Saturday 2 July 2011

West Side Academy 1:

Hello, I am the Headmaster of West Side Academy for Girls, a fine institute where young girls learn discipline and to be good sex slaves. Other subjects are also taught here to further prepare them so they may find jobs as well if their master desires. This is the story of Becca, one of my favorite girls to come through the school. I'll start at the beginning. I remember her coming into my office, she was such a lovely young lady. I knew from the start she would be one of my most special girls. A strange thing happened when I first saw her, like i'd seen her before. I could be wrong though, so many girls have come and gone. Here is what transpired when we met..

"Come in and sit down, you're Becca right?"
"Yea.. I didn't really want to come here but my stepdad was gonna kick me out if I didn't, I hate him.."
"I think you'll be fine here Becca, and from your paperwork I think you need a place like this."
"You sound like my stepdad."
"I see you're 18, and it says here you're very promiscuous.."
"It's all lies really, but I've had sex."
"Yes I can see you've had sex but not anal.. there will be training for that later and will not be a part of your initiation today."
"EWW I don't want anything going in THERE!"
"It's ok, that might be what you think now but you will feel different after your training.."
"Yea whatever, training is for people that actually need it...I don't even know why I'm here.."
"You're here because you're rebellious and have a problem with authority, and you need to learn to control your sexual urges and to please men."
"Authority has a problem with ME.."
"That kind of attitude will not get you far here young lady.."
"Yeah, yeah.."
"The first thing you must become used to is you will no longer have any privacy whatsoever, and you will learn to obey the staff without question."
"Yeah we'll see.. I know how to get kicked out of places like this, I've done it before.."
"Nobody gets kicked out of here because our methods work. You'll discover that in time. Now the first thing is we need to do is measure you for your uniform and chastity belt."
She gave me a look of shock.
"Yes that's right, chastity belt. There is no touching of yourself or other students without permission. Now stand up and strip so I can measure you."
"Nah that's ok.."
"It's alright Becca, we need to do this. don't be embarassed.."
"Fine, i'll give you your kicks you pervert.. This whole place sucks and it's a waste of time.."
With that she proceeded to strip naked, I was surprised she complied. Most I have to rip their clothes off.
"Very good Becca.."
"Yea whatever.."
I took her measurements and called my assistant. I handed him Becca's clothes along with the measurements I had written down.
"You won't need those clothes any longer Becca."
"You can't tell what I need or not, give me back my clothes you freak!"
"Name calling gets you nowhere my dear. Come with me, you have to shower now.."
"Why should I go anywhere with you?? You're crazy!"
I gave her a hard slap on the ass and said "You are not to question any instructions from staff! That was just a warning.. now come!"
"Why?? That rule is more nuts than you are!"
"I don't have to explain that!"
With that I pushed her down over my desk and gave her 10 hard slaps on each side of her ass.. It started turning red.. I let her up and said "Now are you ready to obey??"
She looked at me horrified..
"It's ok, but you must learn obedience.. Now come.."
"I don't like this not having any explanations.. I mean I'm not a machine and I do have rights!"
I pushed her back down and just held her there..
"Not anymore you don't.. Now shall I get a paddle this time? Or will you obey??"
She started to cry and tried to get away.
"Alright then, have it your way.."
I grabbed a paddle and delivered 10 hard swats. She struggled all the while but I was too strong for her. I released her and she fell down crying and tried to hide.
I left her there for a minute.. I waited till her sobbing subsided a bit..
"Now get up!. You must accept your new life at the Academy.. Obey and you will be rewarded, disobey and you will be punished.. Now come!"
She got up and followed me.
"Good girl.."
I lead her down a short hallway to an open shower area..
"Now get in there and wash.. Don't dwell on that little pussy of yours, just wash it and be done with it. I'll be watching you.."
She looked at me with contempt and just walked away. I grabbed her arm and directed her back toward the shower..
"Do you want to be punished again?"
She turned around and went in the shower.. She showered as I watched.. I gave her a towel and she dried herself..
"Now follow me.. Without the towel around you my dear.."
"I don't really want to.."
I yanked the towel away from her and threw it down.. I pinned her to the wall and gave her 5 more slaps to each side of her already red and burning ass.. She started crying and pleading with me..
"Nooo without the towel everyone will see me and that's not right!"
"You have NO privacy anymore, accept that!"
"That's sick!"
She continued to cry and complain for several minutes..
"That's the wrong attitude my dear.. Do you want more punishment?"
"No but this is rediculous, I want to go home!!"
"Just relax.. all the girls are treated the same, you're not alone Becca. You're not leaving, I told you that.."
"I hate you!!"
"Your step father wants you straightened out and so it shall be. There's nothing you can do."
"Oh like you know anything about him."
"Yes i do, and I know your mother left him not long ago because of you. So it was up to him to decide what to do with you. But no matter, you're here and it's time to go to the machine room to test your sexual responses."
"Yeah well I can totally turn them off, so your stupid machines will be useless.."
"Many other girls have said that, none have been able to.."
"None of them have been like me."
"We've had worse my dear, and broken them all."
"Yeah right, as if my paper work actually told you the truth."
"We know it is, from the surveilance your stepfather had done on you and the cameras he had put in your room. We know about all your boyfriends and everything you did with them when he wasn't home."
"I never had any in the house.."
"Now you're lying my dear."
"I hate you and I'm not talking to you anymore!! And I'm not lying!! You are a mean man just like all the rest!!"
"One thing we do know is you love sex my dear.. that is your weakness and we will use it to control you."
"Whatever.. I'm leaving."
She started to start walk away down the hallway. I grabbed her arm and pinned her to the wall again.
"You will come to the machine room now or be punished!"
I let her up and walked her down the hall.. She came along but with an empty look mixed with contempt. I lead her to the machine room door, the sounds of ecstatic screaming and moaning were clearly audible from the other side.
"This room may shock you my dear, but remain calm and obedient."
I proceeded to open the door.

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