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Bible promises us that Jesus would come back soon for His church. For 2000 years this promise remains unfulfilled and every generation believed their time was the last. But do we really live in the last times and get the signs of His coming?

God promised us the signs in the heaven above and in the earth below. Are these just the manifestations of nature or the true voice of God announcing His return?

People see and photograph the most unusual images of Jesus. This one on the iron is amazing. Not everyone would have seen it. Even if it is not a sign from God, it is a sign of a person, who has the heart and eyes to see.

A cruxifix on the sky? Just like that verse in the Bible, where is says that all people will behold it. Shurely, it is not Jesus yet, who has come in His glory, but the hope stirs in our hearts.

A culinary revelation! Maybe this is just an art made by some creative cook, but maybe not. Surely this image is hard not to recognize.

Those who have eyes, let them see the hands of God in the sky.

Isn’t this amazing?!

And this is a real wonder. Just imagine having a wall like that!

Surely all these images are not the signs from God on their own, but the Bible provides us with sure evidence of the end of times and many of the BIblical signs have come to pass.
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