise, honest scholars.
“And this was also at core of the golden advice by Shaykh Abu-Yahyia al-Libi in his recent audio statement.
“`While we are congratulating the heroic mujahidin in Somalia for this victory in one of the epics of the age, they should know that the battle is not over yet, and there is still a lot ahead of them. We would not be exaggerating if we say that the coming phase is the most dangerous, difficult and critical phase of jihad in this land that has always been difficult for the tyrants.`
“`Nothing is more harmful to jihad than division and conflict. `Be not like those who are divided amongst themselves and fall into disputations after receiving Clear Signs (Partial Koranic verse, Al-Imran, 3:105)`. Take the advice of our predecessors, may God be pleased with them, when they said: `division is evil` and: `the issue which you hate when you are as a group is better for you than the issue you like when you are divided`.`
“You should know that uniting your ranks, words, and groups is more effective against the enemies of God almighty than dozens of operations against them. For this reason, the enemies of God`s religion have spared no efforts in the past and present to spread rumors and seditions in order to divide the groups, split the ranks, cause disagreement and spread hatred between the hearts. God almighty says: `If they had come out with you, they would not have added to your (strength) but only (made for) disorder, hurrying to and fro in your midst and sowing sedition among you, and there would have been some among you who would have listened to them. But Allah knoweth well those who do wrong (Partial Koranic verse, Al-Tawbah, 9:47)`.
“My beloved brothers, be keen on being sympathetic, merciful and humble towards each other. Be truly harsh on the infidels, and merciful among you.`
“He advises our mujahidin brethren in Somalia: `Beware of being lured into side battles that will exhaust you, weaken your power, disperse your efforts, and distract you from what is greater and more important and allow your enemies to rampage and plot in safety`.
“Aim your arrows at their chests, direct your battles against them, enforce your campaign against them, and disperse them. You should deal with people according to their status; know their statures, be kind to those among them who are kind and respect their dignity. Raise the stature of their notables, the chiefs of the tribes of glory and courage and be close to the good people, especially the knowledgeable scholars.`
“`Be kind to the weak among the widows, orphans, and grieved people. Be generous to the poor and weakened people and comfort the injured and stricken. It is through them that victory comes and the doors to blessings are opened. The prophet, God`s prayers and peace on him, said: `We are only made victorious and blessed except through your weak.` He also said: `this nation is granted victory through the prayers and faithfulness of its weakened people`.`
“`Oh God, from the mujahidin brethren in Somalia, in all their jihadist and popular groups, and the weakened Muslims, drive away the treachery and cunning of the Crusader enemies and their accursed tyrant agents in all their forms and positions.` End.
“The Shaykh of jihad and the mujahidin Usamah Bin Ladin, while advising the mujahidin to listen to the faithful scholars, said: `One of the reasons for the failure to unite the Afghan leaders in the past was that the decision for unity was in their hands and it is difficult for many people to evaluate the interests of jihad and the nation when they are part of this equation. The commander or the emir will be confused between public and personal issues, and will consider himself and his party to be the best ones to lead the mujahidin in general in supporting religion. From this, he will become more attached to leadership and will exaggerate the mistakes of other commanders and parties and not see his and his own party`s mistakes. In such a case, he will be both the accused and the judge at the same time, and will not be able to rule against himself to resign the leadership for another emir that most Muslim might agree on, etc...` End.
“Let our mujahidin brethren know, and we are beneath advising them when they have their scholars on the front, that they are enthusiastic powerful steadfast youth, and esteemed in their wisdom, dreams, and high status with their tribes. They are indispensable to each other. Another problem is that if the mujahidin are victorious, and this is inevitable, and they are able to topple the government, and do not suffer any disputes or divisions between them, God willing, then they will definitely face an international campaign against them. Their capabilities do not allow them to face all of the greedy regional powers, so what will the case be with regards to the international superpowers that will be waiting to ambush them?
“The Prophet, God`s prayers and peace on him, and his companions relied greatly on the tricks of war and on secrecy. This is not weakness or defeat in any way, but it is one of the arts of war, combat and religious politics, which at their highest form aim for victory.
“The mujahidin keep silent about the statements that do more harm to them, internally and externally, just like they were advised to do by the scholars as we mentioned. This is until they complete their preparations, prepare themselves and are in complete control. This is a perfect policy and can not be considered as defeat, weakness, or even moral defeat.
“In conclusion, beware, beware, division and conflict. If this might occur over ruins imagine what will happen if you start fighting over money, leadership, and power and all the things that people secretly desire?
“Nothing is more harmful to jihad than division and conflict. `Be not like those who are divided amongst themselves and fall into disputations after receiving Clear Signs (Partial Koranic verse, Al-Imran, 3:105)`. Take the advice of our predecessors, may God be pleased with them, when they said: `division is evil`. They also said: `the issue which you hate when you are as a group is better for you than the issue you like when you are divided`.
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