Yesterday 39304
– A Kenyan Witchdoctor has revealed that contrary to popular opinion, Witch doctors actually make a killing from offering their services- she had a KSh 40 million mansion to back her claim
– Anna Mutheu recently spoke to the Nairobian and laid it bare on her successes, her multi-million house and a fleet of cars at her parking lot
There is booming business in Kenya for Juju people. Witch doctors. A lot who promise to cure maladies that ordinary hospitals can’t. They are constantly in demand from jobless Kenyans, rich Kenyans any pretty anyone who believe’s in Juju’s power.
A walk down-town Nairobi reveals hundreds of odd posters adorning walls, light posts and odd structures- they are posters of witch doctors advertising their wares and services to the public, for a fee. Of course.

A poster on a Nairobi street advertising the services of a witchdoctor
Recently, Anna Mutheu, a witch doctor, spoke to the Nairobian. She trashed the age-old stereotype that witch doctors are poor people who never make a dime from their trade.
For starters, she lives in a posh mansion whose estimated values goes several shillings shy of KSh 40 million. She has a fleet of cars adorning her parking lot and flies in and out of the county more than your local politician.

Anna Mutheu, Kenya’s richest witch doctor performing a ritual. Flung on the right is her mansion, estimated to be worth over KSh 40 M. Photo: SDE
The 39-year-old witch doctor who only made it to primary school also revealed that she is religious to the core and attends church without fail. She attributes her success to the fact that she is inspired by God in her work.
Philip Ratino, the MP Sigor recently claimed that his life was in danger after he was contacted by a Tanzanian witch doctor who made threats on his life.
Ratino blamed the phone call on his enemies who were trying to kill his political career.
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