10:18am UK, Wednesday April 27, 2011
More than half of students would not have gone to university if they had to pay £9,000 a year for their degrees.

Protest in London against university spending cuts and rises in tuition fees
A third (33%) say they would have been turned off by fees of £6,000, according to a survey by High Fliers Research.
The poll questioned 12,658 final-year UK students at 24 English universities, each of which are expected to charge the maximum £9,000 for courses from 2012.
The findings reveal the extent to which the Government's plans to triple fees from around £3,000 to a maximum of £9,000 next year could affect students.
Students at Loughborough, Sheffield, Lancaster, Liverpool and Reading were the most concerned, with more than three fifths at each saying they would not have started their degree if they had to pay the maximum fee.

Students at Oxford and Cambridge are less worried about higher fees
But students attending Oxford and Cambridge were the least concerned by the fee hike, with 25% and 27% saying they would be put off by fees of £9,000.The survey also reveals that female undergraduates are more likely to have been turned off university by maximum fees than males.
Maximum fees were also more likely to put off students who scored three B grades or less at A-level, as well as those studying languages, arts or humanities subjects.
And state school pupils were more likely to say th Continued
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