Sunday, 3 April 2011

Somalia: Islamist leader calls to boycott UN proposed meeting on Somalia

By: Abdalle Ahmed
Mogadishu (RBC) Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweis, former Hisbul Islam leader who later joined al Shabab militant group today spoke out his view of the UN envoy’s proposed meeting on Somalia which will be held in Nairobi at April 12.
At a press conference in Mogadishu, Mr. Awies described the meeting as deceitful one and called the Somali people to be cautious of the abroad movements.
“We see as tire full one and it will change nothing from Somali people. These are Muslim people and leave them alone for their God only…” said Sheikh Awies who was former Al-Itahad leader and founder of ousted Islamic courts in Somalia.
He said that Somali people will no longer tolerate hat he called foreign intension inside the country accusing that UN is new colonial organization.
“They want to demoralize our people, they are going to destabilize the country”, he noted.
On the other hand he blamed the ongoing the UN and African Union mission in Somalia [AMISOM] are responsible the ongoing fighting in some south regions of the country as government forces today re-seized the border town of Dhobley after heavy fighting.
Sheikh Dahir Awies who is wanted by Interpol for terrorism charges has vowed that Islamist fighters in Somalia will persist fierce resistance against any western or UN backed system.
The speech by Sheikh Awies comes after Somali government rebuffed an invitation from The United Nations envoy for Somalia Augustine Mahiga in which he urged all of the country’s leaders to participate in an upcoming conference on the transition process that will be held in the neighboring Kenya.
RBC Radio


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