Wednesday 11 November 2009

ONLA Commandoes on the Offensive

Reports reaching the Ogaden Online service desk confirm the existence of a new, major commando offensive by the Ogaden National Liberation Army (ONLA). Reporters in the Ogaden frontlines reported that the ONLA, in what appeared to be well planned and well coordinated attacks, attacked military garrisons in many cities and towns throughout Ogaden.

These planned commando attacks took place last night midnight, Ogaden local time, in the major military garrisons and bases in the provinces of Harar, Jarar, Nogob, Qoraxey, Doolo, and Shabelle. The garrisons attacked included Babili, Higlaley, Xamaro, Galadiid, Yucub, Boodhcaano, Birqod, and Gunagado.

Local eyewitnesses and our frontline reporters both confirmed that these major military garrisons came under a multi-pronged attack by OLNA commandoes from Gorgor, Duufaan, Hanqadh, Danab, Heegan, Halgan and Birjeex units. The operation was codenamed ‘Eebo Cadow’ although the leaders of the ONLA commandoes refused to divulge information about the significance of the code given to the operations.

The eyewitnesses also confirmed that the Woyane militias were overwhelmed by the surprise, multi-pronged, and nocturnal attacks. This, the eyewitnesses added, enabled the ONLA commandoes to overrun the entrenched Woyane defenses in all the military and militia bases that came under attack.

Although there have been widespread casualties more so on the Woyane militia side, the ONLA commando leaders refused to describe their losses or the reported gains in military supplies. They have also refused to divulge any information related to the operation. These leaders have promised, however, to allow access to the garrisons to our reporters in the near future.

An expert in the horn of Africa, especially in Ethiopia, predicted that such a widespread commando attacks would further weaken the preparedness of the ‘Woyane militias.’ It would, in short, ‘destroy military morale’ he said.

The expert, who requested that his name not published due to his ongoing dealings with the Ethiopian government, indicated that although reports are just trickling to Addis Ababa. However, he added, that highly placed government sources have told him how surprised they were with ONLA’s ability to mount such coordinated multi-pronged commando attacks covering such a vast area

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